Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 1 The Remaining Soul of Mang Mountain

The moon was dark and the wind was high. The fire was swaying. The noisy sound of many horses neighing and people howling poured into the ears, making the eardrums hurt.

"The enemy cavalry is coming. Hurry up, hurry up!"

The dusty road was crowded with defeated soldiers with messy military uniforms. They were angry that the people in front of them were walking slowly, waving their swords, spears, weapons and staffs and shouting to intimidate. More defeated soldiers simply left the military road and ran desperately into the wilderness.

These defeated soldiers didn't know how far they had fled. Some of them died directly on the road. Few people stopped to rescue them. At most, they grabbed the weapons and staffs left by the other side and hurriedly fled to the west.

In this scene of hasty escape, there were more than a dozen people who stopped in the wild and didn't move, which seemed not very sociable.

Although they didn't have the defeated appearance of the surrounding soldiers, the sadness between these dozen people was even greater.

"Although the Western Army was defeated, there is still a place to go. Where is our place to go?"

A strong soldier sighed while leaning on a cane, and the people around him also had dim and confused eyes.

"Don't be discouraged, it's important to protect Alang!"

A middle-aged man with a long beard said in a deep voice, and at the same time looked at the center where they were standing.

Among the dozen people stood a gray and thin donkey, and on the donkey's back lay a wounded man who looked like a teenager, with a green scarf wrapped around his forehead, and his long hands and feet hanging weakly on both sides. He needed someone to support him on both sides to lie steadily on the donkey's back.

"I don't know how Alang is injured... Alas, the Western Army is so ungrateful! Although we are new members, we have fought side by side with them for a few battles. Yu Kaifu praised Alang for his bravery, but turned around and abandoned us in Hengnong! Fortunately, Envoy Wang, who took over the city affairs, remembered the old friendship and let us out of the city. But now there is a chaos of war, and Envoy Gao and Langzhu are nowhere to be found, and Alang is seriously injured and sleeping..."

One person complained in a sad tone, and the person who was guarding the donkey and supporting the sleeping boy said in surprise: "Alang moved, Alang, are you awake?"

"Yes, yes, I'm awake... Where is this? You are..."

The boy on the donkey raised his head with some effort, but his eyes were still dim, and his expression was confused and surprised.

"Alang finally woke up! This is the northern suburbs outside Hengnong Cangcheng. The day before yesterday, Alang, you were hit on the helmet by the Eastern Army and fainted. The Western Army was defeated at the foot of Mangshan Mountain. We could only follow Yu Kaifu's troops to retreat to Hengnong. At dawn, the Western Army left again, but we were left in Hengnong. Fortunately, the city garrison commander Wang Sizheng was not a stuntman. After knowing Alang's life story, he did not recruit us to stay. He gave us a donkey and asked us to escort Alang out of the city..."

The middle-aged man with a long beard hurried forward and told the story in a hurry, while the young man held his head with both hands and groaned in pain: "My head hurts! What's going on..."

No wonder he had a headache and was confused. If it were anyone who stayed up late and went to bed, they would find themselves in such a noisy and unfamiliar environment after being suddenly woken up. I'm afraid it would be difficult to accept it.

A dozen people around him came up with concern, but the boy was alert and raised his hand to push and block: "You, you don't come over!" "What's wrong with Alang?" Seeing this, everyone was worried and suspicious. The middle-aged man with a long beard raised his hand to signal everyone to retreat, and then slowed down his tone and said softly: "Alang, don't be afraid. Zhusheng is here, and all the disciples are here. We will definitely protect Alang!" "You, you are Uncle Zhusheng... Quji, Yantou, and Xiaoyong..." Several unfamiliar names came out of his mouth. The boy was stunned at first, and after a moment, a surge of memory information and emotions that did not belong to him emerged from his mind, which made him have a splitting headache and he bent over and retched repeatedly. Seeing this, everyone felt even more panicked, but before they could ask questions, the boy's vomiting sound gradually stopped, and his movements were no longer erratic, but he looked up at the dark sky again. It's a pity that there was only chaos and chaos this night, and there was no bright stars and moon, otherwise he could chant a sentence: People today can't see the moon of the past, but this moon once shone on the ancients. Western Army, Eastern Army, Mangshan, Hengnong, Yu Kaifu, Wang Shijun...

Even if he has not yet completely digested the chaotic information in his mind, he can sort out some key clues with just these few key words.

The time and space he is in is the late period of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. In the first year of Wuding in the Eastern Wei Dynasty and the ninth year of Datong in the Western Wei Dynasty, the two northern overlords, Yuwen Tai of the Western Wei Dynasty and Gao Huan of the Eastern Wei Dynasty, fought for the Heluo region in the battle of Mangshan. The Western Wei Dynasty was defeated in this battle, and the identity and situation of the boy were also closely related to this battle.

The boy's name is Li Tai, with the courtesy name Boshan and the nickname Apan. He is a descendant of the Longxi Li family. Together with his father Li Xiao, he is a subordinate of Gao Zhongmi, the governor of Beiyuzhou in the Eastern Wei Dynasty. And this battle of Mangshan was caused by Gao Zhongmi's betrayal of the Eastern Wei Dynasty and surrender to the Western Wei Dynasty.

The young man was still trying to sort out more clues in his mind, when a team of armed soldiers came towards them not far away, and the leader shouted: "Which unit do you belong to? Why are you standing still?"

The shout interrupted his thoughts. Although Li Tai had not yet fully digested his new identity and situation, he was nervous and subconsciously said to the people around him: "Let's get on the road first, and talk while walking!"

The young master woke up, and although he seemed a little confused, everyone finally had a backbone. After hearing this, they also surrounded the thin donkey mount and headed west together. There was no response to the shouting and questioning of the Western Army leader. The army had just been defeated, and it was most important for everyone to escape. The military order was no longer there, and no one had to fear anyone.

The donkey's back was very thin, and although it was padded with a layer of felt, it still hurt his buttocks. After walking a few steps, Li Tai simply turned over and walked.

He was still a little out of shape, but he felt more at ease when he was down to earth. Seeing his companions struggling to carry their bags, he raised his hand and said, "Put the luggage on the donkey to save some energy."

"Alang's armor is kept here, but his armor is conspicuous and left in Hengnong."

Hearing what his companion said, Li Taicai thought of more identity-related situations.

He was born into a wealthy family and was considered a descendant of the family in this era. He originally lived with his parents in Qinghe County, Hebei Province.

But the original owner is not a weak scholar who specializes in Confucian classics. He has had a strong hero complex since he was a child. He admires Gao Aocao, the powerful representative of the Han people in Hebei. He does not like academics and prefers martial arts, so he also has a certain skill that may not be brilliant but can be called skillful. Archery and fighting skills.

A few months ago, Gao Aocao's brother Gao Zhongmi visited his hometown and appointed his father Li Xiao as his staff. The original owner was hunting in the countryside at the time. When he returned home, he found out that his father had left his hometown with Gao Zhongmi to take up his post, so he took Li Xiao with him. Several domestic soldiers caught up with him. On the one hand, they were worried, and on the other hand, they were unwilling to be lonely in the countryside.

After the meeting, the original owner was reprimanded by his father, accusing him of wandering around as a young man and not knowing the dangers. But even though he had come, he could only take his companions to Henan to take up the post.

After entering the Hulao in Northern Yuzhou, Gao Zhongmi revealed his intention to defect to the Western Wei Dynasty. The memory of the original owner's father's reaction is unclear, but the original owner was very excited. One reason was the fearlessness of the young man who was greedy for power and power, and the other reason was his dissatisfaction with the Eastern Wei Dynasty.

In particular, the death of the young idol Gao Aocao made the original owner full of disgust towards the Gao family that was in power in the Eastern Wei Dynasty.

Although Gao Aocao died on the battlefield with the Western Wei Dynasty, from the perspective of the simple values ​​​​of the young man, it was excusable that the two countries died on the battlefield due to adverse timing or weak willpower. However, Gao Aocao died because he was cut off by Gao Huan's nephew, so he hated the Gao family deeply.

"Gao Situ is the backbone of my Han'er in Hebei Province. No one here dares to open his eyes for a rich man! The hatred of losing his spine is not worth the blame of the flesh and blood of a fake Xianbei boy! When I reach the height of seven feet, I will kill him Yongle!”

When the news of Gao Aocao's death reached the village, the original owner called his fellow villagers to set up an altar to summon his soul as a sacrifice, and they cried loudly and made oaths. It's a pity that Gao Huan's nephew Gao Yongle died two years ago when Gao Huan refused to accept Gao Aocao in Guancheng.

Therefore, when the reinforcements of the Western Wei Dynasty arrived, the original owner was not timid because of his youth. He actively fought for and led a group of family soldiers to follow the Western Wei Dynasty Kaifu Yu Jin to successively uproot some powerful dock walls in Heluo that were still under the orders of the Eastern Wei Dynasty.

After that, the Eastern Wei army crossed the river to fight. The Western army was not in a good position to fight. Yu Jin's army failed to join the central army in time and was killed and dispersed. Yu Jin gathered some defeated troops to avoid the front battlefield and pretended to have surrendered the army, including the original owner and Companions.

When the Eastern Wei army rushed through, they attacked the Eastern Army's rear route. Taking advantage of the chaos of the Eastern Army, they rushed out of the main battlefield of Mangshan. The original owner was also injured on the battlefield, and his memory stopped abruptly. When he woke up again, he was already the Li Tai he is today.

"The situation is not good..."

As Li Tai walked, he thought secretly in his heart, putting aside the remaining teenage emotions in the original owner's mind, and carefully analyzed the current situation and his own situation.

He was formerly an UP owner of the ancient life genre, and he also did some ancient history science popularization. He also has an understanding of the love and murder process of the Eastern Wei Dynasty and the Western Wei Dynasty, which are the most censorious in history.

The battle at Mangshan was the fourth battle between the Eastern and Western Wei Dynasties over northern hegemony. The Western Wei Dynasty lost miserably this time. It can be said that the dividends and years of accumulation from previous wars were wiped out.

Although it was the Northern Zhou Dynasty and the Sui Dynasty that finally unified the north and the world, with the Western Wei Dynasty as the source, but that is a story for a later time. His current situation is that he has not completely escaped from the Heluo battlefield where the Western Wei Dynasty was defeated!

His stomach growled, interrupting Li Tai's thoughts. He had been injured and unconscious and had barely eaten, and now he felt unbearably hungry.

"Alang, do you want food?"

A middle-aged man named Zhu Sheng came up and asked, pointing to the package on the donkey's back and whispered: "There are still some rations here, but we need to cook in a secret place."

The surrounding roads and wilderness were full of fleeing soldiers, so they were naturally not suitable for making fires for cooking.

"No, we have to hurry!"

Others are just rebels, but he and his party are iron-clad traitors of the Eastern Dynasty. It is obvious that they will end up being chased by the Eastern Army. Li Tai does not want to lose his life because of his lust, and even turns back to Hengnong City to see Wang Sizheng's empty city plan. All thoughts of retreating from the enemy, a famous historical scene, were abandoned.

The group of people fled westward in this way. From night to day, they could still feel a little tired at first, but in the end they just gritted their teeth and hurried on in numbness.

We continued like this until the morning, when a relatively open plateau appeared on the road ahead. There was a wooden fence blocking the way to the plateau. Outside the wooden fence, there were many knights of the Western Army riding horses, holding flags with various patterns. , and kept shouting: "What tribe do the disciples belong to? Everyone recognizes the flag, and the scattered soldiers cannot climb to the plateau!"

Some soldiers shouted and refused to obey, but when they drew their bows and arrows from behind the wooden fence and were about to shoot, they could only bow their heads obediently and follow behind the flag.

"Which one should we belong to? Should we just admit it and sneak in first?"

Li Tai's mouth was dry now, his head was swelling and pain was getting worse, and he urgently needed to rest, so he said after seeing this.

"No, if you recognize the flag and surrender yourself to the military, it will be difficult to escape! I will go up and call the number first!"

The middle-aged man Zhu Sheng waved his hand and said, then he walked forward with a saber in hand, and shouted to a knight of the Western Army who was holding a recognition flag: "I am a follower of the high envoy of Dongzhou Guiyi, and I was with the Kaifu army. Charge into the formation, please let me go!"

"Gao Shijun? You are talking about the Eastern Bandit Gao Zhongmi? He concealed the information about the Eastern Bandit's military aircraft and caused the army's defeat. He was arrested by the left army Zhao Qiaoqi. Are you his soldiers? I think you are the Eastern Bandit spies. Come on, take it!"

Hello everyone, we meet again. . . New story, new beginning. . . During the new book period, there will be two updates every day, at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. . . The new book seedlings are in urgent need of care, and I hope to support them by collecting them! ! !

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