New Times Inn

Chapter 3: Introduction of Fearful Characters in Feng Qing Society

A stranger who sees Feng Qing for the first time will think she is a bit weird.

But people who are familiar with her know that this kind of person is in a sense... In fact, she is a good person who makes do.

Why Feng Qing gives people such a weird feeling, but also from her adolescence.

Feng Qing was not very popular from childhood to adulthood. In the final analysis, it may be due to her hopeless social fear.


Such a social fear is not uncommon in this world, but what makes Feng Qing different from other social fears is that this is not only a social fear, but also a secondary disease .

She always felt that it was a shame to be ignored by others, and she was afraid of being laughed at by others, so when this feeling was combined with the innate Chinese second disease virus, it formed A very strange brain circuit.

The specific name of this brain circuit is probably called—[There are very few people who talk to me, not because no one wants to pay attention to me, but because I don’t want to pay attention to them. 】

Yes, this is the legendary "one bullies everyone else".

Of course those who have been "bullied" by Feng Qing may not feel that they are being bullied, but it doesn't matter, Feng Qing thinks so anyway.

This kind of brain circuit of "one person excluding everyone else" helped Feng Qing get through the worst academic collapse with Ah Q's optimism during her adolescence.

Having said so much, I just want to briefly introduce why Feng Qing chose to work in such a place. Although Feng Qing is very good at self-deception, she is not a fool. She is sometimes willing to accept the reality. After graduation, she considered her extreme social terrorism problem, so she found such a professional with her own major. A job that can't be hit by eight poles.

Although this job also requires contact with various customers, Feng Qing's situation is also very special.

She just doesn't know how to socialize as "Feng Qing", but if someone sets a circle for her, let her play a "student", "daughter" , "Flyer Distributor", "Keyboard Man Troll", etc. As long as this range is set for her, her communication with others is still reluctant.

Especially Hengdian also included a set of strict training before taking up the job, teaching them how to speak with the role they play. Most people think that set of things is too rigid. But this is simply heaven for Feng Qing.

This guy Feng Qing is quite gloomy from the outside, with half-length hair and not short hair, dressed in dark all year round, plus not going out all the year round, the pale is almost bloodless s face. Except during the interview that year, Feng Qing almost never gave up her iron bangs that she had with Xuanshi Mijin, which made her boss yell at her. Feng Qing always felt that this was the reason why the boss always deducted her salary. .

However, Feng Qing is quite warm-hearted at times. Of course, you can also understand that this guy has fewer opportunities to communicate with others normally, so he has little social experience. Although he has worked for three years , but sometimes do things like a student boy.

bath water.

…Well, it’s just a water heater.

It's just that there were a lot of poor people in ancient times. This young man probably made a living by farming, so his skin was tanned. Feng Qing accidentally glanced at his hands, a pair of scarred hands, with all kinds of scars on them. Traces of scars.

He also looked very taciturn. He hadn't said a word since just now, but it doesn't matter. Feng Qing likes to talk less, because she herself does not talk much. .

With this complexion, you can work hard at first glance. This face, at first glance, is honest.

The swordsman has completely calmed down at this moment. He just took a hot bath, changed his clothes, and drank the hot soup that the shopkeeper had brought before.

Unexpectedly, this tangy-smelling soup really tasted a little… bland.

No, it's not that it tastes bad, it's always like something is missing.

The swordsman quietly raised his head and glanced at the senior. He has now confirmed that the other party should be a reclusive master, and has obviously recognized him.

The swordsman has been busy escaping for his life recently. Naturally, he doesn't know what happened in the rivers and lakes, but he knows that he must be in the most lively story.

Seventeen years ago, the meridian was abolished and tragically destroyed. Almost everyone believed that the child who would not live to adulthood actually killed all his enemies according to his oath.

The vow that was not believed by everyone back then has now come true.

Some of these enemies are already the head of a faction, and some are already the guardians of the magic sect, he did not let them go, and cut them down to the sword one by one.

rivers and lakes.

But after the swordsman succeeded in revenge, what he got was the endless pursuit of nearly ten major sects and major killer organizations.

The swordsman knew from a very young age that there are not many good people in this arena. Even if he looks kind-hearted, he may stab you with a backhand without you knowing. But the person in front of him looked rather indifferent, his voice was hoarse, and the senior who didn't talk too much actually reached out and pulled him at this time.

This is a very incredible thing for a swordsman.

Sometimes people really don't look good, and the swordsman thinks in surprise. He felt sorry for the slightest suspicion he had given to the store manager when he first came to the store.

"You... won't you drive me out because of what I did before?" The swordsman suddenly asked softly.

Feng Qing looked at the swordsman in surprise after hearing this.

She said yes, this child still has some points in her heart, she will correct her mistakes, know that it is not good to flip other people's things, and she will take the initiative to explain it.

She deliberately laughed a few times in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere—although she had never done this before, her laughing voice was ugly, "It's okay, it's only once, it's nothing."

The swordsman was shocked when he heard the gloomy laughter.

What does it mean?

Is this the first time that he killed hundreds of people in three days?

The swordsman thought of countless answers, but never thought of this one.

Even he is a little dazed now, and he begins to frantically think about the meaning of the shopkeeper's words.

This... According to the shopkeeper, she has done such a thing more than once, and she is quite skilled at it.

Because of this, is she acting so bland when she takes in herself now?

Feng Qing struggled for a while whether to turn on the air conditioner for the swordsman, and after thinking about it, let it go. She said, "There is still a thick quilt in the cabinet, if it's still cold in the middle of the night, I will add it."


"I'm right next door to you."


It was the first time Feng Qing met someone who spoke less than herself, she shrugged and went out.

...Feng Qing, who had just been out for ten seconds, suddenly came back, she looked at this unpretentious rural boy, and suddenly asked tentatively, "Uh, what, do you have quick hands and feet? "

"...Is it okay?" The swordsman said blankly.

When it comes to killing people, he seems to be very quick.

"Uh, it's like this, I just came here and I don't know what to do, but this afternoon I suddenly had the idea of ​​recruiting a few guys to open an inn." Feng Qingnao He scratched his hair, "I think you seem quite suitable... Why don't you come and be my buddy?"

…A senior who retired from the Jianghu and did not know that he had killed people, invited a person who had just killed a lot of people and was being hunted down by the whole Jianghu as a buddy?

The swordsman suddenly felt that this shopkeeper was interesting, at least very thoughtful.

"What are you good at?" Feng Qing asked.

"With a knife?"

"Using a knife..." Feng Qing murmured, "That's more suitable for dicing.


"Both food and housing, two coins a month, consider it?"

The swordsman watched the shopkeeper for a long time, then he swallowed, "Are you really not kidding?"

"Okay, if you don't have any comments, then it's settled. Come to work tomorrow."

What a decisive senior. After a long time, the swordsman who finally came to his senses thought so.

Feng Qing, who was outside the door, clenched his fist excitedly.


Feng Qing, Feng Qing, I didn't expect you to finally make a profit today.

I used to have trouble talking to strangers, but today I can directly recruit someone to be a clerk.

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