My slow journey to infinity

Chapter 54 Then I’m welcome

Mountains made of rocks are randomly arranged in the endless yellow sand.

Perhaps it was because these stone mountains blocked part of the water vapor and protected precious water sources that scattered oases were created. It was these stone mountains and oases that the Ishvar people relied on to thrive.

Even if there is a war, it is not too desolate here. After all, there are no artificial humans involved, and the Amestrian soldiers will not attack the civilians of Ishvar. Riots and wars generally occur in border areas or fuzzy control areas.

Wang Shui had already passed through the war-torn area. He exchanged the car he got from the base for water, food and some money on the black market in the border town. Then he wrapped himself in a windbreaker to protect him from the sun during the day and the cold at night, and plunged into the war. In the desert.

He had always kept a lot of water and food in his awakener space, but entering the desert with empty hands was too eye-catching. Before disposing of the car, he even renovated it from the inside out to prevent it from getting damaged. His traces were discovered.

After all, Mustang knew that he would change his appearance.

As soon as he entered the desert, Wang Shui immediately spawned some wood, and rolled out a large wooden sand boat with wheels. He then used the formation to connect the energy of the earth's crust to drive the car forward. Shui Wang himself set up a canvas awning and lay down on it. Sip an ice-cold drink on the shock-absorbing recliner.

Seeing this, Sylvia also came to experience it. The somewhat hot wind combined with the cold and sweet and sour grape juice, coupled with the salty and rough mutton flatbread, was simply beautiful on earth.

Driving slowly in the huge desert was more boring than a long ocean voyage. Shui Wang relied on the drone in the sky to navigate, so he would not worry about getting lost in the desert. It was not until two days later that Shui Wang discovered a huge oasis. and a large Ishval settlement.

This place is not too far from the eastern town of Ames, and the entire Ishval area is also surrounded by the national formation. Wang Shui saw the Desert Bigfoot truck of his own grain and oil company on the outskirts of this desert town.

Although I don’t know which subsidiary it belongs to, this alchemy-driven large truck is definitely made by Aqua Regia, and it is not sold outside for the time being. It is powered by the energy of the earth’s crust and uses [Sylvia Network] as the data transfer and core technology. There are three kinds of alchemy and aqua regia, and the startup of each vehicle requires the support of "Hill Net".

The scale of this small town is far larger than Wang Shui imagined. Most of the houses are standard three- and four-story stone buildings. There is a constant flow of people between the dense buildings. In addition to the locals with white hair and red eyes, there are also many other races. It seems that What a commercial center looks like in the desert.

Wang Shui destroyed the sand boat and walked into the city. People outside the town showed a little surprise at Wang Shui walking from the desert carrying only a large canvas bag, but they only regarded him as someone who was active nearby. Didn't pay attention to it for too long.

On the other hand, Wang Shui greeted almost everyone he met. His Ishvar language, which was a little stiff at first, became fluent after entering the town, and his originally empty canvas bag also bulged.

Wang Shui did not go to his own company. After all, he came here to find someone. His purpose was very clear, which was to find [Ska Brothers].

Scar is the character who drives the plot, an Ishval monk who uses a special decomposition technique. His brother died before the main event began, but his brother's research on alchemy and alchemy was always present throughout the plot, and he also made a considerable contribution when facing the BOSS at the end.

Wang Shui can't remember the various formation formations in the original work at all. When he was a child, he watched the cartoon for fun and hasn't finished it yet.

When he was in college, he had seen some general plot summaries through various explanation videos, but those explanation videos presented many imaginary unsolved mysteries to the audience.

One of them is Scar's brother.

Aqua Regia naturally mixed into the area where the Ishvar people lived, and then began to inquire about Scar's brother who was obsessed with alchemy.

Wang Shui remembered that Ska was a pseudonym, which might be troublesome to find, but he was Ska's brother. He studied alchemy in this area that hated alchemy, so he should be very famous.

Sure enough, Wang Shui easily found out the information about Ska's brother. His name was very long, and the locals called him "Ir", while Ska's original name was "Lavitte".

It was precisely because of the protection of his brother monk and the chief elder of the tribe that Il was not overly marginalized by the locals who hated alchemy.

The locals hate alchemy and have never thought about it. The food that supplies them is basically provided by alchemy. They only blindly obey gods and traditions. While enjoying the benefits brought by technological progress, they curse technology and turn " "Technology" is regarded as a derogatory term.

Wang Shui quickly found the Il family. For this visit, he even brought some fruit gifts. After knocking on the door for a long time, someone answered the door. The person who opened the wooden door was a thin Ishvar wearing round-rimmed glasses. Man, his expression was calm and a little numb, as if he was thinking about something.

"Who are you……"

"Hello, I'm [Azir], I'm looking for a like-minded person." Wang Shui made up another name, and at the same time stated his intention straight to the point.

When Wang Shui answered, he already held a card between his fingers and handed it over. On it was a complicated refining formation.

"Formation formation! This content is..."

"Plant growth, or food crop growth technology, is the basis for the prosperity of Amestris. I think Ishvar needs this technology more, so I started to research it secretly. Now I have some results, and then I I heard about you, so I wanted to come and meet you, the people in this nation who share the same goals as me."

Wang Shui started to perform again. It was obvious that El was unprepared for this kind of social engineering rhetoric and easily believed the logic he spun.

"It turns out I'm not the only one who thinks this way in Ishval! No! This is a matter of course! Alchemy and technology are the path to progress, and remaining stagnant will only bring more injustice and oppression!"

El was so excited that he directly pulled Aqua Regia in. Compared to Aqua Regia himself, he didn't care about the valuable fruits at all.

A pure and focused person, Wang Shui made this evaluation.

Ir directly brought Shui Wang into the study. He seemed to be the only one in this large single-family building.

His study is very large, filled with all kinds of books and manuscript papers. There are traces of making formations everywhere, but the whole room is not messy. Everything is either badly worn or old, but it is very clean, tidy and orderly. Orderly.

"It's unbelievable. Why didn't I think of solving the food problem first?" Ir murmured to himself and clipped the aqua regia card on a small blackboard. The original content was quickly erased by him, and he simply forgot to say hello. Aqua regia quickly analyzed the formation formation of aqua regia on the blackboard.

Il fell into his own world, and Wang Shui was not polite. He began to look through Il's collection of books and research notes, and soon he found detailed information on dragon vein alchemy.

Shui Wang's dragon vein alchemy was taught orally by Hohenheim, who didn't know much about it. Shui Wang was able to master the alchemy technique to an advanced level mainly because of his years of research.

There are many books here in Il, ranging from introductory to burial, and there are even a large number of untranslated original materials. Wang Shui found Il's own notes of translating Chinese into Ishvar script... and it was in Simplified Chinese.

The original system of alchemy focused more on elixirs for healing and health maintenance, so it was accompanied by a lot of medical knowledge and the need for special flame energy.

After the introduction of alchemy in Hohenheim, alchemy also underwent some changes. Cure no longer emphasized elixirs, but instead used human elixirs to refine people into a "perfect" state in order to achieve the healing effect.

Systems such as concepts of cold and heat, qi, balance of yin and yang, all things as medicine, acupoints and meridians, etc. are all restricted by the method of quickly calling on dragon vein energy, and this efficient and intuitive approach is making alchemy move toward military use.

This was something that didn't exist in the original fantasy world. Wang Shui's brows knitted together.

"Hill, in the fantasy world, are there things that don't exist in the original work?"

"Generally not." The magical Sylvia can always give the answer.

"Generally refers to..."

"Mutation tags, unstable world, invasion of alien gods, etc. will all affect the fantasy world. However, if non-existent knowledge appears, it is most likely your fault."

Wang Shui didn't understand even more: "I don't know this knowledge, or I just know their existence. The specific content is not clear at all, and the content I see now is very reasonable and consistent with my knowledge."

"Related to you, it refers to your identity. This is a work from your hometown. The system can use your presence to apply for information from the world consciousness of your hometown using keywords. Don't think about it. If you can't go back, the system will If you can’t get through it, the system uses occult methods to capture the souls of awakened people. Someone has tried it a long time ago and there is no way they can go back.”

Wang Shui was not particularly disappointed. He didn't miss home that much. He was afraid that he would become a traitor and bring back a bunch of warmongers and extraordinary people.

With peace of mind, Wang Shui began to carefully read and memorize these materials to deepen his understanding of the ancient dragon vein alchemy. If he hadn't really had nothing at hand, he would have started one.

Not only the ancient elixir technology, but also the relatively new concept of human elixirs is also very interesting.

[Heaven and earth are the furnace and body are elixirs, and yin and yang are the basic Qi first. The rising and setting of the sun and the moon change quietly, and the mountains, rivers, wind and clouds make the heart flow like a fairy. 】

What's this? !

When Wang Shui gathered his energy in a book about the energy form of "qi", this poem suddenly appeared in front of him!

But once again, everything disappeared immediately! No matter how much he looks at it, it seems that if he searches for it with the mentality of knowing, he can no longer see it.

Are there such mysterious things in my hometown? Wang Shui didn't remember it, but Wang Shui wrote it down.

In addition to alchemy, Wang Shui also saw many documents from the ancient country of Xerxes, and even corresponding dictionaries.

It was something that Wang Shui did not expect that Ska's brother Il could actually obtain such comprehensive information.

El was still obsessed with Wang Shui's complex grain alchemy, so Wang Shui took the opportunity to memorize all of Yi's books, as well as his research notes!

Until it got dark, El just turned on the light without any intention of stopping.

On the contrary, Wang Shui was hungry first. He hadn't eaten much since he approached this town yesterday. Today he was even more busy asking about Ilhe and rushing over to visit. Coupled with the intense use of his brain, his mind was now filled with all kinds of thoughts. Grow delicious food.

All this time, Wang Shui never wanted to treat his mouth and stomach badly. He didn't say hello to El, he went out and bought some mutton, vegetables and rice, and then borrowed the kitchen of El's house to prepare a simple mutton finger rice.

Heat the rapeseed oil and fry the onions until golden brown. The essence of the sweet and slightly spicy white onions is extracted.

Then put the cleaned mutton directly into the scallion oil and stir-fry, stir-fry out some of the fat and water over low heat, and the aroma of the mutton will come out, and you can add the carrots.

Aqua regia directly took out the seeds and water and fertilizer, and immediately produced two fresh yellow radishes, which were softer, waxier and sweeter.

Cut the yellow radish and common carrot into thin strips and stir-fry them with the mutton, then add an appropriate amount of salt.

Add warm water for about two minutes, then add crushed cumin. After the aroma is lifted, transfer it to an oversized clay pot, add long-grain rice specially cultivated by aqua regia, and finally steam it.

Wang Shui watched with a smile as the attractive steam erupted from the lid of the earthenware pot, looking forward to the delicious food with Sylvia.

While the two were chatting, the door suddenly opened, and a tall and sturdy young Ishvar man walked in. He was a little surprised to see the aqua regia in the open kitchen, but he still asked calmly and politely: "Hello , may I ask who you are?"

"Lavitte? Hello, I am your brother's friend, Azir. The meal will be ready soon. Go and ask your brother to come down for dinner."

The future vengeful monk Ska, now a confused and sturdy young man, naturally accepted Wang Shui's words and went upstairs to call his brother.

I did some polishing on the high-speed rail because my brother got married and rushed to Yantai. The writing and polishing during the trip was not as easy as expected... My pot, I will check it again tonight and it will be done tomorrow.

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