Movie Master

Chapter 47

Lance did not relax his vigilance at all. Even though Javier asked the corresponding question as expected, Lance knew that any mistake could lead to a complete loss. All the previous layouts were to achieve the goal through the news media, and Lance would never take it lightly.

"So, how did you get the idea to do this movie in the first place?"

Hearing Javier's question, Lance retracted his left thumb slightly, but quickly released it, avoiding Javier who asked the question, and looked at Martin, "I don't know if you have seen Paul Lin "City of Gods" by Adams." In one sentence, the expression on Martin's face froze immediately, and the smile on the corner of Lance's mouth slowly spread, "I decided to shoot this novel after reading this novel. Movie."

Javier doesn't know why, he hasn't read "City of Gods", so he doesn't know the meaning of this book; but Martin, as an authentic Brazilian, a native of Rio de Janeiro, he absolutely understands it all too well. The former was confused, while the latter was shocked, so the two of them fell silent for a while.

Lance stepped forward unhurriedly, and continued in a relaxed tone, "I have experienced such a thing. Some of my American friends asked me after they knew that I had a lot of research on Asian culture, Has the Chinese/Chinese never seen toothpaste, has everyone ridden a bicycle?"

Before Lance's words fell, Javier asked back, "Isn't it?"

"Haha." Lance laughed straight away, Javier was a little embarrassed by his hearty and relaxed appearance, "Of course not. It is already the 21st century, and the Internet has gradually become popular. If your understanding of the world is still the same It would be too bad to stay a few centuries ago." Lance looked at Javier and Martin, and then continued, "Let's put it this way, my Chinese/Chinese friends once asked me if all Americans Both have body odor, do all Americans have a very open and erosive sex/life?"

"Of course not!" Javier shot back directly, obviously disapproving of these words, "Those Catholics..." Javier stopped at the beginning of his defense, with a look of despair on his face, although Unwilling, but unable to refute. He finally understood the meaning of Lance's words.

"You are reporters. Most ordinary residents know the facts through your reports. Even you don't know the facts, so how can the whole society know?" Lance said this sentence very softly, without criticism There is no meaning of irony, as if it is just stating a fact, which makes Javier and Martin fall into thinking, "This is the reason why I decided to make this movie."

Javier thought about it, and couldn't bear to leave Lance's eyes at all, watching every detail in the expression of the man in front of him, "Are you trying to say something good for this slum?"

"Definitely not." Martin directly denied it, because he had read "City of Gods", and he knew how real and cruel this novel was, showing a world he had never understood before. However, judging from Lance's defense of Man/Nuer and others just now, Martin was a little uncertain again. He looked at Lance, "Really?"

Lance shook his head, "No." This made Martin breathe a sigh of relief, while Javier frowned, "I just want to present a real city of God. I hope to present the real appearance of this place Let me show you that different people can see different things, maybe sociologists will see the hidden dangers here, maybe educators will think about the meaning of lack of education, maybe economists will see the opportunity to rectify here, maybe businessmen I will see business opportunities that others don't know...I am willing to give the power of thinking to the audience. Just like China or the United States, or Brazil, if there is such an opportunity, they will show their true colors to others front, and then it's up to the audience to judge for themselves what the truth is there."

Martin and Javier were silent again, this time not because they were short of words, but because they understood.

"People have too many unknowns and prejudices about this slum. Those who come out of the slum have to spend twice, three times, or even ten times harder to break out of their own sky. The same The situation is not only here, but also in many cities in the United States. Detroit still cannot get rid of its bad image." Lance's words made Javier slightly nodded his chin, "I don't have that much ability to change these prejudices, and I can't I’m not sure if the status quo of the slums can be changed, but at least I can provide a window for everyone to see another world.”

At this point, Lance stopped. In the short ten minutes just now, Lance exhausted all his mental energy and guided Javier and Martin to the track he prepared bit by bit. The level is just right now, and the remaining space is left for them to think for themselves .

In fact, Lance can continue to lobby—"digging the truth" has always been the job of journalists, and they are the last group of people who should not report with prejudice; but society is so cruel, and anyone who brings Even the uncrowned king is no exception due to the innate prejudice caused by his own gender, class, education and other links.

But if Lance does this, it will be superfluous, and it will be self-defeating-he cannot let the two reporters think that these ideas were instilled and guided by him, and should be thought out by themselves.

The thoughts in Javier's mind were surging, and he could vaguely sense something was wrong, but he couldn't explain why. He raised his head and looked at Lance in front of him. Lance raised his eyebrows and looked over with a puzzled expression. Those deep eyes were full of childlike innocence and sincerity, like golden sunlight in a dense forest, which made people enchanted.

Javier couldn't help but smiled at Lance, and the surprise in his heart disappeared quietly, "So, what is the name of this movie?"

"'City of God'." Lance lowered his eyes and retracted his gaze. Ninety percent of the things have been successful.

Standing aside, Martin finally realized that the content of their report was correct, but the direction of the report was wrong. Maybe they can't dig out the terrorists in the City of God, but they can show this forgotten area to everyone bit by bit.

"Mr. Strelo," Martin said solemnly, "I agree with you, but I also reserve my opinion. I always think that the group of people who steal chicken man/nu/er have a **** They tend to be violent, and no one knows what they will do next." After all, each of them carried heavy weapons, and if an accident happened, the consequences would be unimaginable. Lance didn't object. "So I wonder if you can allow me to stay on the crew all the time and follow you to shoot together, not only to observe the living conditions of the nearby slums up close, but also to observe the working status of your crew, and to the residents of Rio Show a real world."

This was something Lance hadn't expected. He had to look at Martin with admiration. After missing a news point, he caught the next news point immediately. This news intuition is extremely precious.

Javier also noticed this, and gave Martin a wink, and Martin had to quickly add, "And Javier."

Javier, who was standing next to him, immediately added, "I am an expatriate reporter for the 'New York Times', and I can open a column in the 'New York Times' to conduct a series of reports on the shooting of the film and the specific conditions of the slums in Rio. .” This is an extremely heavy bargaining chip.

"The New York Times", the well-deserved largest newspaper in the United States, the newspapers that can compete with it can be counted on one hand.

But Lance was not so excited that he couldn't help himself, but chuckled lightly, as if he didn't quite believe it, which made Javier a little embarrassed, thinking whether he should take out his business card. "Javier, do you really think The New York Times will let you write a column following a movie crew, or the favelas of Rio?"

Javier was stunned by Lance's words. Lance didn't doubt his identity, but questioned his proposal. Javier opened his mouth to argue, but found that he was speechless. Because he knew better than Lance that it was impossible for The New York Times to agree with this idea, and even a special report was enough.

But Lance was not aggressive, but nodded, "If you are interested, of course there is no problem. Both of you can come. But I have a condition, you are not allowed to take pictures on the set, you must get my consent."

Martin immediately became excited. "Brazil Globo" opened a column to follow up and report on the follow-up of this incident. He could already foresee the sensation that the whole society would cause. But relatively speaking, Javier was a little depressed standing next to him. From the perspective of outsiders, working for the "New York Times" has a lot of glory, but only when you are in it can you know how deep the water is.

Lance looked at the crew that had arrived at the destination, "Sorry, I need to go back to work. If you want, you can stay." Lance took two steps forward, but soon stopped, turned Turned around, "Mr. Ulier, I don't know how much you know about the Internet, but if you are really interested in this topic and the movies I shot, I suggest that you can regularly post on your blog renew."

"Blog?" Javier was stunned. He had heard of this thing, but he didn't know what it was. Looking up at the friendly smile on Lance's face, Javier subconsciously said, "Thank you for your opinion."

Lance waved his hand indifferently, "We are just an independent film with a small investment, and no one cares about it at all. Now that you appear, our crew members will definitely be motivated a lot. So I think I should thank you all. "After speaking, Lance smiled self-deprecatingly, then turned around and walked away.

Javier and Martin stood where they were, both of them fell into their own thoughts, surging and surging.

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