Papa Paladin

Chapter 7 Zuo Baoer

Zuo Yi sat in the reception room of the Angel Baby Nursing Center for a while, and a handsome woman walked in.

She stretched out her hand to Zuo Yi generously and said, "Mr. Zuo, hello, I'm Wang Juan."

Zuo Yi got up and shook hands with her: "Hello, Mr. Wang, can you tell me what's going on?"

Wang Juan said, "Mr. Zuo, let's sit down and talk."

After the two sat down, Wang Juan handed a document to Zuo Yi: "This is the childcare contract that Zuo Baoer's parents signed with our childcare center more than two months ago. The period of childcare is three months. , and it expires in a week."

Zuo Yi took it over and looked at it carefully. The content in the contract was consistent with what Wang Juan said.

Angel Baby Nursing Center is a commercial childcare institution, which is aimed at temporary childcare for modern families on business or private occasions. For example, if parents need to go on a business trip or travel but cannot find someone to take care of their children, then it is no doubt that they will be temporarily fostered in a childcare institution. became a good choice.

Zuo Yi noticed that the name signed in the client column was Su Wanqing, but he had no memory of this name.

And in the emergency contact column, his name and mobile phone number were impressively written, and the identity of the note was his father!

That is to say, more than two months ago, a woman named Su Wanqing fostered a child named Zuo Baoer in the Angel Baby Nursing Center and set him as an emergency contact.

Wang Juan said: "We couldn't contact Ms. Su Wanqing half a month ago, so we can only contact you. I have called you many times before, and I finally got in touch with you until yesterday. .”

"Mr. Zuo, what we want to confirm now is, is Zuo Baoer your daughter?"

Under normal circumstances, Wang Juan would not have such an inquiry, but Zuo Yi seems to know nothing about this matter, so out of professional ethics and sense of responsibility, she must understand this, and cannot casually The child was returned to Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi put down the contract in his hand and said, "Mr. Wang, I just came back from abroad. Before you contacted me, I didn't even know that I had a daughter named Zuo Baoer, and I didn't know Su Wanqing either."

"So when you called me yesterday, I thought it was a liar."

Although Wang Juan didn't know that the knight Medley that Zuo Yi believed in included honesty and would not lie, but she instinctively believed Zuo Yi's explanation, with a look of embarrassment on her face: "That's it..."

Such a situation is very complicated, and it is rarely encountered in childcare centers.

In case the client made a mistake, and the childcare center handed over the child to an unrelated person, and something happened, let alone the issue of responsibility, the influence of publicity would be very bad.

As the directly responsible person, Wang Juan certainly cannot take it lightly.

Zuo Yi pondered: "Mr. Wang, how old is this child?"

This question is very important. If you are only one or two years old, you don't need to say anything. The other party must have made a mistake.

Wang Juan quickly replied: "Bao'er has just turned four years old this year, and she celebrated her birthday in our childcare center half a month ago!"

four years old?

It is now July 2019, four years ago was 2015, and Zuo Yi traveled to South America in July 2016. As a result, he encountered a rare thunderstorm while hiking on the plateau, and miraculously traveled to the world of Sadya.

This means that when Zuo Yi crossed, the child named Zuo Baoer was already 1 year old, plus the time of pregnancy in October, it had to be pushed forward to around September 2014.

At that time, Zuo Yi...

He remembered that he had just broken up with his girlfriend, and then lived a long period of depravity, going to bars and nightclubs every day, and his private life was quite chaotic. It is really possible to win the lottery unintentionally!

Zuo Yi stopped recalling, and then asked: "Then can I see her now?"

Whether it's his true blood, just need to meet him once to know. As a holy knight, he has such ability.

Wang Juan hesitated for a moment: "Yes, please wait a moment."

Wang Juan got up and left.

As a result, Zuo Yi waited in the reception room for almost ten minutes before she reappeared with a little girl in her hand.

Also accompanied by a middle-aged woman.

Zuo Yi's eyes instantly fell on the little girl in the plain skirt.

At this moment, Zuo Yi seemed to feel that the string of fate in the dark was plucked severely!

What a beautiful little girl!

Her skin is as fair as milk, her eyes are big, and her eyes are black and full of aura. She has a delicate nose and a small mouth, plus a head of naturally curly black hair. She looks like a little princess in a fairy tale.

It's just that when Zuo Yi's eyes looked over, the little girl hid behind Wang Juan a little timidly, but soon she sneaked out half of her head and looked at Zuo Yi with curious eyes.

He blinked his eyes, looking rather shy.

With just one glance, Zuo Yi was 100% sure that this little girl named Zuo Bao'er was really his daughter, because the induction from the blood cannot be forged or faked.

I have a biological daughter!

At this moment, Zuo Yi's mood is beyond words! !

He was fearless in the face of the strongest enemy, he fought against thousands of horses and horses to the end alone, he had gone through countless hardships and never regretted it.

Even if Zuo Yi's will was already as firm as a rock, he almost lost his composure on the spot at this moment!

He stared at his daughter and forced himself to calm down.

"Mr. Zuo..."

Wang Juan reminded: "This is the general manager Zhang of our childcare center. I just reported to her about you."

The middle-aged woman she introduced to accompany her.

Only then did Zuo Yi wake up, took a deep breath and nodded to the middle-aged woman: "Hello."

The middle-aged woman smiled friendly and said, "Mr. Zuo, can I have a chat with you alone?"

Zuo Yi nodded.

Wang Juan took Zuo Baoer out.

When walking out of the door, the little girl turned her head and glanced at Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi suppressed the impulse in his heart and sat down again.

The middle-aged woman said straight to the point: "Mr. Zuo, originally you, as the designated guardian of our client client, could take Zuo Bao'er away directly, but in view of your special situation, I would like to offer an idea and suggestion."

Zuo Yi asked, "What suggestion?"

The middle-aged woman continued: "In the case of being unable to contact the client, out of a responsible attitude towards you and your child, we recommend a paternity test. The childcare center has this service to ensure the legal rights of you and your child. .”

"The cost of the appraisal is all paid by our center, what do you think?"

In fact, there is no need for any identification at all, Zuo Yi can be sure that Zuo Bao'er is his child, but the suggestion made by the other party is undoubtedly very reasonable, and it is not deliberately making things difficult.

In addition, Zuo Yi also needed time to prepare, because he had never thought that he had a child at all.

He thought about it, nodded and said, "Yes."

"That's great."

The middle-aged woman breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Please rest assured, the results of the appraisal will come out within five days."

Then in this daycare center, Zuo Yi provided a piece of his own hair. During the evidence collection process, a lawyer was present, and he also signed a commission document, and finally waited for the result.

The childcare center itself does not have the qualifications and capabilities for paternity testing, but it provides related services. The collected biological samples will be sent to authoritative professional institutions for analysis and comparison. Five days is considered very fast.

After completing the formalities, Zuo Yi just walked out of the childcare center and came to the elevator when Wang Juan chased him out: "Mr. Zuo!"

Zuo Yi paused and asked, "Mr. Wang, what's the matter?"

Wang Juan took a breath and said, "Mr. Zuo, I will take good care of Bao'er these few days. If you are not very busy at work, it is best to come and see her and get to know her first."

"Because she is a little timid and afraid of strangers."

"I see…"

Zuo Yi nodded, smiled and said, "Thank you, Teacher Wang."

Wang Juan was stunned.

Because Zuo Yi's smile is so warm, it makes people feel the warmth and kindness from the heart, and they can't help but want to get close.

Wang Juan couldn't help being dazzled.

For some reason, her brain suddenly twitched, and she blurted out, "I, I have a boyfriend!"

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, there was a snickering sound from the front desk lady behind him, which made Teacher Wang's face turn red in an instant—it was so embarrassing!

Zuo Yi smiled and said, "I wish you happiness, Mr. Wang, see you tomorrow."

He walked into the elevator that had just opened, turned around and waved to the other party.

If it were the former Zuo Yi, maybe he would try to have a wonderful story with this lovely female teacher.

Now his heart has changed.

The moment the elevator door closed, the face of that shy little girl appeared in Zuo Yi's mind.

That is his daughter!


The second one is here, let's count the tickets.

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