Night Ranger

Volume 1 The Nobles Who Lost Their Territories Chapter 21 The Abandoned Altar

The trees in the forest moved back quickly, and Marvin walked through the forest skillfully.

Many occupations actually have hidden talents that are not clearly written. For example, the hidden talent of a thief is walking through the city and stealing calmly; the hidden talent of a wizard is that it is easy to concentrate; and the hidden talent of a ranger is mostly reflected in the wilderness.

Walking through the wilderness and woods, they will feel like a fish in water.

After Marvin got the severed finger of the Lich in the magic box, he left the Scarlet Monastery immediately.

He has got what he can get, and must retreat decisively. After all, the Scarlet Monastery is full of crises, and monsters such as the demon god executors are still too powerful for Marvin now. It's stupid to take unnecessary risks.

He walked through the Hall Mountains, avoiding possible lurking monsters, and headed northwest all the way.

Not too far away, there is an abandoned altar hidden. In Marvin's plan, he had to go to that altar.

It's just that with the help of the headless girl, he was really pleasantly surprised by the Lich's severed finger, because it meant that he could use this thing to get more good things from the altar!

Marvin checked various records while walking:

[Learning - God (Lich's Severed Finger)]: You got the Lich's Severed Finger. There is a trace of extremely faint divinity attached to it. This is a very powerful lich, he is almost a god, but he falls short at the last minute. But he will not give up, he is still sleeping, but he will come back eventually, he can sense every part of his body, and this severed finger hides the secret of his success as a god. And these divinities are very precious resources in the hands of powerful magicians or magicians. But for others, this stuff just gets you in trouble.

There is no doubt that Marvin belongs to the "others". He has no godhead, is not a son of god, and cannot absorb the divinity of the severed finger. Keeping this severed finger on his body for a long time will only bring disaster to himself. So from the very beginning, he never planned to keep this treasure for a long time.

He was going to sacrifice it, right there on that altar.

There should be many gods or magicians who are interested in the severed fingers of gods with weak divinity, and this naturally includes the ancient gods of elves who are indifferent to the world.


The ancient gods of the elves are the second generation of ancient gods. Except for the hidden wizard god Lance, the first generation of ancient gods has already disappeared. Marvin remembered that this ancient god was an oddity among the gods, and he was one of the few opponents when the gods of the heavens decided to join forces to attack the universe magic pool.

This alone made Marvin quite fond of him. You must know that the destruction of the magic pool of the universe is simply an irresistible catastrophe for the mortal world.

Otherwise, the scholars in the Southern Pearl Tower would not have named this great change a "catastrophe".

However, in order to find the fourth slate of destiny, the gods, unwilling to be lonely, finally launched an attack on the magic pool of the universe. Lance, the wizard god, has been gone for so long that they have forgotten his glory and power. The original intention of the establishment of the Universe Magic Pool was to help ordinary people on Feinan Continent, make it easier for them to master witchcraft and become powerful wizards, so as to resist the endless stream of monsters in the wilderness.

At the same time, the universe magic pool is also the outer barrier of Feinan's world, it protects Feinan and prevents those who are too powerful from entering Feinan.

This action protects the interests of all creatures in Feinan Continent, and because of this, its founder, Lance, the wizard god, is regarded as the supreme god by all races in Feinan, faintly superior to all ancient gods and the trend on top of the new gods. Many gods were dissatisfied with Lance's dominance, but they dared not speak out.

Now that the wizard god has left Feinan for more than a thousand years, the gods are already ready to move.

Disaster is already brewing, and no one can be immune to it alone.

Marvin took a deep breath and quickened his pace.


Two days later, northwest of the Hall Range.

【You found the dead hills】

[Your Knowledge - Geography +1]

[Knowledge - Geography (Dead Hills)]: The hills ahead are full of horror, and the terrain is quite complicated. In this environment, there are often horrible creatures.

Marvin stood at the entrance of the dead hill, silently comparing the route in his memory to see if there was any deviation.

He was lucky along the way, except for killing a few unsightly goblins, he didn't encounter any powerful monsters.

This has something to do with the relative safety of the Hall Mountain Range itself.

But the Dead Silent Hills are different. Not only are there various wandering races living here, but there are also many criminals and monsters. Because the terrain here is quite suitable for hiding, some strongholds here faintly gather a large number of wanted criminals from nearby cities.

Whether it's River Beach City or Jewel Bay a little further away, all the villains are concentrated in this area.

There are also man-eating plants that eat people without blood, or little-known things that can kill poisonous snakes and bugs instantly.

However, most of these things are concentrated in the depths of the dead hills, and the outer areas are relatively safe.

Marvin didn't intend to go deep into it, his goal was a small cave in the outer area.

He stood on a small hill, checked the direction of the sun and the route in his memory several times, and then walked into the hill.


At dusk, he almost arrived near his destination.

Only at this time, Marvin encountered an unexpected person.

In a small open space ahead, there were bursts of roars. It was an enraged brown bear.

Beside the brown bear, a slender black-robed man was swimming fast with two knives in his hands!

His attacking technique is extremely cruel and cunning, every knife hits the extremely painful part of the brown bear, but it will not let the jungle overlord die immediately!

The brown bear roared angrily, trying to catch the human who kept hurting him.

But it's so clumsy!

"Agility above 20 points!"

"Master-level scimitar mastery!"

"A second-level ranger advanced profession... Judging from the sword skills, it seems to be [Black Butcher]!"

Marvin hid under a tree, watching this scene silently. There was a faint unease in his heart.

This guy is too powerful!

It's completely killing this brown bear!

I'm afraid there is nothing he wants in this brown bear, he is completely killing the brown bear to gain perverted pleasure!

Or, he was honing his craft. In short, this kind of person is very difficult to mess with.

For such a guy, his perception must be very good. Although Marvin is very confident in his concealment, if he is discovered, it will be a headache.

He hid in place, motionless, and even lowered his breathing rate to the lowest.

He just watched the man in black torture the brown bear to death. When the latter died, all the blood was drained from his body, and its fur was damaged beyond repair, and it was almost cut off one by one!

This method of death is really too cruel.

The man in black stopped attacking, stood where he was, and suddenly cast his gaze over.

"Oops, it was discovered."

Marvin knew that it would be difficult for him to hide from such a master.

But the man in black didn't act immediately, he seemed to hesitate for a while, and suddenly showed a smile:

"I'm in a good mood today, so I'll let you go."

After saying that, a shadow flew out of his hand.


The shadow was inserted into the soil three steps before Ma Wen's body.

The man in black turned and left, and after a few jumps, he disappeared into the woods.

Marvin wiped the sweat off his brow and stepped out of the shadows.

"Good luck. It seems he has other business."

He pulled out the yellow card stuck in the dirt, on which was a spider with its fangs open!

Ma Wen's expression changed suddenly!

Shadow Spider will!

This guy is the killer of the Shadow Spider Society!

This yellow card meant a warning, warning Marvin not to appear in his field of vision for the second time, otherwise he would kill Marvin mercilessly.

"Isn't the shadow spider society's power base generally in the north?"

"Why did some members come to the south?"

Marvin smelled something unusual.

Either way, it's a troublesome sign. The only big city nearby was River Beach City, and he had a premonition that he was very likely to meet this killer again.

"It's hard..." Marvin shook his head. If the current self confronted him head-on, he would be almost completely suppressed.

You must improve your strength as soon as possible!

He didn't stop there, and continued to search the nearby caves.

Finally, before the sun set, he found the secluded cave.

The cave is very quiet, because of the blessing of the ancient gods, no monsters dare to approach.

Marvin walked straight to the end of the cave and came to the abandoned altar.

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