The interior of the eye of the storm, which was originally relatively clear, began to become cloudy and misty, giving people the illusion of being in a hot spring.

"It seems that it has taken a little interest in us."

The professor put down the binoculars, wiped the lens covered with water mist with his cuff, and said: "According to the records, places where Lanlong haunts are often accompanied by high-temperature water vapor, which is not what should appear in natural storms."

"Is it predation?"

Gordon, who recovered from the shock, once again showed his big heart, and his tone was so natural that it was hard to imagine that the "prey" objects in his words were themselves.

"No, if Lanlong is hunting, do you think we can survive till now?" The professor gave Gordon a contemptuous look.

"Should it be curiosity?" Alva was also on the sidelines and even said a little excitedly: "Like the sea dragon sometimes cruising around merchant ships?"

The professor shook his head, "It's meaningless to speculate on these noble creatures with our human thinking. To it, we are as insignificant as the dust in the air."

"That is to say, it doesn't want to eat us?" In Gordon's thinking, if a monster doesn't want to eat itself, then it will most likely not attack itself.

"Judging from the information available today, there is no real record of the misty dragon preying on humans or other large creatures. In fact, perhaps because the misty dragon's appearance is mostly accompanied by large-scale heavy rains, there have been clear written records from ancient times to the present. There is very little data, so it is impossible to make a conclusion that Lanlong will not hunt large prey."

In Gordon's view, the professor said a very rigorous nonsense, and he couldn't help saying: "Then why?"

"Don't interrupt, just listen to me!"

The professor glared at Gordon angrily. Gordon shut up and raised his hands to signal the professor to continue.

"Although the information about the ecology of Lanlong is very incomplete, in the documents kept by the Gulong Observation Bureau, there are records of fishermen at sea who witnessed Lanlong preying on fish."

"Fish prey?" Gordon couldn't help thinking of the huge shadow that just emerged from the cloud wall, and said in surprise: "Can such a huge body meet the needs only by preying on fish? Even a whole herbivorous dragon can hardly Satisfy its appetite!"

"You don't think Lanlong catches fish one by one, do you?"

The professor has an expression that I can hardly explain to you with your brain full of muscles.

"According to the description in that document, 'Tianjin Wufeng, Overturning the Sea, Fishing' describes the scene of a dragon flying in the air, driving a storm to roll up huge waves, and dragging fish into the air to prey.

With the "weight" of our four people and one cat, it is not enough for it to start a storm to prey. "

"." Gordon closed his mouth.

Indeed, judging by the shadow cast by the thunder just now, Lanlong's body length may even exceed 50 meters. If a monster of this size really wants to prey on humans, it is obviously more reliable to attack a human village.

"Even if we are not regarded as prey by Lanlong, the chance of surviving is equally slim." The professor stuffed the telescope into Alva's hand and asked him to keep it for a while, while he muttered and rummaged through the dragonskin backpack he carried with him. stand up.

Soon, he took out charcoal pencils, a few pieces of parchment and a wrist-thick cylindrical sealed metal tube from his backpack.

The professor shook his snow-white eyebrows that almost covered his eyes, "Let's record the course of this storm and Lanlong's ecology while we still have a few minutes to live.

If you are lucky, the metal letterbox that holds this information will be found by passing merchants or hunters, so we have done our part in the research of ancient dragons. "

Alva nodded, and took the pen and paper to record. Old Hei also came over, holding the professor's shoulders with his strong hands, so that the latter could stand firmly on the deck and observe.

Looking at the three professors silently, their calmness made Gordon almost forget that this was a dead place in the eye of the storm.

Alva's thin wrist trembled slightly. Of course he was afraid of death, but he still worked hard to stabilize the pen tip, leaving lines of clear text on the parchment smoothly.

It is their belief to dedicate their lives to research.

Pig Chop didn't know when he untied the rope that tied it to the main cable, and staggered to Gordon's feet. Although the tail was stretched straight and the body never stopped shaking, it still persisted. Stand with Gordon.

Gordon lowered his head and grinned at Pig Chop. The past two years of cooperation had brought a tacit understanding between them.

Still so scary meow!

"Come on, Lanlong, let me take a good look at what kind of existence the legendary 'ancient dragon' is!" Gordon whispered.

His voice was so small that under the cover of the wind and thunder, even the pork chop beside him couldn't hear what he was saying clearly.

However, the great being living in the thundercloud seemed to sense the call of the young hunter, after another thunder that tore through the sky.

It slowly swims out of the cloud wall, showing its majestic and beautiful body in front of everyone.

Looking at the existence that seemed to occupy the entire sky, Gordon forgot to breathe for a moment. He finally understood why such a proud scholar like the professor would call him a "god".

Those who have never witnessed it with their own eyes can never imagine that such a gorgeous life exists in the world.

The huge cloud-white body is covered by countless gorgeous spinous fins and connected wing membranes, reminiscent of the tassels on the skirts of noble ladies in banquets.

However, if you compare the two, you feel that this metaphor is an insult to the former—it is a kind of magnificence and majesty that cannot be matched by any artificial objects.

The streamlined head is slightly similar to that of a fire dragon, but it does not have the ferociousness of the latter at all. There are slender and elegant white thorns extending from the back of the head and neck.

Two of them are extraordinarily slender, showing a magnificent golden color, and the texture seems to be slightly different, perhaps they can be called "horns".

It doesn't have the wings and claws of a dragon, but its limbs are like the fins of sea creatures. They are long and powerful, and complement the white spiny fins all over the body.

What attracts everyone's attention the most is its purple-red spots all over the body.

Strange light spots form a series of mysterious runes between light and shade, dotted on the silvery thorns and wing membranes, giving people an indescribable sense of holiness.

As Lanlong appeared, scorching water vapor lingered and enveloped everyone, and the sweat from the high temperature ran down their faces, but no one raised their hands to wipe it.

The professor fell into a state of extreme excitement and even madness. He snatched the pen and paper from Alva's hand, sketched the image of Lanlong at an astonishing speed, and made notes beside the pattern from time to time.

"My God, my God! Look at those golden-yellow flaky horns! Is that how it controls the wind and rain with them, like Windcarpenter?

No, not right! wrong! Not horns! Damn it, I just now noticed that Lanlong has no wings? ! This is never mentioned in the literature, hahahaha!

Creatures that don't rely on wings to fly. Like Fuyuelong? No, that's floating! And this is another way of flying, a completely different direction of evolution!

How on earth does it fly? High temperature water vapor spot fins. Torrential rain water vapor! Got it, I got it! It's water vapor!

Relying on some organ to generate high temperature, transpiring the water stored in the body into high-temperature water vapor, and using the spinous fin membrane to rise and propel it with the help of hot air, so as to fly in the air, so the formation of thunderclouds can also be explained!


ps. In the original game and the official information book, there is no definite information about the flying principle of Lanlong.

Is it a forum or a famous post to create high-temperature water vapor and use it to fly? Many people agree, and we also think it makes sense. This setting is used here.

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