Tertuga Island is not the independent island that people think of. From the map, it looks more like a circular island chain. In addition to the main island where the port is located, the reefs exposed out of the water stretch to form a Regular circle.

The inside of the circle is the inland sea belonging to Tetuga.

Compared to the name Tetuga, the old pirates prefer to call this place "Turtle Island".

Not only because it looks like a turtle on the map, but also because it is a natural sea fortress. There is only a small opening for ships to sail into the inland sea and reach the port. Therefore, Tetuga can do this. special.

It is like a hard nut to crack, stuck in the Caribbean Sea. No navy has ever been able to conquer it, which is why it can become a paradise for pirates.

In the eyes of pirates, Turtle Island is the freest place in the Caribbean. Here, they can have anything they can imagine, of course, provided they have enough money.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Turtle Island is undoubtedly a dangerous and chaotic area, filled with desperadoes, desperate businessmen, down-and-outs, slaves, and spies who are hiding in the undercurrent.

There is no doubt that Koh Tao welcomes everyone, and no one cares what kind of ship comes into the harbor.

Of course, there are no laws or rules here. Life here is as cheap as moldy black bread.

Therefore, when the crew heard that the fleet was about to sail into Tetuga, most of them would rather stay on the ship, even though they had been wandering at sea for a month and a half and were eager to step on stable land and find a place to live. Have a good meal in the pub and find a woman to relieve your loneliness.

"It's really sad for them." Jack Sparrow said of these cowards: "If a person has never experienced the colorfulness of Tetuga, then his life is as tasteless as rum soaked in water. .”

He plausibly said: "Don, let me tell you, if every town in the world was like Tetuga, no one would ever feel lost."

"I'm looking forward to it, Captain Sparrow." While dealing with Sparrow who kept talking about the wonderful things about Tetuga, Townsend looked at the dock of Tetuga Port that was getting closer and closer.

Obviously, the least type of boats docked at the pier are fishing boats, and almost no one in Tetuga makes a living by fishing, the most common way for island residents.

What they rely on for a living has always been the shillings in the pockets of consumers——

Don't talk about pennies, the price of goods in Tetuga is not that of Port Royal. Why do you think the pirates are always poor? Here, a bottle of better quality rum may cost a shilling.

But the pirates enjoy it. These guys who are drunk now don't care. The money should be spent on food, rum and women. After spending it, go to sea and create wealth with knives and muskets. Of course, if If given the chance, they wouldn't mind doing the same in Tetuga.

Therefore, the ships that dock the most at the pier are basically pirate ships with black sails and ferocious muzzles exposed on the hull.

As for merchant ships, there are quite a few, and they are also modified goods. The cannons on the ship are even more than most pirate ships. The guards who stay on the merchant ships all have sinister faces. Obviously, they can change from the guard at any time. The character switches to pirate.

The arrival of the fleet attracted the attention of everyone at the pier, especially the Dreadnaught at the front. The densely packed cannon holes on it, divided into several layers, affected the sensitive nerves of the pirates. If they hadn't seen the accompanying Black Pearl next to them, And the soldiers on the ship have already changed out of their navy uniforms, and I'm afraid the alarm is about to sound.

Warships, and the main first-class battleships, have not appeared in Tetuga for a long time.

Townsend did not land on the island with much fanfare. Apart from Jack Sparrow and Tom, there was only a small team of followers responsible for carrying the boxes. Among them were former navy soldiers and sailors who boarded the ship from Port Royal. Without exception, All are elite.

The boat was tied to the wooden pilings on the dock, and a group of people stepped onto the dock. Jack Sparrow took a deep breath: "The long-lost breath of freedom, damn, I can't wait."

Tom ignored him, and after carefully looking around, he whispered to Tang Sen: "Mr. Tang, what are your arrangements next, like in Port Royal?"

In the past half month, Tom has understood Tang Sen's plan, and naturally also knows the purpose of Tang Sen's coming to Tetuga.

"Those stupid games?" Townsend shook his head and smiled: "Of course not, Tom."

"Tetuga is different from Port Royal. What you did in Port Royal won't work here."

"They are all pirates here, Tom. You can't recruit pirates the same way you recruit the citizens of Port Royal. They are greedier, crazier, and more unscrupulous. The bait of those games can't fill their stomachs at all, and trying to pass the game Asking them to respect me is nonsense."

"I understand." Tom nodded and said, "But I think Mr. Tang must have a plan, right?"

"It's not a plan." Townsend shrugged: "In my opinion, getting along with pirates is much easier than getting along with the citizens of Port Royal."

"What do you think? Captain Sparrow?"

As the victim, Sparrow was obviously unwilling to answer the question, humming a tune and pretending not to hear.

"Then where are we going now?" Tom asked again.

"Go to Tetuga, the place with the most pirates." Townsend said: "Captain Sparrow must know exactly where I am going."

"Oh! Old Bernie's Tavern, the busiest place in Tetuga." Sparrow's eyes lit up: "The best rum, the most powerful women, the most spacious venue, and most importantly, there will always be... Fighting.”

"Then go there." Tang Sen nodded: "What is the name of this pub?"

"Old Bernie." Sparrow explained: "Tetuga's store doesn't have to have a store name like other places, right? After all, every store owner has to pick a name. It's too difficult to remember."

"So we always used to call the shopkeeper by his name directly. Oh, old Bernie is the 27th shopkeeper. The last one was Albert. This unlucky guy was watching the fun on the second floor, and half of his ear was shot off by a gun that went off. .”

"Having half an ear off won't kill you," interrupted Tom.

"Of course he can't die." Sparrow shook his arm. "He picked up half of his ear on the spot, ate it, and then choked to death."

Looking at Tom's constipated expression, Sparrow smiled and said:

"Very Tetuga's way to die, isn't it?"

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