My players are all acting

Chapter 213 Don't be afraid of floating clouds to cover your eyes

"So it's hidden here...

"It's really hidden!"

Chu Ge couldn't help feeling that the routines of this game are indeed a bit deep. How could ordinary people think that this game would bury the key clues to the next stage among the piles of cases, allowing players to discover them by themselves?

But when I think about it carefully, it makes sense.

On the one hand, this is in line with the consistent characteristics of the game "Dark Sand", that is, it does not consider the difficulty and player acceptance at all, and likes to torture players with the high difficulty of real history; Review and hint.

Chu Ge already had a premonition that the content of the game after that would mostly be related to Wang Wenchuan's reform.

The Ayun case has a very close relationship with Wang Wenchuan's reform, and it can be used as the best entry point. Moreover, the way this case is handled is very likely to be inextricably linked with the subsequent reform.

Chu Ge re-read the legal provisions and the emperor's previous order, and after careful consideration, he gave his own judgment.

First of all, regarding the crime of "murdering her husband", because Ayun was still in mourning for her mother at that time, her marriage to Wei Da was not valid, so naturally it cannot be regarded as murdering her husband.

As for the general charge of "attempted murder", after Ayun was arrested, he confessed truthfully before he was sentenced. This is in line with the definition of "surrender" in the emperor's handbook, so the actual crime should be reduced by two degrees according to the crime of attempted murder, and finally sentenced to imprisonment , that is, to jail.

After the verdict, Chu Ge submitted the result to Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment, and of course, to Wang Wenchuan.

Afterwards, Chu Ge's field of vision gradually increased, and scenes of pictures passed quickly in front of him like a revolving lantern.

His perspective fell on his own judgment, and following the fast horse at the post station, he came to the capital of the Qi Dynasty at that time.

One was delivered to Dali Temple, while the other was delivered directly to Wang Wenchuan.

This seemingly simple judgment caused an uproar in the court of the Qi Dynasty at that time.

Dali Temple did not agree with the verdict, and they wanted to reverse the verdict and re-determine Ayun to be hanged.

The Ministry of Punishment also agrees with Dali Temple's opinion and believes that the death sentence should be hanged.

Yushitai, who is in charge of supervision, impeached Zhang Renxia, ​​accusing him of abusing the law and destroying the legal system of the court for his own selfishness.

But Wang Wenchuan agreed with Zhang Renxia's verdict, and asked the emperor to issue an edict to let the important officials in the court and the Hanlin students discuss together.

In the court, Wang Wenchuan supported Zhang Renxia's verdict, and the reason was naturally the previous emperor's edict; while another important minister in the court, Wen Junshi, supported the verdict of Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment, thinking that "injury to others is not the result of surrender." "Example", thinking that Ayun was not qualified to surrender himself, so naturally he cannot be reduced to second-class crimes based on surrender.

Other Hanlin scholars also put forward their own views, and in the end, those who supported Wang Wenchuan prevailed.

It happened that the emperor was more inclined to Wang Wenchuan's argument, so he issued an order to handle the case according to Wang Wenchuan's opinion.

But immediately after, the three justices refused to accept, and the emperor asked Wang Wenchuan to debate with the officials of Dali Temple again. More and more people were involved in this discussion. The provisions in the law and the emperor's hand letter originally only had a few simple sentences, but now they were constantly discussed by extracting sentences from chapters and citing scriptures.

In the end, after a long period of wrangling, the emperor finally got tired of it, and finally fully supported Wang Wenchuan's opinion, affirming that Ayun's marriage relationship was illegal, and the sentence was lightly sentenced to exile by hanging.

In Chu Ge's vision, the emperor's edict was issued layer by layer, and finally came before Ayun in the prison. And in the process of Ayun being exiled by the editor, it happened that the emperor gave amnesty to the world, so he regained his freedom within a few years, remarried and had children.

The lens gradually zoomed up, and the field of vision was filled with fog again.

Chu Ge let out a sigh of relief. It seems that this time, he has successfully passed the second stage of the role of Zhang Renxia.

Although it was a bit boring to watch the cutscenes for such a long time, Chu Ge also gained a deeper understanding of the Ayun case during the discussion among these people.

Should Ayun deserve to die?

If it is replayed after the event, it is obviously not worthy of death.

The key to this lies in the emperor's edict.

When the edict is issued, all officials agree with it, so it can be issued to the world. Once this edict is issued, it has legal effect.

Therefore, since all the details of Ayun's case meet the conditions of this decree, then Ayun should be reduced to two degrees according to the regulations.

As for why the discussion lasted so long, it was because the officials of the two factions disagreed on the specific interpretation and determination of the law.

For example, according to Wen Junshi and other important ministers, murdering one's own husband is a ten evils, and the ten evils are generally not included in the list of pardons; the criminal law stipulates that murder and wounding people cannot surrender themselves, which is in conflict with the emperor's edict; or Ayun Whether it counts as self-surrender, how should self-surrender be defined, etc...

During the whole process, both sides quoted from many sources, and each said a lot of truths, which made Chu Ge amazed.

It has to be said that the ancient people were indeed literate.

If a modern person is placed in ancient times, even someone like Chu Ge who knows a lot about ancient times, in that environment, can only be beaten by these well-educated Confucians.

After all, modern people cannot be opponents of ancient people in terms of classics debate.

Fortunately, the game "Dark Sand" was kind this time, and Chu Ge was not allowed to play Wang Wenchuan's verbal battle against the Confucians, otherwise Chu Ge estimated that he would have to suffer again.

"In this way, the Ayun case should be properly resolved.

"However, it can also be seen from the Ayun case that two very important contradictions may run through the entire copy in the future, no, it may even run through all the copies of the entire Qi Dynasty.

"It's difficult..."

Chu Ge already had a premonition that there might be more challenges waiting for him in the future dungeons.

In the Ayun case, he saw two huge contradictions. One is the question of "Which has the final say between the emperor's edict and the existing laws", and the other is the question of whether the emperor "ruled the world with the scholar-bureaucrats".

From the perspective of Wang Wenchuan and other reformists, since the emperor has issued a decree or decree clearly stipulating how to deal with this special situation, even if this decree conflicts with existing laws, the emperor's decree should prevail.

However, Wen Junshi and others believed that the emperor could not break the law with edicts.

In other words, what the two sides are arguing about is actually the question of "whether the law of the ancestors can be changed".

Undoubtedly, in the process of implementing the new law after Wang Wenchuan, this kind of debate will continue. In every specific incident after that, the two sides will use this method to confront each other repeatedly until one side completely falls down.

Another huge contradiction is the question of "whether the emperor and the scholar-officials rule the world".

Obviously, in the view of Wen Junshi and others, the emperor of the Qi Dynasty could not enjoy absolute and supreme monarchy, but actually wanted to share the monarchy with these civil servants.

If a decree of the emperor is unanimously opposed by all the literati, then this decree should not and cannot be carried out smoothly.

From a modern point of view, restricting imperial power seems to be a good thing, but when the emperor wants to do some practical things and offends the interests of important ministers, leading to final failure, this is not necessarily a good thing...

In short, the second stage of Zhang Renxia's identity has finally passed smoothly.

The fog in Chu Ge's field of vision gradually dissipated, but the next stage of the picture did not immediately appear in front of his eyes, but a special fragment appeared.

The image of Wang Wenchuan can still be vaguely seen above.


"Memory pieces!"

Chu Ge couldn't help being refreshed, and immediately tried to touch the fragment, and then, scenes were presented in front of him like a revolving lantern.

In previous version updates, the talent of memory fragments has become a resident talent for players. It will be triggered at key links in many dungeons, giving players some surprises.

And this time is no exception.

Although the memory fragments are relatively fragmented and not particularly complete and coherent, Chu Ge still reads them seriously, because he knows that there may be some important information related to customs clearance.


The picture in memory is still from the first-person perspective. After watching it for a while, Chu Ge realized that this perspective belonged to Wang Wenchuan.

There are many names written on the imperial list.

In Chu Ge's field of vision, Wang Wenchuan did not look at the list from the back to the front like others, but looked directly at the top of the list with great confidence.

Sure enough, he saw his name in the fourth place.

It is a great joy in life to be named on the gold list. This also means that Wang Wenchuan's years of hard study finally paid off. At the age of 22, he successfully entered the officialdom of the Qi Dynasty and was ready to make a career.

From the current point of view, there is nothing wrong with saying that he is a top student.

After reporting to the Ministry of Officials, Wang Wenchuan turned around and left the bustling capital, and came to the local prefectures and counties of the Qi Dynasty.

Twenty years in the blink of an eye.

In the past twenty years, he has traveled all over many states and counties. He has successively held a series of positions such as judge, magistrate, general judge, and magistrate.

And in these flashing memory fragments, Chu Ge also saw some special scenes.

In fact, Wang Wenchuan had already had the opportunity to be a Beijing official. When he was the general judge of Jiedu, he could pass the examination of the imperial court and enter the court, and then slowly worked through his qualifications, and was promoted logically, quickly entering the core of power in the Qi Dynasty.

As for the exam, for a super academic like Wang Wenchuan, it was a matter of his hand.

After all, his articles were undisputed number one at the time, and although he was not number one in terms of poetry, he was definitely among the top.

But he didn't take the test at all.

He stubbornly went to another county to be the county magistrate, and he stayed there for another five years.

He saw doubts in the eyes of colleagues, friends and political enemies. These people obviously feel that Wang Wenchuan's brain is somewhat seriously ill.

But at this time, Chu Ge could understand Wang Wenchuan's mentality very well.

Because he was known for his stubbornness in history.

Whatever he decides, he must carry it out regardless of the cost and consequences, even if the nine cows cannot be pulled back.

The officials of the Qi Dynasty, in order to get promoted and make a fortune, all took shortcuts.

The scholars of the Qi Dynasty had the highest status in history. The Qi Dynasty also had the problem of "redundant officials", and the number of officials was the highest in all dynasties. As long as a large number of scholars have obtained fame and fame, they can always find an official position after waiting for a period of time.

But even so, these officials are all picky and picky. They only want to stay in the prosperous and prosperous capital, and few of them are willing to go to the poor and remote countryside and grassroots.

Even after being appointed, he pushed back and forth.

Solicit relationships, give gifts, find backers, find a way to stay in the capital, infiltrate the power center, and then cling to a certain dignitary, and quickly reach the sky in one step.

But Wang Wenchuan obviously didn't want to do that.

The reason why he stubbornly stayed at the grassroots level and only wanted to rely on his own ability to climb up step by step was obviously not that he completely ignored his salary and future, but put them in a relatively low position.

He is more concerned about what he should do as an official.

Twenty years flashed by in memory fragments.

But from these fragments, Chu Ge can still clearly see that Wang Wenchuan has repaired water conservancy, opened up barren fields, cured floods, fought against tyrants, promoted students, and judged cases impartially...

There is one thing that takes up a lot of space in memory fragments.

When Wang Wenchuan was the county magistrate, spring and summer were slack, and farmers' lives were very difficult. Last year's grain has been eaten, but this year's new grain has not yet been harvested. All kinds of grain merchants and gentry are just around the corner, wanting to take this opportunity to raise grain prices and ruthlessly slaughter farmers.

Therefore, Wang Wenchuan decided to lend the grain stored in the government granary to farmers so that they could return it after the autumn harvest, and ensured that the interest was only calculated at the lowest rate in the market.

This method was a great success in the end. The peasants had relief rations, and the government also increased their income. The only dissatisfied were the landlords and the powerful.

But for Wang Wenchuan, their unhappiness is obviously the best reward for him.

In this way, he accumulated little by little at the grassroots level, until one day, after his term as the county magistrate expired, he returned to his hometown to visit relatives and passed a famous mountain outside the city.

After crossing the weeds and rocks at the foot of the mountain, Wang Wenchuan came to the top of the mountain. Ascending and looking far away, he saw that the top of the mountain was shrouded in clouds and mist, and below the mountain was the splendid rivers and mountains of the Qi Dynasty.

So he wrote a poem.

"Don't be afraid of floating clouds to cover your eyes, just because you are at the highest level."

Perhaps from this time he has made up his mind.

The time at the grassroots level should be long enough.

The preparations have been fully prepared, and the time left is running out.

He is going to leave the base and go up.

Because if you want to "not be afraid of floating clouds to cover your eyes", you can only "be at the highest level".

Thus, the forty-two-year-old Wang Wenchuan finally came to the capital and walked into the core of power in the Qi Dynasty that he had been stubbornly refusing to enter before.

But the scenes in the memory fragments did not end there.

After coming to the capital, the prosperity of this place is indeed not comparable to the backcountry before.

However, Wang Wenchuan's official position was promoted step by step. In the Qi Dynasty, a dynasty known for its generous salary, this money was enough for him to live a very rich life.

Every day after get off work, his colleagues would happily go to the Goulan Washe, go to the brothel to recite poems against each other, go to the Jiaofang Division to "observe the people's sentiments", and do elegant things that literati and bureaucrats love to see.

But Wang Wenchuan packed his dilapidated luggage silently, and returned home exhausted, guarding his wife.

In this era, it is actually "monogamy and multiple concubines". Visiting brothels, drinking flower wine, and raising concubines are not only not shameful, but normal. People who don't do these things will appear to be very out of group and lack the elegance of a literati.

So one day, Wang Wenchuan's wife finally couldn't stand it anymore. She always felt that she was not good-looking and not worthy of Wang Wenchuan, so she secretly used her three-year savings to buy Wang Wenchuan a concubine, intending to surprise the husband-in-law.

The reason why this beautiful concubine was sold was because the family owed a huge debt, so she had to sell herself to pay off the debt. Wang Wenchuan's wife thought she was pitiful and she was very beautiful, so she bought her back.

In the end, Wang Wenchuan sent this little concubine back home intact, and didn't want the several hundred taels of silver, so he regarded it as repaying the debt for her, lest she be sold again.

In this matter, Wang Wenchuan also showed his consistent stubborn character. He stubbornly practiced monogamy, did not care about personal enjoyment, did not care about material life, and only made fuss and officialdom in his life.

One day, he went to Qingliang Temple to give lectures.

In Qingliang Temple, there are many scholars who are studying.

Wang Wenchuan was walking on the road and met a young man he had never seen before. The young man very kindly offered to ask Wang Wenchuan to wash his hair at his own expense.

Wang Wenchuan was a little taken aback, and the young man didn't know why the other party reacted like this.

Because in his opinion, Wang Wenchuan's clothes are plain, the clothes are white and patched, and his hair looks like it hasn't been washed for a long time. He seems to be much poorer than himself.

So, this poor but helpful scholar kindly asked him to wash his hair.

It's just that the scholar didn't expect that this middle-aged man who looked poorer than himself was the famous Wang Wenchuan.

The first meeting between the two was indeed a bit embarrassing.

Later, Wang Wenchuan learned the name of this young scholar: Zhang Renxia.

The relationship between the two can be said to be both a teacher and a friend. When Wang Wenchuan saw the scholar studying hard, he thought of himself many years ago, so he often reminded him. Sometimes, they also talk about the current situation in the world from the classics.

Until one day, Zhang Renxia also became a Jinshi in high school.

Wang Wenchuan said to him: From now on, you must remember that there are many poorer people than you in this world, and you must not forget your name.

What is Xia?

The hero is, a long sword and a glass of wine, a man with a square inch heart.

The most important thing about the spirit of a chivalrous man is to stick to one's heart and move forward indomitably. As a scholar, you may not have a sword in your hand, but you must have a sword in your heart.

A true chivalrous man should be someone who sees injustices and draws his sword to help. And a real scholar should serve as an official and benefit one party.

At no time should you forget that you must plead for the people and have a clear heart.

Afterwards, Wang Wenchuan became a political adviser and determined to revitalize the country through reform.

And Zhang Renxia was also sent to Guangzhou by him to take charge of a state prison.

A reform sweeping across the country started with the Ayun case and started vigorously.


The fog in the field of vision dissipated quickly, and Chu Ge returned to the original scene.

But this time, he apparently succeeded.

Because among the original two identity cards, there was a third identity card with the image of Wang Wenchuan on it.

His expression was determined yet stubborn, full of vigor, as if he was about to flex his muscles and do something that was destined to be famous in history.

There are also two poems next to the card.

"Don't be afraid of floating clouds to cover your eyes, just because you are at the highest level."

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