"It's too difficult. According to you, those tall, rich, and handsome have to stand aside?"

"There is nothing wrong with being tall, rich, or handsome. The question is what makes such a person fall in love with you. People who have these can use this resource to attract countless women. It is not easy to get their love.

They can spend a lot of money for you, or they can lie low for you, but they are not necessarily willing to share with you what they care about most. "

"So? Finding a man who is willing to share everything with you is true love, right?"

"of course!"

"Then why are you so resistant when your girlfriends want to share everything about you?"

Uncle Scumbag thought for a while, "You asked a good question. I don't want to share it with them because I don't love them enough. I always thought I could see through all women, but I didn't expect you to see through them!"

"Cousin, I don't want to see through anyone. I just know that if I don't treat others with sincerity, why should others treat you with sincerity!"

When Jiang Quan and Cousin Tongue walked into the hotel lobby after breakfast, all the teenagers from the "Legendary Youth League" also came down.

They are waiting for the security personnel sent by the TV station and the motorcade to escort them to the airport.

Probably in order to establish a "people-friendly" image, a few lucky fans who had been waiting outside the hotel had the opportunity to get in touch with them at close range, and they were very excited.

Because it was too busy there, Jiang Quan didn't go over to say hello.

Pi Xiaoyou was sitting on the sofa in the lobby with her hat pressed down and a mask on. She seemed to be buried in her mobile phone, but she raised her head from time to time to glance at the pillar in front of her.

The pillars are decorated with brown polygonal mirrors.

Jiang Quan called her before his cousin with a poisonous tongue, and she quickly put away her phone and asked sweetly, "Can we go?"

Mei Zhiyuan said, "My car is parked a little far away, it's raining outside, you wait, I'll drive the car to the door, and come up when I see the car."

"Okay, then we'll wait here and honk the horn when you arrive!" Pi Xiaoyou was overjoyed. The villain bought a few more minutes to look at that person in the mirror.

Jiang Quan, who was waiting, also found the skinny Wei Haoran in the brown mirror.

What is the essence of this man, that he can empathize with another in just one month?

Although I am very contrived, it seems that there is nothing wrong with saying that a man's love comes and goes quickly.

Zhao Yuanyuan is indeed very beautiful, with an aggressive beauty. If she really had plastic surgery, it would be at the textbook level.


Mei Zhiyuan's car got in the middle of the convoy to pick up the "Legendary Boys" to the airport.

Probably because his car was the most luxurious of all the cars, a security guard couldn't help but stuffed Wei Haoran and Pei Junmin, who were wearing masks, into his car.

All three men were stunned.

Mei Zhiyuan had nothing to do with the entertainment industry, and it was the first time he witnessed the crazy fans.

A large group of security guards did not stop the girls who were about to move around outside the hotel, and two fish that slipped through the net killed him next to his car.


After dozens of minutes, Mei Zhiyuan chatted about this encounter.

He said that it was the first time in his life that he saw someone squeeze his face against the car glass, deforming his facial features, and staring into the car with his eyes wide open - bloodless, like a zombie.

Is it interesting to chase stars like this? No matter who sees such a picture, they can only feel horrified and disgusted, how can they get the idol's favor.

He said that he understood why the two hemp sticks who got into his car by mistake were so skinny, and he couldn't eat when he thought of these terrible fans!

He still felt sorry for the car, "Xiaoyou, those fans rubbed against my car and tried to take down the window to look in the car. I don't know if there is something wrong with my car. It's up to Jing Does Southern Satellite TV lose money?"

"Why don't you just ask them to pay for it?"

"Those two brains? Hey... forget it, consider yourself unlucky... If you want me to say, you two should stop doing this job, it's creepy, and neither of you is normal."

Pi Xiaoyou said, "I have liked this since I was a child, what else can I do if I don't do this."

"Stay safe with the company—I think you'd better help your grandma find a man in science and technology to be her grandson-in-law, and take over the company's work. I can also relax and play wherever I want!"

"No, why should I trade my freedom for yours!"

"Ah, what are you talking about? It's quite selfish... What's so good about this entertainment industry? It's a mess, it's a mess, good girls go in, and a few can come out well."

"Why do you always look at others with colored glasses, not about women, but about people in the entertainment industry-do good guys and bad guys have different occupations?

Don't beat a group of people to death with a single stick! "Jiang Quan intervened in their conversation, not complaining about this cousin, feeling furious.

"The entertainment industry has power, benefits, beauty, and a bunch of stinky men. It's too difficult to get rid of the mud," Mei Zhiyuan said.

"You two have not been in this business for long, come out quickly, it's not good to do something, you must do this!"

"I just like this industry," Pi Xiaoyou didn't give in. "I like to hear other people's applause and the attention of everyone. Besides, my dad agreed, and my mother didn't object!"

Mei Zhiyuan sighed softly, and glanced at Jiang Quan in the rearview mirror, "What about you? You also like the attention of everyone?"

"I like money, money comes in quickly in this industry!" Jiang Quan successfully used this sentence to silence Mei Zhiyuan's chattering mouth, he shook his head from side to side, as if he didn't know what to say.

I don't know how he became the boss, shouldn't big bosses be calm and calm, why is it that he takes pleasure in admonishing others!


Blocking Mei Zhiyuan's mouth could not stop the ruffian's curiosity.

After being quiet for a few minutes, Pi Xiaoyou began to test him, "Cousin, did those two people get on the wrong bus and didn't they say anything to you?"

"What are you talking about? Do I look like a driver? Those two sticks just got on and realized something was wrong. I said sorry and wanted to get out of the car... I locked the door!"

"Why?" Pi Xiaoyou asked in surprise.

"If the security guards outside don't drag those two lunatics away, I dare to let them get out of the car? What if those two also take the opportunity to get into the car?"

Jiang Quan burst out laughing.

"What's so funny, while the security guards were chasing people away, that guy who ate a few rotten leaves asked me if I knew you." Mei Zhiyuan said.

Jiang Quan stopped smiling all of a sudden.

"Who is the hemp stalk that ate a few rotten leaves?" Pi Xiao You Zhang Er was puzzled.

"Anyway, it's not Pei Junmin!" Jiang Quan also deliberately woke her up.

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