Path of light

Chapter 405 406 Midnight Fight

Chapter 405 406. Midnight Fight

Rockets were shot out from the city wall one after another. When the rockets flew across the night sky, there was not much light, but when they landed on the rocky ground, the linen cloth on the arrow clusters was burnt to a crisp by the kerosene. Incomparably, it exploded under the huge earthquake.

The area around the rocky land suddenly lit up, and then the mixed-blood elf warriors on the city wall saw some plateau headhunters wearing furs and tied with leather ropes scattered around the terraces.

Under the sudden firelight, their faces were ferocious, and the black paint formed strange lines on their faces.

Now that they were discovered by the mixed-blood elf warriors on the city wall, the headhunters howled and rushed towards the city wall.

The hands and feet of these headhunters were covered with calluses. They used their hands and feet to climb up under the city wall. More and more headhunters gathered under the city wall.

The mixed-blood elf warriors at the top of the city hid behind the walls and kept shooting sharp arrows at the headhunters.

Several mixed-blood elf warriors pulled out a stone ball with a diameter of half a meter from the wooden frame at the back. This stone ball made of waste minerals was wrapped with a layer of linen rosin. The surface of the stone ball could be easily broken with a torch. Lit it, two mixed-blood elf warriors pulled the chain pockets of the chain and threw the stone that ignited the fire to the bottom of the city.

The stone ball rolled down from the top of the city, wrapped in flames, and a wail suddenly sounded from below.

The headhunters are extremely skilled. They can hunt argali, wind wolves, and magic-eyed lynx in the mountains. Their rock climbing abilities are extremely outstanding. The nails at the end of their knuckles are like eagle claws, which can easily penetrate into stone crevices. The headhunters have muscular limbs and can easily jump between rocks.

The headhunters who rushed to the top saw the rolling stones falling and jumped away quickly. However, the headhunters behind whose sight was blocked suffered disaster. Their bones and tendons were broken by the rolling stones, and they kept wailing.

The castle wall was originally only twenty meters high. Recently, the gray dwarf miners used stones to build it up, but it was only twenty-two meters high at best.

The headhunters were agile and climbed from the bottom of the city wall to the top of the city. For them, the distance of more than twenty meters was only a matter of seconds.

Headhunters soon emerged from the wall stacks. At this time, the mixed-blood elven archers standing behind the wall stacks would immediately turn sideways, and the mixed-blood elven warriors waiting behind would thrust out their spears...

Blood burst out, and the headhunters stabbed their chests at the top of the city and fell to the bottom of the city one after another.

There were also some extremely agile headhunters who escaped this stab. They jumped directly into the mixed-blood elf warriors, drew out the war blades from their waists, and fought with the mixed-blood elf warriors at the top of the city. The city immediately became a mess.

These mixed-blood elf warriors wore sophisticated armor, but had no combat experience. Seeing the ferocious headhunters rushing towards them desperately, the fear in their hearts made them hesitate, which gave the headhunters some opportunities to take advantage of. machine.

The elven archers were blocked by more and more headhunters. They decisively gave up their hunting bows and pulled out their long swords from their waists to stab the headhunters who rushed towards the city.

A deep horn sounded in the dark night, awakening the elves in the entire castle from their dreams.

There were faint shouts of killing outside the window, and then a series of horn sounds came in.

Sabrina, Tiffany, and Moira woke up from their dreams almost at the same time...

Sabrina walked to the window with bare feet, opened the window, and a bit of cool breeze blew in, taking away the last bit of Sabrina's sleepiness.

Sabrina put her hands on her shoulders and looked out the window. Half-blood elf warriors kept running through the corridor. Some of them were holding armor that they had not put on. Some half-blood elf warriors were putting boots on their feet as they ran. superior.

Immediately afterwards, I heard a mixed-blood elf on the city wall shouting, 'Come for reinforcements...the headhunters are coming...come! ’

Sabrina turned and walked towards the wooden shelf next to the wall, and pulled off her pajamas, took the soft armor from the shelf, and quickly put it on.

As a heavily armored sword dancer, her armor is the most cumbersome.

Moira rubbed her sleepy eyes and ran behind her sister almost as a reflex, helped her fasten the sheepskin lining, and then helped her put on the heavy armor.

Moira quickly put on the spiked crystal lion leather armor, followed Sabrina, and rushed out the door.

Miss Tiffany ran out of the bathroom dripping with water, already wearing a mage's robe.

"Moira, you and Tiffany are waiting here for news from me. I'll go outside to check what happened..." Sabrina stopped her sister with her hand and said to her.

"I want to go and see with you..." Moira didn't want to stay in the room. She only felt that her whole body was trembling, and her teeth were even chattering...

"Obey, wait for me here!"

Sabrina stopped arguing with Moira and gave the order directly.

After speaking, he glanced at Miss Tiffany, then turned around and rushed into the corridor, running towards the city wall with the mixed elf warriors.

Miss Tiffany yawned, ran to Moira's side, put her hands on the window and looked outside.

The castle was already in chaos. A large number of mixed-blood elf warriors ran towards the city wall. The sound of fighting coming from the other side of the city wall was extremely clear. From time to time, one or two short flying spears fell into the courtyard, and some even penetrated the stone wall.

The eyes of the Naga Sea tribe showed an emerald color in the dark night, and she said to Moira with a smile:

"It's so cold here at night, why are you looking at me? Whatever you want to do, just do it! Just pay attention to safety..."

Moira's eyes widened and she asked softly: "Aren't you stopping me?"

Tiffany smiled before saying, "My legs are growing on you, can I stop you?"

"Okay, I'll go out and take a look." Moira smiled like a silver...

Miss Tiffany rolled her eyes and stopped talking to her.

Moira hung the stabbing saber on the back of her belt, adjusted the light leather armor on her body, then held the window sill with one hand and jumped out...

She was very nimble and jumped directly to the railing of the corridor. She held her hands on the corridor column and looked up at the city wall.

"Don't go to the city wall, Sabrina is on top!" Miss Tiffany's voice came from behind.

Moira suddenly realized it and jumped into the courtyard...

Miss Tiffany was lying proudly at the window. She felt that the fighting in the castle should be concentrated on the city wall, so there would be no danger if Moira was sent to the courtyard.

Woods and Blair appeared on the opposite side of the corridor, and they both ran towards the city wall.

Miss Tiffany touched the magic scroll in her pocket, held the staff, and was not in a hurry to go out.

When Moira jumped into the yard, Captain Timothy had just assembled the assassin team, and all one hundred Dark Moon Elf warriors were hiding in the shadows.

Night is their home field, and of course they cannot wait for those plateau headhunters in the castle.

The assassin team was about to sneak out of the castle quietly when Moira ran over. She had been patrolling outside the Northern Black Iron Mine with the Dark Moon Elves in the past few days. The Dark Moon Elf warriors were not interested in this mixed-blood elf girl. strangeness.

Moira followed the team quietly. When they passed through a secret door at the back of the castle, Deputy Captain Tennyson put one hand on the door frame and stared at Moira coldly, stopping her.

"We are not on a patrol mission. Don't follow us. If you want to help, you can go to the city wall..." Deputy Captain Tennyson scolded Moira.

Moira leaned against the stone wall, looked at Tennyson pitifully, and whispered:

"Tennyson, what do you think the chances of an assassin fighting a headhunter on the city wall are to win..."

"You can't come with me!" Tennyson said cleanly.

Seeing that the Dark Moon Elf warriors were already walking through the secret door, he turned around and followed them.

Moira followed behind and said stubbornly: "I am also an assassin, I can also help..."

"That won't work either!" Tennyson didn't even look back.

Moira followed closely, but was stopped by Tennyson, who easily pulled down the iron bars of the secret door.

Moira stared at Tennyson angrily through the iron fence and said, "Do you dare to compete with me to see who of us has killed more headhunters?"

Tennyson turned his head and stared at Moira coldly.

Moira was forced to take a step back by Tennyson's sharp eyes... Then she heard the iron fence clatter and was pulled away from the outside by Tennyson. She only heard Tennyson say: "Hurry up and follow. What are you waiting for?"


Moira bit her lip and ran after the Dark Moon Elf warrior into the dark night.

Roy stood on the city wall, and the thick-skinned magic pattern structure on his body shone with a magical halo, which was very conspicuous in the dark night.

There was a Book of Judgment hanging on his waist, and two iron chains were dragging on the ground. He was holding a sacred scepter, which was like a torch in the darkness when filled with holy light.

The plateau headhunters were not afraid of death at all. They rushed to the top of the city on both hands and feet, but were stabbed with several bloody holes by the mixed-blood elves. They tried their best to throw themselves into the crowd with their last breath.

Roy was standing in the fiercest part of the battle. He had a light metallic color on his body and his skin was covered with rock patterns. With the blessing of the 'Power of the Giant Bear' and the 'Blessing of Strength', Roy's current power was almost as strong as A turn of warriors to contend.

It is blessed with various magical buffing effects from the magic pattern structure, and the sacred scepter is also infused with some power of holy light.

Two plateau headhunters climbed over the wall and knocked down a mixed elf archer in front of them. Even though they had a few arrows stuck in their shoulders, they still held down the mixed elf archer like evil ghosts jumping out of hell. shoulder, and the war blade in his hand wanted to cut off his head.

Roy just happened to knock back the plateau headhunter in front of him. When he saw the mixed-blood elf archer in crisis, he quickly opened the Book of Judgment, recited a short prayer, and a small silver hammer flew out from the Book of Judgment. , hitting one of the plateau headhunters in the chest.

The headhunter's chest collapsed, he opened his mouth and a stream of blood gushed out, and his body was smashed out of the city wall by the Holy Light Hammer.

The war blade in the hand of another headhunter was held up by Roy's sacred scepter. The mixed-blood elf warrior behind rushed up and thrust the spear in his hand, sending the plateau headhunter flying.

Roy dragged the Elf Archer who fell to the ground behind the city wall, and there were several tearing wounds on the protective gear on his shoulder.

Fortunately, the shoulders were protected by armor, leaving only shallow wounds...

If he hadn't worn this set of armor, the Elf Archer's shoulders might have been torn to pieces by the plateau headhunters.

The battle continued, and the mixed-blood elf warriors guarding the city were frequently injured, but they were still able to hold on to the city.

The elven archers on the four surrounding arrow towers continued to shoot the plateau headhunters who slipped through the net...

Roy, wearing a magic pattern construct, rushed left and right at the top of the city, leading a group of mixed elf warriors to stabilize the situation. The thick leather armor exuding a magical aura attracted many headhunters, who immediately Rushing towards Roy from all sides.

The headhunters held war blades and fought hard to get injured, forcing several mixed-blood elves back...

It was too late when Roy discovered that there were no mixed elf warriors around him. At least six plateau headhunters formed an encirclement in front of him.

The headhunter in front of him raised his war blade and struck it down. Roy's arm was wrapped in chains and he raised the Book of Judgment to block...

Before the war blade could be chopped down, two headhunters pounced directly on Roy and hung on him. Then two more headhunters hugged Roy's legs desperately.

Roy couldn't move, but the war blade in front of him struck down with fierce wind.

Looking at the ferocious faces of the plateau headhunters, Roy tried his best to get rid of the four headhunters, but the war blade was chopped off first.

At the critical moment, a furious earth bear suddenly jumped in front of Roy, opened its bloody mouth and tore off a plateau headhunter wrapped around Roy's body...

A huge bear's paw slapped another plateau headhunter away, but Woods was one step slower and could not block the slashing sword.

Just when the war blade fell on Roy's head, a Seruki long sword with a magical halo appeared under the war blade. Sabrina, who was fully armed with a sharp sword aura, stood in front of Roy. before.

She seemed to be dancing, her body surrounded by sharp sword energy. The plateau headhunter's war blade was cut off by Seruki's sword, and his forearm was twisted to pieces by Sabrina. .

Sabrina was glowing with light, as if there was a halo surrounding Sabrina.

'Dance of Glory'

Sabrina approached the city wall, and the plateau headhunters caught by her sword were injured one after another...

In front of the sword dancers, these plateau headhunters who were just wearing leather armor looked fragile. The swords and spears in their hands could not hurt Sabrina at all.

For a time, Sabrina cleared the most chaotic area on the city wall, and the mixed elf warriors once again took back the initiative on the battlefield.

The earth rage bear transformed by Woods rushed towards the other side of the city wall. Roy held the sacred scepter in one hand and the Book of Judgment in the other, following closely behind Sabrina.

As soon as a plateau headhunter emerged from outside the city wall, he was knocked down outside the city wall by Woods' sweeping claws...

When Sabrina danced the 'Dance of Light', the area around Sabrina became extremely bright. When the headhunters looked at Sabrina, they even felt that her body was a bit dazzling, as did the sword lights. Extremely eye-catching, Sabrina is like a dazzling halo of light.

Roy had never seen a sword dancer before, but no sword dancer could perform such gorgeous and dazzling sword skills.

Especially in the dark night, the characteristics of the 'Dance of Glory' are infinitely magnified...

Even when Woods transformed into a geomaniac, he was not as dazzling as Sabrina.

The plateau headhunters' offensive once again weakened. As long as those headhunters showed their heads outside the city wall, they would be mercilessly attacked by the mixed-blood elf warriors.

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