People in the heavens are as rich as the enemies of the country

Chapter 50 Either become immortal or become dead

As a veteran pirate captain, Yuri naturally felt the murderous aura emanating from all directions.

Those black muzzles were not kidding him. He had no doubt that he would be shot into a sieve in an instant.

"Damn it, there really are no free gold coins in the world."

Yuli had already realized that this was a trap. He didn't know what kind of conspiracy was hidden under the harmless face of Mr. Tang in front of him, but he also realized that he had no choice.

"My fault, Mr. Tang."

He tried his best to control his hostility and smiled ingratiatingly and gently.

To be able to survive for such a long time in the industry of pirates with a high elimination rate, what should Yuri do to save his life? At least for now, what he should do is to pick up that damn Aztec gold coin.

Wait until later to find an opportunity to make this damn Oriental pay the price.

"You must pay with blood for framing me, Rusty Yuri!"

He was thinking this in his mind, but his palms were reaching into the stone box.

"Wait!" At this moment, Tang Sen suddenly said.

Yuli raised his head and looked at Tang Sen doubtfully.

"Forget it, since you know the Aztec gold coin, there is no point in letting you take it." Tang Sen waved his hand.

The joy on Yuli's face flashed, and he said quickly: "Thank you, Mr. Tang! Don't worry, I won't say anything -"

Bang bang bang bang!

Firecracker-like gunfire sounded one after another, and blood flowers exploded like fireworks.

Yuli's premonition was correct. With so many gunshots, he was indeed shot into a sieve in an instant.

Tang Sen wiped away the blood that accidentally splashed on his face and said indifferently: "Anyone who walks into this cabin will either become an immortal or a dead person."

"I have a hunch that this person will become a destabilizing factor for the undead army, so it's better to avoid such an accident in advance."

"Carry the body out and mop the ground clean."

"Next person."

Two soldiers carried the body out of the cabin and threw it on the dock with a clatter.

The pirates who were still talking loudly suddenly fell silent.

"Who is this?"

"Look at his left hand! This is Rusty Yuri! The old pirate captain!"

"Oh my god, what happened? He has turned into a piece of meat now."

"Didn't he defeat three people? Yesterday, Old Bernie was showing off his three hundred gold coins a month. I wonder if he has spent all his gold coins."

"Three hundred? Don't you know that his boat was also sold to Mr. Tang? To be honest, he made a lot of money. It's a pity that he made money but lost his life."

Two soldiers stood on the deck and shouted, as was customary, "Next one aboard."

The pirate who was about to board the ship was trembling, secretly handed over a few gold coins, and whispered: "Man, can you tell me what's going on with Rusty Yuri?"

The soldier looked at him indifferently, took his gold coins quickly, and said loudly: "He angered Mr. Tang."

"What did he do?" the pirate asked.

"Obviously, he is not polite enough." Naturally, the soldier couldn't tell the truth. He just pointed at the iron hook on Yuli's body and said, "Mr. Tang doesn't like anyone pointing weapons at him."

All the pirates: "."

"But that's Yuri's hand. Mr. Tang is indeed as scary as the rumors say." The pirate murmured in a low voice.

The soldier glanced at him and said, "For the sake of your understanding, I will give you a piece of advice."

"In Mr. Tang's fleet, do whatever Mr. Tang asks you to do. Don't hesitate."

"Otherwise Yuri's fate will be your fate."

This strange "interview" lasted until the sun went down. Except for a few rude and unlucky ones who were shot dead on the spot, the other pirates honestly obtained the curse of the Aztec gold coins.

Obviously, when they learned about their situation from Mr. Newgate, there was no way out.

All the pirates were scattered on the pirate ships and armed merchant ships newly purchased by Townsend, and were combined with the people of the original Undead Legion. The Aztec gold coins marked with their names were kept by Townsend on the Intrepid, strictly Protected.

As Townsend had predicted, the pirates soon fell into madness and attempted a rebellion before setting sail, but undoubtedly failed.

Then, Tang Sen made them realize that even if they could no longer feel the physical pain, Mr. Tang could still find countless ways to torture them mentally.

For example, if they are locked in a completely dark cabin, the undead people who have already lost their sense of the outside world can only feel nothingness there, as if even their own bodies have disappeared, and even time, It also stopped passing.

In less than an hour, the people inside will almost collapse, and the fear of the name Mr. Tang will be deeply imprinted on their souls.

“The trip to Tetuga was fruitful.”

Tang Sen stood on the bow of the Intrepid, with all the sails of the fleet spread out, and driven by the sea breeze, it slowly sailed out of the pass of Turtle Island.

"Yes, you have successfully left your name in the history of Tertuga." Jack Sparrow stood aside listlessly: "Now, your reputation even surpasses that of the great Captain Jack Sparrow. .”

"Do you mind?" Tang Sen asked.

"I'm afraid that if I say you mind, you will kill me directly, just like you killed those impolite pirates." Sparrow's mouth twitched: "But I still want to make one point. As the captain of the Black Pearl, I Now I should be on my ship, commanding the sailors on the ship. Although those sailors are all your people."

"I have no reason to kill you, Captain Sparrow." Townsend said, "At least not now."

"What good news." Sparrow took out his rum and took a sip.

"I need you to lead the way where I want to go next, so you still need to stay on the Fearless for a while."

"Looking for the heart of Davy Jones? Don't you already have a helmsman?" Sparrow pointed to William Turner standing in front of the helm: "Could it be that you have changed your mind? Great, damn little kid Bill, give me my compass right now!"

"Captain Sparrow, you misunderstand."

Townsend grabbed his arm, stopping him from trying to steal the compass back from William Turner's waist.

"It's not time to get the Undead Box yet, I still have some preparations to make."

"What else?" Sparrow's eyes widened: "Look around you! Don!"

"With such a huge fleet and hundreds of crazy undead, you can already sweep across the Caribbean. No, not even the entire world's seas can stop you."

"Davy Jones would wet his pants when he saw you. Although he has lost this function."

Townsend raised a finger: "But you forgot, Davy Jones has another terrifying ability besides his Flying Dutchman."

"Summon Kraken, the Norwegian sea monster capable of dragging any ship to the bottom of the sea."

"I don't think my army of the undead can stop this thing. In front of it, my fleet is just a toy."

Sparrow: ".You are being prudent."

"Obviously, no one on the sea can deal with the Kraken. All you can do is defeat him before Davy Jones summons him."

"I hate taking any risks, Captain Sparrow."

Tang Sen shook his head: "Besides, there is no way to solve the Norwegian Kraken. At least I know one person who definitely has a way."

"Take me to meet your friends, Captain Sparrow."

"Do I still have such a capable friend? Do I owe him money?" Sparrow asked doubtfully.

"Of course you are, I'm sure you're impressed with her."


"That witch." Tang Sen smiled mysteriously: "Tia Doma."

There are two more chapters to be updated in the afternoon, so please read them as usual.

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