My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 321 Forum Bounty

A two-headed dragon dive.

Kashiwagi couldn't remember any Pokémon in the anime using it. Even the Dragon Dive used by the three evil dragons was still single-headed.

Judging from the results, this change has produced benefits.

Even though it only happened in a split second, Kashiwagi still clearly saw everything that happened during the confrontation between the two sides.

Roughly speaking, the left head of the two-headed evil dragon gnawed at the crab claw hammer wielded by the iron-clawed lobster with all its strength, and the right head took the opportunity to bite into its gap, thus directly winning the final result.

The Crab Claw Hammer of the Dragon Dance Queen is very powerful, but unfortunately the newly evolved two-headed evil dragon is still in the novice protection period and is not easily defeated.

If there are problems with the Two-Headed Dragon's Dive later, just correct them in time...

Kashiwagi secretly made a decision.

But why are there two heads? Obviously he has never taught the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

How could Kashiwagi, who was still unable to mentally connect with the two-headed tyrannosaurus, know that this guy had his own set of simple and "rigorous" logical thinking - since he had two heads, he originally only constructed one energy dragon head. Dragon's Dive should be constructed with two.

Otherwise, the two heads share an energy dragon head? How strange that is!

"Hey woo!" "Hey woo!"

The two-headed tyrannosaurus bit each of the trainer's left and right hands, and flicked their stubby tails with satisfaction.

"Are you a dog? Your tail swishes so fast."

Kashiwagi smiled.

The two-headed tyrannosaurus is the same as the one-headed tyrannosaurus. The tails are pitifully short, with only a small stubble on the tip. When it shakes, it feels like a unicorn tail.

Not far away, the fisherman who confirmed that the iron claw lobster was okay breathed a sigh of relief, took it back, leaned over and praised:

"What a powerful dragon dive! And the dragon wave just now is very powerful! Could it be that you are the leader of a certain gym?"

"No, I'm just an ordinary trainer passing by..."

Kashiwagi shook his head.

"Ordinary trainer?"

The fisherman was stunned for a moment and laughed at himself: "Are all young people today so strong? It seems that after so many years of fishing, I am still behind the times~"

He unsteadily packed up his fishing tackle.

Kashiwagi didn't care, and asked the two-headed tyrannosaurus to go play in the water, "It's just a short swim, we have only gone less than ten kilometers."

"Hey woo!" "Hey woo!"

The two-headed tyrannosaurus roared twice and rushed into the creek like a vicious dog pouncing on its prey.


Water splashes all over the sky!

"Young man, we meet again by fate. By the way, since you beat me, I will share some information with you."

The fisherman who had finished packing his things carried the box and pointed to a high mountain in the north, "Have you seen the highest mountain? There are many powerful wild Pokémon in the mountain. If you are interested, you can go there and have a look."

"The mountains to the north..."

Baimu looked at the direction pointed by the fishing guy and nodded slightly, "Thank you, I understand."

An ordinary trainer might be unable to hold back on the spot when he hears this news, but he understands the principle of running to death by looking at the mountain, and he may not know how far away he is when looking at the near finger.

take it easy.

But to be honest, the powerful wild Pokémon mentioned by the angler made him a little curious. If he found something cute, he would try to tame it...

No no no.

There are still a lot of Pokémon that I haven’t trained yet.

Kashiwagi remembered that there were two brothers in the team who were hovering around level 30 or 40, and became very worried.

It’s understandable that Porygon’s progress is slow when he first joins the team. Rather than quickly leveling up, it’s also very important to have more contact with trainers and teammates. Galar Sun Coral...

This guy is really difficult to deal with.

You say it's bad, but it's really bad. It doesn't even use it in battle, but forces the opponent to attack it actively. But I didn't fall behind in practice. I just "went to work" when I needed to "go to work", but the speed of progress was not ideal.

Obviously this is related to the individual will of the Galar Sun Coral.

It doesn't have much energy, so it's slow to level up or learn moves. It's also an excellent Pokémon, but Dragonite is much more energetic than it in every aspect.

To be honest, Galar Sun Coral has only been in the team for a month, and there hasn't been any shocking incident in the meantime. It's unrealistic to expect it to quickly establish an unforgettable bond with itself.

You still have to take your time.

"Hey woo!" "Hey woo!"

The loud cry of the two-headed tyrannosaurus called back Kashiwagi's attention, and he saw it holding a colorful pebble in its mouth, swinging its tail as if offering a treasure, and spitting it out on the shore.

"Thank you~ But this is not a gem." He helplessly touched the wet hair of the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

Ever since this guy discovered that he "liked" gems while chatting with Lysa yesterday, the latter always wanted to pick up some weird stones for him.

Among the things asked about, various stones were the most frequently asked questions.

"Hey woo~" "Hey woo~"

When the two-headed tyrannosaurus heard what the trainer said, he regretfully picked up the pebbles and spit them back into the water, and continued to dive in search of good-looking stones.

As a result, the stone was not found, but one of the fierce-looking fish was spotted.

The other party was hiding in the crevices of the rocks, and when his eyes met it, he subconsciously showed a ferocious expression.

Two-headed Tyrannosaurus: "!"


Are you so arrogant?

The two-headed tyrannosaurus that was provoked rushed over, bit it in one bite, and then flicked it upward with all its strength.


The opponent's water broke immediately.

Kashiwagi, who was thinking about how to awaken the power of the Galar Sun Coral outside, heard the sound of water breaking, looked up and immediately saw a fanged fish falling from the sky, flying towards his head with its tail swung.

Fortunately, he was quick enough and dodged immediately.


The sharp-toothed fish landed on the rocky beach and turned over during the struggle. Its ferocious eyes were full of innocence.

Kashiwagi: "..."

Sharptooth Fish: "..."

"Hey woo!" "Hey woo!"

The culprit, the two-headed tyrannosaurus, rushed up from the stream triumphantly, as if it wanted to be praised by Kashiwagi, and its tail was wagging happily.

But the only people who greeted it were two idiots.

"Send them back!" Kashiwagi glared at the two-headed tyrannosaurus, who whined pitifully and reluctantly grabbed the fanged fish's tail and threw it into the creek.

And on a hillside a few hundred meters away from the two.

After confirming that Kashiwagi had not followed, the fishing guy took out his mobile phone from his pocket and entered a text message.

"The news has been successfully relayed. It is indeed the person in the photo. 』

The text message is sent.


Replies are quick.

"receive. 』

This was followed by a refund text message.

The fisherman looked at the numbers on it and couldn't help but whistle, "How generous. The little girls nowadays are so generous. They actually spend so much effort chasing boys. Is that boy handsome?"

He rubbed his chin and said, "I was only half handsome when I was young, right?"


He shook his head and sighed, feeling that the world was getting worse and people's hearts were not as good as before.

same moment.

The wild trainers who were scattered all over Route 110, waiting for someone to take the bait, all received text messages stating that the reward was cancelled. They sighed to themselves about their bad luck and left angrily.

This morning, a guy who calls himself Cute Girl posted a task in a secret forum, asking to guide the person in the photo to a designated location - you don't need to do anything, just tell him.

After seeing it, many trainers came to Route 110 to try their luck. After all, the reward was really tempting, and it was not illegal.

Who would have thought it would be solved so quickly.

A trip in vain, bad luck!

On a certain misty mountain, a purple-haired girl leaned on a fire-breathing camel and looked around boredly.

"Will he...come..."

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