"The basis for the diagnosis is very simple, that is, this head CT and some subtle changes in the blood test results. When I was studying abroad, my doctoral supervisor once taught us to diagnose hemangioma by combining blood test data and inspection images. Happened? Where exactly did it happen? For example, if troponin increases, we immediately think of myocardial infarction. This involves very complicated calculations, so I won’t explain in detail.”

Du Leng talked eloquently, and his diagnosis method was also different from ordinary people.

"In order to quickly locate the hemangioma, and judge its size and lesion degree, I think it is necessary to do another head color ultrasound examination."

Color Doppler ultrasound has the ability to observe changes in blood flow, and can diagnose arteriosclerosis, cerebral vasospasm, cerebrovascular stenosis, and blood flow velocity.

This proposal was immediately approved by the directors.

Before they knew it, everyone discovered that Du Leng, the regular trainee, took the leading position in the joint consultation with so many directors and attending physicians.

The two directors of surgery were very happy from the bottom of their hearts.

On the other hand, the directors of other departments have mixed feelings besides envy. There is a crisis of being eliminated by the times.

Zhou Can has been standing in front of the rescue bed and carefully observing the pregnant woman.

Inspection by inspection is different from pulse diagnosis, and is a diagnostic method recognized by both Western medicine and Chinese medicine.

No matter what doctor you see, the first thing you need to do is to see a doctor.

Now that the patient is about to be sent for head color Doppler ultrasound, Zhou Can hastily stepped aside.

The cause of the disease is basically clear, and the tense heartstrings of the directors are much more relaxed.

Director Xie looked at Zhou Can again.

A slightly smug smile appeared on his face.

"Director Lou, I heard that Dr. Zhou Can you selected made a great contribution just after bringing him back to the emergency department yesterday. Is it true?"

"There is such a thing."

Director Lou nodded and admitted, with a nervous look on his face, subconsciously blocking Zhou Can behind him. This is because he is afraid that Director Xie will take away a good seedling that the emergency department finally got.

Director Xie's eyes and ears are really good.

It means that he is also paying attention to Zhou Can.

After all, people have a comparison mentality.

He chose Du Leng, who had the highest education, and gave up Zhou Can, who had the highest overall score. He was also afraid of being distracted.

But Du Leng's performance just now was extremely eye-catching, so Director Xie was very happy.

It shows that you didn't choose the wrong person.

"Haha, don't worry, our surgery department has Dr. Du Leng, a returnee from overseas, it is impossible to recruit an undergraduate talent! You don't need to be nervous."

Director Xie's words somewhat hurt Zhou Can's self-esteem.

Maybe he was too complacent, outspoken, and didn't consider Zhou Can's feelings.

It was found that Zhou Can's expression was gloomy and he was wronged.

Doctor Xu looked at Director Xie and said.

"Educational qualifications are not everything. Director Xie believes that undergraduates are far inferior to doctoral students. I disagree."

Dr. Xu is really stubborn, even in the face of the head of surgery, he dares to refute.

Zhou Can is actually just a small-scale trainee, it's normal to feel wronged. He can also protect himself wisely, regardless of this matter. But he still stood up to speak for Zhou Can, this is a person's heart.

If he doesn't speak for Zhou Can, there will never be another person to offend a major department director for Zhou Can.

Many people don't know how awesome the director of a major department is.

Their administrative titles are basically equal to those of the leaders of the hospital.

Because he holds a weighty department, he has also made great achievements in academics and medical skills. So they are all existences like "big border officials".

Director Xie glanced at Dr. Xu, slightly surprised.

It seems that Dr. Xu did not expect to defend Zhou Can in this way.

He sighed, and said with a complicated expression, "Old Xu, the era of relying on medical skills to overwhelm everything has long passed. Your ending back then was accidental and inevitable. Nowadays, medical science and technology are changing with each passing day, and the importance of academics is already high. After passing the medical skills, wake up!"

The seemingly earnest persuasion made people feel very uncomfortable.

Zhou Can found that Dr. Xu's expression was lonely, even showing a touch of desolation that made people feel distressed.

The end of the hero is a heavy proposition.

Those who have experienced it first-hand need to bear the huge psychological gap of falling status, loss of reputation and glory, and the double trauma caused by ridicule by everyone.

Dr. Xu will be attacked to protect Zhou Can from being humiliated.

At this moment, Zhou Can is grateful and wants to use his meager strength to repay the most respectable person in his heart.

He is no longer silent.

What about the Chief of Surgery?

In less than ten years, Zhou Can is absolutely sure that Director Xie will take his breath away. Of course, at that time, it was hard to say whether Director Xie could still sit in the position of chief surgeon.

"Director Xie, I quite agree with what you said about keeping pace with the times. It's just that there is no need to worship foreigners! The medical civilization in China has a long history, with at least five thousand years of history and accumulation. It is recognized by the world as the two magic weapons for defeating serious illnesses. How can Director Xie look down on medical skills so much? Don’t forget, surgery relies on medical skills for a living, and it’s nothing without a scalpel.”

What Zhou Can said was wonderful.

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, everyone would definitely applaud him.

Director Xie is obviously a doctor who relies on a scalpel to make a living. Now that he has recruited a doctor from abroad, he is so frightened that he doesn't even know who his ancestor is.

"you you…"

Director Xie's temper was already a little irritable, and he was speechless after being refuted by Zhou Can, a junior. He couldn't help blushing and grinning.

"Okay, okay, Xiao Zhou is also outspoken, and he is not right about people. Director Xie doesn't need to be too concerned." Director Lou said that he was a peacemaker, but he had a smile on his face.

Seeing the always strong Director Xie deflated, he felt very happy.

Of course, everyone is a person of status and status, so we must show some sympathy.

So he quickly stood up and found a step down for Director Xie.

So as not to really make the relationship deadlocked.

Originally, this was the end of the matter. Du Leng may have seen that Director Xie couldn't argue with Zhou Can, and felt that the prestige of the Department of Surgery was weak.

He stood up again.

"If you want to say that the status of education, academics and medical skills are equal, I don't agree. Take the diagnosis of the pregnant woman just now. Isn't the emergency department always helpless?"

Du Leng is a guy with a high IQ and a high degree of education, and his words are really sharp.

It hit the nail on the head and directly exposed the shortcomings of the emergency department.

And hit the seven-inch vital point.

The doctors in the emergency department were all dull and ashamed.

"Dr. Du's words are a bit exaggerated! Our emergency department is not helpless, but human life is at stake. In line with the principle of caution, we dare not jump to conclusions."

Deputy Director Han was annoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly defended the emergency department.

Although his defense was a bit far-fetched, it was a matter of the face of the emergency department. You can't let a junior slap you in the face, right?

It is also good to pull a fig leaf to block it.

At least the face has not completely landed.

"Heh, Director Han may have misunderstood the word cautious. It is necessary to be more rigorous in diagnosing the sick and saving lives, but there should be no delay. Otherwise, the patients will die and they are still arguing. Wouldn't it be a typical quack doctor?" !"

Du Leng completely tore off Deputy Director Han's fig leaf this time.

But we are all civilized people, so we must not say blasphemy.

It is a common phenomenon in hospitals to ridicule a few words and ridicule the object of contempt.

The doctors in the emergency department~www.wuxiaspot.com~ were all scolded with shame and anger in their hearts.

He was scolded as a quack, but he still couldn't refute it.

One can imagine the mood of several people.

Both aggrieved and helpless.

Zhou Can didn't know why, but Du Leng didn't like it very much.

I really don't envy people with high education.

I just can't understand this guy's god-like attitude.

"As soon as Dr. Du heard this, he knew that he was a fledgling newcomer, and he had never experienced the dangers of saving lives in the emergency department. It is easy to make mistakes in a hurry. Several doctors in the emergency department draw conclusions cautiously. It may not be a bad thing. This is all The valuable experience that the emergency doctors have learned from the blood lessons should be learned by a novice like you.”

Zhou Can never uses dirty words when swearing.

Just take Du Leng's lack of work experience as an example, and beat Du Leng to death with a stick.

I can't even climb up.

"What does Doctor Zhou mean?" Du Leng's face turned blue.

However, his self-cultivation is still at home, and he restrained the anger in his heart.

"It's nothing, I just want to tell Dr. Du that there is actually a big difference between talking on paper and actual combat. After all, one is talking about it, and the other is doing it with real knives and guns."

Zhou Can replied indifferently.

Ha ha!

Many doctors and nurses couldn't help laughing.

Especially the doctors and nurses in the emergency department, I just feel so refreshed from head to toe.

Zhou Can said all the words they wanted to say but were at a loss for words.

This Du Leng thinks that he has been studying for a few years and has stayed abroad for a few years, so he is so amazing.

He even dared to teach all the doctors in the emergency department a lesson.

Zhou Can used the words "talking about soldiers on paper" to attack him back and forth, which is really incisive!

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