My slow journey to infinity

Chapter 37 A small encounter

It's better to have someone to protect you than to go alone.

But Wang Shui still communicated with Brother Hei to confirm the origin of these people.

The dream system is not like the main god space in the entertainment works that Wang Shui has seen before. It does not have absolutely safe and unattackable areas. Some are just late accountability. If you kill awakened people of the same camp indiscriminately, you will be dealt with seriously... That's all.

Wang Shui received a definite answer and also saw the screenshot of the [Protection Contract], but Brother Hei still suggested that Wang Shui teleport directly back when he returns. The outward teleportation from [Rusty Sword Fortress] is still open.

The exchange of text messages was quick. After Wang Shui confirmed, he and the tall and thin man in the black coat walked towards the truck, but his eyes were unconsciously attracted to the guy on the roof of the car.

The man had dirty silver-gray hair that reached down to his shoulders. It looked very fluffy in the rain. He had a round chin and a very thin collar around his neck. It was difficult to tell the difference just by looking at the inconspicuous physical features. gender. His large shawl and cloak was open, and the thin and loose white short-sleeved T-shirt underneath was soaked by the rain.

He raised his head to accept the wash of the rain. When Aqua Regia looked at him, he immediately looked back keenly.

His round face was full of boyishness, and his half-open eyes were large and clear. He had been sitting cross-legged with an expressionless expression, his arms hanging naturally, and his hands pressing the sword-like weapons placed horizontally on his legs.

"He is your bodyguard, just call him 'White Cat', but don't expect him to communicate with you unless you can beat him." "The tall and thin man mentioned it casually as he pulled Wang Shui into the car. At the same time, he also said to the white cat on the roof of the car, "Smelly cat, protect the driver, and be careful not to get in trouble with yourself. "

The expressionless white cat nodded numbly and continued to raise its head to catch the rainwater.

Wang Shui had already sat in the driver's seat. At the same time, he took off his cloak and threw it in the back space to dry. After confirming the task executor's information, the vehicle started.

First, there is a slight floating feeling. The car body rises under the influence of the anti-gravity device, and the positioning pin is released, so that it can start.

There are also full-floating vehicles that rely on anti-gravity, usually some private high-end vehicles. Full-floating vehicles consume a lot of energy, and the car body itself is also very expensive.

Wheels are always a good companion for transport vehicles. They are the guarantee that the vehicle can still move after losing power. With certain anti-gravity and propulsion devices, it can basically adapt to any terrain.

Wang Shui has been here for half a year, so he can naturally drive a car. Of course, he doesn't have a driver's license and has never run long distances. There is no place in this world to issue a driver's license.

The three vehicles, including the escort team, slowly drove onto the road. The city behind them gradually revealed its entirety, and then gradually disappeared in the rain. Wang Shui found past routes in the vehicle's driving records, and the system recommended three routes.

Wang Shui chose a relatively close one and was about to synchronize the route to the team. The tall and thin man in the passenger seat next to him had just thrown his rain-stained coat behind and was drying himself with warm air and said:

"It is not recommended to choose this route. Here," he pointed to the map on the virtual screen in the middle of the vehicle, "there is a group of robbers here recently. Although the leader is only one or two second-level robbers, their weapons are very complicated. Maybe There’s heavy firepower and it can be nasty going through here, so I recommend taking this route.”

He pointed to a farther road. This road was in good condition, with a wide view nearby, and it was not easy to be ambushed.

Wang Shui didn't think that this escort hunting group would trick him.

Awakened people do often fight among themselves or grab things, but they rarely rob escort vehicles like this. They can't open the box at all. Instead, they will make themselves wanted, which is completely useless.

Moreover, they are very familiar with Brother Hei. If Brother Hei wants to get aqua regia, there is no need to go to such trouble. If they want to get aqua regia, even if no one is killed, they have to consider whether to hang out in Tiefeng City in the future.

So Wang Shui listened to the tall and thin man's advice, determined the route, and switched to semi-autonomous driving mode.

In this mode, the vehicle will drive automatically to save the driver's physical strength. In the event of an emergency, the driver will also have higher control authority to take over immediately. This is a tip for long-distance freight transportation, and it is one of the lessons that Wang Shui has been doing these days.

The tall and lanky man nodded. The person he was protecting could not have been better off listening to his advice.

"Let's get to know each other a little bit. You can call me Ah Shui, Brother Hei's maintenance man. Safety on the road depends on you."

Ten minutes after the vehicle left the east gate of Tiefeng City, Wang Shui took the initiative to chat. The tall and thin man was silent for a while, and then replied lightly:

"[TU], you can call me [Tu], the leader of this unknown little hunting group, responsible for taking care of these autistic people, including you of course." The tall and lanky Tu Ge took out a thick cigarette and smacked it at On an old wooden filter, he lit it and then asked, "Do you mind if I smoke?"

"Of course I don't mind." Wang Shui took out an iron cigarette box from his pocket and handed it to Brother Tu, "Try mine."

"Wow ~ "Witherwood Guard", a rare thing with good taste. I'm starting to like you a little bit. "

Wang Shui, who basically did not smoke, smiled. Semi-autonomous driving did not require too much energy, and he began to habitually use words to obtain information.

"It's just rare, and it's not expensive. There are always some wild ways in life. If Brother Tu has the tobacco you're looking for, I can help you keep an eye on anything that's not too rare."

"Then I have to make you a friend. Alas, sometimes I really envy you in the life department for having access to many rare items on the battlefield."

Brother Tu started joking and seemed to have good communication skills.

"The life system is just lubricant. Even without us, the system can still maintain logistics by relying only on the [Construct] (a kind of mechanical life). Your combat system is the sharp edge of the system. Speaking of which, the speed at which you become stronger is too fast. People are envious of me, and I regretted it the day after I became a member of the Life Department.”

"It's not as fast as you think. The fourth level is the bottleneck of all extraordinary things. Most people can't even touch the third level. Moreover, for a modern battlefield with tens of millions of troops, what's the use of becoming stronger? We Traveling around the world to gain great power, in the end you just become a stronger cannon fodder."

"So, learn to fish."

Wang Shui suddenly made a sound like salted fish, Tu Ge looked sideways, and the two workers looked at each other and smiled.

"By the way, where's the guy above your head? Why doesn't he come in and dry himself off?" Wang Shui began to find some lighter topics to continue the atmosphere.

"Smelly cat, he said it rained recently and it was a good time to take a bath. Don't worry he won't get sick. Speaking of which, if there is danger on the road, you stay near the smelly cat. If he leaves quickly, you don't have to chase him. He will Remember to come back to protect you, but be careful not to become hostile to him no matter what happens during the battle."

Wang Shui nodded calmly, and then asked a silly question:

"Isn't it a system-controlled area from Tiefeng City to Rusty Sword Fortress? Why does the road look so dangerous?"

Perhaps to kill boring time, Brother Tu explained nonchalantly:

"The system control area outside the city is only ten or twenty kilometers. Managing a place that is too far away will consume doubled resources. When we capture an area, we generally do not engage in massacres, but only build defense and logistics sites, so there will be a large number of defeated people. The natives occupied scattered settlements and regrouped into rogue bandits. Of course, there were also some evil things, and the war has not stopped since it started."

"Aren't you going to clean up the combat system? After all, it's all experience points for upgrading."

"Oh, do you think we are playing games? The effect of killing enemies in battle and absorbing the soul's glow is indeed like "experience points", but the "experience points" you think are not some rare things. It is ordinary exercise and combat. , you can level up even without killing enemies. We old guys are stuck on the number "9". In addition, liking to fight and liking to travel are two different things. "

Well, Wang Shuilu was timid. He often saw many newcomers on the Internet who were keen on leveling up, and he really hadn't heard the complaints from the old combat type.

"To engage in these things not only means risks, but also the loss of resources. No one knows whether we can break even if we go out to clean up the bandits. If we encounter any evil things again, it will be over and it will be over. The system's reward missions, and the combat type also likes to rest and hang up to wait for recruitment. War is the same as getting stronger, there is no rush."

This conversation lasted for two hours. The two people did not feel tired at all after running a long distance. Instead, they even bought some drinks and snacks and had a chat party.

Wang Shui relied on his ability to listen well and easily stir up topics, and successfully sneaked into the live chat on the voice channel of this unknown little hunting group, and tricked a gunman in the car behind him to come here to chat, eat and drink together, and cure autism on the spot.

The three cars were driving slowly in the rain, traveling without stopping during the day. Even with a detour, they had completed two-thirds of the route. Now the world in the rain, which was still a little bright, had completely darkened, and the night was so pure that it was frightening. High-power headlights can't even dispel the darkness more than ten meters away.

The truck is equipped with an active infrared night vision system, so there is no problem when traveling at night. However, once the infrared light source is turned on, the truck becomes a beacon in a night vision environment and becomes the most conspicuous target in the night.

"Go to the nearby woods to rest for the night. We will set off again tomorrow morning. Please rest in the car and try not to go out." As soon as Tu Ge finished giving the order, a lazy and soft female voice suddenly sounded on the voice channel.

"Captain, I feel in danger."

Brother Tu looked solemn, opened the car window, stretched out his right hand, and asked at the same time:

"Smelly cat, do you have the direction and distance?"

Stinky cat? Is the boy on the roof of the car a girl?

When Shui Wang's focus went astray, a small black snake crawled up along Tu Ge's right arm that stretched out the window, came up to Tu Ge and quietly stuck out its tongue.

"There is a [Mutant] nearby. Everyone gets out of the car to be on guard. If you find it, take action. Smelly cat, you watch the truck. Ah Shui, don't get out of the car. Let's get out of here quickly."

As he said that, Brother Tu grabbed his coat and put it on handsomely, and rushed out of the truck. The gunman in the back seat also rushed into the rain in silence. The surrounding area quickly became quiet. Not long after, Wang Shui heard the sound of gunshots and a permeating roar. .

[Mutant], a monster that mutates under the influence of [Ability God] radiation. It doesn’t matter what it is originally. The important thing is that this kind of monster is very aggressive and has little value. It is dangerous and disgusting. And it itself has terrible energy corrosiveness.

"Determine the type of power god, eat [No. 3], you can fight in close combat."

Brother Tu's words resounded through the voice channel again. After hearing this, Wang Shui quickly took out the dusty medicine box from the awakened person's space, found the No. 3 anti-erosion pill, took one pill, and then nervously put his hand on his waist.

Suddenly, something moved in the blurry night in front of the vehicle. Wang Shui just noticed it and focused his eyes there, only to see a dark silver arc flashing away. In the dim light, Wang Shui saw a tall humanoid monster cut off horizontally from the abdomen. Its upper body fell backward into the rain, while its lower body remained standing.

It was the Stinky Cat who took action. Wang Shui subconsciously made the correct guess, and by the way, he became interested in that kind of attack that appeared out of thin air.

"about there."

After a while, the lazy, waxy and very cold and plain voice appeared on the voice channel again. Wang Shui was still thinking about the mutant in front of the truck, when out of the corner of his eye he happened to see a huge black wolf coming out of the open car. The car window burst in.

Before aqua regia could react, the giant wolf jumped into the window while shrinking. After passing through, he twisted and sat upright, and quickly transformed and returned to Brother Tu.

"Have the mutated organs of that second-level guy been recovered?" This was Brother Tu's first words after he came back.

"It's been collected." A voice that Wang Shui had never heard came from the voice channel.

"Let's go forward the same way we came."

This is what Wang Shui was waiting for. The truck has been silently starting. Now the active infrared night vision system is turned on, and the two armored vehicles behind it have also started to follow.

It is said to be the original road, but in fact it is just a relatively flat and open terrain. The rain-soaked land, the places with many rocks are hard roads, and the places with a lot of mud are traps.

Aqua Regia increased the power of the anti-gravity device, and the tires could not grip the ground, so the cold thruster was also turned on.

The speed of the three cars was not slow, but Wang Shui soon saw a large number of mutants in front of the car.

Aqua regia didn't remember how to judge their level, but each of them was not slow in skill. Some were still human-shaped, but with more limbs, tentacles, and sharp teeth and mouths on the abdomen. Some were simply a mixture of animals and plants. They quickly approached the truck in their own unique postures.

"Don't slow down." Brother Tu ordered, holding a freshly lit cigarette in his left hand, making a fist with his right hand and swinging forward!

The ring on the middle finger of his right hand lit up with green light, and energy lines extended from the ring, all the way into his forearm and into his sleeve.

As he punched out, the weeds and vines on the roadside instantly condensed into a huge plant group three to four meters high, and transformed into the shape of a fist. The grass and tree fists followed Tu Ge in punching hard.

The huge fist of vegetation scraped up part of the ground, knocking away everything in its path. At this time, sporadic gunfire came from the armored vehicle behind, and the heads of the mutants that were knocked away began to explode into flowers of flesh and blood, but it was not clear under the night vision effect.

Although Wang Shui was shocked by the cooperation and force of the small hunting group, he did not stop driving. He kept fine-tuning his direction to avoid the mutants stuck in the mud after landing. Regardless of whether they were still alive, Wang Shui would Don't want to run over them.


Brother Tu exhaled a puff of smoke and looked at Shui Wang with a smile.

"Okay, even if it's level 0, there's no need to panic. The young man has great potential."

Wang Shui just smiled sheepishly. He was indeed panicking just now, but maybe it was because someone was protecting him. There was not much fear in his panic, but more of a sense of nervousness.

The three vehicles ran for more than ten kilometers. After confirming again and again that no mutants were following, Brother Tu summoned some plant guards and told everyone to rest quickly.

Wang Shui was lying on the flat driver's seat, his mind in a mess.

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