People in One Piece are so good-looking

Chapter 366 Delayed Justice

"Have you counted clearly?"

On the navy warship, a long voice sounded, "How many are there in total?"

"Count it clearly, Major General! There must be at least 250."

A colonel's adjutant with a pockmarked face turned around and rubbed his hands excitedly:

"The price quoted above is 500,000 Baileys each, and 250 of them, that's over 120 million Baileys!"

"Send it, Major General! This time we really sent it!"

More than 120 million Baileys?

It’s indeed not bad. It’s almost as much as the total profit he’s made over the years. Major General Enge smiled broadly in his heart, but his face was quite calm. He stroked his goatee and said calmly:

"Don't be too excited. Tell the brothers that when these brats get close to you later, you must act quickly. After disposing of the bodies, you will leave immediately. We will discuss the matter of dividing the money on the way back. Things will change later. Do you understand?"

"Don't worry, Major General! The ones we brought out this time are all experienced and knowledgeable."

The pockmarked colonel chuckled, rolled his eyes, and took the initiative to flatter:

"Speaking of which, the lord who gave us the order never thought that Major General you would come up with such a strange trick, right? I thought I just wanted to give a few million to get through it, but this time it's 100 million at a time. If there is too much, it will cause heavy bleeding..."


Enge became more and more proud, but he waved his hands reservedly and said disapprovingly:

"Don't underestimate that gentleman. He is from the World Government. He was very generous and cheerful in the past few cooperations. This time, more than 100 million beli is nothing but blood. It's just a sprinkling of water."

"Hehe, that's right..."

The pockmarked colonel scratched his head and showed an "honest" smile.

Engel, on the other hand, turned around with his hands behind his hands and looked at the exit of the valley in the distance, where the children were running excitedly and waving their hands, feeling very happy.

The encounters these days have really echoed that famous Beihai proverb.

——When God closes a window for you, he will often open another door for you.

But opening this door is really a bit of a twist.


I was thinking about the rare opportunity to fight side by side with the White Dragon Lieutenant General, and I wanted to take the opportunity to hug this thick leg tightly, so as to lay the foundation for future promotion.

However, Lieutenant General Bailong seemed to see through his thoughts at a glance, and he followed him all the way without even looking for him.

He felt a warm face but a cold butt. Just when he was disappointed, he received a secret order from a big shot he had known in his early years;

Let him take his trusted men to wander in the waters near the white town, hunting for those "fish that slipped through the net" that were lucky enough to escape from the border, and offered him a considerable and high reward.

How could you miss this opportunity to make money by taking on private work?

Anyway, Lieutenant General Bailong couldn't lick him anymore. He simply hung up the phone, said goodbye and left immediately. He took his carefully selected subordinates and headed straight for the sea area not far from his branch.


Facts have proved that the heavily-armed border lines of the five kingdoms are really not that easy to break through. A whole day and night passed, and after wandering around the shore for a long time, I was surprised to find only one unlucky person in total.

He secretly cursed the bad luck and lost his patience.

Just as he was about to lead his men back to the branch, at this moment, the phone bug on the warship received a distress signal from the church in the town.

The young nun on the other end begged, at least let the children in the city leave this white hell and go to the outside hospital to seek the last hope of survival.

Enge didn't care about the hope of survival, but after holding the phone and thinking about it for a while, he came up with a brilliant idea and used the trick to take the bait.

After waiting for a while, I saw that the group of children had all left the valley and were on the open beach, running towards this side with joy and joy.

"Let's go."

Enge smiled and waved to them, but what he said was chilling:

"Young boys, it's time to go down and close the net..."


"Luo, you look so ugly, how about I help you carry Amy?"

Suddenly a familiar voice came to my ears.

Luo raised his head with difficulty and found that Sister Lessa had come to the back row at some point, looking at him with worry and concern.

"I'm fine, Sister."

He forced a smile and said, "We have traveled all night, and there is only the last stretch of road left on the beach. I just need to hold on for a few more minutes."

"Nonsense. We've obviously reached our limit. There's still a kilometer to reach the shore."

Sister Lesa glared at him angrily, took Amy from his back without any explanation, and handed over half a bottle of water, "Leave the rest of the way to me. You need to drink some water first and rest." one time."

"But, but..."

Luo was just stunned for a moment. The nun over there had already carried Amy on her back. Seeing her increasingly pale and bloodless face, she hurriedly said:

"Let me do it, Sister, you are obviously more tired than me carrying Aisha, Yumi and the others all the way."

Aisha and Yumi are a pair of six-year-old twins. They passed out due to weakness last night. Now they have woken up and are chasing each other in front of them. Their ponytails are swaying and they are running happily.

"I'm an adult after all, it'll be okay."

The nun was determined. After walking a few hundred meters, she saw that Luo still refused to give up. She was about to persuade her again when her eyes suddenly brightened, she pointed to the coast with a smile, turned to Luo and said:

"Look, the sailors on the refuge ship have all come down. They will come to help later, and I won't be too..."

The word "tired" hasn't been uttered yet.


Two gunshots rang out, almost at the same time.

Luo and Sister were stunned for a moment. They subconsciously turned their heads to look, and their pupils suddenly shrank.

Blood flowers bloom.

Aisha and Yumi, who were running at the front, were blasted several meters away. When they fell to the ground, their chests were already bloody.

In the distance, the sailors who had just stepped off the deck were smiling, holding cigarettes in their mouths, and raising the muzzles of their guns.

This...what's going on?

All the children were frightened and stunned by this bloody scene. Luo Ye's brain shut down and he lost the ability to think for a while.


"Everyone, run!!!"

The nun's shrill voice woke him up from his confusion. His adrenaline was stimulated to the limit. Almost subconsciously, Luo turned around suddenly, using his hands and feet, and ran towards the valley while rolling and crawling.



Gotta run!

That warship was not an asylum ship that came to pick them up at all, and those smiling sailors were not lights that came to save them, but demons crawling out of hell to seek their lives!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The gunshots behind him sounded continuously, and some of them flew past the edge of his body, splashing large amounts of flying dust on the beach.

so close……

Just as he dodged one, Luo didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief, but suddenly he seemed to have thought of something, and his expression changed drastically.

not good!

I forgot about Amy! Amy is still behind!

Thinking of his sister, Luo didn't hesitate at all. He gritted his teeth and immediately turned around.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw with his eyes a whizzing bullet that penetrated Sister Lesa's chest and then flew out from Amy's neck on her back——

No! ! !

Luo's eyes were about to burst, his eyes instantly became red and swollen, and tears burst out of his eyes.

In the blurred vision, Sister Lessa's body could be vaguely seen shaking a few times, and finally she fell down together with Amy on her back.

He fell into a pool of blood, surrounded by small corpses.

In an instant.

The last bit of his will to survive sank, and Luo seemed to have been drained of all the energy in his body. He slowly fell to his knees with a pale face and dull eyes.

And that's this moment.

A bullet that was originally heading for his chest missed because of his kneeling action, but it still penetrated Luo's shoulder blade, and a large stream of blood spurted out.

Luo groaned and fell backwards stiffly. When he looked sideways, his dull pupils happened to meet the cross that fell from Sister Lesa's chest.

Under the morning light, the cross that had accompanied the girl for several years was still shining with warm silver soft light.


You are wrong. The light you believe in does not exist. No matter how devout a believer is, he will still be abandoned by the Lord.

Luo's lips moved silently and murmured. The sharp pain like tearing from his shoulders gradually blurred his consciousness. Everything he saw and heard in front of him seemed to be separated by a layer of thick fog. Go away...

Between Yao Yao.

He didn't know if it was an illusion or a psychological effect, but he seemed to hear rolling thunder coming from the sky far away...

what is this?

The Lord’s divine punishment?

Luo laughed sarcastically. This was the last thought that flashed through his mind. The next moment, he could no longer hold on, his vision went dark, and he fainted completely.

After another round of gunfire.

The sailors blew smoke from their guns, and silence returned to the beach.

"Has everything been settled?"

On the coast, Major General Enge pinched his goatee and asked slowly.

"Almost, Major General, they are all here, not one of them has escaped."

The colonel with a pockmarked face counted them, turned around and said with a grin: "Some of them don't seem to be dead yet, and there are also a few clever little ones who are lying on the ground pretending to be dead."

The sea breeze blew by, and I don't know if I saw it wrongly. On the beach, there were several small figures lying on the ground, their eyelids twitching vaguely.

"It makes no difference."

Engel turned a blind eye to this scene and said leisurely:

"Anyway, there's no need to keep a single person alive. Just bring the head with you. Let's do it. Cut them all off and throw them into sacks. Bury the bodies on the spot. Remember to bury them deep. There are a lot of vultures at this time of year."

"It's better to just throw it into the sea. It will save trouble."

Colonel Mazi put forward his suggestion with a smile. Enge glanced at him and was about to say something when he suddenly felt that the sky was getting dark, and there was faint thunder rolling in the distance.

"It is going to rain?"

He raised his head and glanced at the gathering dark clouds in the sky. Enge curled his lips and said, "It's bad luck. Forget it. It's too late to bury them. Just follow your method and throw them all into the sea later."

After speaking, no response was heard.

Major General Enge suddenly frowned and turned his head displeased. Just as he was about to scold him, he saw the colonel's adjutant in front of him, his mouth open, pointing behind him as if he had seen a ghost.

"Major...major general..."

His voice was trembling, "No, it's not going to rain...Yes, it is..."

"It's Lieutenant General Bailong!!!!"


As if a thunder exploded in his mind, Enge's expression changed drastically. He suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction pointed by Colonel Mazi.

Under the thunderclouds, he saw a familiar tall figure floating there, carrying a frightened, thin man in a white CP uniform.

When he looked like this, he happened to meet Nuo Xia's gaze in mid-air.

The gentle and friendly face in my impression disappeared, leaving only endless coldness and coldness.

Just this one glance made him feel like he had fallen into an ice cave.


The next moment.

Everyone's eyes were blurred, and before they could react, Nuo Xia, who was originally suspended in the air a hundred meters high, appeared in front of Enge, and lifted him up by his neck with a stern look on his face.


at the same time.

Hundreds of kilometers away, aboard the Thunder Eagle.

"We just made contact with people in the white town. The situation there is much worse than we expected."

In the conference room, Flying Squirrel spread out the sea chart with a solemn face:

"The population of Frevans, which was originally close to 200,000, has dropped by more than half in this month. Most of the remaining people lack treatment drugs and their conditions are out of control."

"The most troublesome thing right now is not platinum-lead disease."

He placed his right hand heavily on the chart and pointed to several countries around Freifans, "These are the five neighboring countries! Out of fear of infectious diseases and greed for the mineral resources of the white towns, the five countries Troops have been dispatched at the same time, and it is very likely to launch a large-scale attack on the white town before tomorrow, or even today!"

"By then, what will completely destroy this country will not be a disease, but a war with the goal of genocide!"


PS: There was an unexpected situation during the day and I didn’t have time to touch the computer. But since I promised to update it today, I will continue to stay up late and code. There will be an update later.

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