My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 14: Dark willows and bright flowers

Thirteen years after anchoring, ancient books such as "Shangshu", "Poetry", and "Li" were published, and scholars all over the world became more and more yearning for that lost history.

Fifteen years after anchoring, the emperor became seriously ill. In order to seek the elixir to prolong his life, he sent more than 100,000 troops to excavate ancient tombs everywhere, looking for traces of the elixir.

Although many courtiers made slight remarks, they did not write large-scale objections.

Unfortunately, the elixir is hard to find. Even though hundreds of ancient tombs have been excavated, no traces of it have been found.

At the end of the year, the emperor died with regrets. The prequel to death is located in King Langya.

At this point, Li Fan finally secretly controlled the world again.

Under the influence of Li Fan, the trend of visiting ancient tombs became more and more popular all over the world.

Seventeen years after anchoring, a hunter in the mountains found an ancient tomb, which won the favor of the Grand Master and earned him a title. Since then, people all over the world have become more enthusiastic and crazy about visiting ancient times. No matter how remote the mountains and forests are, you can see groups of ancient visitors.

Time goes by and comes to the 23rd year of Anchoring.

Li Fan stood in the Imperial Master's Mansion, watching the collection of clues obtained from official and private visits to ancient times over the past few years.

Before that, there were only three thousand years of historical records in this world, totaling twenty-three dynasties.

As ancient tombs are excavated one after another, the previously lost history is gradually being completed.

Before these twenty-three dynasties, there were sixteen more dynasties, dating back to about six to seven thousand years ago.

The earliest dynasty that can be found is named Qi.

"Six to seven thousand years, it's almost comparable to the era of the Great Migration." Li Fan thought to himself.

Immediately, he began to order his men to focus on excavating the ancient tombs of the Qi Dynasty.

He even offered a reward all over the world, and anyone who could find the ancient tomb of the Qi Dynasty would be made a marquis.

As soon as the news came out, people all over the world rushed to tell each other.

Countless young people have embarked on the road to visit ancient times together.

No matter how dusty the history is, it cannot withstand such enthusiastic excavation and search by people all over the world.

Twenty-five years after anchoring, the tomb of Yi Xing, the first emperor of the Qi Dynasty, was finally found.

After hearing the news, Li Fan led his confidants to the scene in person and sealed off the surrounding area.

Over the past decade or so, the technology for excavating ancient tombs in the Daxuan Dynasty has developed rapidly, and a set of extremely effective tomb opening plans has been developed.

Even though the tomb of the first emperor in this world is huge and has countless organs, thanks to the efforts of everyone visiting the ancient camp, a passage leading to the main tomb was opened in just over a month.

After all obstacles were cleared, Li Fan entered the tomb surrounded by everyone.

The main tomb passage stretches for hundreds of meters, and the walls on both sides are covered with lifelike murals. Although thousands of years have passed, it is still clearly visible.

Li Fan walked slowly, looking at these murals along the way.

The mural is divided into several parts.

In the first part, the protagonist in the painting, Yi Xing, the first emperor of the Qi Dynasty, is sitting on the top of a mountain. Above the misty white clouds, there were several traces of immortals, which seemed to be saying something to him.

The second part represents the coming darkness of disaster. The red color representing blood is spread all over the earth. Under the leadership of Yi Xing, the surviving people flew through the vast sea of ​​clouds on one ship after another. After encountering countless dangers, they came to a vast plain. Since then, people have settled here.

In the third part, with the support of everyone, Yi Xing proclaimed himself emperor and established the Qi Dynasty.

The fourth part is about various trivial matters that happened during Yi Xing's rule.

After reading the murals, Li Fan came to the main tomb chamber.

The tomb space is forty to fifty meters high and thousands of meters long and wide. The top of the tomb seems to imitate the layout of stars and is inlaid with thousands of luminous pearls.

The interior of the tomb imitates the layout of a mountain gate, with mountains standing everywhere, submerged in the sea of ​​clouds.

I don’t know how this sea of ​​clouds was generated. It is only fixed in the tomb and does not move around. Thousands of years have passed and it has not dissipated.

There are invisible roads connecting each mountain top, and everyone is amazed and admiring along the way.

"It is indeed the method of the Immortal Family." Li Fan thought to himself.

At the highest peak, there is a simple thatched house, and the fertile fields outside the house have been abandoned.

When everyone walked in, they realized that the thatch of the thatched house was actually made of countless thin gold threads.

Obviously, this thatched cottage is Yi Xing's coffin.

At Li Fan's signal, everyone opened the door of the thatched cottage first.

To everyone's surprise, there were no remains of Yi Xing in the house.

There is only a wooden tablet standing quietly inside.

There are several golden characters written on the tablet: "The Tomb of Yi Xing, an Outer Disciple of Taiyan Sect."

Apart from that, there is nothing else.

"It seems that although this person joined the sect called Taiyan Sect, he was still just an outer disciple and failed to embark on the path to immortality. In the end, he was exiled to this place by the immortal cultivators."

"Before his death, he never forgot his sect. He did not regard himself as the emperor but always regarded himself as an outer disciple of the Taiyan Sect."

"It's just that according to what Kou Hong said before, all the sects in the world should have disappeared in the great catastrophe before the Great Migration Era. Now it seems that there should be another hidden reason."

Li Fan kept thinking in his mind.

"This Yi Xing should be entrusted by the immortal cultivators of Taiyan Sect to be responsible for the great migration of this world. I just don't know if I can find the flying boat used for the original migration this time."

After searching the main tomb to no avail, Li Fan ordered the visiting camp to dig around, trying to find clues from the surrounding tombs.

A few days later, bad news came, which made Li Fan feel extremely angry and helpless.

It turned out that the people who visited the ancient camp found records about the word "Feizhou" in the list of funerary objects in a nearby burial chamber. It is a pity that this tomb was stolen early.

Judging from the signs of damage, it was stolen thousands of years ago.

"It's the same, it's the same! Every time it gives me hope, but in the end it's like a mirror in the mirror, a moon in the water!"

Li Fan got extremely angry and smashed several items around him.

People around him were as silent as cicadas.

After a long time, Li Fan calmed down his complicated emotions.

He still ordered Guying to excavate ancient tombs everywhere to look for possible traces of the immortal boat, but he returned to Xuanjing City, as if he had no hope for it.

Another ten years passed like this, and the time came to the thirty-fifth year of anchoring, but things took a turn for the better.

On this day, Li Fan received an urgent report.

"Did you find the tomb of the immortal?" Li Fan was a little surprised, but then he was overjoyed and asked carefully.

It turns out that although Li Fan's interest has waned over the years, the enthusiasm among the people for visiting ancient times has not diminished at all. On the land of Daxuan, countless ancient tombs were dug.

And as those large ancient tombs were excavated, people began to turn their attention to the small ancient tombs that no one had paid attention to before.

A few days ago, a group of young people were suddenly injured by an inexplicable force while digging an inconspicuous cemetery, resulting in heavy casualties.

Those who survived immediately reported the incident to the authorities.

You know, Daxuan has been visiting ancient times for decades. Even if there are casualties, they are basically caused by mechanisms. It was the first time that I encountered such a strange thing before opening the tomb.

I didn't dare to slack off when I visited the ancient camp, and sent people to investigate overnight.

Although many experienced veterans and heavily armed soldiers joined forces, they could not shake this small tomb in the slightest.

Everyone was surprised and happy, and quickly reported the matter to Li Fan.

Li Fan came after hearing the news, and after using Immortal Miasma, he finally destroyed the nameless power surrounding the tomb.

Entering the tomb, among the burial objects, a small wooden boat stood out.

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