Part-time BOSS

Chapter 64 The miserable players

Murphy took a deep breath and tried to calm down his excitement.

The amount of information he received in just a few minutes was so great that he felt a little helpless.

First of all, he was very sure that the strange giant dragon he just saw must be the legendary ancient dragon, and he was definitely one of the more powerful among the ancient dragons, maybe even the King of Ancient Dragons.

Secondly, this statue is indeed prepared for the Dragon Clan. This can be seen from the fact that the Ancient Dragon King was surprised when he saw that he was a human being. However, it seems that humans can also use it without strict restrictions.

And the 'descendants of self-destruction' it talks about are, needless to say, the common dragon clans in the world of the sky.

So those red dragons, black dragons, green dragons, blue dragons, etc. are all descendants of ancient dragons, but why do the ancient dragons' bodies look like rocks, and now these giant dragons have become flesh and blood? This probably involves some hidden background setting.

This was actually within Murphy's expectations. What really surprised him was that the mission he triggered was actually related to the Dragon God.

When he was the black dragon Morpheus, he often heard legends about the Dragon God. Dragons generally believe in the Dragon God, but this belief is not very pious. This is probably because the Dragon God has never really appeared. , in fact, compared with the beliefs of other gods, the entire Dragon God belief seems incomplete and vague, and there is not even a specific image of the Dragon God.

The prayers of believers are not always answered. Due to their strong individual strength and the ability to use dragon language magic, this makes the Dragon God belief somewhat useless to the dragon clan. Anyway, it can be achieved by its own strength alone. He's already so awesome, there's no need to pray for God's protection.

Therefore, the Dragon Clan generally does not take this belief seriously. On the contrary, the guys from the Dragon Worship Cult worship the Dragon God very fanatically and constantly perform various bloody sacrifices, hoping to get a response from the Dragon God. Occasionally They can also get some results.

In the past, Mo Fei heard a speculation that the Dragon God was probably dead, but in the world of the sky, it is difficult for things like God to truly die. As long as the Dragon God belief still exists, the Dragon God will not really die.

I didn't expect that the task I triggered could actually bring back the Dragon God. If I could really complete this task, it would undoubtedly have a huge impact on the entire firmament world.

Maybe the major dragon clans can gather under one banner again.

Of course, what really concerned him was the personal benefits of this task to him.

Judging from the description of the Ancient Dragon King, 'eternal power', 'immortal life', 'lost power of the gods' - oh my god, I'm about to take off.

Just the 500 plot points rewarded by the first-level mission are enough for him to advance to half a level. For this level, all he has to do is find the Dragon Feast Land. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started.

As for the warning at the end, Murphy didn't take it too seriously. The plot events were inherently dangerous for hero players. If he accidentally killed the plot, he must have been mentally prepared for this kind of thing.

It's just a little weird. Why would I give you an extra reminder? It seems that the difficulty of this original plot will be very high.

He quickly scanned the room and found his suitcase. After opening it, he found a prince welfare suit inside.

North Wind Knight Armor.

Leg armor of the North Wind Knight.

Armplates of the North Wind Knight.

Helmet of the Knight of the North Wind.

North Wind Knight Boots.

The sword of the North Wind Knight.

North Wind Knight Shield.

The whole set of North Wind Knights is here. Their appearance is exactly the same as those popular North Wind Knights in the military camp. Although they are all blank equipment without any attributes, their defense power is still quite good. As a novice equipment, it is already very good. .

In addition, there are 500 gold coins, which is the prince's pocket money. You can also get it from the king every week in the future (the specific amount is related to the king's favorability).

Murphy picked it up and put it on without saying a word.

Equipment requirements in the Sky World usually do not depend on level, but on attribute requirements, and armor generally depends on load-bearing capacity.

The higher the load, the heavier the equipment can be worn.

There are four types of players' weight-bearing states.

Light (less than 30% load), jump and roll distance increased by 30%, running speed increased by 10%.

Medium (weight bearing 30%-70%), no bonus.

Heavy (70%-100% load), jumping and rolling distances are reduced by 30%, and running speed is reduced by 10%.

Overweight (over 100% load), unable to run, jump or roll, can only move slowly, and attacks consume double stamina.

Generally speaking, agile professions such as thieves and assassins will try to reduce the load to a 'light' level to facilitate dodge and move. However, knights and warriors are not so particular about it. Generally, they try to use a medium load as much as possible, but it is not possible. You can also pay attention to heavy and other weights.

Although the Knight of the North Wind suit is knight equipment, it is made of a leather-lock composite structure. It has slightly weaker defense and cold resistance properties. The weight is much lighter than the full-plate armor structure of the knights of other countries. This is different from that of Alterland. It is related to the cold climate. Put on one set and then hold the sword and shield, and the load-bearing capacity is exactly 68%.

Murphy moved a bit and it felt pretty good, at least it didn't feel too bulky.

But I'm afraid I won't be able to dress up so neatly when I get the Dragon-Slaying Giant Sword in the future. That thing only wears a whole set of equipment, and I'm afraid I'll have to be shirtless by then.

He very much doubted that the Dawn Sword was not wearing clothes in order to reduce the load.

After walking out of the room, Murphy went straight to the military camp outside the city.

At this time, many princes were already preparing to set off with the adventurers they had recruited. Groups of soldiers were called out from the military camp and lined up neatly to gather under the princes' command.

Murphy glanced at them and found that most of these soldiers had similar looks, expressions, and even movements. There were not many differences.

However, he was surprised to find that some princes would pick and choose the soldiers they recruited. Sometimes they would take off their helmets to inspect and question them, and occasionally they would pick out some soldiers and send them back to the military camp.

Mo Feixin said what is going on? Do the soldiers generated by these systems still have different attributes?

He glanced around and saw that the prince named Dalabengba was selecting soldiers, so he walked over to ask what was going on.

When I walked over, I happened to see Dalabengba dragging a highland warrior out of the crowd.

"This one won't work, give me another one."

The Highland Warrior looked desperate, "Damn, don't drive me away. I haven't been out in the field for half a month. Come on, brother, I still have 5,000 experience points to advance."

Dalabengba showed no reaction and kept dragging people out.

Then two more Kingdom crossbowmen were called out, and they also asked for substitutions.

The two kingdom crossbowmen originally had dull NPC faces, but when they saw that they were about to be replaced, their expressions changed immediately.

One shouted loudly, "Take me with you. I am very powerful in fighting. If you take me with you, you will definitely be able to defeat the other two!"

The other one shook his head repeatedly, "I'm not a player, I'm not a player, I'm an NPC, why don't you believe me! Damn, I'm so dedicated, but you still see it."

Darabengba was unmoved. When he saw that he could not drag the soldiers away, he simply called a captain in the military camp and asked him to lead the soldiers away.

"I said, what is going on?" Murphy asked in surprise.

Seeing Murphy, the soldiers seemed to have met a savior, "Brother, you want to go out to do a mission, take me with you, take me with you!"

"Are you all players?" Murphy asked.

The Highland Warrior nodded helplessly, "Yes, we are all players."

A kingdom crossbowman was unhappy: "I'm not a player, I'm an upright NPC!"

Another kingdom crossbowman seemed to have accepted his fate, "Those princes are biased against us players, saying that we are greedy for life and afraid of death. Damn it, we are long-range soldiers and afraid of death. What's the problem?"

Dalabengba snorted coldly, "Don't give me nonsense about what is there and what is not. You guys like to cheat the most. Let me give you the simplest example. There is a dark cave ahead that needs people to go to. Tanlu, if I ask you to go, will you go?"

"Go, go through fire and water, boss, I will definitely go."

Dalabengba chuckled and asked Murphy, "Do you believe it, brother?"

Mo Fei really didn't believe it. He was also a player, so he naturally knew the player's mentality. Although he had never played with the soldier template, he had played with the monster template. He was also a subordinate, and he was also a cannon fodder at the bottom of the battle. He concluded The experience gained is - when you encounter danger, you must hide back, and when you encounter a head, you must rush forward to grab it. Only in this way can you improve your level and avoid being beheaded by adventurers all the time.

Whether it is mobs or soldiers, their combat effectiveness is weak and subject to various restrictions of the system. How can you upgrade without being careful?

However, as a hero leading troops at this time, he naturally does not want his subordinates to be all soldiers like this.

Thinking about it this way, he also understood why the soldiers played by the players were not popular. The key was that the NPC soldiers were very obedient. They would send them off when they were told and die when they were told. They obeyed the command 100%. In comparison, the players seemed more cunning. Yes, a careless person knows what kind of tricks he can pull off.

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