My players are all acting

References at this stage

The prototype of the Battle of Niuzhu was the Battle of Caishi, and the prototype of Zhao Binfu was Yu Yunwen, who defeated the Jin army at Caishiji, triggering a chain reaction that led to the death of Wan Yanliang in the mutiny and saved the fate of the Song Dynasty. It is "one person through the ages".

The prototype of Yu Jiaxuan is Xin Qiji, the prototype of Zhang Renxia is Zheng Xia, the prototype of Wang Wenchuan is Wang Anshi, and the prototype of Wen Junshi is Wen Yanbo and Sima Guang.

The Fifty Cavalry Robbery Camp, Bandit Suppression, Ayun Case, Reform and other contents are basically recorded in history. There are not many changes in these places, but the details are guessed based on the original historical materials, or they are looking for another way. Possibilities and such.

Some readers may feel that this dungeon is not as exciting as the previous ones, or that only the part about Zhu Yuanzhang is more beautiful in these duplications. I think this is quite normal, because the way the book is written itself determines that each dungeon is relative Independent units lack continuity with each other, and the presence of the protagonist is relatively weakened, so the content of different copies may be quite different.

On the one hand, although these stories are mixed, they are still based on real historical characters or events as a whole. If the character itself is very attractive or has a program effect, then the effect will be better, otherwise, the effect will be worse. ;

On the other hand, I actually wrote this book with the idea of ​​learning and experimenting, that is, trying to write about different contents, such as from individual combat to large-scale battles on the battlefield, and then from war to cultural governance. , reforms and the like, many of which I didn’t understand or be good at before, I wrote it just to see the effect, and recorded the successful and unsuccessful ones for accumulation in the future.

By the way, let the talented readers pick and choose. If you write something that doesn't get mad, it means you can write it, and you can optimize it if you write it next time.

So if you think a dungeon is good-looking and a dungeon is boring, this is normal, because strictly speaking, this book is a record or summary of my learning and materials, and it is not completely constructed according to the cool points. The authoring method of the class is written.

If you feel this way, you can skip the subscription or give more feedback on the plots you like more, which will also help me better determine the choice of these plots.

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