Path of light

Chapter 393 394 Unprofitable Mithril Mine

Chapter 393 394. Unprofitable Mithril Mine

Before nightfall, Captain Craven and his guard group hurriedly left the Sudarso North Mithril Mine.

What Roy didn't expect was that Captain Craven actually left 10,000 mithril ingots. These mithril ingots were packed in twenty boxes and set up as a wall in the hall on the first floor of the castle.

Looking at Captain Craven's gloomy face, Roy knew that he had completely offended Captain Craven this time.

The number of mithril ingots stored in the North Sudarso Mithril Mine was twice as much as that of the South Mithril Mine, which was somewhat beyond Roy's expectation.

In his opinion, the owner of the Sitney Mine has managed the South Mithril Mine very well. Channing told Roy that Captain Blaise took away nearly 5,000 Mithril ingots from the South Mithril Mine.

The Southern Mithril Mine can condense five Mithril ingots every day. The Mithril ingots Captain Blaise took away happened to be accumulated by the Southern Mithril Mine in three years.

Now there are 10,000 mithril ingots in the North Mithril Mine. Roy casually opened a large box, and there were indeed sparkling mithril ingots arranged inside. Each mithril ingot is about the size of a brick, and contains more impurities than The Southern Mithril Mines smelt far fewer mithril ingots.

When the leaders of these guard regiments were stationed at various mines, they probably had the idea of ​​​​taking a sum of money and leaving...

The mine is in the backyard of the castle. The high wall completely surrounds the mine. The backyard is not very large, and Roy did not see the smoke-filled chimney. The mixed-blood elf warriors climbed onto the city wall one after another. , which can be regarded as complete control of the Northern Mithril Mine.

Because he left in a hurry, Roy didn't get any news when he handed over to Captain Craven.

In order to prevent the miners from escaping at night, Roy arranged the assassin team outside the castle as usual.

Putting these mithril ingots back into the warehouse, Roy checked the other materials in the warehouse. Zinc ingots, lead ingots, etc. were all placed in the warehouse.

When Roy came to the cellar where the fruits were stored, he found that many of the shelves were almost completely empty. The remaining wooden boxes only contained apples and breadfruit. All the elf biscuits were emptied. The mixed-blood elf warrior responsible for counting the supplies held the account book. He ran to Roy with a grimace and reported to him:

"Boss, when the Silver Moon Elf warriors from the guard group left, they took away all the elf cookies."

"Got it." Roy nodded.

Captain Craven still calculated against Roy before leaving, but Roy was not too worried about this, because there was a large terrace on the hillside outside the North Mithril Mine, with some red berry bushes on it.

In the Pagisto Plateau, this red berry is one of the main foods for the elves.

After walking out of the castle cellar, the mithril ingots in the hall on the first floor suddenly became empty. Opposite was a staircase with an arched corridor on both sides. The magic wall lamps on the walls exuded soft light, and the walls were decorated with stickers. It has soft wallpaper with some exquisite hand-painted patterns.

There are also some elven warrior sculptures and landscape paintings on both sides of this corridor.

Roy stood in front of a mural, which was a panoramic view of the Sudarso Mountains.

The castle is divided into three parts: the main building and independent pavilions on both sides. The first and second floors of the main building have been requisitioned by the guard group. The third floor and the attic are currently under house arrest for the mine owner's family.

In fact, Roy was a little curious about this. What kind of family was it that Captain Craven would rather give up 10,000 mithril ingots than take them away...

When he came to the backyard, Roy saw the magic-style furnace in the backyard. The entire furnace was covered with magic patterns. There was a river of lava on the left side of the furnace, and three exits on the right side, corresponding to the secret. Silver, zinc and lead ingots.

The four gray dwarves kept digging out the metal ingots condensed in the grooves of the mold, placing them on the flatbed truck, and then used brushes to apply some release agent into the mold cavity.

These gray dwarves were very strong. They were bare-chested and wore anti-scalding leather aprons. The beards on their chins were burned and bent. When they saw Roy and several mixed elf warriors approaching, they immediately stopped chatting and began to concentrate on their work. live……

There were at least twenty duergar working around the forge.

Near the exit of the mine, a row of stone houses was built under the high stone wall. A group of mixed-blood elf miners must have just come out of the mine. They were standing by a pool, constantly ladling water from the pool and pouring it over their heads.

There is an extended track at the exit of the mine, with a row of minecarts placed on the track.

Roy walked over directly and tried to push these wooden funnel-shaped mine carts with his hands. He found that the four small wheels under these mines were very smooth and did not require much force to push the mine carts.

The pile of materials in the backyard is not very big, and several gray dwarves are wielding sledgehammers, constantly smashing the ore into small stones.

Not only are the furnaces in the North Mithril Mine better than those in the South Mithril Mine, but even the mine carts in the mine are laid with light tracks. No wonder this mine has saved more than one Mithril ingot in three years. Ten thousand yuan.

The problem facing Roy is that once all the mixed-blood elf miners are released, the North Mithril Mine will have no reserves of Mithril ore and will immediately stop working... without any room for relief.

This is also the situation that Roy least wants to see.

Roy did not choose to release the mixed-blood elf miners that night. Instead, he chose to gather the mixed-blood elf miners together early the next morning before they entered the mine.

This time Roy asked more than 300 mixed elf miners to leave the backyard and stand in the open space under the steps of the castle entrance.

Roy stood on the steps, with a group of mixed elf warriors maintaining order around him.

Some careful mixed-blood elf miners immediately discovered the clues. The Silver Moon Elf warriors in the mine disappeared overnight, as if they suddenly appeared and occupied the entire mine, and now they suddenly disappeared again...

Standing around were some mixed-blood elf warriors. Although they were also wearing silver armor, I always felt that their eyes were a bit friendly.

Roy stood on the high platform and clapped his hands, letting all the elves focus their attention on him.

"I am the new mine owner of the North Mithril Mine. In the next period of time, I will be responsible for managing this Mithril Mine!"

Roy said calmly to the mixed elf miners.

Then he said:

"I would like to announce a decision made by the Northern Mithril Mine: All mixed elf mines will be free from now on. You can pack some luggage and pick up the travel bag in the warehouse. I will give it to you...allow you Collect red berries outside the castle, you can collect some and take them on the road to eat."

A group of mixed-blood elf miners stood under the stage, looking at Roy on the stage with wide eyes.

At first, the mixed elf miners didn't even react, and then someone asked loudly: "Master Roy, are you serious?"

"Of course, the mixed-blood elf warriors around me can prove that I have released the mixed-blood elf miners in four mines, and the Sudaso North Mithril Mine is the fifth!" Roy said confidently.

"The boss is right, we are here to rescue you. From now on, you are free!" A group of mixed-blood elf warriors shouted to the mixed-blood elf miners on the empty field.

The mixed-blood elf miners immediately cheered, and the sudden joy made the scene boil instantly...

At this time, Roy asked two mixed elf warriors to bring out an oil painting, which clearly showed the entire Sudarso Mountains. Roy pointed to the top of the Sudarso Mountains and introduced to everyone:

"This is located at the northernmost tip of the Sudarso Mountains. From here to the southernmost tip of the Sudarso Mountains, it takes at least fifteen days of hiking. If you leave the Sudarso Mountains and continue walking south, it is estimated that it will take these days to reach the grassland in the southern part of the plateau. .”

On the good oil painting, Roy used charcoal to draw a winding route.

He went on to say:

"But this road is not easy to walk. In addition to encountering plateau headhunters along the way, you may also encounter some low-level monsters, such as wind wolves, stone-toothed wild boars, green-clawed leopard cats and other plateau monsters. You may still encounter monsters when you encounter them. You are capable of fighting, but if you meet those plateau headhunters, they will not send you to this mithril mine."

"So my suggestion to you is that if you don't want to risk leaving, you can stay here temporarily and wait for our logistics transportation team. When the transportation team leaves the North Mithril Mine, you can accompany them all the way. It should be safe by then Much more.”

The mixed-blood elf miners stood there, discussing the matter in whispers.

Everyone finally gained freedom, so naturally they were unwilling to stay in the mithril mine.

Many of these mixed-blood elf miners were captured by the elf headhunters and brought to the mines. Naturally, they knew how powerful the plateau headhunters were.

The mixed elves were hesitant to stay and wait for the logistics team to arrive before following them out of the Sudarso Mountains.

Not long after, a dozen mixed-blood elf miners stepped forward and said loudly to Roy on the stage:

"Mine owner, we want to leave..."

Roy turned around and ordered a mixed elf warrior: "Prepare travel bags for them and let them go..."

Then I saw these mixed-blood elf miners, each of whom received a travel bag.

The mixed-blood elf warrior pointed to the road outside the castle gate and said, "You can go."

When the mixed-blood elven miners saw how easy it was for them to leave the mithril mine, the mixed-blood elves who were about to leave the mine immediately hesitated.

Immediately afterwards, some mixed-blood elf miners expressed their intention to stay...

There is a terrace on the third floor of the castle. Harold, the owner of the mine, stands in front of the railing of the terrace. Next to him is a bronze statue, which just covers his body.

He frowned and looked at the mixed-blood elf miners gathered in front of the castle gate...

The Silver Pegasus Legion raided here.

Overnight, Harold went from mine owner to prisoner.

As the Silver Pegasus warriors left, an elf guard group was stationed in, and Harold began a life of imprisonment. He and all his family members were placed under house arrest on the third floor of the castle, and the Silver Moon elf warriors would provide them with a ration of food every day. , as long as they live on the third floor of the castle, no one will care what they are doing.

Harold has been waiting for the Silver Moon Elf to judge him and his family these days. The day before yesterday, he took out a magic dagger and found out clearly that they would be escorted to Padstow City to undergo trial there... …

Just two days later, those Silver Moon Elf warriors suddenly withdrew.

A group of mixed-blood elven warriors came, led by a human boy. They had just taken over the mithril mine last night, and were preparing to release all the mixed-blood elven miners this morning.

Harold watched the mithril mine he worked so hard to collapse little by little. He could only hold the railing tightly and stare at the castle gate without saying a word...

Of the more than three hundred mixed-blood elf miners, only one hundred and thirty-eight chose to leave the mine on the spot.

Nearly two hundred mixed-blood elf miners chose to stay temporarily.

They accepted Roy's proposal and became re-employed miners at the Northern Mithril Mine with a salary of one hundred kolers per day.

And that morning, these mixed-blood elf miners entered the mine carrying mining picks.

Roy then began to calculate the profits and expenses of the Northern Mithril Mine. For these two hundred mixed-blood elf miners alone, Roy needed to pay forty magic crystals every day, which meant that ten Mithril ingots would be consumed. In addition, The mine furnace also requires eight magic crystals to be burned.

Calculated in this way, these two expenditures alone consume all the mithril ingots produced by the mithril mine every day.

In other words, Roy only had some worthless things like zinc and lead ingots left in his hands.

Although the North Mithril Mine is in an unprofitable situation, this is the method that Roy racked his brains to come up with, which can at least maintain the Mithril Mine...

Roy didn't have time to eat breakfast, and he didn't stop until he was busy all morning.

Under the guidance of a mixed elf warrior, Roy came to a restaurant on the third floor of the castle.

The mine owner Harold wanted to meet Roy, so Roy arranged to meet in the restaurant on the third floor...

Pushing open the door of the restaurant, Roy saw many mixed-race elves sitting in the huge restaurant. These elves were wearing clothes cut from silk and wool. Roy could tell from a casual glance that they were used to this kind of thing. A good life.

Everyone saw Roy pushing the door open and walking in, and they all looked at Roy.

The middle-aged mixed-blood elf sitting in the middle of the dining table stood up, and other mixed-blood elves followed him and stood up.

"Harold has met the owner of Roy's mine!" the middle-aged mixed-blood elf stared at Roy and said.

Roy felt some oppression from Harold's eyes, and he came directly to sit opposite Harold.

Roy looked around and asked Harold: "Are these elves your family members?"

"Yes!" Harold admitted frankly...

Roy took a closer look and saw that there were seventy or eighty people of both sexes in the restaurant.

With so many family members, Captain Craven's guard team really couldn't take them away.

After seeing the family of Harold's mine owner, Roy finally understood that Captain Craven had no choice but to hand over the mithril ingot.

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