At the end of this performance, everyone was silent.

"I didn't expect it to be like this..." Yang Yu looked at the two who were standing in front of everyone again, and couldn't help muttering, as if God's carefully drawn face showed a sudden expression.

Even the always calm Anmas also said: "It is indeed a very unexpected performance."

Xia Yuan, who was sitting behind them, didn't speak, just pursed his lips, couldn't help holding his glasses, and moved his fingertips to record something on the virtual screen.


The dark brown-haired teacher was the first to applaud, and then the students below seemed to realize it later, and the wave-like applause slowly surged up.

Faced with such a scene, the pink-haired boy smiled peacefully and accepted it calmly, but his attention was still on the black-haired boy on the side.

Wen Lun noticed this and wanted to say something to him. Just as he raised his hand, he caught a glimpse of those emerald green eyes that were empty and never put in by anyone.

When they met for the first time, they clearly looked at him well.

After hesitating for a while, Wen Lun slowly put down his hand, lowered his head, and stopped looking.

Feng Xuesong coughed twice, and stopped the applause that had a tendency to intensify. After the classroom was quiet again, he turned around and prepared to make some comments.

Then at a glance, the two students exuded a subtle atmosphere.

He wondered if he had said something reproachful just now, or if they didn't like to applaud, why did it become so weird after a while.

But as a teacher, these things may need to be discussed separately after class.

Now you have to finish this lesson well.

Feng Xuesong suppressed the confusion and turned his attention to Xingdou: "This time the script does not limit the play. The **** played by Xingdou reflects the indifference and indifference as a god, as a newcomer , is generally qualified. But also because the ruthlessness in the front section is too deep, it will cause the role change in the latter section to be slightly stiff. Although the contrast will make the plot fluctuate, but the premise is that there is a foreshadowing. "

"How to deal with the mood and performance when the character's personality changes, we still need to think about it. The details of the action will be further explained in future courses."

"Thank you, teacher, for your guidance." Xing Dou replied in a low voice, clenching his fists silently.

Putting the student's question aside for the time being, Feng Xuesong looked at Wen Lun.

The boy who always had a smile on his face removed his smile now and looked a little cold.

But it doesn't interfere with his evaluation: "Compared to your performance when you entered school, it seems that there are some flaws in dealing with feelings this time."

"Probably too many people." Wen Lun rolled her eyes, "A little nervous."

Feng Xuesong was noncommittal, but continued: "Your performance of the young Zhong Quan seems to focus on expressing curiosity and attachment to gods, but your performances in adulthood have not been able to completely suppress these feelings. It weakens the calm side of the character."

" However, the lines and endings designed are in line with the logic of your performance, which is commendable. But this time, you added too many personal traces, which did not seem to match the original role. , is your biggest problem."

Faced with such a severe evaluation, the pink-haired teenager was not in a hurry, and even laughed: "That's why we can successfully push forward to this ending, not Zhong Quan who just left after the original **** was killed. The end, isn't it?"

The dark brown-haired man replied calmly, "That's why I applaud you."

In the eyes of others who were puzzled, he explained: "After all, this story is not 'illogical', the young Zhongquan's feelings for the gods have never disappeared, so there is a different ending . This class is not asking you to copy other people's performances, but your own understanding."

"You have shown your understanding." Feng Xuesong nodded to the two of them, then turned downward, "They have made a good example, you should also understand that in this class, it is important to It’s not about imitating, but owning your own ideas.”

The students in the audience were thoughtful, and some of them hurriedly started to modify something on the virtual screen.

Seeing the suddenly cheerful expressions of many people, Feng Xuesong understood that the meaning of the demonstration was achieved. Without leaving these two people, he waved his hands and let them go down on their own.

Xing Dou only said that one sentence, and then ignored Wen Lun, who left with him, and returned to his seat in silence.

Wen Lun also restrained his smile, did not deliberately approach him, and kept a safe distance.

Yang Yu watched them come back one after the other, and subconsciously felt that something was wrong, but because of the relationship, it was difficult to ask, and it was a bit tangled.

At this time, Feng Xuesong had already started to select other students to perform. Unfortunately, Yang Yu was taken away.

After the blond boy with a bitter face left, he lost the first position to observe the stars.

So Anmas, who was sitting next to Yang Yu, got this opportunity, but he didn't notice any problems because of his unsophisticated personality. performance, without thinking.

He is not like Yang Yu, he can show interest without hesitation. After being rejected once, his arrogance and face will prevent him from looking openly and frankly to those who rejected him. people.

More attention was put on the performance on stage.

So I missed the black-haired boy's hand that had been clenched tightly, and the eyes that were surging for a moment.

Xing Dou watched the new round of performances on the stage, but his own stage was showing in his heart.

As a true performer, he knows better than anyone what is going on.

He and Wen Lun did not have the same understanding of the plot.

In the plot that Xingdou understands, this is a complete conspiracy, a boy Zhongquan who is trying to gain power and a **** who is too arrogant and lost his life.

In Star Dou's script, the two of them don't have that kind of affection, and there is no superfluous relationship, but their interests and interests are intertwined, and it has become such a drama.

In the original story, the young Zhong Quan did not treat the gods too eagerly, nor did he express such love. Tears.

Xing Dou took this as a premonition of the death of a rabbit and a fox.

So he acted according to his own understanding and created a **** who was too indifferent.

Giving gifts is as casual as petting.

In the first half, everything was staged according to Xingdou's understanding, showing an ignorant teenager and a **** on a whim.

The second half should have continued like this, and finally turned into a ruthless assassination.

But Wen Lun changed the ending.

From the time he used gems to weaken the gods, but with sadness in his eyes, everything began to change quietly.

At that time, Xingdou hadn't figured out the reason for this, so he could only force the performance. It wasn't until the pink-haired boy said he loved the gods that he realized that something had changed.

Zhong Quan, who was originally ruthless, became an implementer according to the wishes of the gods.

From the mastermind behind the plan, to the manipulative pawn.

But so far, Xingdou still has the possibility to reverse the plot, just need to sneer, or make other actions, to make things develop according to the idea he started.

…if he hadn’t been brought into the play by Wen Lun.

At that time, "Zhong Quan" looked at the gods, and all the unspoken and unexpressed emotions slowly flowed in those eyes.

Pain, hesitation, determination and joy.

Love, grief, reluctance, relief.

At that moment, he was bewitched by those eyes, as if he really became a **** watched by the teenager.

He is a **** who doesn't understand anything, but he vaguely realizes that he can't make the young man sad.

Under that terrible acting, Xingdou's script was reversed.

He involuntarily complied with the ending set by Wen Lun and gave a completely different answer.

Feng Xuesong said that his change was a little abrupt, but Xing Dou knew very well that it was because he didn't plan to change in the first place.

"This is the difference between me and him."

"When the two sides have different understandings, only those with better acting skills and appeal can gain dominance."

"This time, I lost."

Before that, he may still feel that relying on a little insight from the past, at least he can catch up with them a little bit.

But Wen Lun's scene made him understand that he was still too naive.

It's like seeing Yang Yu on the stage at the moment.

It was a bit clumsy, but it was a performance that could see the bright spots and prospects.

These five stars are all rough stones that have not been polished yet, but the dusty shell has been gradually removed.

The stone you picked up and turned into a gem after carefully rubbing it, how does it feel?

Marvel at its beauty and envy its brilliance.

And...recognize from the bottom of my heart, my own simplicity.

Why does it emit light so naturally?

Why is it so calm and dazzling?

Why is it so easy to attract attention?

At that moment, I suddenly realized that I, who will be puzzled by these things that are taken for granted by others, is the most ordinary mediocrity in the world.

The daily life of a genius is an accident that mortals can only touch after a long time.

If you don't agree with your ordinary, it may be difficult to move on.

He still has a lot to do.

Before that, let him be sad for a while.

The black-haired boy blinked, sniffed, suppressed the enthusiasm in his eyes, opened the virtual screen, and started to re-plan.

After this lesson, Xingdou left quickly.

Yang Yu didn't get a chance to speak again when she was approaching, she could only pack her things in frustration and prepare to leave.

But when he turned around, he realized that the pink-haired guy didn't chase Xing Dou away, but wrote something slowly.

"What did you do?"

Yang Yu immediately linked the abnormality at the end of the Star Dou performance to him, walked over unhappily, and asked in a low voice.

For uncertain things, he will not speak out loudly, so he just maintains a doubtful attitude and does not directly question.

"What do you mean?" Wen Lun looked at the screen intently and asked casually.

"...Did you do something to Xingdou?" The blond and blue-eyed boy lowered his voice. Perhaps it was Wen Lun's calm attitude that made him suddenly lose the threat he had previously threatened. Frightened, eyes full of disbelief, "He looks a little weird."

"Xingdou doesn't seem to be familiar with you, so it's not your turn to ask me." Wen Lun tilted his head slightly and gave a half-smile expression, "Also, I don't either. Nothing special was done."

Yang Yu stared at him for a while, determined that he couldn't get any useful information, and then pursed his lips: "It's better like this."

After he finished speaking, he said goodbye to Anmas and went to see Gong Guangxi who had invited him for tea before. Of course, he didn't forget Xia Yuan, who glared at his joke before leaving.

Wen Lun didn't look at them anymore, and when everyone else left, she was still collecting information by herself.

Time passed slowly, the pink-haired boy put together the information he had collected, made a derivation calculation, and finally stared at a certain sentence for a long time before chuckling: "That's true Nothing special."

It's just that he tried his best to make Xingdou feel frustrated.

Xing Dou will definitely feel that he has become a stone in the way, or the kind of annoying that has to be removed.

He didn't want that impression either.

If you don't do this, Xingdou won't look at him.

He who stares at the empty sky and pursues higher places wholeheartedly will never see him again.

Maybe it was meant to be.

But at least now, he wants to leave a little trace of his existence.

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