"That's right. Gods and so on, can they do whatever they want with our world?"

A humming murmur sounded.

"The superior gods simply don't understand what this continent means to us."

"Although I am just an ordinary bard, I absolutely cannot accept dying for this reason."

Anger slowly awakens in people's hearts.


Someone shouted.

"This must not be accepted!"

More people responded.

"Our destiny should be decided by ourselves, not by the gods!"

"Damn, that guy's name is Cyric, right? If he were in front of me, even if I'm weak, I'd still want him to have a taste of my hammer!"

Millions roared together.

However, this roar was more like venting before death. The tsunami had already advanced to the original dock of Ximen City, crushing all the docked ships that were supposed to be used for the expedition to Ser.

But Arthur was already standing on the city wall, facing the tsunami.

He didn't take a step back.

"That's right, we can't accept that."

His tone became passionate: "So, for Faerun, for Toril! Even in the face of the gods, we should stand up and resist!"

"Today is not the day for us to die!"

Arthur yelled: "It can't be, and it shouldn't be!"

"Everyone, do you believe me?"

Death is imminent, and Arthur's words sound unconvincing in the face of natural disasters, but——


The sound of roaring mountains and tsunami came from below, and finally converged into the prophecy of salvation.

"In the name of a hero, he stood in front of the waves sweeping the world. The sea was calmed because of him, and the war between gods ended because of him."

So, the tsunami really stopped again.

It stopped just a stone's throw away from Ximen City.


"Sure enough, only Arthur can stop this tsunami!"


"It wasn't me who stopped the tsunami." Arthur's voice came: "It was everyone present."

"It is the will and belief of each of you."

"The gods always think that mortals are very insignificant, but they don't know that when the will of thousands of mortals is united together, unparalleled power will burst out."

Arthur pointed at the tsunami and said: "This power is the fundamental reason that can stop this tsunami that even all the gods of the sea are helpless."

"Really?" Someone looked confused.

"Didn't you already witness it?" Arthur said: "I'm just an ordinary person. I don't know how to use spells like a mage. Even my fist and kick skills are not as good as those of many people present."

"I never thought that I was a so-called hero or a so-called savior."

"I alone have no way to stop this tsunami, let alone fight against those gods."

"It should be everyone in this world who saves the world, and all I need to do is try my best to unite everyone."

"Just like what everyone is seeing now."

He raised one hand, clenched his fist, and shouted: "By the will of all of us! This sea will be calmed!"

Tsunami standing next to Ximen City remained motionless.

At this time, someone in the crowd shouted: "For Arthur?"

"For Arthur!"

Others echoed.

Then, the sea water began to retreat a little bit.

Seeing the results, people's emotions became even higher.

The prophecy about salvation resounded again. At this moment, millions of people twisted their wills together, focusing all their thoughts and all their hopes on Arthur.

As a result, the seawater retreated faster. They roared, as if driven by some force, and moved crazily towards the distance.

Until the skyline, the mountains made of seawater began to slowly disappear. Then, contrary to the laws of nature, the blue ocean returned to the side of Ximen City and returned to the bottom of the pier. After being still for a moment, normal waves began to beat.

Everything calmed down.


"Is what Arthur said true? Are our thoughts really useful?"

"As long as the thoughts of countless mortals are gathered together, they can produce incredible power, even surpassing gods?"

People cried with joy.

At this time, Arthur, who was standing on the city wall, took a step back.

Take another step back.

Until he retreated to a place where no one could see him, and then his body shook and suddenly collapsed to the ground.

He was frightened.

Tang Sen's invisible body was still standing on the city wall, looking at the beings below.

Feel the divine power pouring into your body continuously.

"They believed it."

Can the combined minds of mortals surpass gods?

Stop making trouble, how could such a thing happen in this world?

The so-called heroes and the so-called beliefs have always been just lies.

It's just a fantasy compiled by Tang Sen for these ordinary people. Whether it is the cause of this tsunami or the outcome of this tsunami, it is all controlled by Tang Sen.

"But this is good."

The corner of Tang Sen's mouth curled up slightly: "Having hope in your heart and working hard for your own world, no matter what angle you look at it, isn't it the best thing?"

The people of Faerûn gained hope and faith, and they gained divine power.

A win-win situation.

The only one who lost was Cyric. After all, the more his lies were ingrained in people's hearts, the more of Cyric's divine power was robbed. Moreover, he had no way to resist. After all, within the scope of the priesthood of deception, Tang Sen did not think that Cyric can outplay himself.

This is not because Tang Sen thinks he is smarter than Cyric, but because his trump card is of a higher level than Cyric.

Looking back at Arthur, Tang Xingzhi took a deep breath.

"Then, this 'hero' should have been pushed to the top by now."

“The seeds that were sown are now bearing fruit, and it’s time to harvest.”

He raised his head, and an inverted mountain slowly emerged from a very high place.

On top of the inverted mountain range is a city, a city that everyone is familiar with.

Ximen City.

"It's time to take off this new garment and return to my territory."

Because of the existence of various supernatural forces, the speed of news spreading in Faerun is often incredible.

For example, there are stories about Ximen City and the tsunami.

In just a few days, everything that happened here had spread throughout Faerûn.

"The fact that mortal thoughts can actually reach this level is a topic definitely worthy of study."

In the Neverwinter Library, many spellcasters gathered together.

"We have studied a lot about the magic truth of the world itself, but our own research, especially on the will, is not very in-depth."

"Necromancers are good at studying the body and soul, but emotions and will. To be honest, as mages, we have a natural disadvantage in this area."

"Yes, reason and calmness are the keys to becoming a spell caster, so we ignore the power of emotions."

"But Arthur proves that emotions are much more powerful than we think."

"This is even a path comparable to divine power! You know, there were quite a few gods who appeared that day, including many with powerful divine powers. Under their combined influence, they did not stop the tsunami set off by Cyric—"

"In the end, under the guidance of Arthur, the will of millions of mortals gathered together to calm the tsunami and prevent the destruction of Faerûn."

"This is amazing!"

"This is a brand new spell system. We should thank the savior of Faerun. Mr. Arthur proposed such a system. Maybe we should visit Mr. Arthur to discuss the details of emotional magic."

"Friends, although the truth of magic means everything to us, I think we should not disturb Mr. Arthur because of the truth of magic."

"After all, even if the power of the collective will of all mortals has been proven, not everyone can twist everyone's will into a rope."

"Only Arthur, only Arthur can do it!"

"Only he can unite the people of Faerûn and use the power of will to the limit to stop the conspiracy of the gods."

"Yes, Arthur is the only choice."

"He is the hero of Faerûn, and he will and must be crowned the Human King of Toril!"

"Arthur, King of Men!"

In the tavern of Baldur's Gate, a dwarf stood on the bar, raised the wine glass in his hand, and shouted: "Is there a more suitable title than this?"

"A savior? No, we've heard too many saviors."

"But Arthur is different!"

"The person who saves this world should be everyone in this world. These are Arthur's original words!"

"He never claimed to be the savior. What he did was just to wake up each of us and tell us that now is the time to resist! The fate of this world is in each of our hands!"

A barbarian stood up suddenly, smashed the wooden table to pieces with a slap, and said: "Little man, you are so right!"

"Everyone is a savior, hahahaha. I never thought that one day, I would be able to participate in such a deed!"

"Under the leadership of Lord Arthur, my will, together with the will of everyone in Faerun, will fight against the gods who are trying to destroy Faerun. Damn it, the most powerful enemy I have ever defeated is just a pair of enemies. I was an ogre, and now I can resist the gods!”


The dwarf laughed: "This is the power of us mortals! King Arthur has awakened such power, and those gods will eventually understand how stupid they are to try to destroy Faerun."

"That's right!"

"Let those guys who are aloof and don't care about this land pay the price!"

People raised their glasses.

"For Arthur!"

"For the only one - the King of Men!"

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