Movie Master

Chapter 43 Social front page

Martin-Artur (Martin-Artur) is a reporter for the social edition of Globe Brazil. He forced himself to calm down and quickly recorded the situation with the camera in his hand. But even so, the excitement in his heart still made the index finger pressing the shutter tremble slightly.

City of God, this has always been a heart problem for the city/government of Rio de Janeiro. It’s not that they don’t want to govern here, but that the interests here are intertwined. They have no knowledge, no culture, no fear, and they only rely on a hostility to support them. Unless they can catch them all in one go, they will definitely end up losing both sides; the most important thing is that when the City of God was planned, it was In order to resettle the poor, this area is being rectified now, but there is no other area that houses such a large number of residents.

This is like a rotten wound, which everyone can see, but cannot touch easily, and can only let it fend for itself.

In recent years, Brazil hoped to change the country's international image and tried to govern the City of God, but found that it was impossible to start, and the result of rash actions was that it triggered fierce resistance within the City of God, and even spread to Ordinary citizens outside the slums. The safety issue in Rio de Janeiro has repeatedly made headlines in the social media.

As a reporter, Martin has been trying to open the gate of the City of God and find out the real situation inside, but this is not an easy task. Because the City of God is like a closed space, people inside can't get out, and people outside can't get in, and rash actions will only lead to disaster.

But today, Martin made a breakthrough.

As the third foreign force, the American film crew successfully penetrated deep into the hinterland of the City of God to start filming, but encountered fierce counterattacks from the gangsters, and even faced danger to their lives. This news was simply too explosive, and more importantly, it gave him the opportunity to directly enter the City of God!

Looking at the group of terrorists holding pistols and directly threatening the lives of reporters, Martin felt that such a scene was a bit absurd, because it didn't look like a news scene, it looked like a real battlefield at all. The black muzzles of the guns were aimed at them carelessly like this, bursts of chills rose from the bottom of my heart, and adrenaline burst out, so that Martin couldn't tell whether it was excitement or fear.

"Bang bang bang", the hail of bullets suddenly poured down, and all the reporters around lowered their heads in embarrassment, hiding behind the corner of the wall or behind the trees.

Martin felt his heart was about to jump out. This was not the first time he witnessed a gun battle, but it was the first time he really felt the power of gunpowder attack like war. This was no longer Rio de Janeiro, but a pristine land. battlefield.

Looking around, there are at least 30 reporters around, more than half of the most important news media in Brazil have come to the scene, one can imagine how sensational this news will be - from threatening the American crew to directly exchanging fire with reporters , which is absolutely unacceptable in Brazil in peacetime.

The first reaction in Martin's mind was: The life and death of the kidnapped director of "City of God" is uncertain, has he really died? Then this is an international incident, and the national government/government must give an explanation, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for this matter to be good.

"Stop, stop!" A loud voice rang out, and the machine gun shooting stopped, and then there was only a low whisper, which seemed to be talking in a low voice.

Due to the distance, Martin couldn't hear the sound over there. He sneaked out his head to take a look, and then saw a man in his early thirties lazily carrying a submachine gun on his shoulder. Seeing the people around him muttering something, their expressions looked quite relaxed and happy.

Could it be... that is the current boss of the legendary **, Stealing Chicken Man/Nu/Er?

Martin hesitated for a moment, then stood up slowly, then pointed the camera lens at the guy who seemed to be a man, and pressed the shutter.

"Kacha", the flash lights up, and everyone looked over immediately.

Martin gritted his teeth in frustration. Everyone was pressing the shutter just now, so the flash didn't show up, but now he ran away alone, and he immediately showed his feet. Just when Martin was at a loss, he saw Man/Nu/Er raised his head and laughed, his expression didn't seem to be angry at all, on the contrary... he looked very happy.

What's going on here?

Martin thought for a while, and bravely took two more photos. This time he deliberately did not turn off the flash, and the sound of "click, click" was very clear. As a result, Martin saw an extremely novel scene:

The group of youths, teenagers, and children in front of them all carried weapons in their hands, posed in various poses, and began to enjoy the moment of taking pictures. Take pictures with their prey as a commemoration of their return from victory.

Such a scene really makes people a little surprised.

"They're so insane!" was the first and only thought that came to Martin's mind. Their bragging gestures in front of the camera are not only despising the authority of reporters, but also the authority of the government and the law—they have just kidnapped an American citizen, and they are also Hollywood directors. Deviations were about to become international news, but not only were they unafraid, they began posing for pictures triumphantly.

Martin only felt a little chill in his body. The initial excitement gradually disappeared, and professional emotions began to occupy the brain, because the chaos inside the City of God was far beyond imagination.

The shutter in Martin's hand didn't stop, and he kept taking pictures. Other colleagues around him also noticed this, and started taking pictures one after another. The one after another flashing lights were so lively that it didn't look like a gun battle scene at all, but rather like a movie premiere or a presidential inauguration scene, but the problem was that the group of people in front of them were dressed in simple clothes, carried guns, and laughed wildly Unexpectedly, the image of arrogance constitutes a strong contradiction, and there is actually a sense of joy in black humor.

But... what about the director? Was it really shot?

Martin stopped what he was doing, trying to stand up and conduct an interview, but he didn't know where to start—he had never interviewed residents of the City of God, nor had he interviewed international friends who were kidnapped How to grasp the scale of discourse is really tricky. Or, wait for the police/police to arrive at the scene? After the police/police control the situation?

Martin began to look around aimlessly, trying to find an entry point, and then he saw Percy. It was Percy who escaped from a shootout just now and told them that the director was detained by the gangsters, and he was released by the gangsters alone to report. But after leaving, those subordinates went against the boss's wishes and tried to rob, so a confrontation occurred, and he was able to escape.

Percy was sneaking around another street at this time, and it seemed that he wanted to sneak into the base camp from behind. Martin immediately cheered up, and quickly followed him with his waist down. When he was approaching, he found that Percy had circled back again and ran in another direction. There was a panic-stricken man running in front of him. Percy quickly chased after him, but the figure ran faster and faster, and the two sides actually started chasing him.

Martin didn't know why, so he quickly chased him according to his reporter's instinct/instinct. Then, Martin saw Percy yelling, "Lance!" The figure in front looked back hesitantly, and then his footsteps began to slow down, and Percy quickly chased after him.

Martin followed closely, and only then did he see the man Percy was chasing. He was wearing a slightly yellowed white shirt with sleeves rolled up to the elbows, but the shirt was now covered with dust, and even the Traces of dust can be seen in the short and medium black hair, as if he just rolled around on the ground a few times, so embarrassed.

"Excuse me, are you the director from the United States?" Martin seized the gap, and immediately leaned forward to ask. Lance frowned slightly, looking up and down with a puzzled face, the vigilance in his eyes was clearly visible, and Martin had to explain, "I am a reporter from Globo, Martin Artur!"

"Is our crew all right?" Lance asked instead of answering the question.

Martin nodded. "When we arrived at the scene, those punks dispersed quickly. The crew were all fine, except for some scratches and bruises." Martin simply explained, "What about you? Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Lance shook his head, his eyes dodged for a while, "I just came here to talk about something. Our shooting has affected the daily life of the residents, so we need to negotiate the schedule!"

"Lance!" Percy obviously did not expect Lance's answer, and shouted with a look of surprise.

Lance gave Percy a look, and Percy had to keep his mouth shut. Martin asked thoughtfully, "So what's going on with you?"

Lance smiled indifferently, "It's just that the way of negotiating is different." Immediately afterwards, he showed a look of reluctance to say more, waved his hand, turned around, greeted Percy and left together. Martin called again, but Lance didn't look back. He just waved his hand and left. Martin knew that there was nothing to dig out if he asked again, so he could only stop.

The next day, the headline on the front page of "Brazil Globe" read, "Violence invades life, and the American crew is threatened with their lives! An international incident is dangerous! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent!"

The eye-catching red font is paired with two large photos. The first one shows a black crowd surrounding a small group of people in the center, and all the people in the middle are tightly gathered next to a gas truck; the next one shows It was a group of gangsters who looked up to the sky and smiled, standing lined up behind the fort, the guns in their hands were particularly eye-catching.

That stark contrast conveys a message directly and strongly: Terrorists!

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