One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 403 Sleeping for the last time...

"It's me who underestimated you, Yeren!" Im's eyes suddenly became icy cold, and a huge amount of armed color erupted. The other hand held the slash, and both hands pulled it up at the same time, and Yun Ye's slash It abruptly changed its direction, and shot out towards the sky at an angle!

But how could Yunye's slash be so easy to catch?

With a 'chi' sound, a wound on his body almost cut him in half, and the blood shot out unstoppably!

However, in the next moment, under the blessing of a huge amount of vitality, the injury on his body completely recovered, as if the wound just now was an illusion...

Slowly floating in the upper air, Im looked at the distant direction, squinted his eyes slightly, and said to himself: "Yeblade, Quincy... what are the origins of these two people... It seems that in order to deal with them, we need Let you wake up completely..."

"Sea King kept the light by reincarnation, and you have survived since then!!"

"For you, I paid a very high price, Uranus..." Im looked at a certain location in the Red Earth Continent, and pulled out an inexplicable smile.

Three ancient weapons, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

The first two are creatures of some sort, and Hades is a product of the science of Joy Boy's kingdom.

Pluto, as a man-made weapon, can be preserved for a long time. However, Uranus and Neptune are living beings. As long as they are living things, their vitality will be exhausted one day!

In previous wars, Poseidon, the sea king of that era, led tens of thousands of sea kings to attack the United Nations led by Im, but he was eventually defeated and his soul fell into reincarnation.

Poseidon, the king of the sea, is reincarnated again and again, retaining the light of the soul.

And Uranus, the king of heaven, was controlled by Im, and the biggest war in history broke out. In the original war, Uranus, the king of heaven, was seriously injured and almost died.

It was Im who used some kind of devil fruit ability to save Uranus, the king of heaven, and sealed it for hundreds of years, in order to let Uranus, the king of heaven who was seriously injured and dying, be able to revive one day!

Uranus, the king of heaven, is one of the strongest trump cards of the world government!

After all, if he hadn't controlled the Heavenly King back then, the outcome of that battle might have been won or lost...

In order to save the dying king Uranus, Im also paid a high price!

From the beginning of the establishment of the world government to the present, Im, the successful person of the ageless operation, has not been awake for more than a year!

Most of the time is spent in deep sleep!

That's the price!

Im is the successful person of the ageless operation, and also the only successful person!

The conditions for performing the ageless surgery are extremely difficult. Not only does it require a highly skilled doctor, but the doctor also needs to have a very high talent, able to develop the fruit of the surgery to the point of awakening.

Of course, this is not the most critical point for the success of the ageless surgery. The implementation of the ageless surgery requires the most important condition.

That is, the caster needs to have an inestimably huge vitality!

This kind of vitality cannot be used by people with animal abilities, people with dense fruit abilities, or even the life force provided by the legendary pure gold that makes people live forever!

The only thing that meets the conditions is the legendary fruit of life!

Im is the owner of the fruit of life, and has all the conditions for the successful operation of immortality!

At that time, Im was just an insignificant little person. The reason why he ate the fruit of life was to cooperate with the experiment of a certain crazy doctor...

By chance, he became the first successful case of ageless surgery, and also the only successful case so far!

Because, as long as Im is not dead, the most important factor of the immortality surgery - the fruit of life, will never appear again!

Afterwards, Im, who had obtained immortality, gradually expanded his ambitions. Using some means, he alienated the relationship between Joyboy and other kingdoms, controlled the heavenly king Uranus, and united twenty kings to overthrow Joyboy. kingdom, established a world government...

In that battle, Uranus, the king of heaven, was hit by Pluto, the king of the underworld, and was seriously injured to the point of death.

And Im also used the awakening ability of the fruit of life, shared life, and established a bridge of life with the heavenly king Uranus. recover!

For hundreds of years, Uranus, the king of heaven, has almost recovered from his injuries!

However, Im also underestimated the price of sharing his life with Uranus, the king of heaven. The price is that he needs to fall into a long sleep...

However, there are gains and losses. Through the sharing of life, Im has part of the power of the heavenly king Uranus...

Similarly, the reason why he can perceive the awakening of other lights is also because of the power of Uranus!

Im looked at the sky above, and then looked at the position of Yunye, narrowing his eyes slightly: "Pluto and Thunder Spear were destroyed by Nightblade, and at the same time, they have Lunalia, Olicia Some characteristics of the family, it seems that the identity of Yeren can be confirmed... Is it for revenge?"

High above the sky, there are some broken mechanical parts, floating in space...

The General Thunder that Im talks about is one of Joey Boy's subordinates, a general who ate the fruit of thunder, and one of the people who followed Joey Boyle from the moon to the blue sea!

And that thing above the sky is the weapon of this Thunder General, named - Thunder Spear!

It was also a weapon specially designed for him in the later period of that war, to fight against Uranus, the king of heaven controlled by Im!

Its power is not even inferior to Pluto's bombardment, but Pluto has a ship spirit and can move freely, and as long as the energy is sufficient, he can bombard continuously!

The Thunder Spear needs a long time to store energy, and after a blow, it will be unusable for a period of time. There is also a disadvantage, that is, only those with the ability of the Thunder Fruit can control and drive the Thunder Spear, which is not as convenient as Hades...

The reason why the Spear of Thunder is not as famous as the three ancient weapons is because this weapon was manufactured in the later period of the war. Before Joey Boye recorded the information into the text of history, he was killed by Im. The curtain fell, and the United Nations headed by Im won a victory and established a world government!

Moreover, everything related to this war, the ancient kingdom, and Joyboy was deliberately erased by Im. This is a blank hundred years!

Only in the historical text inscribed by Joey Boy, there is a history of a hundred years of blankness!

With the death of Joey Boi, the ancient kingdom fell apart, Aquaman died in battle and reincarnated; Hades exhausted his energy, was taken away by the ancestors of the Wano country, sealed up under the Wano country, lived a closed life, and escaped from the pursuit of the world government .

This Thunder General escaped with his life by luck. In order to escape the pursuit of the World Government, he settled on Sky Island. He is the ancestor of Sky Island people!

He knew that the Thunder Spear was obtained by Im. In order to prevent the powerful Thunder Spear from becoming his weapon, he used the awakening of the Thunder Fruit to create a permanent magnetic field covering the sky island, so that the Thunder Fruit would be released after his death. You can't leave the sky island, you can only be reborn on the sky island!

And that empty island, named Bika...

After General Lei's death, his descendants found the thunderous fruit, but they didn't choose to take it, but put it in a shrine for people to worship.

This is also the reason why the thunderous fruit has not appeared on the blue sea again for hundreds of years...

Im looked towards Yunye and the direction of the new world, with a cruel smile on his lips: "However, this will be the last time I sleep, Quincy, Nightblade, no matter who you are, it is impossible to defeat me !"

"When Pluto, Neptune, Joey Boy and others were all around, they couldn't defeat me! I am the master of this world, the only king in this world! My strength is not something you can resist, Joey Boy can't, destroy me Quest, Ye Ren, you can't do it either!"

As he woke up longer and longer, Im seemed to have recovered his "emotions". Although he was still high above like a god, he no longer had the inhuman tone that he had when he first woke up.

But with a domineering, arrogant feeling!

Emotion is a certain kind of power, which comes from the soul, and Im's performance means that his power is gradually recovering!

The ambitious man who once overthrew the rule of Joyboy and established a world government that has stood for hundreds of years will show his strength again!

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Yun Ye's direction again, Im snorted coldly, escaped into the flowers, and fell into a deep sleep again...

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