New Times Inn

Chapter 35: Omnipotent gc that does not count as gc

Hearing the cold words of the shopkeeper, Chu Changzui's chaotic mind gradually recalled the scene of that day.

What did the shopkeeper say to him that day?

Ah... that's right.

Chu Changzui suddenly seemed to remember something.

He suddenly remembered that it was because of the few words the shopkeeper said to him at the time that he had the illusion that the shopkeeper was admonishing him...because the shopkeeper was like this at the time said to him.

—She heard Chu Changzui finish talking about her, then lowered her head to look at the sign in her hand, stroked it twice, and suddenly said, "You really... So do you believe this?"

Chu Changzui felt that it was a bit strange for the shopkeeper to ask this question.

He is a fortune teller, what else can he believe if he does not believe in fortune?

This is probably like asking the sword-wielding man whether he believes the sword in his hand, or the knife-wielding man trusting the sword in his hand.

Fate is arranged by God, just like most of the knights in the arena must obey the "Tao of Heaven" to practice, Chu Changzui's "Dao" is to fortune-telling to fortune-telling.

Although their Guigumen looks otherworldly and seems to be different from other sects, only Guigumen themselves know that they are no different from other sects.

This is the so-called Enlightenment of Heaven.

Anyone in martial arts must obey the way of heaven, no one can escape this rule.

The shopkeeper slowly raised his head to look at him after hearing his words. It was just such a glance that Chu Changzui was stunned for a moment.

Because that look was very similar to the look that his master knew what he did wrong back then, but was unwilling to remind him directly, but wanted him to understand it himself.

However, those eyes were only for a moment, and Chu Changzui quickly thought it was an illusion.

Soon the shopkeeper's face was cold again.

Chu Changzui had been in a trance for the past few days, so he felt that it was normal for him to have hallucinations, and he never thought deeply about what was hidden behind this expression.

"It's ridiculous..."

The shopkeeper only said this.

Chu Changzui thought it was the shopkeeper who was saying that he was ridiculous, and he lowered his head instantly.

But the next two sentences the shopkeeper said were like riddles, Chu Changzui never fully understood what it meant.

"You only say that because you are in control."

What does it mean to be in control?

Chu Changzui looked up at the shopkeeper curiously.

What controls? Could it be... God?

This sentence sounds like this on the surface, but Chu Changzui immediately abandoned this idea.

How is that possible.

Chu Changzui remembered smiling at the time and thinking to himself, he was really going to die, he couldn't even understand what he said, how could the shopkeeper mean such a thing.

No matter how strong it is, what difference can it make.

"But..." the shopkeeper said again.

"The real strong person disdains to be controlled by anything."

Chu Chang was drunk at that time, and was completely at a loss.

He didn't know what the words really meant.

Feng Qing has always wanted to be a cool person in the eyes of others, which is evident from her iron bangs.

But the few friends of Kushe said that they felt that Feng Qing's nosy feeling was more like... the aura of the aunt of the neighborhood committee.

Thinking about it carefully, Feng Qing is actually a nosy, she used to persuade the children of the boss to learn, and the young couple of the western family quarreled, and she also sighed, obviously no one wanted to pay attention to her, But this kind of thing is especially fond of moving forward.

Isn't this kind of person... a standard neighborhood aunt?

Feng Qing's friends looked at Feng Qing, who was complacent about her "secondary school", and invariably wiped away a tear from the corner of her eyes, and at the same time chose to hide the truth and not tell her.

Let her be happy alone. Sometimes people can be happy like this, which is also a blessing of ignorance.

At this moment, Feng Qing leaned against the wall and looked at them, her eyes were like the aunt of the neighborhood committee who saw someone spitting.

She thinks that her eyes are normal, and when she sees feudal superstition, people usually despise it like this.

However, in the eyes of others, Feng Qing's eyes at this moment, matched with her bangs, turned into a very scary expression.

—It's like watching a swarm of ants.

She was leaning against the wall, and she was simply wearing a tulle gown, which looked like she was woken up by grabbing a piece of clothing and putting it on, although In this way, but the way she stood there was unexpectedly like a ghost.

Chu Changzui felt that he had hallucinated for a second.

For so long, Chu Changzui didn't understand why the shopkeeper had such an aura, it felt like the shopkeeper didn't care about other things.

Her eyes were so indifferent, although the news of what happened in front of her might have shocked the whole world, but in her eyes, it seemed like a farce.

A farce not worth the slightest interest in her.

Feng Qing looked at Chu Changzui, and was not angry. If this was on her, her mother would have beaten her brains out long ago.

Be strong and not be brainwashed by feudal and superstitious people!

It was a waste of her day to persuade him not to be controlled!

At first glance, this person can't even turn over the palms of his own parents. What are you afraid of? Are you happy when he is forced to do this and that?

Feng Qing felt even more angry when she thought about it.

He looked even more fierce.

It's also her fault that she is not very articulate, so when she tried to persuade that day, she didn't say a few words for a long time, and could only sit there and get angry.

But today is different.

Because today, she has a cheat sheet.

Feng Qing's heart was calm, she glanced at the cheat sheet hidden in her left hand.

Flying over the Jianghu people who can stab to death with a sword, his eyesight is extraordinary.

In Feng Qing's eyes, the small movements were so clear that they couldn't be clearer in the eyes of this group of people.

So, in the eyes of the group of people in front of them, they saw the shopkeeper lowered his head, glanced at his left hand, and suddenly smiled.

Then, at this very moment…

The sky and the earth are all discolored.

Several people present at that moment suspected that they had lost their five senses.

Their hearing, sight and even touch were frozen in an instant.

And in such a freeze...

The wind suddenly picked up.

When the shopkeeper didn't stretch out his hand before, the surrounding branches of fate were only slightly shaking.

But when the shopkeeper stretched out his hand, everything changed.

After this silence lasted for a while, those lines suddenly started to gather towards the shopkeeper like crazy.

They're all in...the hand of the shopkeeper.

At this moment, the shopkeeper gently closed his hand.

She looked up at everyone, and then had a slightly mocking smile on her face.

Chu Changzui even trembled.

He suddenly realized that he finally understood what the shopkeeper said that day.

It's a very simple literal meaning.

Simple yet so difficult.

"Belief in fate is the most ridiculous thing in the world."

"And in my opinion, the most stupid thing ever."

The surrounding wind is getting stronger and stronger, blowing up all the fallen leaves on the ground, and also blowing away the last dark cloud in the sky.

The moon has risen again.

Chu Changzui looked at the shopkeeper in front of him with difficulty.

He felt that he might never forget this kind of scene...a scene that he might only see once in his life.

"This kind of thing, only people who are confused will believe it, people are willing to be controlled by it, but... Thinking about it, isn't this a bit ridiculous?"

The dark cloud that was blown away in the sky is like the one that Chu Chang is drunk with at this moment.

Confused people...will believe?

Chu Changzui was stunned.

He entered the Ghost Valley Gate at the age of three, and he has been a genius in the world's attention since he can remember. Everyone says that he is one of the most powerful people in the world.

But no one ever said such a thing to him.

He never thought of rebelling against Heaven.

The way of heaven…the way of heaven…

What kind of person can think of resisting it!

What kind of person can have such full confidence!

Chu Changzui felt that his three views had collapsed.

Of course, Chu Changzui, who is an ancient person, may not necessarily understand what Sanguan is.

Looking down on the earth.

In this world, is there anyone who can resist the way of heaven?

However, what happened in the next second, Chu Chang was so drunk that he forgot what happened before.

He clearly saw that the shopkeeper's hand was just casually placed, but all the silk threads around her were already held by her. moths that were caught, they couldn't escape, but like pets begging for mercy, they were wrapped around her little finger and acted like a spoiled child.

Looking at it, Chu Changzui swallowed.

Wait, these silk threads are actually acting like the shopkeeper's... coquettish?

Or are you begging for mercy?

Why even these lines are so afraid of the shopkeeper?

Chu Changzui looked at Feng Qing in shock.

Even with the scene in front of her, the shopkeeper's face was still indifferent.

A person who does not believe in the way of heaven at all, a person who has never yielded to the way of heaven.

At this time, Chu Changzui realized why the shopkeeper used that tone to speak to him that day.

She doesn't believe in the way of heaven, because she always goes against the way of heaven.

Others are trying to comprehend heaven, but she sees them as clowns.

How arrogant, how terrible, how…

Makes you want to shiver.

At that moment, when Chu Changzui looked at the shopkeeper, it was no longer a shock, but an indescribable frenzy.

What the shopkeeper that what he meant?

The moment Chu Chang was drunk, he even felt as if he had been touched.

This sudden enlightenment even made him forget the pain on his body, but was in deep shock.

The man in front of him turned out to be a man who dared to despise the way of heaven.

Chu Changzui even has a strange intuition, which is a strong intuition that he has never seen for so many years.

—The shopkeeper...seems to be omnipotent.

Such a scheming person, but... he has never seen someone like the shopkeeper.

She is really the most terrifying person Chu Changzui has ever seen.

It's so scary... making Chu Changzui feel that his whole person has been firmly controlled by the shopkeeper.

Feng Qing first started with his own vernacular mixed with cheat sheets.

She didn't know what was going on at the moment, Chu Changzui wrapped herself tightly, so she couldn't see the shocked expression on his face.

In her eyes, the few people in front of her just suddenly turned to look at her.

Is it too strange for her to suddenly rush out?

hss... Yes, after all, there are not many people who are meddling like her this year. This group of people didn't scold her "crazy, who are you" on the spot. It's good, I hope this group If someone talks to her, it is simply impossible.

Thinking about this makes me panic even more.

Because of this, Feng Qing did not feel the strange atmosphere in the field at all.

She lowered her head and glanced at the cheat sheet in her palm again, [To curb the ethos of incorporating feudal superstition into TV dramas, to subtly influence the audience, and to establish a good atmosphere. 】

Um... Forget it, this sentence doesn't feel appropriate to say now, skip it and change it to the next sentence.

"Do you understand what I mean now?" Feng Qing looked at Chu Chang drunk and asked.

Chu Changzui was still at a loss.

He thinks he understands, but he doesn't seem to understand at all.

He only knows one thing.

…The treasurer, the strong one is simply not a person.

At this time, the shopkeeper looked at his hand, and suddenly said with a smile.

Her hand was holding a swirling mess of threads.

"It is better to believe in yourself than to believe in the illusory destiny."

There was a arrogant smile on that delicate face, which shocked everyone around to aphasia.

"Are you right?"

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