Peach Blossom

Chapter 88:

The king of Han probably never knew the four characters of obscurity, and thought that she pretended to be very good, but she did not know that she was guilty from head to toe. Jun Yao did not expose her, and opened the food box on the side, which contained a pot of peanut butter and a plate of red bean cake.

The little emperor couldn't hide his thoughts. He quietly came to do bad things last night. He must think about seeing her today. The court is undecided and the world is in turmoil, and she is often too busy to get out of her life. Jun Yao was afraid that she would be hungry, so she prepared food in advance and waited for her here.

She didn't get enough sleep, so she didn't have much appetite, and the ministers waited again, breakfast was eaten in a hurry, and after a round of political discussions, she was already hungry.

The red bean cake is sweet and not greasy, the peanut butter is warm, drink it into the stomach, it is very comfortable. In addition, the garden was full of spring, and the wind was blowing. The King of Han was very satisfied, and he did not forget to politely thank Jun Yao.

Jun Yao smiled, still standing behind the fence, watching from a distance from King Han. The King of Han had eaten a piece of cake, so he wanted to feed Jun Yao a piece too. She raised her head to look for Junyao, only to realize that she was standing a little far.

Can't feed. The King of Han had to ask, "Ayao, are you hungry?"

Jun Yao said, "I'm not hungry."

Han Wang nodded and felt something was wrong.

Ayao always sat opposite her, or wiped the corners of her crumbly lips for her, or continued the empty tea cup for her, but she had never stood so far.

Han Wang suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. She moved slightly uneasy, and the sweet red bean cake tasted like chewing in the mouth.

With two more pieces, Hanwang stopped.

Jun Yao kept an eye on her. Seeing her stop, she asked, "Is Your Majesty full?"

Han Wang still nodded, and the doubts in his heart became more and more intense. In the past, A Yao would definitely come to help her wipe her hands, but today she still stands so far away.

In fact, it's not far, and the demon can't get close to the emperor's body three feet. Jun Yao stood beside the pavilion, while the King of Han knelt and sat beside the short one in the middle of the pavilion, the distance between them was about two arms away. But they have never distinguished each other, and compared to usual, this distance seems far away.

There were red bean cake crumbs on Han Wang's fingers, she grabbed the handkerchief and wiped her hands.

After wiping her hands, Jun Yao still did not approach.

The king of Han felt more and more strange, if it was usual, she would have asked, but she secretly kissed Jun Yao last night, when she was guilty, how dared to ask questions easily, not to mention the distance apart, A Yao treats her the same, she is still gentle and meticulous, still caring.

The warm air of mid-spring makes people drowsy. The King of Han also became sleepy. But she has business to do later, so she can't sleep. The King of Han fought against Doze in the pavilion.

Jun Yao looked amused and said to her, "If Your Majesty is sleepy, you might as well take a break."

The King of Han shook his head: "No, the general has come from Luoyang, and I have to summon him."

She took two steps, remembered something, turned around and looked at Jun Yao. Jun Yao also looked at her, saw her turn back, and said, "Your Majesty, let's go."

Jun Yao nodded. The King of Han went away in peace.

The general surnamed Wang was originally from the eldest princess. After the eldest princess passed away, the late emperor wanted to get rid of the many ministers who were attached to the eldest princess, so that he could put in his confidants. He couldn't get rid of it, and then the king of Zhao rebelled, the kings followed, and the military disaster was so fierce that he couldn't care about anything else.

In this way, the military general was not demoted.

He came to Zi this time, not only to meet the new emperor, to report the situation in Luoyang, but also to report to the emperor.

"When the eldest princess was there, I ordered my ministers to pay attention to the southern border. The emperor of Qi was in his prime, and I heard that he was very talented and mighty, so he would give birth to the heart of the northern expedition."

Han Wang heard this, and his heart thumped.

As expected, the general's face was solemn and he continued: "The later emperor has his own ideas. If the southern border is no longer under the control of the minister, the minister will let go. A general handed down a letter saying that the troops stationed on the border of Qi State has increased sharply, and there may be a big change."

Han Wang clenched his fists and asked, "Is there a letter?"

The general took out a letter from his sleeve and presented it with both hands: "I brought it here."

Han Wang took it and took it apart. The general was sitting under His Highness, and while the emperor lowered his head to read the letter, he glanced at her, and when he saw the childish face of the new emperor, he sighed in his heart.

There are only a few sentences in the letter. It states that the Qi army changes frequently. If it is clearer, how to change and who the generals are, there will be no more.

The king of Han was in chaos, looked at the general and said, "How do you think you should deal with it?"

The general replied: "There are not enough soldiers in the country, and it is difficult to fight. If Qi really has the will to fight, the only way is to send envoys to the capital of Qi and persuade Qi to withdraw its troops."

It is easier said than done to persuade Qi to withdraw its troops.

The general also knew it was difficult, so he lowered his eyes and stopped talking.

The general stood up and bowed, and when he looked up, he saw that the little emperor was still holding the letter, frowning and thinking, and suddenly felt mixed.

No confidence.

The King of Han sat in the hall for a long time, but couldn't find any clue. Only then did she realize that, with all the courtiers, she had no one to use.

The Han vassals who assisted her originally were loyal, but none of them had the talent of generals and soldiers, and none of them had the advantage of speaking. Not to mention the newly arrived ministers, when the kings were fighting, they fled in a panic, panicking like a lost dog, came to the Han Kingdom, and eagerly fought for their support, without a trace of humanism, and even more hope that they would not be able to. superior.

The King of Han recalled how he had gotten along with his ministers over the past month. He wanted to find a few more upright ministers, but there were only a handful of them.

In the morning, she was still full of confidence and would always rectify Wei. If you don't want to be less than a day, you will drink it in the head. The King of Han bowed his head in despair.

The eunuchs serving in the hall seemed to hold their breath and did not make a sound. The country will be in trouble, what a major event, how dare they disturb the thoughts of the king.

The king of Han fell for a while, and wanted to call the ministers into the palace to discuss.

Han Wang had to give up. At this time, the ministers were summoned, and the discussion did not last long, and they had to be dispersed again.

She no longer called the minister, and there was only one Jun Yao left in her heart.

People who have suffered grievances and setbacks need warmth. She wants comfort and instinctively seeks Junyao.

Fortunately, Junyao is in the palace. The King of Han did not even have dinner, so he went to Junyao.

As long as Ayao hugs her, she is not afraid of anything. The King of Han thought to herself, but as soon as she walked to the door of the side hall, she suddenly thought, if the Qi army really came over and the Great Wei fell, would she be the emperor or the emperor? Isn't A Yao in danger when she is by her side?

Han Wang broke out in a cold sweat, she was only worried before, but now she is afraid. Once Jun Yao is involved, she becomes extremely sharp.

Ayao rescued her, and she also took care of her. Treat her so well, she can't hurt her. The King of Han secretly clenched his fists, what if the state of Qi was strong, she had someone to protect, the people of Dawei wanted her to protect, Ayao wanted her to protect, she couldn't retreat, she had to cheer up, think of a way to get through the difficulties !

Like a newborn calf, Hanwang is full of courage and fearlessness. She pushed open the door and entered the temple, and when she met Jun Yao, she became even more determined. She was going to marry A Yao, so she would have to carry the burden to protect the rivers and mountains.

Han Wang felt very strange, she had already made up her mind to cheer up, but why was she still sad and aggrieved when she saw A Yao.

The Great Wei was originally very powerful, but the elder brother and nephew tossed each other, causing hundreds of thousands of troops to fall into civil strife, and the whole country was slaughtered. The treasury is empty, the people are poor, and there are not many young soldiers to be found in the barracks.

But none of this is her fault. She has worked very hard, but there seems to be a dark cloud over Da Wei's head, and I don't know when the sun will be seen.

Han Wang thought about this, his eyes were red, Jun Yao came over, saw her for some reason, with a pack of tears in his eyes, and hurriedly asked: "What happened? Why is Your Majesty crying?"

The King of Han couldn't tell, just looked at Jun Yao and said, "Ayao, hug."

Ayao just hug her, she is just aggrieved for a while, Ayao hugs her and she stops crying.

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