Subject: [Story Post] Let's discuss this event together!

LZ: As the title says, I would like to have a happy discussion with you about your favorite characters in the plot and your thoughts on the plot of this event.

Cough, let me scream for a while, Yang Yu's card face is so beautiful! I feel like I can lick for a year, and the performance in the plot is also great! As expected of a man I fell in love with right away. I advise all friends who haven't watched the plot to watch it, the God of Beauty and Love is definitely not to be missed!

The stage plot designed is really interesting. I won't mention it in order not to spoil it. I strongly recommend everyone to watch it.

2L: Same! And don't you think this activity is very attentive? It used to be a card training activity. After training, a new level will be released immediately, so that players can confirm the growth of the card and truly feel the change. Even if it was worth the money to raise these men before! The stages of the four classes of ABCD are very interesting and have their own style, rather than fooling around with the same dance, I am looking forward to the next competition.

By the way, my favorite here is Xiang Ming, no one can refuse that wild charm, no one can!

3L: Indeed, the experience of this event was great. I was really happy to watch my favorite characters grow up on the stage! Although I was a little bit uneasy about the result of the first game, but thinking about the two games left, I am not so displeased.

By the way, Yusuke and Yusuke are really cute! So why did such a cute combination get the third place! Talking and talking suddenly angry.jpg

4L: The upstairs is still closed. This time the game can really see the difference. Relatively speaking, the performance of class A seemed to have more performance than other classes. I can't tell. Anyway, I'm not surprised that they won the first place.

Class B and Class C seem to have equal strength, and in the final vote, Class C lost to Class B by only a few votes. From the perspective of the competition, it is not No chance to overtake. In contrast, Class D has a slightly lower number of votes and looks more dangerous.

5L: Although I recommend Jing Liu from Class C, I have to admit that Class A should be the best performer this time. As one of the full audience, when watching the effect off stage, you can obviously feel that their attention and interest are completely captured by them. Is this the so-called attraction?

The rebuttal also pretends not to hear, in short, this arrangement has become my must-listen before going to bed.

6L: Isn’t the arrangement of class C good? How come such a powerful character suddenly appeared, and I can't even draw it! angry.jpg

7L: Those who follow Jingliu's route, please answer, it is the rumors that Class C deliberately released, ready to make others take it lightly. Unexpectedly, the effect of the rumors was so good, not only did other people not take much precautions against them, they did not put much effort into the arrangement, and even attracted a general child who wanted to help.

But that kid looks quite interesting. If he debuts later, maybe he will really become Yusuke Yusuke and the others.

8L: I saw the gray-haired child mentioned upstairs from the twin route. The soft feeling is cute and shy, although it seems to be agitated and will show a sudden black side, but Still cute overall. White cut black composers and ego-type twins, I kind of want to knock their CP hee hee hee.

9L: The tacit understanding between the new Gemini is really very Schrödinger. It is obvious that they cannot reach an agreement in daily life. As a result, the performance on the stage said that they actually used one person. I believe it!

The moment two people, one black and one white, looked at each other, I felt as if I silently took a step towards orthopedics.

LZ: Put away your feet upstairs, there will be no good results in the end of orthopedics! What's the matter, so far none of the blowing Xiangming has come out? Then I'll do it myself.

Xiang Mingxian seems to be enlightened since the training period, the numerical growth has been extremely smooth, and training has become very frequent, and the first stage is well-deserved C position, I am really touched by seeing the cards that I have raised so hard.

And that outfit really pokes me, the snow leopard's round ears and long tail suit him so well! How can there be such a handsome and lovely person in the world! As expected of a man I like!

11L: The man you are looking at seems to be looking at another man.

Although generally this kind of pure male idol game will be very gay, but I didn't expect that the first person to be so **** is not Yang Yu who looks like a playboy, nor is he Wen Lun, who has pink hair and a mysterious behavior, is actually Xiang Ming, the straight iron man at first glance.

12L: Ah, I understand the meaning of the upstairs, referring to the man full of blood and blood, right? ?

13L: Yes, the man we thought was the same as the background board, once again mixed into the plot, and the sense of existence is not low at all, I am now a little doubt whether this is a hidden character, Not an ordinary one-star at all, right?

14L: I hadn’t reacted yet, but when the one-star character was mentioned upstairs, I understood that it was the guy, right, I mentioned before that both Wenlun Line and Xiangming Line occupy a lot of space. The scary man for the small portion.

15L: Yes, it looks like a one-star character, but in fact it stubbornly occupies the main storyline, and the ubiquitous classmate who blocks other five-stars from time to time - Xingdou.

16L: I don't know why, but now that I see this person's name, there is a little "ah, it's him again" calm.

17L: No way, you have to say that he has a high sense of presence in this role, and he is sometimes not there, it is quite difficult to find, but if you say that he has a low sense of existence, it seems that he can be seen every time. . For example, he provoked Xiang Ming before, and later deceived Xiang Ming's information. When he pushed Yang Yu to become the C position, he also had his own writing.

This strangeness does not mean that he did something wrong, but emmm, why is this key plot driven by a one-star character?

18L: I understand the doubts upstairs, at the same time, I want to know, is Xingdou really a star? That strength and appearance did not look like a star that would be wiped out among the crowd. Did you watch the dance studio part? I wanted to appreciate everyone's abs, so I didn't skip it.

In the end, I didn't see the appearance of the five stars, and my attention went to the stars.

Not to mention, the slender waist and close-fitting black short sleeves are really too astringent. When he danced, I could see the exposed mermaid line, and I subconsciously took a screenshot.

19L: To tell the truth, I also took a screenshot... The sweaty beauty doesn't take a screenshot, so what's the use of her hands and eyes!

20L: +1

LZ: Although, well, so do I. It's a pity not to take a screenshot of that paragraph. I-I didn't betray Xiang Ming, I just took a good look at Yang Yu's side, really!

30L: The landlord's sophistry is not valid, call back!

So what happened to this character? I went back to the game to take a look, and the current value is also very beautiful, and it can catch up with other characters that players have carefully cultivated. The game settings did say that the characters have their own growth, but this growth is too strong, which is a bit of a face for our development.

31L: Is the dog official trying to deceive krypton gold again? I want to show that our current level of liver is not enough, and the cultivation is not good enough, so that a five-star can't beat a one-star.

32L: Not really... I looked carefully, the growth rate of other characters in this game is normal. Only the character named Xingdou is different. I can't see where the upper limit is at present, but generally speaking, it shouldn't exceed the maximum value. What will he become when he grows like this?

Some people have discussed that he is a genius who will die prematurely. Is it possible that an accident will happen when the value is full, and he will be directly excluded from the school?

33L: really feels a pity to leave the show like this.

Actually, when I saw the stage of class A, Anmas was really powerful and handsome, Xia Yuan's body was very capable and deep, Wen Lun's clothes were inexplicably harmonious, of course, the most explosive thing was Yang Yu's final performance .

One can say that the death of Xingdou played is one of the essence of this stage. The elegant and casual God of Death, who came and went away gracefully, was so good that I even felt for a moment that if it were me, I would not be able to resist that fatal temptation.

34L: Yes, if there are no stars, the overall stage effect will not be so good.

Is there at least a Samsung person doing the cannon fodder background?

35L: The people upstairs are all powerful parties. I am different. I am a pure beauty party. Now, of course, Yang Yu is the one who pushes the most. You are the first to look good, and you can't do it without giving in. Seeing him changing into Meishen's clothes for the first time was a shock, and blood rushed to the top of his head.

I thought it was almost like this, but the moment the Star Dou robe was taken off, my breath seemed to flow to the place where it didn't exist :)

As a face control, I don't think there is such a character with hormones written all over it. It's a dereliction of duty! To pay my respects, I watched that scene a thousand times over and over, and was about to watch the second thousand.

36L: Tsk, what’s so good about it, I just watched that part a few hundred times, and looked at the ignorant look upstairs.

37L: Are you crooked? Weren’t you talking about Xiang Ming at the beginning? I pull it back.

The reason why the CP building next door is rampant is because the official plot is so weird, take a look at it, and then look at it again and want to see it.

I swore to go after reading a letter of unknown origin.

38L: And then I found out that Xingdou is not a C position at all, and he even ran over to confront him aggressively. It can be seen that he is really relieved.

39L: Regarding what was said upstairs, there is an easter egg to the person who has said to Mingka. After the confrontation, Xiang Ming's personal voice was - "Aren't you looking at me anymore?" My God, he could actually hear a sense of grievance, saying that these two have nothing, who would believe it!

LZ: It is true that there are festivals... Oh, in fact, there are not many such languages ​​in Xiang Ming's personal line, it is normal.

For example, "If I don't catch up with all my strength, will I really be left behind", "I want to stand on a high place and see the scenery that the person can't see", "The so-called Competitors, is it such a thrilling feeling?" He speaks with this style.

41L: Landlord, are you serious? Look at this voice, don't you think something is wrong?

42L: I think the landlord is right, your characters should like to talk like this. Look at Yang Yu's "I saw the sparkling stars, I want to get closer", "Someone has opened up a new world that is too bright for me, and even seems to have reached out to me", "If possible, I want to be more intimate with him, talk about the weather, clothes, food, and many beautiful things that I like."

That's it.

43L: Wen Lun's is also - "Because it is too precious, it should be treated with care", "What should I do to leave a shadow forever?", "Cats, cats and dogs" It doesn't matter to the dog, I want to get this favor from you."

Don't make a fuss.

44L: Even Ammus' side - "I'm not sure if I can find in him what I've been looking for, but I have a faint sense that I'll get something I never thought of" , " withdrawn , cold , unfeeling , but a surprising guy " .

45L: By the way, Xia Yuan is really a rare good word - "Arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, that person who is arrogant almost all the time, when he looked at me, his eyes were particularly clear. Calm.", "Perfect, precise, clean dance and cruel and indifferent character, why are they reflected in the same person, I'm curious.", "That really is a rather annoying guy."

46L: Are you sure that's a good word upstairs? Ah, by the way, I compared the gray-haired boy and Xingdou that you mentioned in Gemini line. To be honest, don't you think that this is the same character with a different hair color and eye color?

Now that game companies are so lazy in modeling, they use one-star characters directly?

47L: No way... I have seen other general students, but none of them have such a high degree of overlap, are they twins? Or blood relationship?

48L: Uh... well, as a professional, I can say responsibly, that gray-haired boy should be Xingdou.

49L: What? So he also went to the Gemini line to mix a kick? Also took away a lot of information? Mom, as expected of a man who often travels through the plot line, I'm convinced.

50L: Really strong in that regard. After all, this character is a bit too wasteful as a one-star, at least it becomes a three-star, which makes me feel that I am not complaining about the loss.

51L: +1

80L: +10086

81L: emmm I see everyone is so enthusiastic, I tried to raise Xingdou, and got an interesting easter egg. I want to share it.

After the value rises to the top, a special voice will appear, which does not seem to match his genius.

—During the dark time, no one pulled me out of the abyss.

—Without that person, I will be that person.

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