Movie Master

Chapter 88 Feng Shui Rotation

Lance picked up the champagne in his hand, took a sip, and let the cold taste cool down his burning stomach a little.

The surrounding area is full of people in formal attire and evening gowns, and almost all of them are strangers, as if standing at the intersection of Times Square in New York, there are many pedestrians and traffic, but no one will stop for themselves. Only, this is not Times Square, but a grand party. Fragrant clothes and shadows on the temples, feasting and feasting, luxury and luxury... the luxurious and flamboyant atmosphere slowly entangles under the feet, like a piece of quicksand, making people sink deeper and deeper without knowing it.

In the past, when they were in Diorama Films, Ryan and Tucker were basically the representatives to participate in this kind of party, which is what they are best at. But now, this responsibility must be borne by himself.

Lance searched for Brad Gray among the crowd. The future head of Paramount, obviously came to the Sundance Film Festival with a goal, although Paramount Pictures is not an independent film The distribution company's first choice, but Brad's emphasis on and affirmation of independent films is Lance's best opportunity.

What's more, in addition to the release of "City of God", it is time to take the next step in catching the traps of the diorama film industry, and today is the perfect occasion.

Sure enough, Lance saw Brad talking to Niki-Caro, who won over audiences again this morning after her "Whale Rider" debuted at last year's The premiere was held at the Toronto Film Festival, and it won the People's Choice Award in one fell swoop, becoming the biggest winner, but unfortunately, the distribution rights of the film were still not sold, so I missed the entire awards season, and now I can only come to Sundance looks for opportunities.

If Chaos Shadow Industry still has funds for activities, Lance will seriously consider acquiring the distribution rights of "Whale Rider", but now he obviously has no such room.

Lance decided to take the initiative, and took a step forward with a champagne glass in his hand, but after only two steps, the road in front of him was blocked by a figure, a thick and thick figure walked out from the side, blocking Out of Lance's way, "I didn't expect that we would meet here again."

It was Harvey Weinstein standing in front of him, which made Lance a little surprised, but it was only a flash, and soon Lance regained his composure, showing a polite smile, "Really? Don't you come to Park City every year?" Lance's simple words were full of irony, and the irony couldn't be more obvious.

This is Sundance, the place where Miramax is on the rise, and the Weinstein brothers don't miss it every year. Presumably they have already got the entry list for this year's film festival, and naturally they will not miss "City of God". Therefore, Harvey's words were obviously polite greetings in social situations, but Lance directly punctured them.

Harvey also didn't expect Lance to stab himself as soon as he came up, but he already had a lot of experience in dealing with such a scene, so he laughed unhurriedly, "But not every year you can meet a genius. "

Lance paused for a moment, and didn't answer right away. He raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Harvey, as if he wanted to find something from his expression, then he frowned slightly and said, "So, what do you think is Am I a genius?" This is a rhetorical question, but the ironic self-confidence in the words further demonstrates Lance's ease of use.

Harvey burst out laughing, "Are you always so arrogant?"

Lance shrugged his shoulders, and said as a matter of course, "Maybe all geniuses are like this." After speaking, Lance asked back, "Isn't it?" Speaking of arrogance, Harvey in front of him is also well-known in Hollywood.

Harvey couldn't refute, the smile on his face not only didn't fade, but became brighter, "There is often a thin line between self-confidence and arrogance, isn't there?" The meaningful words made a counterattack from another angle. The old fox of nearly ten years, "More importantly, even a genius still needs help after all, because he is not all-rounder. For example, publishing."

Lance knew that Harvey came to find him, it must be for the distribution rights of "City of God".

Every year, Miramax will reach several deals in Park City, and Harvey is generous and decisive, and the decisions are often made in a blink of an eye, and then preemptively close the deal before others. This is also one of the important factors why Miramax is now able to lead the awards season every year: cast a wide net and select carefully. The Weinstein Brothers began to make arrangements at Sundance at the beginning of the year, and continued to cast their nets throughout the year. Select seed players from among them, concentrate firepower on college public relations, and lead the awards season.

Therefore, "City of God" has received numerous praises since its premiere yesterday. Although the current prospects are still uncertain, Harvey already has enough reasons to make a move.

However, Lance did not expect that Harvey actually skipped the polite part and went straight to the point, simply and neatly, especially not long ago, when Harvey played face-to-face and rejected Lance's "City of God" , but now Harvey does not have the slightest estrangement. Everything is based on interests. Even if he reneges on his word and slaps himself, even at the risk of being humiliated by Lance, he does not hesitate, showing the strength and determination of the hero.

This decisiveness made Lance look higher on Harvey again.

Lance did not answer immediately, and Harvey was not in a hurry at this time. After the close combat between the two, there was a blank space suddenly, which seemed a little weird, and then Lance showed a smile and asked, "How do you know? Is the right still in my hands?"

So far, the distribution rights of "City of God" are still in the hands of Lance. Although the film has received rave reviews and rave reviews in the past two days, everyone is a fox, everyone is waiting and watching, and no one is in a hurry to make a move. In particular, the particularity of "City of God" is even more remote than that of "Whale Rider", so no one has contacted Lance for the time being to negotiate the release.

Harvey Weinstein was the first.

Objectively speaking, "City of God" was handed over to Miramax Films for distribution, which is a perfect cooperation. Lance also agrees with this, but it doesn't mean that Lance will nod easily. For the sake of profit, Lance is willing to abandon the past and cooperate with Harvey; but also for the sake of profit, Lance doesn't mind asking prices all over the sky, paying back the money on the ground, and knocking Harvey hard.

Of course, this is playing with fire, and Lance knows it all too well.

Facing Lance's calm and calm question, Harvey didn't panic in the slightest—at least on the surface, he did, but he began to mutter in his heart. Of course he knew what it meant for Brad to appear in Park City, and he was more than Lansi. It is clearer to Smith that Brad is here to explore the way for Paramount to enter the field of independent films this time, so Brad is bound to strike a few deals here. This is also the reason why Harvey put aside all calculations when he saw Lance walking towards Brad, and went directly to surround Lance - he wanted to give Lance better conditions before Brad, Take the situation into your own hands as much as possible.

It's a game, and it's true for Lance, and it's true for Harvey.

"Because I'll make a condition that you can't refuse." Harvey's understated words have strong confidence, and people can't help but think of Vito Corleone in "The Godfather".

Lance raised his eyebrows slightly, then smiled expectantly, "Really? Try it."

"One and a half million U.S. dollars." Harvey gave a very high price as soon as he opened his mouth. At the Sundance Film Festival, the distribution rights of independent works are generally less than two million U.S. dollars, and occasionally three million, Even the ultra-high amount of 5 million is enough to cause a sensation in the entire market, but due to the particularity of independent films, the general price cannot be too high.

Considering that "City of God" is only Lance's debut novel, and it is also in Portuguese, $1.5 million is indeed a good price. Harvey, an old fox, has a very accurate and unique vision, and he has a very accurate grasp of the price, because Lance's psychological price is between 200 and 2.2 million.

But Lance was not in a hurry at this time, but laughed heartily, "Harvey, are you serious?"

Lance is the first time to pick up the guide tube, but it doesn't mean he is a rookie. Harvey remembered Lance's previous experience in the diorama film industry, and knew that he couldn't fool those independent newcomer directors, so he didn't hesitate, and said directly, "1.8 million."

Lance frowned this time and shook his head, "Harvey, do you know the production cost of 'City of God'?"

"I'm a businessman, that's not what I need to consider." Harvey's refusal was also straightforward. What he needs to consider is his own profit, not Lance's. However, Harvey's words were modest and polite, and he still showed enough friendliness.

"I'm also a businessman." Lance's answer was also very simple, "The production cost of 'City of God' is three million dollars, so what do you think?"

Harvey frowned slightly. It is absolutely impossible to spend three million dollars to buy the copyright of "City of God", but as Lance said, they are all businessmen, and they all have their own considerations, so Lance It's not uncommon to be dissatisfied with the price. After thinking for a while, Harvey said again, "2.2 million dollars." After he finished speaking, he paused, and Harvey raised his right hand and made a stop gesture, "This is the final offer." The subtext is , "City of God" is only worth the price.

Lance didn't care about Harvey's strength, but raised the champagne and took a sip, "Mr. Weinstein, do you really think that I will sell the distribution rights through a buyout? "

What does it mean? It means: the quotations of the two people just now are all empty talk. Lance did not intend to nod and agree from the beginning, but... he was just playing with Harvey. Even though Harvey was full of concentration, his facial expression couldn't help but froze at this time, and his chest was constricted, and he couldn't clear it.

Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, Feng Shui took turns, but Harvey did not expect that the retribution would come so quickly.

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