Papa Paladin

Chapter 45 West Field

Zuo Yi kept his promise to Bao'er, and soon returned to the Budokan.

Then when I came back, I saw the little girl and Shang Yulin eating cream cakes in the office again, and even Tike shared a lot.

Bao'er and Chihuotai still had a lot of cream foam on their mouths, looking very happy.

After eating so much cake, do you want to eat it for lunch?

Zuo Yi couldn't help shaking his head.


Shang Yulin was like a good boy who was caught by adults to do bad things, his face was red.

She jumped up quickly, grabbed her bag and said to Zuo Yi: "You came back just in time, I'll go home first."

She turned her head and gave Bao'er a sneaky wink, and left the room in a hurry.


Bao'er put her hands behind her back anxiously, lowered her head, and stared at Tai Ke next to her.

Atai Atai, what should I do?

The heartless Tek stuck out his tongue to lick the cream off his mouth, and wagged his tail and gave her a flattering smile.

Bao'er, Bao'er, Wang still wants to eat!

Zuo Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, stretched out his hand to hug the little girl, and asked: "Eating so many cakes, can you still eat the big lunch at noon?"

As he spoke, Zuo Yi pulled a napkin to help her wipe her mouth.


Taike exclaimed excitedly: Yes, Wang Neng!

Kicked by Zuo Yi: Get out!

Bao'er pinched her little finger guiltily, and said: "Then, before the next meal, I, I won't eat snacks."

But the cream cake is really delicious.

"now it's right."

Zuo Yi stretched out his fingers and tapped her little nose lightly: "Snacks can be eaten, and cream cakes can also be eaten, but they can't be eaten as meals, otherwise it will be bad for your health, do you understand?"

Bao'er nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Understood!"

Zuo Yi chuckled, smacked the little girl's face, and said, "Let's go."

He took Bao'er out of the Budokan to have a big meal.

As for Xiaoqiang, who was still sweating profusely in the sword room at this time, Zuo Yi had already thrown him out of the sky.

Anyway, for the next period of time, until Sun Qiang proves his efforts, he will not give more guidance to the other party.

The lunch that Zuo Yi took Baoer to eat was a buffet.

Five-star hotel luxury restaurant, 588 yuan / person standard, it is no problem to say that it is a big meal.

Although Bao'er had eaten some cream cakes before and was not very hungry, she still ate happily, because there are so many delicious things here!

It's just that Tek is miserable, he can only lie down in the space capsule and drool, and can't eat anything.

But Bao'er didn't forget it, and promised it to ask Dad to cook a few more steaks for it after returning home.

Only then did Foodie calm down.

After eating this sumptuous and delicious buffet meal, Zuo Yi's bank account added another negative number.

But Zuo Yi didn't care, because he planned to go to the Xixi underground market at night, as long as he could sell the two swords, it would be enough for his living expenses for a long time.

At Zuo Yi's level, money is really not a problem, the main thing is that he needs to abide by the rules, so naturally he has to spend more time and thought on this.

In the afternoon, Zuo Yi took Bao'er back home and asked her to take a lunch break.

For children, taking a nap is a good habit, which is helpful for physical development, especially now that the weather is hot, it is even more necessary to rest more to ensure a good mental state in the afternoon.

Originally, Bao'er had the habit of taking a nap, but with Zuo Yi these days, her life was not very regular.

Now that life is stable, Zuo Yi will of course let her resume this good habit.

In terms of parenting, Zuo Yi really had no experience at first, but it is easy to acquire knowledge in modern society, and a lot of relevant content can be searched through the Internet.

He has been studying and trying to make himself a qualified and competent dad.

Even the best dad in the world!

Probably because I was tired enough from practicing sword in the morning, and because I came back late at noon, Bao'er slept until after three o'clock in the afternoon before waking up.

Zuo Yi simply helped her take a bath and changed into a clean and beautiful dress.

It's almost evening.

He simply took Bao'er back to the city for dinner, and then went to Xixi Underground Market.

According to the reminder of the mobile phone navigation, Zuo Yi drove a Harley to the Xixi Martial Arts Field.

Xixi Martial Arts Field is the largest martial arts competition venue in Jiangnan Province. It is built according to the international A-level standard. The project covers an area of ​​more than 18 hectares. The appearance of the building is magnificent, especially against the backdrop of laser night lights, it looks particularly modern.

It was the first time for Zuo Yi to come to Xixi Martial Arts Field.

When he traveled to South America three years ago, the Xixi martial arts field had just been built, and the underground market was unheard of. If it wasn't for Shang Yulin's recommendation, he really didn't know there was such a place in Hangzhou.

After asking the security personnel at the gate of the Xixi Martial Arts Field, Zuo Yi quickly entered the underground parking lot of the Martial Arts Field.

After finding a place to park the motorcycle, he carried Bao'er down.

At the same time, he also lifted Taike out of the space capsule and let Bao'er lead him away so that she would not be tired.

Otherwise, the collar and dog leash worth hundreds of millions will be in vain.

Teixa was bouncing around, the guy was almost used to having a collar around his neck by now.


Bao'er pulled Taike and asked curiously, "Where are we going?"

Zuo Yi smiled and said, "Let's set up a street stall."

Set up a street stall?

Bao'er tilted her head, sounding amused: "Okay."

There are special signs in the underground parking lot, and it is easy to find the elevator hall leading to the underground market by following the signs.

The area of ​​the elevator hall is huge, the decoration is comparable to a five-star hotel, and there are a total of eight elevators.

Although there are many elevators, there are still many people waiting for the elevators. There are all kinds of people, men, women, old and young. Some of them are carrying boxes or bags in their hands, and they are dressed in luxurious or simple clothes, giving people a feeling of incongruity.

But everyone was very quiet, no one was making a lot of noise.

There are also people who don't want to wait for the elevator, so they go directly down the stairs from the next safe passage.


An elevator door opened, and a large group of people rushed out from inside.

After they all came out, the people waiting in the elevator hall lined up in an orderly manner, and soon filled up and closed the doors and went down.

"Is this your first time in the West Field?"

At this moment, a middle-aged man standing next to Zuo Yi asked him curiously.

When Zuo Yi brought Bao'er over just now, this guy took a few glances.

Zuo Yi was puzzled: "West field?"

"It's the Xixi underground trading market..."

The skinny middle-aged man grinned and said, "The one we often come to is called West Field."

Zuo Yi came to a sudden: "So that's the case, then it's my first time to come to the West Field."

The middle-aged man blinked.

His eyes flicked over Bao'er, and finally settled on the wooden box in Zuo Yi's left hand, and said with a smile: "Your daughter is very cute, are you here to buy or sell?"


Zuo Yi smiled and said, "I'm here to sell things."

The wooden box he was carrying was temporarily processed by himself in the afternoon, and it contained two inch gold swords.

The main reason is that it is not eye-catching.

"Sell something?"

The middle-aged man frowned and reminded: "You need a membership card to set up a stall in the west field, and you can't sell it casually."

He saw that Zuo Yi was here with his daughter for the first time, and thought that Zuo Yi didn't understand the rules of the underground market.

"If you want to sell something, then I can help you..."

He couldn't continue with the next words, because Zuo Yi showed the bronze card Shang Yulin gave him.

"Thanks, but no."

The middle-aged man was embarrassed: "So you have a bronze card!"

Just at this time, another elevator came up and opened, and he said quickly: "The elevator is here."

After speaking, he hurriedly followed others into the elevator.

In the elevator, when the elevator doors closed and began to descend, the middle-aged man suddenly felt something was wrong.

What's wrong with me today?

He has already got on with the conversation, and he can obviously continue to fool around, why did he run away like a frightened rabbit?

He couldn't help scratching his head, puzzled.

But Zuo Yi did not follow the middle-aged man, he waited patiently until the next elevator, took Bao'er in and took it, and then arrived at the B3 floor smoothly.

The negative third floor of Xixi Martial Arts Field is also the first floor of Xixi Underground Trading Market.

When the elevator door opened, a wave of heat and the sound of people rushing towards us in an instant!


The first update is here, ask for votes, ask for votes!

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