Part-time BOSS

Chapter 17 They are coming

The Midnight Dharma God exploded with a fireball and blew away several skeletons that rushed towards him. His spell was very powerful. Even this kind of conventional magic was quite astonishing. It directly blasted five or six skeletons into rubbish. It is a pity that magic is so powerful. Things are completely unreasonable. As soon as the death aura is infected, it immediately gathers again and slowly recovers.

An adventurer said helplessly, "It's useless. You can't kill this thing all the time. As long as you kill the BOSS, these monsters should be gone naturally."

The Midnight Dharma God naturally knows this truth, but the BOSS is also difficult to kill. It has a health value of 190,000, even if only half of it is left, it is still more than 90,000. Moreover, this guy does not seem to have the concept of killing. The Dawn Divine Sword will give all the dragon heads. The gourd was opened, but he didn't die.

This is the most annoying thing about undead creatures, especially this kind of super giant undead.

In addition, there are so many mobs around them that are constantly besieging them, making it impossible for them to effectively output damage.

Seeing the adventure team engaged in a bitter battle, Murphy once again felt hope in his heart. It seemed like there was a chance.

Ah, there was a scream, and a sharpshooter deviated slightly from the team's defense line. He was immediately dragged out of the formation by a group of skeletons and hacked to death with random swords.

At this time, the embarrassment of the lack of melee professions became apparent. Facing the surging undead, no one could resist the line and could only rely on damage to continuously consume them.

However, mana is not unlimited after all. Seeing the skeleton army getting closer and closer, several thieves rushed forward with knives, but were quickly overwhelmed by the skeletons. The druid in the team gave up treatment and transformed into a giant bear to fight. However, he was a healing druid, and he did not have talents such as enhanced thick skin or the toughness of giant beasts. He was just a furry bear. He was surrounded and chopped by a group of skeletons. He was soon bloody and bloody, and screamed repeatedly.

The war priest went up with a mace. This guy can't drive away the undead, but he can hit people very hard. He is a solid warrior in plate armor. He is worthy of being a priest of the god of war. Unfortunately, his physical superpower is not suitable for creatures like skeletons that can be constantly resurrected. It is not meaningful.

"Back off, back off! Back to the corner."

The Midnight Dharma God gave an order, and the adventurers quickly retreated, fighting and retreating, and pushed into a corner of the BOSS room.

With his back against two walls, he only had to deal with the enemies in front of him, and concentrated the power of the caster to output it frontally. The power of magic continued to tear apart the approaching skeletons, and the battle situation finally looked better.

But the crisis is not over yet.

Midnight Dharma God stared at the cooldown time of the skill. The 30-minute cooldown time has now passed for twenty-seven minutes. As long as he persists for three more minutes...

Mo Fei was surprised and delighted to see that all the adventurers were compressed into the corner. The Dawn Sword was fighting against the BOSS alone, without the back row's treatment. It was obviously impossible to sustain it all the time. As long as this guy died, this one would be enough. It's stable.

The giant skeletal dragon is still attacking, and some skeletons are trying to join in, but there is no panic on the face of the Dawn Divine Sword. He keeps dodging, rolling, and moving. The giant skeletal dragon swipes with its tail, and the Dawn Divine Sword The sword fell decisively to the ground, and the skeletons surrounding him were swept away by the dragon's tail and turned into a pile of broken bones. However, he took the opportunity to drink another bottle of life potion.

He even had the opportunity to backhand the skeletal dragon a few times. Although the damage was average, he still fought back and forth. It was like completing an MMORPG game and turning it into an ACT action game.

Die, why aren't you dead?

Mo Fei looked anxious. The giant skeletal dragon struck again with its tail. This time, the Divine Sword of Dawn chose to raise its sword to block. The huge force swept him away seven or eight meters, leaving two lines on the ground. The deep furrows plowed by legs and feet.

The Divine Sword of Dawn was gasping for air, while the Skeleton Dragon was also at the end of its strength, its whole body was crumbling and disintegrating, and the power of death continued to overflow.

Just when this man and one dragon were facing each other——

Fire storm!

The astonishing whirlwind of flames emerged again, drawing hundreds of skeletons into the fire storm.

The scene was swept away in an instant.

It's over. Murphy immediately lamented. As the skeleton army was wiped out, the adventurers joined the battle again. It was only a matter of time before the skeleton dragon was destroyed.

Although the skeleton could still be resurrected, it was too late.

Finally, when the blood volume was reduced to only 10%, the skeleton dragon collapsed.

'Into Death' Santazak (Skeleton Dragon): "Lord Morpheus, I have failed you..." Boom, the Skeleton Dragon completely disintegrated and turned into a pile of broken bones. Santazak's The body has collapsed, leaving only the broken upper body intact. The arms are missing, and the body has been twisted and deformed. Only the face still retains its original appearance.

Although there was still 10% health, it was obviously meaningless. The adventurers rushed forward and started to hit the remaining body, and the outcome was self-evident.

Murphy looked at it with a sigh of relief, "Okay, Lao Sang, you've done your best."

This battle was much better than the previous two BOSS battles. Not only did it consume a lot of supplies for the adventurer team, but it also successfully killed seven adventurers. If the CD of the last skill hadn't been good, it might have been able to help the opponent. Went out.

at the same time--

"It's over. Seven people were killed. Isn't this good?"

Although everyone won the battle, they were not too happy. There was still a final BOSS to fight. They thought they could use the most advantageous lineup, but now a large part of their combat power has been weakened.

"Can't you be resurrected?"

"The resurrection point is too far away. It will take at least a few hours?"

The Midnight Dharma God looked a little ugly. It was not the final BOSS yet. He took out two scrolls and said, "Pull Xiang Cheng and Blazing Sun up, and release the remaining ones."

Resurrection Scroll - a reward that can only be obtained with a very low probability by completing the temple mission of the Goddess of Life.

The market price is 10,000 yuan each, and there is still a price but no market. If you have money, there is no place to buy it. The most buggy thing about this thing is that it can be used in the story campaign.

Although it can only be used on adventurers, at critical moments one adventurer is worth one point of combat power.

Murphy felt heavy in his heart, but fortunately this guy only had two in his hand.

I looked at the third set of tactics I had arranged, but it still didn’t work.

Although his hand-to-hand combat ability is stronger than that of the skeletal dragon, living dragons have their weaknesses, and they must not be careless when fighting. What if they are killed?

Moreover, the skeleton dragon can summon an army of skeletons to hold back adventurers, but he has to face everyone's attacks and fight with the Dawn Sword.

Even if he can injure Dawn Divine Sword, as long as those healing aids are still there, he can fight again by adding blood.

Tactics must be changed.

But how to replace it? I have already changed three sets of tactics.

His eyes swept over the row of battle strategies one by one.

How about summoning Princess Catherine and taking a gamble? Not sure what this plot twist means.

Could it be that Princess Catherine will fall in love with herself and prevent the adventurer from killing her? Think about it, there is no way such a bloody plot could come true.

Or maybe he killed Princess Catherine himself, causing the enemy's morale to collapse, and was defeated by himself?

However, if the adventurers have no morale, they might go into a collective rage, which would be even harder to deal with.

No, we can't place our hopes on such an unknown choice.

Murphy has never been a person who likes to gamble on luck, especially at such a critical moment.

However, although the strength of Dawn Divine Sword in this battle once again shocked Murphy, he also saw a weakness of the enemy, which was the inability to deal with emergencies. The adventurers on the opposite side were obviously targeting his Flame Dragon. The targeted arrangement of information makes them somewhat inadequate when facing other types of attacks.

It is impossible for the Divine Sword of Dawn to kill them quickly. The weakness lies in those adventurers. If there is no Divine Sword of Dawn to restrain them from the front, I can completely sweep away these miscellaneous people. Maybe like this...

Murphy gradually had an idea in his mind, but he was not completely sure. After all, time was too tight and he could not think clearly.

[World Announcement: In 1437 of the Sky Era, the human hero Midnight Dharma killed the Dragon Cult priest Santazak and the Dark Dragon Nest. This event has been recorded in the Chronicle of the Sky. 】

[System prompt: All the monster leaders under you have been killed, and the final battle is about to begin. The ending of "Hymn of the Dragon Slayer" will be whether the hero defeats the dragon and rescues the princess, or the dragon kills the hero and continues to show its evil ways. The ending of everything. To be revealed soon.

As the final boss and the biggest villain of this plot battle, please be prepared. 】

In the crystal ball's surveillance screen, the enemy has already begun to move towards the final BOSS room, and there is no time to hesitate.

Murphy gritted his teeth and made a decisive choice.

At the same time, rapid footsteps also sounded in the passage outside Longmian Cave.

Here they come!

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