Paranormal incident investigation notes

Chapter 47 Ironclad evidence (please follow up)

At this moment, there was chaos in the jungle. But except for Lu Ming and Huang Weimin, everyone else immediately stood up, took out their weapons, and formed a fighting formation in a moment, protecting the two civilians Lu Ming and Huang Weimin in the middle.

In a moment, the shaking of the earth subsided, and the rolling sound disappeared. Only the sound of wind and rain was left in the dense forest, and there was silence.

Lu Ming, who barely regained his composure, stood up holding a tree next to him and looked into the distance. Then he saw that the looming mountain top under the cover of trees was now covered by thick smoke and dust.

Under the wind and rain, the smoke and dust billowed up, rising dozens of meters high. Outside the smoke and dust, trees were broken, and broken rocks were everywhere, as if they had been completely pushed by violent bulldozers.

Almost the entire mountain collapsed. A big crater appeared directly at the core point of the explosion.

This is a huge force like a natural disaster. Before this huge power, Lu Ming felt as small as an ant.

He turned his head slightly stiffly and looked at Zhang Dingshan, who still looked calm, and Zhang Dingshan's voice reached his ears.

"Everyone is hiding on the spot and waiting for follow-up processing."

More than a dozen security personnel remained silent, still maintaining a vigilant posture. Lu Ming asked stiffly: "Captain, there, there is the place where the mountain god's sacrifice... sacrificial place was found."

Zhang Dingshan nodded without hesitation: "Yes."

"Now, now there's, it's, it's destroyed."

"That place was destroyed, but the real place of worship to the mountain gods was not destroyed. Because it was fake."


Lu Ming asked tremblingly. Zhang Dingshan nodded again, confirming Lu Ming's question. Lu Ming looked at He Wei in disbelief, and saw a hint of joy appearing on He Wei's forcedly calm face.

"That's right, Lu Ming, this is fake! Organization X wants to jump over the wall? Then just jump!"

Zhang Dingshan said: "It's a very simple arrangement. I asked a search team to deliberately report to us in the communication channel that they had found the target, and they were deliberately eavesdropped by Organization X. As expected, they couldn't help but jump out."

It turns out that this is just a trick to lure the snake out of its hole!

After receiving the relevant report, Zhang Dingshan went to war and immediately mobilized relevant personnel to take a helicopter there. It was just for show.


"How could Organization X be so stupid? They should have certain monitoring capabilities, but we are still here and have not gone there!"

"Remember those big boxes I asked the helicopter to take away?"

Lu Ming nodded.

Zhang Dingshan did instruct the helicopter pilot to take away several boxes.

"In that box were waterproof suits. I handed them over to the 85th Search Team and made an appointment with them. After we entered the dense forest, they spread out the waterproof suits and placed them near the entrance of the cave. Then they We will evacuate immediately to prevent accidental injuries.”

Lu Ming suddenly woke up.

We entered the dense forest and disappeared. Not long after, traces of a crowd appeared near the entrance of the cave. From a high altitude, the waterproof clothing spread out on the ground was probably no different from a real human body. Therefore, the monitor hidden in the secret will naturally think that his own group of people has reached there through the dense forest.

Then the blow came.

However, there is a difference between a waterproof suit spread out on the ground and a real human body. Where does Zhang Dingshan have the confidence that he can deceive the possible monitors in this way?

Zhang Dingshan pointed to the sky.


No matter how advanced the monitoring equipment is, it cannot violate the laws of physics and cannot be affected by the weather. The weather is so bad now, with thick clouds and continuous rain. I don't believe that those secret monitors who have to hide themselves - that is, it is impossible to get close to observe - can achieve such high accuracy and finally discover the difference between the two. . "

Lu Ming was panicked.

The next moment, he remembered another thing.

The bad weather at the moment is most likely caused by the interference of Organization X, with the purpose of causing obstacles to our own search operations. At this moment, it is very likely that our observations are inaccurate due to the weather, which can be regarded as self-inflicted.


"Captain, how do you ensure that they will attack this false target instead of killing the helicopter we are on, the headquarters and so on, all of them?"

He Wei laughed: "Lu Ming, don't think too highly of Organization Under the premise that you can attack once, if you were the decision-maker of Organization X, where would you use this attack?"

If there is only one time... then it can only be used to attack the most important target, which is the place where the mountain god worships. Only then can the evidence that may lie within be permanently buried.

However, if the benefits are to be maximized, then the time to attack will be when all members of the second action team are present.

Anyway, we are going to completely show our fangs and launch an attack from the outside. In that case, why not kill this two-person operation team that is as annoying as a tarsal maggot?

Therefore, after realizing that the second operation team had found the place where the mountain god was worshiped and everyone was present, the attack... came.

But all this was fake, just an arrangement made by Zhang Dingshan.

Lu Ming's heart completely relaxed at this moment.

A moment later, a violent scream suddenly sounded, like thunder. Lu Ming suddenly raised his head, and through the obstruction of branches and leaves, he saw a small aircraft in the fragmented sky, fleetingly.

"That's our fighter jet." Zhang Dingshan said calmly: "Our armed forces are dispatched."

Lu Ming stared at the sky for a long time. At this moment, the sky was still gloomy, the rain was still falling, and there was silence between heaven and earth.

But Lu Ming knew that the sky might not be peaceful at this moment. Hidden under the silence may be radar waves scanning from countless directions, there may be numerous fighter jets and early warning aircraft flying through the sky, and there may even be eyes from space watching here.

This is the armed force of mankind.

In the past, these forces would never have looked here. But now, this powerful, suspected missile attack has changed everything.

It is impossible for the human world to tolerate uncontrolled and such powerful force appearing on the earth. Just like back then, the human world could not tolerate the explosion that occurred in the desert.

Lu Ming's heart was beating loudly. At this moment, he remembered another thing in a daze.

It turns out that everything is true, everything is true, everything is true!

In the past, regardless of my speculations about "the place where the mountain gods are worshiped now is fake", or "the mountain fire was started by Organization X", or "the weather conditions at the moment are caused by Organization X", these speculations were all It's just my own speculation without any evidence.

But now, with the emergence of this powerful thermal weapon attack, there is no doubt that all his previous speculations have been verified!

This is the most solid, unquestionable and irrefutable evidence!

That place for worshiping the mountain gods is indeed a suspicious plan of Organization X! Mountain fires and heavy rain are all the work of Organization X!

So, then...

Lu Ming's heart was beating fiercely. He looked at He Wei again and saw a smile on He Wei's face.

"Yes, Lu Ming, we don't have to worry. The superiors will not stop this investigation anymore. We have a lot of time to slowly investigate the traces of Organization X..."

The investigation that had to be suspended due to pressure from all sides will never be stopped now.

Everything has been fundamentally changed because of this attack by the X organization.

In particular, because of the advance arrangements and planning, our side did not suffer any losses in this incident. There were no casualties and no critical evidence was buried.

If I had to say it, the dozens of waterproof suits used as camouflage props could be regarded as the only loss. But apparently no one cares.

The situation suddenly became clear.

"Then, our next step..."

"We have already occupied the air superiority. Let's go back first."

Zhang Dingshan stood up, led a group of people back the same way, came to the place where the helicopter landed before, and then returned to the headquarters again.

"I sent the incident report to Lao Li."

In person, members of the action team generally refer to Li Wenhua with titles such as "Li Chu", "Director Li", and "Director". But in private he was not so polite.

Zhang Dingshan nodded.

At this moment, in the Operations Department of the Planetary Security Bureau building, facing the report that had just been sent, Director Li Wenhua's already majestic face instantly revealed a sinister look.

"Oh, Organization

He grabbed the report and left the office.

Headquarters at the eastern foot of Taihang Mountain.

At this moment, the members of the second action team, who had once again gained a huge strategic space, no longer had the initial anxiety.

"I feel like I can do this kind of deception a few more times to make it safer and more secure."

Regarding the follow-up actions, Lu Ming put forward his own suggestions.

After all, this is facing an organization that has mastered technology beyond the human level. Although this organization does not seem to be good at force, there is no guarantee that there are no special means that can penetrate the dragnet currently set by the human armed forces.


Zhang Dingshan directly agreed with Lu Ming's suggestion. Apparently, he had similar thoughts.

At this moment, another message came over.

"The 63rd Search Team reported to the headquarters that we found a suspected ancient sacrificial relic..."

Lu Ming was startled and looked at Zhang Dingshan subconsciously. But Zhang Dingshan's expression gradually became serious.

"I did not arrange the deception."

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