And in the direction where the spotted deer glanced at, a hunter hiding in the grass stood up. His eyes were filled with incomprehension and the most mysterious respect. If he read correctly, there was a child. It must have been taken away by the deer and the foxes, and a crow was also following them.

In such a chaotic era, people will always devote their thoughts to miracles and hope that their tomorrow will not become worse. It would be best if it could become a little better.

The child taken away by the animals must be an extraordinary child.

Since the end of the Heian Era, the monsters and so-called ghosts in this world have begun to disappear, either suppressed or killed. What is left are just some ghosts and monsters, relying only on people's belief and fear in them. They are only left in the world because the entire environment is no longer suitable for their survival.

However, in the distant mountains and forests, under the sea, or in the depths of the earth, there may still be such existences. In the carefree life or deep sleep, even hundreds of years later, there will occasionally be something similar to resentment. Ordinary existence, wandering in this world.

This hunter originally wanted to go into the forest to see if he could kill one or two game animals and improve the food at home. Unexpectedly, he saw such a scene. After taking the hunter away, he immediately turned around and went down the mountain. He was not worried about that. A few animals will eat the child, and those looks are not like those of simple beasts.

That child must appear at a certain shrine!

Go home quickly and prepare tributes. Maybe their good days will come soon, but which shrine will the child be taken to?

This is the northern mountain range of Kyoto, and the closest one to here is probably that shrine.

"Everyone! Everyone! I have seen the Son of God! Our good days must be coming soon. I saw it with my own eyes in the forest. That child must be valued by the gods!"

This hunter was also a man who couldn't keep his mouth shut. After returning to his residence in Kyoto, he began to dance and talk about this legendary experience. Suddenly, a child was favored by the gods, and he would definitely bring news about a bright future for Kyoto. It spread quickly.

Not only that, several people took the initiative to organize and prepare to enter the forest to collect the bones of the child's mother and bury her properly.

Chapter 109: Son of God, noble shipman

When people's beliefs begin to gather, a force will be formed that makes more people begin to blindly follow them, especially the civilians living at the bottom in this war-torn era. It is easier for them to place their bright future on the existence of mysterious power. He even thinks so for himself.

Even after the bones of the young mother were collected, people used wood to build a small sacrificial shrine above it. Even the emperor learned of the news. Unfortunately, the royal family did not have much money at this time. As a reward, he could only praise the Orion verbally and promise that if he found the Son of God, there would be other rewards.

For the royal family, the appearance of such a son of god at this time is also a good thing. After all, in such an era, their royal family has already become a mascot. Even if such a son of god appears at this moment, there is no way to restore the majesty of the royal family. , but as long as it can help them live a better life, it is also a good thing!

At least you can have a full meal.

This is the current expectation of all residents still living in Kyoto.

The spotted deer, fox and crow came to a stone path leading to the top of the mountain. There was a stream flowing continuously on the side of the stone path. No matter when, this stream would never dry up unless the gods here left.

The stone lanterns on the roadside accompanied these animals and the child, rising step by step, so that they lit up one after another. The light shone on the red torii, making the entire road leading to the shrine appear long and distant. peaceful.

On the top of the mountain, surrounded by a stream of water, an elegant and tranquil wooden building is located here.

This is Kifune Shrine. The main deity is "Takagogami", the dragon god in charge of rainfall and stopping rain. He is also the patron saint of mountains, forests and swamps. This shrine already existed hundreds of years ago in the Heian period. When it was founded Originally written as "Qi Shenggen", it means "the place where Qi comes from".

In 818, Emperor Saga sent an envoy to Kifune Shrine to pray for rain. Since then, the court has offered black horses to Kifune Shrine to pray for rain during droughts, and white horses or red horses to Kifune Shrine to stop rain during heavy rains. This kind of sacrifice The ritual of giving birth to a horse gradually developed into Ema in later generations.

God Gao is not a mountain ghost and spirit who was supported by people in later generations, nor is he a person who can be conferred as a god, but a god who was born in the age of the gods in the Far East.

Legend has it that Izanami died of burns when she gave birth to the fire god Kagutsuchi. Izanagi angrily killed the fire god Kagutsuchi with ten swords. The blood stains on the ten swords turned into gods, and the blood dripping from the hilt of the sword turned into the water god. "The God of Dark" is the God of Gao.

Hualu put the child down, and the two foxes carried the child into the shrine. A blue water dragon shadow flashed above the shrine, but they acknowledged the child's existence and that the child could enter the shrine. In the end everything became calm again.

A miko hurriedly walked out of the shrine, took the foxes into her arms, and then bowed respectfully to the shrine. From now on, the child's secular life will be taken care of by her. He will also become the son of God Gao.

[My name is Lu Ren, Guifan Lu Ren. I am the son of God and a reincarnated person. You can say that. 】

[According to Sister Orange, if I could be born 500 years earlier, there would be more people serving me, because I would be the incarnation of God walking in the world. 】

[During the day, Sister Orange would teach me writing and other knowledge. I didn’t tell her that every time I entered the dreamland at night, there would be a noble elder sister with long white hair who made people feel friendly and taught me Shinto. Spells. 】

[Sister Orange often says that the world is in chaos and Kyoto is in decline. Otherwise, this shrine would still receive visitors even if it were not the day of the festival. But now there are only two of them left. I am worried that I will be lonely. In fact, besides Sister Orange, I have I have a lot of friends, but those friends are not human beings, and those friends sometimes bring me news about the city. 】

"People~ we have to go down the mountain!"

Sister Orange's voice came from outside the door. The purpose of going down the mountain this time has been explained by Sister Orange before. Nowadays, the various shrines in the mountain are short of manpower. This time, it is considered as a mission to go out to pray for blessings and eliminate disasters, and to buy some at the same time. Daily necessities.

Kibune Shrine is not bad. After all, it is a shrine that has been around for nearly a thousand years. No matter how depressed the surrounding cities are, thousands of years of worship and belief are kept there. Therefore, even among the shrines of this period, there will always be a person. Mikos run shrines, like shrines of some minor gods. In such troubled times, there may not be any permanent mikos or priests anymore, right?

The man sat up and adjusted his white young priest uniform.

As a god's son, the clothes on his body cannot be ordinary. Even if the major shrines in Kyoto are in decline, such a set of clothes must be made up. This is different from their ordinary shrine maidens, who have been worshiped by gods after hundreds of years. Son of God who acknowledges you again.

Originally, it was a long journey, and Orange did not intend to take anyone with him, but their son of God has been smart and mature since he was a child. After so many years have passed since the son of God came to the shrine, thinking about it carefully, it is time to let people around Kyoto know that there are people in their shrine. The Son of God.

Their son of God is so cute. After receiving the blessing of God, he has white hair and water-colored eyes, just like the white lotus blooming in the water, but more penetrating than the lotus.

It's just that there is still the worry that some people will think that the Son of God is a wild monster. To a certain extent, disrespecting the Son of God is also a serious sin.

Orange has lamented more than once that the arrival of such a son of God in such a war-torn era is simply a sin. If it were in the Heian Kyo era, this son of God would definitely become an existence that will go down in history, even if there is no miraculous deeds. This appearance alone is enough to be remembered by everyone.

I think Seimei-Kong, who was called a handsome man during the Heian period, was probably nothing more than that.

The people walked out of the shrine, and the bells hanging on their ankles made a crisp sound. After hearing the sound, the flower deer lying not far from the shrine stood up directly, and reached the steps of the shrine, and then He lay down gently, with a saddle-like cushion placed behind the deer.

Perhaps because it lives in a shrine, this deer is much taller than a normal deer. It can be called the king of deer, and it is also the mount and companion of the people.

After seeing the man sitting on the deer's back, the two foxes each picked up a wooden shoe in their mouths. The crow, which was as big as an eagle perched on a nearby tree, also spread its wings and circled in the air.

Chapter 110: First arrival in Kyoto

As the saying goes, a person attains enlightenment, and a chicken or a dog ascends to heaven. A person is lucky enough to become a son of God. When he grows up as a son of God, the four animals who brought this child to the shrine will naturally receive God's favor.

Even if it is just casual to God, it is already a great gift to these four animals in this era when the mystery has begun to fade and is in the final stage.

In the past, they were at best somewhat wise, but now they have the possibility of continuing to follow the Son of God after death. To a certain extent, for those of them who have not become mountain spirits, this is considered enlightenment. .

In such an era, it is too difficult for mountain spirits to attain enlightenment. It is obvious that less than 500 years have passed since the Heian Period. From then on, from this era, more and more so-called ghosts and ghost stories appeared. An existence based on the human race.

Even the tengu in the mountains and forests have already retreated into seclusion.

Perhaps it can be said that it is a miracle that a man can become the Son of God in this era, and the birth of a Son of God in this era is enough to shock all Shinto members.

Obviously, this era is basically the last era of apotheosis that belongs to this island. At most, some outstanding people will have the opportunity to be named gods. As for whether they can truly become gods, it is still unknown.

Look at Oda Nobunaga, who was later named the God of Honor and was just born. He was obviously accustomed to the name of God, but when he appeared as a heroic spirit, he didn't have any divinity.

On the contrary, Miss Otora, who claims to be the incarnation of Bishamonten, has C-level divinity. Of course, it may also be the influence of Nobunaga's two skills, Tenkabubu and Sixth Heaven Demon King, on himself.

But it is still very early to say this. The future Demon King of the Sixth Heaven has not yet been weaned, and Taihu is only four years old. She is not yet the world-famous military commander, but it is also because of her emotionless eyes. I must have been rejected by my family.

Of course, these have nothing to do with people.

Although the people are young and mature like Gray and Irlan before, and have a lot of wonderful knowledge, their growing environment is different. The people have been living in the shrine since they can remember everything around them stably. He got along with witches who only wanted to do his best and simple-minded animals.

For all natural creatures, liking means liking, hating means hating, and their hearts are far more pure than in the human world. This leads to the fact that the current people are also more innocent compared to the other two lives. If this is placed in other A peaceful era, or a peaceful era when the mystery is still strong and the gods can descend to the lower world, then of course there is no problem.

Living in an era of peace, no matter how innocent, there will be people who like to be protected. Living in an era of peace, as a son of God, there is a god to support and protect him, how many people dare to plot?

But now is an era of war, an era where it is difficult for gods to appear. Even a natural god like Gao Shen may only be able to come to the world in the body of a human being in his own shrine.

Once they are far away from Kibune Shrine, this gives an opportunity to those who want to take advantage of the Son of God.

In this chaotic era, the identity of the Son of God can quickly gather many people who want a psychological support. If they are willing, they can immediately create a terrifying force.

Secondly, in such a chaotic era, it is easy to harvest people's kindness. Likewise, this gratitude may turn into endless desires and complaints at any time.

How deep your love for a person is, how strong your hatred for that person is at that time.

At this time, the people are still chatting with their crow companions. Compared to the crows in the sky, which can fly freely to various places, the people have not left the shrine in the forest since they can remember. This time It was also the first time he stepped up a long staircase.

Even though Kyoto at this time can be considered a poor city and is no longer as prosperous and prosperous as it once was, it is still a novel world for the people.

Large areas of the once huge Kyoto have been turned into idle ruins. Due to the mysterious decline, even if there is no popularity here, there will never be any powerful monsters again, not to mention that for people living in such an era, Maybe it would be a blessing for them to end their lives in this world early.

Life is already worse than death, so why should we be afraid of death?

There are a lot of shrines nearby, so it's not surprising that witches and priests occasionally walk here, but this time it's a little different. The young man riding a deer is really too conspicuous. His white hair is like a god in the sky. From his ordinary appearance, he must be the child who was found being taken to a shrine by animals a few years ago.

The person swayed his feet gently, and the sound of the bell was clear and sweet, attracting more people's eyes. There was expectation and curiosity in these eyes. At the same time, there was a vague jealousy in some people's eyes. After all, who doesn't want to What about becoming the Son of God?

If you become a son of God or if your child becomes a son of God, you can live a better life, right? Or maybe the son of God in front of you can help them have a better life now? If it weren't for the look in the witch's eyes, people would have gathered around him at this moment.

After arriving at a shop, Orange Miko planned to buy some cloth as a reserve of clothing materials for future generations. After all, children grow up very fast and need to change their clothes every year or even every six months. As a child of a shrine, if they are not dressed properly, Appropriate clothing can actually affect the image of the shrine.

Their Kibune Shrine is also a very famous shrine, right? Even if the gods enshrined are not as good as Amaterasu Omikami, or gods such as Suzhan Mingzun, it is definitely one of the best shrines.

"Huh? Do you want some fine white cloth? Please ask the miko-sama to accompany me to the warehouse. After all, the business in the store is not good right now, and these items placed in the store cannot be considered to be of high quality."

The orange witch glanced at the man, could it be possible to put her own divine son here? Or is it better to continue to take your own divine son with you?

But generally such shops are connected to the back house. The real business district has long been closed due to the decline of Kyoto. Isn't it bad to bring your own god and son into the back house at will?

The only ones who can still open shops now are those high-ranking officials and nobles who can barely make ends meet. Nowadays, Buddhism and Taoism are prevalent, while Shintoism is weak. In this era of mysterious decline, even the personnel of the shrine cannot be likened to the high-ranking officials and nobles. It was so arrogant during the Heian Kyo era.

Chapter 111: Received a prayer for the first time

"It doesn't matter. Sister Orange, you don't need to worry about me. I still have these friends around me to protect me. I will stay here and will not leave."

The man seemed to see the slightly tangled expression on the face of the shrine maiden in front of him. He nodded gently and patted his chest at the same time, indicating that he had no problem. After all, he was also the son of the shrine, and sooner or later he would be the god of the shrine. You have to stand alone, right? Of course, the most important thing is that I am not a real child.

Listening to the explanation given to her by her divine son, and seeing the little gestures of her divine son patting her chest and smiling at herself, the Orange Miko couldn't help but cover her nose with her hand, and at the same time, she patted her chest with her other hand. Allow yourself to calm down as quickly as possible.

Even if your own divine son is super cute, as a shrine maiden who worships the god and his son, you still have to control your hands and the overflowing maternal love in your heart!

but! I can't bear it anymore——!

Lord Gao Shen, please forgive me for overstepping my bounds!

The orange witch directly hugged the man in front of her without hiding her love for this child. He was so well-behaved. How could there be such a sensible and well-behaved child in this world? This was simply better than any child she had ever seen. Make people feel overflowing with maternal love.

It wasn't until the man embarrassedly pushed the miko who was holding her that the orange miko suppressed the excitement in her heart, then coughed twice and sorted out her mentality.

After repeatedly telling her son not to leave with strangers, and to pinch the shining bead around her neck immediately if something happened, the orange witch followed the store owner to the warehouse.

Of course, people know that the bead around their neck is a very precious treasure. It is a bead that possesses the power of the Dragon God of Water. According to what Sister Orange said, this was when Gao Zi admitted his identity as the Son of God. The Shinto treasure converted by the God from a jade bead can be regarded as a great self-defense product in this era of decline of Shinto.

Because of the protective power of the Dragon God of Water, it can form a barrier of water flow when encountering danger, and can also launch water attacks.

You can even convey your wishes to the gods through this bead, which means that this bead is also a communication tool, although it is only one-way.

[Get the treasure:]

[Eye of Gao God·B: This is the treasure given by Gao God of Water to his son. It is also the eye that Gao God placed on his son. It is also the medium through which God Son borrows the power of Dragon God. This is after the mysterious decline. This god can provide the greatest protection to his son. ]

The man touched the orb on his chest, looked up at the sky and swung his feet gently, silently recalling the Shinto spells taught to him by the noble elder sister with long white hair in the dream.

Speaking of which, the eldest sister's eyes are really similar to the bead in my hand. That eldest sister should be the God of Gao.

Just when I was immersed in my inner practice, the crow flying in the sky made a shrill cry, pulling me out of my thoughts. When I looked up, I saw a thin and short man. The old lady, holding a child in her arms, looked at her with pleading and expectant eyes.

The people who can still live in Kyoto today are not too low in status and have a little bit of property, or they are commoners who have become numb to this kind of life. Obviously the old woman in front of me is the former, but even so , although the clothes the old woman was wearing were very neat, they had been washed and turned white.

The anxiety in her heart could be seen from those eyes, but even so she did not rush forward directly. After she found that the man was focusing on her, the old woman knelt on the ground and said, "Please, Lord Son of God, save me." Save my child, it’s our only child!”

With animals and witches accompanying him, with such a divine appearance, the child in front of him must be the son of God who was rumored a few years ago.

"Please save my child. No matter whether he is cured or not, as long as he gets better, I will go to the shrine in person to fulfill my wish!"

Kibune Shrine is still far away from Kyoto City, and it is located on a high mountain. If the white-haired old man in front of you comes to fulfill his wish in person, he is tantamount to using his own life to fulfill his wish. Even if he can successfully fulfill his wish , I am afraid that after returning, I will enter the last days of my life because of too much mental consumption.

The man looked at the old man in front of him and squeezed his hands. Of course he understood that he was the divine son of Kifune Shrine. He would have to face such a situation one day. He also imagined whether he would face such a situation when he went to Kyoto this time. First time here.

But now that it appeared in front of him for the first time, he felt a little at a loss in his heart.

God loves the world, but He also accepts offerings from the world. God will send His blessings and gifts to people, but those who receive the gifts must also return their wishes. This is not so much an extensive love that does not ask for anything in return, but something more. Like some kind of equivalent exchange.

Isn't the request of the old lady in front of me a pledge to the gods? Because it is recognized by the gods, the human beings who are the sons of gods are equivalent to the gods themselves. If we are at Kibune Shrine at this moment, maybe the body of a human from the outside world of Gao God will come to carry out this exchange.

But now the decision lies with you, and it will be up to you to decide what price the old lady in front of you needs to pay to fulfill her wish.

As a son of God, a person favored by the gods, he has the capital to be willful.

Now that I represent Kifune Shrine and the high god behind me, I know that I must think carefully about how to answer and how to act next.

It's impossible to be indifferent, and I don't want the old lady in front of me to spend her last days in exchange for this prayer. Of course, I sometimes feel confused, and I also feel confused in my own memory. Even though he is a weak-handed person with blood, his heart can be so kind in this life. It’s strange——

Since people began to have clear memories, they have been staying at the shrine, and all they have come into contact with are those who exude goodwill towards themselves, or are simple and direct lives. What people can think of is probably because of this, of course. The side effects of a certain talent are looming at work.

The man thought for a moment and decided to try it in his own way first, and then ask the long-white-haired elder sister in the evening if his decision and actions were correct.

The man glanced at the two foxes sitting next to him. The two foxes immediately jumped off the deer and placed the wooden shoes on the ground. Because they kept wrapping the wooden shoes in their arms, the two wooden shoes were still with them. A few degrees of temperature.

Chapter 112: Urgency is like a law!

In ancient times in the Far East, it was indeed customary for attendants to hold their master's shoes in their arms and take them out again when the master left.

In this way, the owner's shoes can be cleaned by them while retaining the temperature, so that the owner's feet will not feel cold. This is also a way to highlight the owner's status.

With the development of the times, this situation rarely happens.

After all, which of the upper-class nobles would have the heart to watch their servants or Ruozhong do this kind of work to reflect their status and thus ruin their status? You must know that the upper-class nobles and their servants or Ruozhong have true love. There are many cases. If someone really does this, it is probably out of fun.

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