My players are all acting

Chapter 276 Trial clearance!

The Zhaoyi army besieged Yanjing for more than a month, and the Jin people sent a large army to help. The field command was weak, and the various ministries did not belong to each other. The Zhaoyi army smashed it under the city of Yanjing.

Afterwards, Zhaoyi's army was like a broken bamboo, captured Yanjing, and began to attack the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun.

In fact, Yan Yun at this time has long been accustomed to the rule of foreign races, and most people have no intention of naturalizing towards the Qi Dynasty.

However, wherever the Zhaoyi army went, the military discipline was strict, and they did not commit any crimes to the people. They killed the rich and divided the land, and soon won the support of the people.

At this time, the Qi Dynasty fell into serious civil strife.

After Qin Huizhi put Qi Yingzong under house arrest, he didn't dare to kill him hastily. Instead, he continued to clean up the court and suppressed all officials who dared to impeach him.

When people from all over the country heard that Qin Huizhi had plans to usurp the throne, they raised troops one after another. But Qin Huizhi sent a large army to suppress it.

Although Qin Huizhi acted perversely, he still firmly controlled the power of the government. Under the suppression of the rebellion by the Central Forbidden Army, the local rebel army could not be supported alone.

In this way, the situation facing Qin Huizhi stabilized again.

Just wait for another one or two years before Qi Yingzong slowly dies of illness, everything will be logical.

It's just that they didn't expect that at this juncture, the Zhaoyi Army, which had already occupied Yanyun, would make a new move.

General Han Fuyue still left the main force to guard Yanyun, while he himself, with only 30,000 elite soldiers, suddenly went straight to the capital of Qi Dynasty in the name of King Qin.

Qin Huizhi mobilized heavy troops to quell the rebellion, but the guards were already empty, and the defenders along the way were either fleeing in fear of the wind, or sat idly by because of the righteousness of the Zhaoyi Army.

A cavalry unit of only 30,000 people went deep into the Qi territory without considering the logistics and supplies, and approached the capital.



"Thirty thousand people, only thirty thousand people!

"I still have hundreds of thousands of imperial troops in the Qi Dynasty, how can I let 30,000 people rush for a long distance, as if entering the land of no one!

"Could it be that all my court is a group of rebellious officials and thieves!

"Han Fuyue...Han Fuyue..."

In the court hall, Qin Huizhi cursed loudly.

It's just that when it came to Han Fuyue, although he gritted his teeth with hatred, he couldn't say what to follow.

And all the ministers in the court hall were silent.

What can I say?

These ministers are basically left behind after layers of cleaning. Many of them are courtiers who are in collusion with Qin Huizhi and are in collusion with each other. Even if they are not Qin Huizhi's party members, they are used to being wise and silent.

In this case, it is true that there is nothing to say.

Of course, Qin Huizhi had reason to be so furious, because General Han Fuyue's sudden dispatch of troops completely disrupted his plans that he had already made.

Originally, he already had power in the government and held the power tightly in his hands, but Qi Yingzong was better than Qi Gaozong. Although he had a legal system, he caused the Jingping Change with one hand, so his reputation among the people was not good.

Moreover, although Qin Huizhi secretly planned the previous seizure of the throne, in the eyes of the common people, it was obviously inspired by Qi Yingzong. They believed that Qi Yingzong colluded with Qin Huizhi to poison Qi Gaozong, which was the truth of the matter.

And it would have been easier and smoother for Qin Huizhi to get rid of this culprit than to abolish Qi Gaozong directly.

Although there were rebellions everywhere at this time, in time, these rebellions would still be quelled.

Although Qin Huizhi didn't dare to openly kill Qi Yingzong at this time, the more he delayed, the more time was on his side.

As for General Han Fuyue, Qin Huizhi didn't think it was a big problem.

One reason was that General Han Fuyue was attacking Yanyun. The importance of Yanyun was obvious to both the Qi Dynasty and the Jin people.

If the strong city cannot be attacked for a long time, and the reinforcements from the Jin people arrive, the Zhaoyi army will be in danger of being destroyed. Emperor Taizong of the Qi Dynasty lost here.

Although General Han Fuyue defeated the Jin reinforcements in the field and took advantage of the situation to capture Yanyun, Qin Huizhi still felt that the north was safe.

Because Yanyun has been separated from the Central Plains Dynasty for too long, it will take several generations to restore the local people's hearts. And it is impossible for the Jinren to just give up Yanyun, and they will inevitably gather an army to fight again.

Therefore, the main force of Zhaoyi Army still has to guard Yanyun, and it is unlikely to go south.

Geographically speaking, the Zhaoyi Army was sandwiched between the Qi Dynasty and the Jin people, which was the most unfavorable position. Once there is a war on both sides, it is very dangerous not to be able to look at each other from head to tail.

That's why Qin Huizhi believed that General Han Fuyue asked him for the vast area from the Huaihe River to the Yangtze River, not only for profit, but also for the stability of the rear, implying that the Qi Dynasty would never take the initiative to go south, and everyone would do their own thing.

You, Qin Huizhi, want to seek usurpation, and I, Han Fuyue, want to make the Northern Expedition, so we don't affect each other.

However, at this time, the peace agreement has not really taken shape, and Yan Yun is not stable. When most people think that the Zhaoyi Army will never go south at this time, General Han Fuyue goes south!

He actually left the army in Yanyun, and only brought 30,000 cavalry to the north bank of Huaihe River secretly.

Then cross the Huaihe River and the Yangtze River and drive straight in!

The Qi army was caught off guard and collapsed at the first touch.

By the time Qin Huizhi got the news, General Han Fuyue's troops were already pointing directly at the capital of Qi Dynasty.

Therefore, at this time, Qin Huizhi was incompetent and furious.

On the one hand, he hates General Han Fuyue's "treachery", but on the other hand, he thinks why these generals are so useless, there are only 30,000 people in the area, and no one dares to stop them, just like this makes Han Fuyue feel as if no one is in the land !

The officials were silent, but many people secretly sneered in their hearts.

You traitor, you actually have a day when you lose your temper?

Why is it that General Han Fuyue led only 30,000 Zhaoyi troops, and he was able to drive straight into it, as if entering a land without people?

Isn't it because you suppressed warriors, persecuted and expelled those capable generals, and replaced them with trash you trusted?

Isn't it because you are harsh on the soldiers at the bottom, indulge your cronies to eat empty pay, and abuse the soldiers, which leads to the relaxation of military discipline?

Wasn't it because you acted perversely in the court, and the common people saw that you were the work of a golden man, and you have already reserved a long-lasting stigma in the history books?

You ask why the hundreds of thousands of forbidden soldiers just sit and watch General Han Fuyue drive straight in...

It's better to ask yourself, why do you let hundreds of thousands of forbidden soldiers work for you?

Are you ashamed to say that they are all a bunch of rebellious officials and thieves?

You are the biggest traitor...

Originally, General Han Fuyue's attack on Zhuxian Town was already a great situation for ZTE, but you abruptly ruined it. Are you ashamed to say that other people are traitors?

Of course, these words can only be thought in the heart, and it is impossible to really say them.

Because these wise and self-protecting officials also knew that Qin Huizhi was already on the verge of madness at this time.

He already had the intention of usurping, and he was only one step away from success, but at this moment, he suddenly fell short, which made him even more hysterical, who had no city.

"What should we do now?" Qin Huizhi stared at the officials.

At this time, the throne was empty, and Qi Yingzong had already been put under house arrest by Qin Huizhi under the pretext of being ill, and he had not been to court for a long time. Qin Huizhi, on the other hand, dealt with various political affairs grandly as the prime minister, and he only needed to change his clothes before he could ascend to the high throne.

All the officials looked at each other without saying a word.

Finally, an official said: "This time Han Fuyue is leading the elite of the Zhaoyi Army, his personal soldiers, even the Jinren's Tiefutu, they dare not face their sharpness.

"It's hard to last for a long time, it's better to surrender early. Otherwise, if we fight together, I'm afraid blood will flow like a river..."

Another official immediately shook his head: "This statement is wrong! If Han Fuyue is allowed to be in power, is there any way for us to survive? Why don't we ask the holy driver to patrol the south, or flee to the sea, and wait for the king's army to arrive, Han Fuyue The 30,000 people in China can naturally be wiped out in one fell swoop."

Another official said: "How about letting the officials issue an imperial edict ordering Han Fuyue to withdraw?"

Qin Huizhi roared angrily: "Idiots, they are all a bunch of idiots!"

These are obviously bad ideas that are purely deceptive.


Other officials might not be held accountable even if they surrendered, but Qin Huizhi was different from his followers.

Han Fuyue had come to peace talks hypocritically before, but now that he wants to see each other, how can he still give Qin Huizhi a way to survive?

Anyone can live, but Qin Huizhi definitely doesn't deserve to live!

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Qin Huizhi to surrender.


It's also hard.

The actions taken by General Han Fuyue at this time are a bit similar to Wan Yansheng's search of mountains and seas to arrest Qi Gaozong. They all set out from the border and ran long distances with cavalry to execute beheading operations.

General Han Fuyue's progress was faster than Wan Yansheng's.

After all, Wan Yansheng had to think about food and supplies when he went deep into the hinterland of the Qi Dynasty, and he had to be stopped by the Qi army. But wherever General Han Fuyue went, people would send him food, and the Qi army simply ignored him.

With the speed at which these people fled, Han Fuyue's cavalry might have caught up with them before they left the capital.

And once he leaves the court, it's hard to say whether Qin Huizhi can command the world even if he holds Qi Yingzong hostage.

As for asking the emperor to issue an edict ordering Han Fuyue to withdraw his troops, this is even more nonsense.

Do you really think that Han Fuyue is still the former General Han who was unconditionally loyal to the emperor?

Times have long since changed!

Since he dared to go straight to the capital, he must have prepared for the worst.

Dissuaded by a piece of paper? You can't even daydream like that.

Qin Huizhi was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

In fact, the ministers under him cannot be blamed for this.

What can they do?

Of course, the best strategy is to send troops to destroy Han Fuyue immediately, and then go north to destroy the remnants of the Zhaoyi Army, and then destroy Jin, can you do it?

The best strategy is to defend the city to the death, and wait for the army from all walks of life to eat up Han Fuyue's 30,000 soldiers, and let him flee in a hurry, so that he doesn't dare to commit another crime, can you do it?

The worst policy is to return the government to Qi Yingzong, reuse capable ministers, and regain the trust of Qi Yingzong with the merits of the Prime Minister, so that Han Fuyue no longer has a reason to send troops, can you do it?

You can't do any of them, you can't beat them, and you lose the hearts of the people. What do you want us to do?

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice!

Qin Huiyi gritted his teeth: "Defend the city! I don't believe that he can break through the capital with 30,000 troops and no logistics!"

However, before the words fell, someone outside was heard rushing to report.

"Qin Xiang, Qin Xiang!

"Yes, someone opened the city gate and ushered in the Zhaoyi Army!"

Qin Huizhi's face turned pale instantly: "What?!"


Imperial Palace Miyagi.

Under the city wall, the cavalry of the Zhaoyi Army were in order.

After entering the city, the military discipline of the Zhaoyi Army was strict and they did not offend the common people.

There are even many people who warmly welcome them.

Several forbidden troops loyal to Qin Huizhi tried to stop them along the way, but they were all defeated when they came into contact with Zhaoyi's army.

The Zhaoyi army is an elite soldier who has been trained in fighting with the Jin people. How can these forbidden soldiers who are pampered and have no fighting spirit in the capital be able to fight?

In this way, all the way to Miyagi.

It's just that the gate of Miyagi was closed tightly at this time, and Qin Huizhi's party members, senior officials of the Qi Dynasty, and many royal family members were all locked in the city.

On the city wall, Qin Huizhi was furious. Although Qi Yingzong was the emperor and stood upright, he didn't dare to speak at this time.

"Han Fuyue! Rebellious officials and thieves!

"Not only do you support your own self-respect, but you also raise troops to rebel, killing the king and seizing the throne!

"Look carefully, His Majesty is here now, why don't you retreat quickly! Are you going to bear the eternal infamy?"

Qi Yingzong was surrounded by Qin Huizhi's people, so he was trembling at this moment, but he dared not speak.

He was really afraid that Qin Huizhi would kill him if he jumped over the wall in a hurry.

But he kept throwing suggestive glances at Han Fuyue, asking him to take out his clothes, so that he could justifiably call over and save himself.

It's just that everyone didn't expect that General Han Fuyue played by Zhao Haiping didn't show his clothes, and didn't even mention this problem at all.

Obviously, at this time Qin Huizhi had been driven to a dead end. He hijacked the emperor to guard the palace city. If a person who is generally estimated to be famous, there is really no good way to throw himself into the trap of rats.

But Zhao Haiping obviously does not have the baggage that is unique to people of this era.

He smiled coldly: "Qin Huizhi conspired to usurp the throne and murder His Majesty, which is a crime that cannot be punished! I heard that the Zhaoyi Army came to serve the king, set himself on fire in the palace city where he was, and committed suicide in fear of crime!

"I have pity on my Great Qi clan, they were all set ablaze by these rebellious officials and thieves, it's a pity, a pity!"

On the city wall, Qin Huizhi and Qi Yingzong turned pale instantly.


Before Qin Huizhi could say anything else, the soldiers of the Zhaoyi Army had already taken out their torches and lit them.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and the men and horses who surrounded the siege threw torches and rockets one after another, instantly igniting the entire Miyagi!

After that, these people did not continue to do anything, just stood there and watched.

Anyone who wants to escape will be killed.

After all, the troops brought out by General Han Fuyue are famous for their excellent military discipline.

Orders and prohibitions are not empty words.

"Han Fuyue, you! You!"

Qin Huizhi was too shocked to speak. Only then did he realize that he had completely misunderstood this person from the very beginning.

Originally thought that it was just a piece of imperial edict that could be tricked back and killed lightly, but...

Build the Zhaoyi Army, conquer the Jin people in the north, divide the land, recover Yanyun, and 30,000 riders enter Beijing...

Every step made Qin Huizhi refresh his understanding of General Han Fuyue. And this kind of misjudgment made him only one step away from the dream of seeking the court and usurping the throne, but he fell from the clouds into the abyss in an instant.

And Qi Yingzong also reacted at this time, the fluke psychology that existed in his heart disappeared, and was replaced by incomparable fear.

"General Han, you can't do this! I am the Ninth Five-Year Lord and the Lord of the World!"

However, General Han Fuyue at the bottom of the city just said indifferently: "Your Majesty, when you meet the late emperor, don't forget to take a word for the general.

"next time……

"I want to kill him myself!"

Amidst the scolding on Miyagi, the fire grew bigger and bigger.

Qin Huizhi and others had no choice but to withdraw from Miyagi and run into the palace.

However, the entire Miyagi had already been engulfed in flames, and the Zhaoyi Army surrounded Miyagi completely, and there was no place for them to stay.

In the light of the flames, the soldiers of the Zhaoyi Army quietly watched the entire palace city burn to ashes.

Occasionally, those who rushed out of the fire during the period were all killed and then thrown back into the fire.

The entire Miyagi burned for two days before it was finally extinguished.

Only rubble remained.


In Zhao Haiping's vision, the fog gradually filled.

Then, a line of system prompts appears.

[Trial Illusion: Eight Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moon]

【Clearance! 】

Like Chu Ge and Fan Cun, the evaluation of customs clearance this time is not a comment or a poem, but a summary of a character's life.

[Chu Taizu Han Fuyue, founder of Later Chu, born in Tangyin, Xiangzhou. Military strategist, strategist, calligrapher, poet, national hero. 】

[Since the age of twenty, he has joined the army four times, participated in and directed hundreds of battles. During the Northern Expedition as the commander in chief of the Qi Dynasty, he advocated the fight against gold and regained the old land. The people of Lianghe rushed to tell each other, and the volunteers from all over the country responded one after another. 】

[After stationing troops in Zhuxian Town, Qi Gaozong and Zaizhi Qin Huizhi insisted on seeking peace, and urged the class teacher with twelve gold letters, with the intention of murder. Wan Yansheng, the commander-in-chief of the Jin Kingdom at that time, declared: Han Fuyue must be killed before peace can be made. 】

[Not subject to random orders, the 100,000 troops were dismissed, leaving only more than 30,000 personal guards, and stayed in Zhuxian Town to continue fighting against the gold. The common people ate pots of pulp, won grain and Jingcong, and once again won great victory. Abolishing the powerful, dividing the land, and crusading against the puppet Chu, the northern land was tyrannical for hundreds of years, and it was completely cleared in one dynasty. 】

[Three years later, the Northern Expedition was launched to overcome Yanyun. 】

[Qin Huizhi supported Qi Yingzong, poisoned Qi Gaozong, and conspired to usurp the throne. General Han Fuyue marched 30,000 troops into King Jingqin. Qin Huizhi was desperate and set himself on fire in Miyagi. The royal family and important officials in the court were all spared. 】

[Han Fuyue inherited the hearts of all people and proclaimed himself emperor, and established Later Chu. 】

[In addition, there were three more Northern Expeditions, destroying Jin and Xixia, and China was once again unified. 】

[In the interior, work hard to govern, get rid of bad governance, recuperate, and the world is calm. 】

[Zhaoping died of illness in twenty-four years at the age of sixty-seven, known in history as "the rule of Zhaoping". 】

[The official historian said: Taizu of Chu is majestic and magnificent, and he inherited the time and met the destiny. If Qi loses its virtue, there will be the disaster of Jingping. When the Jin captives went south, the country was in danger like a pile of eggs, and the Central Plains was in trouble. However, Emperor Gaozong of Qi did not cultivate his virtues. He had loyal ministers and good generals to assist him, and he was devoted to peace. He abandoned his subjects in the north and forgot his father and brother in the dust. The Taizu of Chu sent troops to attack the Central Plains in the north, expelling the Jin captives and exterminating the Xia thieves. Yan Yun wiped out the fishy smell of the captives for more than two hundred years, and wiped out the braids of the two hundred states in the Central Plains. Woohoo, it's so prosperous! 】

(At this time, the country name is most likely to be modeled on the old system of the previous dynasty, and the place where the Jiedushi is located is named the country name. Therefore, the country name of General Han Fuyue will probably be Chu, which is called Later Chu in history.)

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