Peach Blossom

Chapter 96:

Seeing that Xiao Yuan likes the takraw ball, she did it herself and made some other things for her.

A Yuan has grown up and has the look of a little tiger. The king of all beasts has sharp teeth and sharp claws. Jun Yao wanted to be a scratching board to sharpen Xiao Yuan's claws.

She chopped down a tree, cut a smooth plank, woven a hemp rope, and wrapped it tightly around the plank. The little tiger was playing right in front of her, chasing the takraw paddle. Jun Yao made her grasp and said to her, "A Yuan, come here."

The little tiger turned back and jumped towards her.

The tiger, which has been over a month old, is slightly different from the cat in appearance. It has powerful limbs and a bigger head. It is very lovable.

The white tiger spirit beast, born intelligent, she is different from ordinary tigers, as she grows up day by day, it becomes obvious day by day. When Xiao Yuan arrived in front of Jun Yao, she stopped moving forward, sat down obediently, and looked at Jun Yao inquiringly.

Jun Yao reached out and touched her head, the little tiger narrowed his eyes and called softly: "Ow~"

"A Yuan is good." Jun Yao smiled and put the newly made scratching board with her.

When the little tiger saw the novelty, the first reaction was to pounce on it and step on the scratch pad under the meat pad. The soft meat pad is very sensitive, and it senses that the object it touches is very rough, so it shows its claws and grabs it on top.

The scratching board was exactly the size of a little tiger, so she was tired of scratching, so she curled up on it and rested for a while. After a while, the little tiger ran to Jun Yao, rubbed against her, purred twice, and looked up at her.

This is hungry.

Jun Yao touched her and took her to forage for food from the cat she caught from down the mountain a few days ago.

It's just that A Yuan's food intake has increased significantly, a female cat, I'm afraid she won't be able to feed her enough. Jun Yao thought again.

I don't know what is the difference between tiger milk and cat milk. How big can a small milk tiger be to feed her meat, which kind of bird and beast meat is best. Jun Yao was quite regretful. When she went to Hushan that day, she should ask to understand it together.

Just go again, A Yuan must not be happy.

The little tiger was half full after eating for a while, but the milk was exhausted. She was unhappy, rubbed into the mother cat's arms, and whispered. The mother cat didn't like her at all and pushed her away with her paws.

The little tiger was pushed away, looked back at Jun Yao aggrieved, and wanted to try again.

Jun Yao had to stop her: "A Yuan, come here."

The little tiger who was not full was hesitant.

Jun Yao frowned and called again.

The little tiger reluctantly walked up to her.

You can't leave A Yuan hungry. Jun Yao picked her up and smoothed her hair to comfort her. Xiao Yuan was still unhappy, but stopped making trouble, and quietly nestled in Jun Yao's arms.

Jun Yao has spent many years in the mortal world and knows how mortals raise children. When the baby is older, in addition to breast milk, it will also be fed with rice porridge. The white tiger beast, when it is stronger than a mortal baby, may also be able to feed some meat.

Jun Yao touched the little tiger, went to the forest to hunt a deer, dealt with it, cut off a piece of meat and fed it to Xiao Yuan. Xiao Yuan's eyes widened, and he circled the fresh meat twice, then leaned forward and sniffed again, but was still a little scared and didn't eat it.

Jun Yao thought for a while, then cooked the deer meat, cooked it, chopped it, and then married Xiao. This time Xiao Yuan first looked at the minced meat, then stepped forward to sniff it, and then stuck out his tongue to lick the food, eating with relish.

Jun Yao sees this, she doesn't know if she is happy or sad. Maybe A Yuan was born with people. Although she was a little tiger, she didn't have the blood of a beast.

But as far as Junyao is concerned, Xiao Yuan is happy, but what she becomes is not important.

Jun Yao thinks of King Han from time to time. She doesn't really think about the two lives she spent with King Han, because no matter who she is reincarnated into, she is always the best.

But maybe the little tiger is well-behaved and clingy, too much like the King of Han, Jun Yao has been thinking of her from time to time these days. I don't know what A Yuan will look like after transforming into shape, will he depend on her and like her like he did back then.

Jun Yao picked her up, put her on her lap, followed her will and touched her belly. The little tiger narrowed his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a very comfortable appearance.

When she was comfortable enough, the little tiger raised its two paws, hugged Jun Yao's wrist, and licked her fingertips.

Jun Yao looked at her cute little appearance and couldn't help but smile.

After that, the little tiger ate meat and cat milk every day, but she was still young, a small bowl of meat was enough, the deer was too big, it would be a waste, Jun Yao changed to catch birds or Small animals like rabbits come to feed her.

Because she grew up on cat milk, her taste may be similar to that of cats, and she occasionally fishes and cooks fish to feed her. The little tiger lived happily every day, only with Junyao and not with other little beasts.

After about half a month, Jun Yao cooked the meat for her as usual, and cut the meat into mince to feed her.

This time, Xiao Yuan didn't eat immediately, she stood in front of the small plate with meat, looked at it for a while, then lowered her head, bit the small plate, and sent it to Jun Yao.

This small plate is made of wood by Junyao and is specially used for feeding with the little tiger. When she picked it up, she couldn't balance it well, and most of the flesh fell out.

Jun Yao just thought she wanted to eat in a different place, so she didn't care and moved away a little. The little tiger made an "Ow" and looked at Jun Yao expectantly.

Jun Yao touched her without saying a word.

The little tiger tilted his head, a little puzzled in his eyes. But she was still young and couldn't resist the hunger in her stomach. After a while, she still lowered her head to eat and ate all the meat in the plate.

It is still early and noon. Jun Yao entered the house, sat under the window, and played chess with herself.

The little tiger was supposed to be playing in the courtyard, but today, she walked to the door, tilted her head and looked at Junyao, and saw Junyao staring at the beautiful red, green and green stones in a trance , and then went to the courtyard again.

But she didn't stay in the courtyard, she found the courtyard gate precisely and walked out. Resource sorting: unknown

Everything has spirituality. This month, all the birds and beasts on Taiyi Mountain know that little tigers are the worst thing in the whole mountain. Even if they see them on the road, they dare not bully her. What's more, Xiao Yuan has a restriction set by Jun Yao, and no one can move her. Therefore, Jun Yao was not in a hurry, took out a chess piece from the chessboard, and continued to immerse herself in the chess game.

The little tiger left the wooden house and walked all the way in the woods. She also came out of the yard to walk in the forest on weekdays, but at that time Jun Yao was by her side, and today she is alone, so it is not very different.

She was very cheerful at first, looking around as she walked, if Jun Yao was there, she would find that the little tiger was walking the route she usually took her to catch small animals and birds.

can't see. The little tiger continued to move forward, but the speed slowed down.

No other animals were encountered along the way. She ran all the way forward and ran out of the woods. In the open area in front of her, there was a small stream hurriedly flowing from the bottom of the mountain. The little tiger looked back at the forest she had just passed through, and hesitated a little. After a while, she bravely walked forward to the stream.

The stream in the mountain is clear and clean, the stream is like a mirror, reflecting the blue sky and the bottom of the stream covered with pebbles. There are fish in groups in the creek, deep in the uninhabited forest, the fish don't know the world, don't know fear, they are leisurely, and they swim very comfortably.

, but for her, it was enough to completely drown her.

The water was stirred, and the fish under the water were startled, and they scattered and swam into the distance.

Seeing that the fish were all swimming away, the little tiger bared his teeth and looked fierce, but she didn't move, and continued to stare at the water, waiting for the group of fish to gather again.

Although Jun Yao continued to play chess, her mind was uncontrollably assigned to Xiao Yuan. She waited for a long time, but she did not come back. Gradually, she became a little worried.

Could it be that A Yuan did not like to be trapped in this small courtyard and ran away from home?

Thinking of this, Jun Yao can't help but panic, Taiyi Mountain is so big, there is still a mark left by her in A Yuan's soul, it is easy to find her, but if she I don't want to stay here anymore, I want to go back to the jungle, what should I do?

In the search in the past life, Jun Yao never forced that person, and she listened to her wishes in everything. But this life is different. She finally waited for the opportunity to stay with Xiao Yuan. If Xiao Yuan left her and left, Jun Yao really didn't know what to do.

She was about to stand up and go to see where Xiao Yuan went when the sound of a little tiger running came from outside the door.

Jun Yao was startled, she forgot that the little tiger was still young, and she couldn't understand people's pros and cons.

The little tiger ran in happily, she held a huge fish in her mouth, she put the fish in front of Jun Yao, and pushed it forward with her nose, with a face of "Come on" Praise me." He sat down and looked up at Jun Yao.

After thinking about it for a long time, the little tiger finally figured out that this man must be unable to catch big prey, so he has been hungry all the time.

Well now, she went and caught a big fish, enough for the two of them, so she didn't have to starve.

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