My players are all acting

Chapter 136 Role Assignment

"First of all, we have to make one thing clear, that is, there is a certain difference between the customs clearance score of this Trial Illusion Realm and the previous "things have to wait until the coffin is closed".

"In the customs clearance standard of 'Fenghou is not my will', 'performance' occupies a very important position.

"Of course, the battle scene is still the same as before, with killing the enemy as the first goal. But the content related to literature and drama, the requirements for 'acting' have been further improved.

"Everyone should have noticed that, taking Wang Zongchang as an example, going into battle with thieves and bandits, especially as a scribe, will have a significant increase in the final clearance score.

"The same is true for other roles, the more true characters are played, the more obvious the rating will be improved.

"That is to say, this time our role assignment can no longer simply focus on 'safety clearance' as the sole goal, but on the premise of safely clearing the customs in the play, we must include the performance requirements of literary dramas.

"Do you all agree with this?"

After Chu Ge's analysis, everyone nodded in agreement.

This point, in fact, the players have already realized it when they brushed the speed pass in the past few days.

Sometimes if you pass the level quickly and steadily, the score may not be very high. On the contrary, when you play the role, you will play the role, which will have a significant increase in the score.

This is different from the last trial illusion.

In "It's a matter of waiting to close the coffin", the players can do whatever they can to kill the enemy when the thieves enter the city, so the actual effect is very different from the real situation in history.

But this time is different. At least the characters of Mr. Xu, Governor Lin Xiangmin, and Wang Zongchang, who are supervising the army, pay more attention to the reproduction of the prototype of the characters.

Seeing that everyone had no objection, Chu Ge nodded in satisfaction.

Sure enough, this screening mechanism is still very useful. The players who are screened out are those who have a deep understanding of the game, which saves a lot of trouble in communication.

He continued: "Since this is the case, let me briefly talk about the role distribution this time.

"Roughly, it can be divided into two groups. One group is mainly responsible for martial arts, that is, to ensure that General Deng's first attack on the bandits and the attack on Puning Port can be successfully passed. These players must have strong combat power; In charge of literary drama, playing Governor Lin, Wang Jianjun, etc., to maximize the score in the dimension of 'acting'.

"As for why 'acting' is more important in this dungeon, I guess it may be because of the difference between monsters.

"Compared to last time, the monster this time is likely to be stronger and more cunning, so we need to confuse it better."

Meng Yuan listened silently at the side, thinking that Chu Ge was really smart, and even analyzed this kind of thing.

In fact, it does.

The Trial Illusion is a simulated environment created by him, the authentic sorter, through the information of the real historical slice, and this information also includes: the ability of the monster who tampered with this historical slice, the means of tampering, and so on.

Therefore, the higher the score when clearing the trial illusion, the higher the success rate of conquering this slice.

This is because the higher the score, the easier it is to restrain or confuse the monster, thus increasing the success rate.

Chu Ge continued: "So this time, I arranged the personnel like this.

"Zhao Haiping and Fan Cun, the two of you are pawn players, and your combat power is absolutely guaranteed. You will act as pawns and assist General Deng in the battle to ensure that the battle including Puning Port is safe.

"General Deng has the aura of awe-inspiring body protection, and it can be said that he is the only character in the entire dungeon that cannot be tampered with by demons. Therefore, no one is arranged to play General Deng, and he can act freely in his original state."

Zhao Haiping and Fan Cun nodded without any objection.

Chu Ge looked at Li Hongyun again: "As for can also play pawns with them."

Li Hongyun couldn't help showing a smug smile on his face: "Why, you finally recognize my fighting power?"

Chu Ge shook his head: "No, your acting skills are too bad, and other roles are not suitable for you. You should be a soldier throwing javelins honestly."

Li Hongyun: "..."

Publicly avenge private revenge, properly publicize private revenge!

Li Hongyun really wanted to protest, but after thinking about it carefully, his acting skills were really worrying, and it was ironclad proof that he had spent so much effort before and failed to clear the copy of the scribe.

As for the Assassin doesn't depend on acting.

It can only be said that if he wants to become the Emperor of Europe, he has to pay a price, and the price he pays is his acting skills.

As for what price did Meng Yuan pay to become the Emperor of Europe? This is not known.

So from this point of view, Chu Ge's distribution is also reasonable.

But Li Hongyun will definitely not give up easily.

How about acting as a pawn? What about supporting roles? When it comes to the stage, it depends on who has the show!

Chu Ge continued: "Lu Heng, there are only two of us scribes here, Lin Xiangmin and Wang Zongchang, you choose one."

Lu Heng did not hesitate: "I choose Wang Zongchang."

Chu Ge nodded: "Well, I happen to have no confidence in playing Wang Zongchang, so I'll come to Lin Xiangmin.

"Then Xia Ruoling, you play the role of ordinary people in Nanhe City, and cooperate with Lu Heng to defend Nanhe City. We will capture Puning Port as quickly as possible, and then go to support you.

"And Meng Yuan...

"Who are you playing..."

Chu Ge's brain froze for a moment.

When assigning roles, he subconsciously assigned Meng Yuan last, because Meng Yuan's performance in the last dungeon was so unique that Chu Ge subconsciously excluded him from these roles.

If the theatrical troupe that Governor Lin gave to Yan Shoufu also had a role in this dungeon, it must belong to Meng Yuan, that's nothing to say.

But the point is, that troupe never played.

So who should Meng Yuan play?

Chu Ge thought for a while: "Why don't you go to Nanhe City, Meng Yuan, and play Liu Ji, soldiers or civilians inside, anyway, it's safer to have one more person guarding the city."

What Chu Ge thought was that, after all, Meng Yuan was also a ranger player, and his combat effectiveness was not bad, so it would not be a big problem to defend the city.

However, Meng Yuan shook his head: "No, I think there are enough people in Nanhe City."

He has been paying attention to the performance of the players, and he is very clear about the combat effectiveness of Lu Heng and Xia Ruoling, so he feels that there is no need for him to go again.

Chu Ge asked: "Then why don't you play soldiers with Zhao Haiping and the others?"

Meng Yuan still shook his head: "The combat power over there is also enough.

"Actually, there is another very important character who may be tampered with, but you have overlooked it."

Everyone was a little puzzled: "Who?"

Meng Yuan paused for a moment, then replied, "The Emperor."

Chu Ge suddenly said: "Yes, I almost forgot about the emperor!"

This is indeed a key role that could be tampered with.

When these players enter the ultimate trial, it is tantamount to reversing the entire historical slice to its original state and doing it all over again.

Therefore, the role tampered with by the monster this time may not be Wang Zongchang anymore.

Generally speaking, the more powerful and upright a character is, the more historically famous and popular a heroic character is, the more difficult it is for a demon to tamper with it.

For a national hero like General Deng, the possibility of being tampered with is infinitely close to zero, because that is beyond the ability of the monster who can enter this slice.

A role like Governor Lin is less likely to be tampered with, but he is not afraid of 10,000, just in case, so Chu Ge decided to play it himself.

As for the emperor, that is even weaker.

The emperor himself can't be said to have any great aura of arrogance, nor can he be regarded as a wise emperor. If it is really tampered with by the demon, the consequences will be too serious.

Because the key to looting bandits lies in military resources, without military resources, all efforts will be in vain.

What if the emperor is tampered with, does not follow the script, and does not give military funds?

Therefore, it is indeed necessary for this role to be played by the sorter.

Chu Ge nodded: "Okay, then it's settled! Everyone will familiarize themselves with their roles, choose specific talents and skills, and then get ready to go!"

In the ultimate trial state, players can choose their own talent skills in the library, so it can be regarded as the most powerful full body state.

After everything was arranged properly, everyone entered the portal.

Step into a real slice of history!

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