Yin Shang tribe.

An interesting story happened in recent years.

It is said that an old man in his sixties appeared in Shangdu.

The old man has white hair and a childish face, and is dressed in red. He calls himself a Yuexiashanren and is a cultivator in the mountain.

The old man is the best at calculating marriage prospects. He likes to be a matchmaker and attend wedding banquets.

Surprisingly, the marriages he calculated for others were always correct. The women all married good men, and the men all married good wives. As for the matchmaker, the man and woman, no matter whether they knew each other before or not, but after his matchmaking, they became more in love after marriage.

Suddenly, Yuexiashanren's reputation grew.

Whether they are getting married or getting married, they all want to ask him to be a matchmaker.

There is also an endless stream of young boys and girls who are pregnant, all wanting to find him to figure out their rightful husband/goddess.

The most amazing thing is that every time the old man arranges a match this month, he refuses the money from the matchmaker and only asks for the red silk worn by the bride and groom during the wedding, or objects that represent happiness.

Such behavior has given the people of Yuexiashan a mysterious color.

Soon, the name of the Yuexiashan people became more and more widespread among the Yin and Shang tribes, and even tended to spread outwards.

People liked this kind and cheerful old man very much, and they affectionately called him"Yue Lao".

There are also many lovers who unanimously set up longevity cards for him, wishing that he can protect their love and marriage happily.

And this Yuelao was naturally transformed into Su Jiuxi.

When he left Xuanyuan Tomb, the first place he settled in was the nearest capital city of Yin and Shang.

In Shangdu, he transformed into an old man and made a name for himself by calculating marriages for people, and then acted as matchmakers for them.

When it comes to fortune telling, Su Jiuxi knows nothing about it.

But with his immortal cultivation, he can easily see through everything about these mortals.

Not to mention that since he practiced the art of marriage, he has been instinctively sensitive to matters of marriage. He can easily tell whether there is a relationship or not.

So pretending to be a fortune teller is easy to do.

What's more, he also has the weapon of marriage thread. Even if he is not destined, as long as he uses the red thread to pull it, he can become destined!

Therefore, under his hands, no pair of enemies was born.

The quality of the completed service is absolutely 100% perfect!

Under such circumstances, he collected more and more marriage aura, and even had incense. His cultivation level, which had just been broken through not long ago, also had a faint tendency to break through again!

What surprised him even more was that every time he created a couple, he would receive a little humanitarian merit!

This is the first time in his life that he has obtained merit. Although it is only human merit, it is very rare.

Although he was reluctant to give up, he still injected merit into the marriage line.

The marriage thread has become more and more magical after connecting lovers over the years and receiving incense and offerings.

Now adding merit and virtue instantly triggers a quantitative change.

The tenth prohibition was born!

Although it is still an acquired spiritual treasure of low-grade merit, as long as there are more merits, more restrictions can be generated, thereby increasing the level of the spiritual treasure.

Seeing this, Su Jiuxi became more hopeful about the marriage line and became more active in Yue Lao's work.

But when manpower is exhausted.

Su Jiuxi had no clone technique to learn. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't match all the lovers in the world.

According to Su Jiuxi's memory from her previous life, Yue Lao should also have a marriage book that can check the love and marriage of all living beings in the three realms and six realms.

If there was such a marriage book, he wouldn't need to go out of his way to find a match. You can directly draw the red thread to the name in the marriage book, and it will become much easier.

It's a pity that he doesn't even know what a marriage book looks like.

Moreover, he only has the name of a month-old man in vain now. He has neither the title of god granted by the King of Humans nor the priesthood granted by heaven.

Without the permission of the Human King or the Heavenly Emperor, he could not even build the Yuelao Temple and accept incense offerings from believers.

Otherwise, he is a wild god!

Once discovered.

It can range from destroying the temple to destroying the temple; at worst, being hunted by heaven and dying!

Despite the fact that Heavenly Court seems to have a shortage of talents now, it looks like it is despised and looked down upon by the disciples of the three religions.

But that's because the disciples of the three religions have the confidence to be arrogant because they have the support of the great saints.

For many low-level monks, Heaven is still a giant, with strict rules that no one dares to violate.

A good woman cannot make a meal without rice. Su Jiuxi saw that there were many opportunities to earn merit, but she was unable to seize them and could only give up with regret.

It's not like he hasn't thought about finding helpers, especially the group of foxes and grandsons in the fox cave who are so busy that they can vent their excess energy as a matchmaker and earn some merit for them.

But after thinking about it for a moment, he gave up.

After all, they are not practicing the way of marriage, so they can tell whether the two parties are destined for good or evil.

It would be fine if it was a positive fate.

But if it promotes evil fate, not only will there be no merit, but it will also cause sin and ruin the merit!

So Su Jiuxi gave up her fantasy and honestly worked as a matchmaker.

But not for long.

The arrival of a visitor suddenly broke Su Jiuxi's peaceful life.

Looking at the majestic young man in front of her, Su Jiuxi rarely put down her work and looked at him curiously.

The young man was dressed in gorgeous clothes, exuding nobility and majesty. He politely bowed his hands to Su Jiuxi.

"I have heard the name of the sage for a long time, and I came to pay my respects today. I am very happy!"

Looking at the young man in front of him who was destined to overthrow the Xia Dynasty and become the founding monarch of the Shang Dynasty in the future, Su Jiuxi's eyes were complicated.

"Fang Bohou was so complimentary (Chengtang was called Chengtang in the Xia Dynasty, meaning the leader of the feudal lords)! How can an outsider be called a sage? It's really a shame!"

Anyone who is called a sage is a virtuous person who has made contributions to the human race.

Su Jiuxi is not so shameless and can accept the title of sage calmly.

Cheng Tang did not force it, but he still had a look on his face. said with disapproval

"Yue Lao is so humble! You have formed countless good relationships for our human race, your husband and wife are loving, you have a long line of heirs, and you have brought stability to our Yin Shang people. It can be said that your merits are immeasurable. How can you not be a sage!"

Su Jiuxi didn't dwell on this with him, but asked directly

"I wonder what important business Lord Marquis has here today?"

Chengtang didn't even look around and directly explained his purpose.

"I heard that Yue Lao is the best at calculating marriages, and those he matches are all made in heaven."

"I have inherited the legacy of my ancestors and become a prince. The post of Tianxi Matchmaker has been set up in advance to specialize in weddings. I would like to invite Mr. Yue to join the position and work for the welfare of our Yin Shang people!"

Su Jiuxi was speechless when he heard this. He came to the world to practice, not to be an official media!

And why does the name Tianxi feel familiar? Oh, isn't it the future king of Shang Zhou who will be made a god after his death? The title!

Besides, his goal is not to be the god of Tianxi Xingguan, but to become the marriage god who controls the way of marriage - Yue Lao!

So he declined directly.

"Thank you Uncle Fang for taking your fancy, but I am a Taoist, and I am only entering the world for the purpose of practicing. I don’t want to have too much involvement with the court. I will disappoint Mr. Hou this time!"

Although she knew that the person in front of her was the hero who was destined to overthrow the Xia Dynasty, Su Jiuxi did not want to get involved.

There were many powerful calculations behind the change of dynasties, and even saints might be involved. After all, since the establishment of the Shang Dynasty Later, many immortals who intercepted the teachings entered the court and became officials.

Su Jiuxi, a little shrimp, would not participate, otherwise he might die without knowing!

Even in Su Jiuxi's view, Cheng Tang Fajie was the future King of Wu. It was just a preview of defeating Zhou.

However, although he did not want to have too much involvement with the future master of business, he also did not want to antagonize him.

After all, now he needs to join the world and practice the way of marriage, and it is indispensable to deal with people. Cheng As the leader of the Yin Shang tribe, if Tang deliberately made things difficult, his path of cultivation would inevitably have twists and turns.

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