Path of light

Chapter 407 408 Headhunters from the North

Chapter 407 408. Headhunters from the North

Sabrina tied her blond hair up and washed away the scabs of blood on her arms that had been spattered on her by the highland headhunters.

"Have you been staying in the room?" Sabrina looked at Moira carefully.

Although Moira was wearing spiked crystal lion leather armor, there was not even a drop of blood on her body.


Seeing that Sabrina didn't seem to know that she had sneaked out, she responded in a low voice.

Moira's bare feet were on the floor, and her blood-stained boots were placed on the shelf by the door...

If Sabrina had seen those blood stains, she definitely wouldn't ask that question.

Moira asked softly:

"Is Roy injured?"

"He is over there in the consultation room can go and see him!"

Sabrina looked at her well-behaved sister and said with a smile.

The water in the bathtub was stained with blood. Sabrina stood up, wiped the water stains on her body with a towel, and stepped out of the bathtub.

Moira was still squatting at the bathroom door, wiping the blood stains on Sabrina's metal armor with a wet rag.

She didn't like the smell of blood very much. Every time Ms. Jillian came back from the fish market, the flatbed was stained with smelly blood. It was usually Sabrina who brought Moira to Darnay at the door. Flatbed trucks are washed by the river.

Sabrina stopped, picked up the soft leather armor from the ground, put it on her body again, and asked Moira:

"Tiffany is also helping in the clinic, aren't you going to take a look?"

Moira lowered her head and said dullly: "I'll go after wiping these. I can't help much anyway."

Sabrina put on her soft leather armor and walked to the window. She supported the window sill with both hands and looked up at the night sky. The color of the night sky was fading...

At this moment, a bright line appeared on the horizon of the wasteland.

It will be dawn soon.

She was going to take a look at the city wall again...

The temporary clinic is located on the third floor of the castle.

Although the consultation room and Moira's room were on the same floor, they were in two different patios.

Moira walked along the inner corridor for a while, passed through an arch, and passed a small living room before arriving at the inner corridor of the courtyard. The corridor here was filled with injured mixed-bloods. Elf warrior.

So much so that when Moira walked, she had to carefully avoid some injured mixed elf warriors.

Moira looked around and saw a long queue outside a room, so she walked towards it.

Through the window, she happened to see Roy standing in front of a hospital bed in the consulting room, treating a mixed-blood elf warrior with a cut on his forearm.

The 'Holy Light Technique' illuminated his young face...

Woods was treating another mixed elf warrior next to him, and sweat was already visible on the tip of his nose.

A group of mixed-blood elf warriors were sent away from the clinic, and new wounded people walked in immediately.

Moira stood at the window and looked into the room. Her big and smart eyes glanced around. She saw Woods first, and she gently called Woods' name.

Woods was injecting a faint breath of life into the injury of the mixed elf warrior in his hand. When he heard Moira's voice, his pointed ears only twitched slightly, but he did not raise his head.

It wasn't until he poured all the life breath in his hand into the injured body that Woods exhaled, raised his head and followed the sound, and found Moira standing at the door. He quickly waved to Moira and said hello. .

He didn't say anything, but pointed to his side with his hand, indicating that she could come in through the door.

Moira then looked at Roy, who was treating the injury on the arm of a mixed elf warrior.

With light steps, Moira walked into the consultation room from outside the door, and walked to Roy step by step.

Roy was dressing the wounds of the mixed elf and glanced at Moira.

"What are you doing standing there? Come and help me."

Without even raising his head, Roy lifted the injured mixed elf warrior's arm and handed it to Moira.

Moira split her rhombus-shaped lips, stepped forward quickly, and held the arm that had stopped the bleeding steadily.

Roy quickly wrapped the hemostatic bandage around the injured area with skillful movements, and quickly tied it with the bandage.

"Within six hours, try not to do strenuous exercise as much as possible to prevent the wound from opening again." He told the mixed-blood elf warrior sitting on the hospital bed.

"Oh, I understand, boss." The mixed-blood elf warrior replied naively.

After bandaging, Roy patted his back, motioned for him to leave quickly, turned to the door and shouted:


Roy did not suture the wound, but used the 'Holy Light Technique' to promote the wound to heal quickly, so that the wound would be less susceptible to infection.

Roy's expression was very focused when he was treating the mixed elf warrior.

Moira squatted next to help. Every time she treated an injured person, she habitually narrowed her eyes, with a faint smile on her red lips.

Moira quickly became familiar with this process, and she was even able to take care of Miss Tiffany on the other side.

Compared with Roy's 'Holy Light Technique', Miss Tiffany's 'Hydrotherapy Technique' is not so popular in front of this group of injured mixed elf warriors.

Mainly because the treatment process of 'hydrotherapy' is somewhat painful and the pain is doubled.

Elves are notoriously intolerant of pain...

Therefore, only lightly injured mixed-blood elf warriors will be assigned to Miss Tiffany.

A dark moon elf warrior quickly ran into the consultation room and whispered in Roy's ear:

"Boss, the plateau headhunters are currently retreating to the north slope of Aidasi Mountain. We found that two groups of headhunters are trying to bypass the North Black Iron Mine. Deputy Captain Tennyson is intercepting them along the way."

Roy frowned and looked at the sky.

It was almost dawn at this time, and he should go to the top of the city to see the situation outside.

However, the corridor outside the clinic was crowded with injured mixed-blood elf warriors. Roy decided to wait a while before going to the city wall, and then ordered the dark moon elf warrior:

"Let Timothy find a way to tell them, be careful and don't rush in."

"I know." The Dark Moon Elf warrior agreed, and then left the clinic.

Roy continued to treat the injured mixed elf warriors here, and Vice Captain Tennyson led two assassin teams to continue hunting the plateau headhunters outside the city on the eve of dawn.

It wasn't until dawn that the Dark Moon Elf warriors dragged their exhausted bodies back to the castle one after another.

That night, at least three hundred corpses of plateau headhunters were left outside the castle. Except for the group of Silver Pegasus warriors, no other army could cause such great damage to these plateau headhunters.

With an angry look on his face, the headhunter leader retreated with a group of his men to the north slope of Mount Idas. The valleys here are crisscrossed and dotted with various caves, making it an excellent hiding place for the headhunters.

The headhunters on the plateau did not expect that the mixed-blood elf warriors in the Northern Black Iron Mine were so powerful. Night attacks organized by nearly a thousand headhunters failed to break through the city, which made many headhunters somewhat discouraged.

They had been frightened by the Silver Pegasus warriors and were no longer as arrogant as before. They were not surprised to see the mixed elf warriors resisting tenaciously.

Some headhunters even want to return immediately to the northern mountains of the Pagisto Plateau.

The headhunter leader was also a ruthless character. Seeing that the morale of the headhunters in front of him was wavering, and there were still headhunters coming from behind, in order to prevent this decadent mood from infecting other headhunters, the headhunter leader ordered that All headhunters who waver will be put to death...

In the headhunter gathering place on the northern slope of Mount Idas, more than thirty headhunters were killed by the headhunter leader.

The remaining headhunters surrounded the headhunter leader, and everyone shouted together, 'Kill all those pointed ears...Kill all those pointed ears...'

In fact, elves are not the only ones with pointed ears. Goblins and goblins also have fluffy, green pointed ears.

At present, the black iron mine castle in Aidasi Mountain is obviously a tough one and cannot be conquered for a while.

As more and more headhunters appeared on the northern slope of Aidasi, thousands of plateau headhunters gathered here.

They come from different headhunter tribes and are led by different chiefs.

This time the Silver Pegasus Legion attacked almost all the headhunter tribes in the northern part of the Pagisto Plateau, so the headhunters who went south to retaliate this time were not from the same tribe.

A group of headhunter leaders gathered together to discuss and immediately formulated a new attack plan.

Under the instruction of the headhunter leader, some plateau headhunters crossed the castle of the North Black Iron Mine and continued to move south.

Roy stood on the city wall, his face a little ugly.

Looking down the hillside from the castle's watchtower, a team of nearly a thousand headhunters bypassed the Northern Black Iron Mine Castle. Their direction happened to be towards the Aurelion Snow Mountains, which was the middle one of the three snow mountains.

Now, the mixed-blood elf warriors from the Northern Black Iron Mine are trapped in the castle. There is a large group of plateau headhunters standing on the hillside in the distance. They all ride argali and are looking at this place eagerly.

Roy wanted to lead a team of Dark Moon Elf warriors to break through the plateau headhunting blockade and go see the conditions in the other two mines.

This situation is simply impossible now. There are only three hundred mixed-blood elf warriors in the Northern Black Iron Mine. Even if he takes all these mixed-blood elf warriors out, he may not be able to break through the plateau headhunters' defense line.

After last night's tentative siege, the plateau headhunters also became cautious and unwilling to act rashly.

And at night, these headhunters will take the initiative to retreat to avoid being attacked by the assassin team.

Although the Dark Moon Elf warriors secretly went out several times at night, only one raid was successful. The remaining times were discovered by headhunters in advance and had to be withdrawn early, and the operations ended in failure.

Several sneak attacks by the assassin team only made the plateau headhunters become more cautious.

For three consecutive days, more and more headhunters from the plateau came from the north.

They had some furs tied around their bodies to keep out the cold, and they could just find a rocky cliff or mountain crevice that was sheltered from the wind, where they could lie down and sleep.

Their food is also very simple. There are large herds of one-horned bison and devil antelope in the wilderness on the east side of the Gasai Mountains. A few headhunters from the plateau can bring back a whole head of one-horned bison, and they skin the bison. Then cut the beef into finger-thick meat strips, hang the meat strips on the branches, then light the cow dung, and smoke the meat strips black with thick smoke.

These bacon strips are the food of the headhunters...

On the hillside, cow dung bonfires like this can be seen everywhere, and thick columns of smoke can be emitted from each bonfire.

The headhunters also gathered together in groups of thirty or fifty, and everyone sat on the hillside.

A few days ago, they knew how to restrain themselves, and initially they would hide in a cave on the northern slope of Mount Aida.

Now they simply sat on the hillside opposite the castle. They rushed down the hillside, crossed the terraces in front of the castle, and ran at full speed to reach the bottom of the city wall in just a quarter of an hour.

More and more headhunters are gathering on the opposite hillside, putting increasing pressure on the castle of the North Black Iron Mine.

The mixed-blood elf warriors are watching the movements of the headhunters every day...

But those headhunters were all excellent hunters. They had enough patience when hunting, and they had no intention of taking action while sitting on the opposite hillside.

It's just that a large group of plateau headhunters gathered on the opposite hillside, which brought great psychological pressure to the mixed-blood elf warriors on the castle side.

Roy found that the circles under the eyes of many mixed-blood elf warriors had turned dark in the past few days. They were obviously suffering from great psychological pressure, and they might have been suffering from insomnia all night long...

The members of the adventure group who were originally planning to leave the North Black Iron Mine could only stay in the castle.

It seems that if I don't leave, I won't be able to catch up with the opening season of Elf Academy, but there is no other way...

Sabrina will be on duty on the city wall at least half of the time these days. She and Woods have become the spiritual pillars of the mixed elf warriors in the castle except Roy.

With their presence on the city wall, the mixed-blood elf warriors would relax a little.

Sabrina, Moira, Claire, Woods and Miss Tiffany were sitting in a living room. From the window of this living room, you could just see the northern slope of Mount Idas. Some plateau headhunters were still there. A steady stream of people came from the north.

Sabrina frowned and said:

"These headhunters suddenly appeared. We may not be able to return to Castletown as scheduled."

Miss Tiffany immediately added: "It's definitely too late to register for the Elf Academy..."

Woods also nodded and agreed: "Now there are headhunters everywhere outside. We can't leave the castle at all. There is no other way. I think in this case, we can stay and help Roy. He needs some help here." helper."

Although Claire wanted to return to Castletown, she could only bite the bullet and say: "I have no problem."

Moira looked at Sabrina and asked in a low voice: "Then should we write a letter to Jillian?"

Sabrina didn't refuse, just said: "We'll write it first, but we don't know when we can send it out..."

On the city wall outside the castle of the Northern Black Iron Mine, a group of gray dwarf miners began to urgently repair the city wall.

Roy stood on the arrow tower and looked to the southwest, which was the direction of the Aurelion Snow Mountains. A thick column of smoke rose into the sky...

It's obviously not as simple as headhunters lighting cow dung bonfires.

What Roy is most worried about is that the castle of the Black Iron Mine in Kasai cannot stop the attack of the headhunters.

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