Ma Danna contacted the top line sent by the intelligence agency, and they thought they were doing it very covertly.

Little did they know that in the hotel a few hundred meters away, a large number of modern high-tech listening devices were in operation, and all their conversations were eavesdropped.

"I understand the desire to do meritorious service, but remember not to be impatient when doing espionage."

The chief of the counter-espionage section earnestly advised his subordinates to take a long-term view to catch the big fish and not to be greedy for temporary quick results.

After saying that, he told them to continue to keep an eye on the two of them, took a copy of the tape, and excitedly went to the group to report the good news.

As an army, the Sichuan Army has an intelligence department that seems redundant.

But as a newly emerging force, it is necessary.

Chen Hao gave the intelligence department a resounding name "Dragon Group" for the intelligence department he formed.

The Dragon Group currently concentrates half of its resources, and the most focused department is the Counterintelligence Section.

The Sichuan Legion tree attracted the attention of various countries. Mandalay, the core city next to the base camp, has become a paradise for spies.

You won’t know if you don’t check, but you’ll be shocked if you check.

There are currently more than 800 suspected spies suspected by the Counterintelligence Division, and the identities of 45 spies can be confirmed.

However, many of the exposed personnel are from various intelligence agencies and are working on the periphery of local development.

Those peripheral members only have the advantage of being born and raised.

Due to the lack of necessary training, they were exposed quickly and even involved their own uplines.

As far as the current situation is concerned, except for the British, the intelligence agencies of various countries are not deeply rooted.

Ma Dangna is the member closest to the core secrets. The counterintelligence department has long suspected her, but there has been no substantial evidence.

Today's micro bugs can be made the size of a button, and the sound is clear and discernible.

After listening to the entire recording, Chen Haodan smiled: "She is quite self-aware, how could I be fascinated by her?"

Ma Danna is somewhat pretty, but she is one point worse than Chen Hao's Natasha.

"You guys have great ambitions, and you are really a man." The section chief flattered him, and took advantage of Chen Hao's good mood to report several more surveillance results.

Among them was Major Anyuan Taro's nominal cousin, Anyuan Miki.

This woman has been disguising herself very well since she was settled down, but her recent activity has exposed her flaws and she is definitely a spy sent by the Japanese army.

"Team leader, our regiment is preparing to fight a big war. Spies from various countries are particularly active. Our science has made a lot of achievements in the past few days!"

Chen Hao patted him on the shoulder to encourage him, and said seriously: "Your counterintelligence section is the most important barrier for our Sichuan Army, so you can't be careless in the slightest.

As long as the spies from various countries do not endanger the core secrets of our regiment, they can always keep surveillance. "

"Yes, I understand."

The head of the counterintelligence section reported the results, which gave him a sense of presence, and he retired with satisfaction.

He was already familiar with the instructions of the group leader.

They are nothing more than the enemy's spies. As long as they fail to achieve their goals, they will be like leeks, one after another and another one will pop up.

Instead of alerting the enemy to the presence of their dragon group, they might as well bury themselves deep underground.

Watching those clowns doing what they thought was a secret blend of intelligence.

Chen Hao listened to the recording twice, leaned back in his chair and murmured to himself: "I want to get close to the dock the most, but the source of the supplies still arouses suspicion from others!

So what is the identity of the time traveler?

How long can it remain hidden, or has it been exposed? "

No one could give him a definite answer.

When Chen Hao opened the channel between the two worlds and brought a large number of people from the 21st century, he must have expected his identity to be exposed.

The secret that two people know is no longer a secret.

What's more, hundreds or even thousands of people were brought at one time, and now there are more than 3,000.

There are engineers construction workers, army trainers, air force pilots and more, covering many aspects of modern industry and military.

There are so many mouths that want to keep their mouths shut, and unless the system is used to shut them up, it will be a matter of time.

The gateway to the 21st century is full of temptations for any force in the world.

The Japanese sent millions of troops to attack and seize the passage.

The British and American aircraft carrier fleets combined across the four oceans and converged on Southeast Asia, heading straight for the passage.

These worst-case scenarios are not impossible.

Whoever masters the channel and the technology of the 21st century can dominate the planet and become its leader.

With such expectations, the Allied Powers and the Central Powers are fighting a war, but they still have nothing to do!

It is obvious that the Sichuan Legion occupying the passage will be regarded as the number one enemy.

Chen Hao was as steady as an old dog and did not panic at all.

Is the aircraft carrier fleet, millions of troops, and the torrent of steel awesome?

If the mother gets mad, the worst case scenario is that the man will risk his life and overturn the table. Get some nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs to give them a taste of "nuclear peace."

I don’t believe that a guy who has experienced nuclear bombing dares to think of a tunnel.

Chen Hao is very confident in this point. The key factor in the overall peace in the past seventy years after World War II is still inseparable from the deterrence of nuclear weapons.

Otherwise the third war should have started long ago.

Is it worth bringing so many people here at the risk of exposing the secret and setting the table?

Chen Hao asked himself, is it worth it?

Give him another chance and he will do it again.

Some with low technical thresholds can also organize people of this generation to learn and master them.

However, those with high technical thresholds need to have a certain amount of cultural knowledge, complete at least nine years of compulsory education, and even go to high school, and only then can they learn and master it in one or two years.

Watching video materials without a teacher teaching makes it even more difficult to learn.

Take the Air Force as an example. It is a system.

Aircraft bomb-mounting equipment requires ground crew; timely maintenance and damaged repairs require maintenance personnel;

There is no need to say more about how difficult it is to train a pilot to fly, having already examined it.

As a result, the thirty-six aircraft purchased will have to sit in the hangar until next year.

By the time it was put into actual combat, World War II was coming to an end.

Who can afford to wait?

The more than 3,000 personnel recruited from the 21st century have at least raised the combat effectiveness of the Sichuan Army to another level.

This is also the source of Chen Hao's confidence that he does not take the Japanese Fifteenth Army seriously.

If it weren't for the restrictions of the Space-Time Management Bureau, Chen Hao would be able to defeat the great powers and have a great time being a ball player.

There really isn't much to discuss about the Sichuan Army's offensive plan.

The infantry marched along the waterway on transport ships. They used conventional firepower to fight the enemy, using artillery shells to crush the enemy and push the firepower flat.

This kind of war is very worry-free. If it is too worry-free, Li Yunlong feels that there is no room for improvement.

As long as you are a qualified commander, there is no possibility of losing the battle.

After discussing a combat plan with Long Wenwen, Li Yunlong walked out of the staff conference room to get some air and look around.

Many things seemed novel to him.

Soldiers generally use 95 automatic rifles, instead of the large-caliber AK 47 and 81 rifles.

Li Yunlong tried it and found that the recoil is indeed small. The disadvantage is that the range is short and the power is weaker than those two.

He was still wondering why Chen Hao kept going back the more he used it?

This gun has the advantage of being fast and powerful compared to the Japanese troops with 38 guns.

However, the Japanese Army's 38-year-old Gai also had advantages in long-distance precision shooting.

In the process of long-distance fighting, there is a certain risk of suffering losses.

After an actual battle, Li Yunlong changed that idea. The 95 automatic rifle was indeed sufficient for a firefight at a distance of 200 to 300 meters.

At a distance of 300 meters to 600 meters, light and heavy machine guns and rocket launchers come into play.

The Sichuan Army's firepower is too rich, and the 95 automatic rifle is just right in this combat system.

I had a great time shooting out two magazines at the shooting range, and observed the training of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles.

Li Yunlong unknowingly walked to the residential living area separated from the military camp.

Here he saw the school, with children attending classes in bright classrooms.

He also discovered a large store with shelves stacked with all kinds of merchandise he didn't recognize.

Further away is a large construction site, with houses rising from the ground.

Are you going to build a city here?

Li Yunlong couldn't understand it, but he was greatly shocked.

He already knew that Chen Hao came from the seventies.

In the past, we still lacked a specific concept of what the future would look like. We only knew that weapons were very good and high-tech.

Now the image has become more concrete, probably like what the brigade commander said, a big city like the Pearl of the Orient.

No, there are many more.

For example, people are very wealthy, their clothes are neat and clean, and their faces are rarely attractive.

When I came to the kitchen of the canteen, I saw whole fans of pigs, cattle and sheep as ingredients, being made into various dishes and becoming part of the table.

Li Yunlong originally thought that only his army's victory celebrations were so extravagant!

Suddenly, an unbelievable voice came from behind: "Captain Li, why are you here?"

Li Yunlong turned his head and looked at the voice, only to think that this person looked familiar: "Are you the pilot who flies the helicopter?!"

"Yes, yes, I didn't expect you to still remember me. My name is Jiang Chao, and I haven't actually flown a helicopter yet."

Jiang Chao was overjoyed. He never expected that he would meet the third-in-command in the regiment...maybe the second-in-command while having a meal in the cafeteria after his vacation.

If you can create a sense of presence and make leaders remember it, it will undoubtedly be a shortcut.

Although Jiang Chao used to look down on those villains with fat beards and sycophants who would only hang around the leader.

"Captain, have you eaten? If you want some more, the braised pork here is delicious." Jiang Chao was so enthusiastic that he didn't look like a normal person.

Li Yunlong is very sensitive to the title of leader. He used to be, for several years.

I am about to change my job and become the deputy leader.

Li Yunlong didn't object when someone called him regiment leader. Besides, he really wanted to try the braised pork here. What was the difference between the braised pork here and the one in the military camp?

Jiang Chao hurriedly prepared four dishes and one soup and served them to the table.

Li Yunlong observed the people dining around him, all of whom were eating meat and rice or steamed buns and soup.

Their portion can only be described as rich and not excessive.

Li Yunlong tasted a piece of braised pork. It was fat but not greasy and full of fragrance. It was no different from the one at the celebration banquet, as if it was made by a chef.

"The material conditions here are very good. Will people in the future live like this?"

Hearing Li Yunlong's question, Jiang Chao was stunned: "You know everything?"

"You and I are brothers by fate, what do you think?" Li Yunlong asked with a smile.

Although many people are talking about this in private, it is no longer a secret in the closed military camp.

But Jiang Chaodu always abides by the rules and never talks to anyone.

Looking around, Jiang Chao said in a low voice: "The rules prohibit discussion, but since you know, I will tell you everything I know.

There are so many people who can live in such a life, it’s probably the top 20%.

We do treat you well here and give you a lot of money..."

In order to show off in front of the leader, Jiang Chao talked eloquently and asked whatever he asked.

Li Yunlong learned from him that people recruited from the future would start with three times their original salary.

Their salary is only needed to buy future goods.

The company covers all basic needs such as food, drink, housing, transportation and medical care, and meal vouchers and housing are allocated according to levels.

For example, Jiang Chao, as a helicopter pilot, can divide a large house of 150 square meters.

The meal vouchers exchanged are enough for four dishes and one soup.

Li Yunlong was very surprised to hear this: "Have all the promises been fulfilled?"

Jiang Chao said sincerely with a smile on his face: "The house is being built, and I can't even use up the meal coupons. The pilot's small stove is specially prepared by a nutritionist, and it's better than this."

He is very satisfied with the life in this world. Compared with the ordinary life on the construction site before, this place meets all his material needs and also gives him a way to move up.

If you work on a construction site for the rest of your life, you can at most become a project manager or a contractor.

Does that need to be said now?

Jiang Chao is not planning to go back after his service period is over. He wants to bring his family over and live in this time and space.

Li Yunlong didn't care about Jiang Chao's personal thoughts. He just wanted to know how people would live in the future.

I once asked Chen Hao and got an answer similar to what Jiang Chao said.

So the future will get better and better, but people have more and more desires and are under great pressure.

It is always ten or a hundred times better than the precarious days these days.

Just know that their efforts were not in vain.

Li Yunlong didn't really want to know the details.

Because I know what stages my life will go through, and even more specific events.

It's like hearing the story of a book and hearing the ending directly, which is very boring.

Li Yunlong didn't want to admit it, he was probably a little scared!

"Can you teach me how to fly a helicopter?" Li Yunlong asked, changing the topic.

"Are you not afraid of heights anymore?"

Jiang Chao realized that what he said was a bit blunt, and quickly explained: "I mean it's normal to feel uncomfortable riding at first, just ride a few more times and get used to it.

It’s not difficult to fly a helicopter. It didn’t take me long to learn how to do it. You must learn faster than me. "

Li Yunlong was very satisfied with his statement and asked Jiang Chao to take him flying after dinner.

The first time he took a helicopter ride, his legs were weak, which he was ashamed of.

It can be seen that in the following wars, it is inevitable for a commander to travel by helicopter.

After all, helicopters can stop anywhere, fly straight in the sky, are not restricted by roads and rivers, and are much faster than cars and boats.

It's so fast and convenient.

Before the fight started, Li Yunlong had to sit a few more times to get used to it.

In order to prevent Chen Hao from calling him a weakling again if something goes wrong in the future.

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