Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 5 Human Courage

Looking at his hands full of calluses, thick joints, much rougher than those of his peers, but also much stronger.

His unhealed right hand was still trembling slightly, which seemed to reflect the fear deep in his heart that even he didn't want to face up to.

Afraid of being impaled by those fangs?

Afraid of being crushed by those giant hooves?

I'm just a seventeen-year-old trainee hunter who hasn't become a regular yet. It's normal if I can't beat the Big Wild Boar King. I won't be able to get back to the game when I become stronger, isn't it?

Gordon tried to comfort himself, but such thoughts made the depression in his heart even heavier.

It was even more uncomfortable than the congestion stuck in the throat just now.

He took out his hunter notebook and stared at the hunter guild crest branded on the cover of the animal skin.

When the profession of hunter had not yet appeared on this land, what kind of mentality did those ancestors face those monsters that could not be resisted by manpower?

There is no strong armor and sharp weapons.

There is no support for a variety of props and information.

There is no way out of "recovering the field after becoming stronger".

There are only clansmen who must be guarded behind, their homes, and the courage to be forced out.

What about yourself?

Has my courage been completely shattered by the sudden advance of the big wild boar king? Even if I put on sharper weapons and stronger armor later, will my hands stop shaking?

After retreating this time, do I really have the guts to stand in front of that guy again, or even take the initiative to charge?

Walking outside the tent, under the bright starlight, Gordon once again looked at the hunter's knife in his hand that had been with him for a whole year.

The blade is not sharp enough, but it can still leave scars on the big wild boar king.

Cracks appeared on the shield, but it stubbornly remained intact.

Close your eyes.

Wearing thin armor and holding simple knives, but still shouting, the backs of the pioneers who charged towards the monster came to mind.

A subtle but bright emotion, like a torch, bursts out from the depths of the soul.

Not fear, not impulsiveness, not hysterical recklessness, but something hotter.

Gordon opened his eyes, looked at his still numb but no longer trembling right hand, and murmured unconsciously:

"Is this courage?"

He patted his cheek hard until two ridiculous red handprints appeared on his face.

Put away the notebook that symbolized the identity of "Hunter", sheathed the blade, tied the round shield on his right arm again, and tightened the strap.

"Then, let's start again!"

Two hours later, Gordon was back at camp.

The effect of the dyeing ball allowed him to roughly grasp the position and distance of the big wild boar king. He did not choose to approach the opponent rashly. Before the official battle started, he still needed to make some preparations.

During the time he left the camp, he searched the nearby mountains and forests and tried his best to collect all the materials he could use. These seemingly insignificant things may become important weights in the subsequent battles.

At this time, he was sitting cross-legged on the ground inside the tent, sorting out the mess in front of him.

"Seven medicinal herbs, a few pieces of honey, one seed of patience, four blue mushrooms, three poisonous mushrooms, and two paralysis mushrooms."

Some of these materials were collected by him just now, and some were collected in the storage box two days ago.

"First, restore the medicine."

Gordon used a stone mortar to mash and mix the medicinal herbs and blue mushrooms, added a small amount of water, stirred thoroughly, and filtered. The final green liquid was the most basic recovery medicine.

Although the ratio of the ingredients is not right, and the medicine has not been properly extracted and blended, the potion cannot achieve the optimal effect, but time is tight, and there is no time to worry about it so much.

What's more, I was lucky enough to find a beehive and cut a lot of honey back.

According to the instructor's "secret recipe", he added a lot of honey to the recovery medicine, which can greatly enhance the effect of the recovery medicine and make the bitter potion taste better.

The recovery medicine that has not been extracted and concentrated is a bit too much. Looking at the medicine filled with the iron pot for cooking soup, Gordon is a little numb.

After biting the bullet and pouring half of the pot down, Gordon let out a loud belch.

These crude recovery medicines are indeed not as effective as those that are carefully blended and stored in small glass bottles. The effect is quick, and the advantage is that the quantity is large.

After drinking the potion for more than half an hour, he felt that the pain in his right arm had basically disappeared completely, and the dull pain caused by the impact on his internal organs also disappeared.

With a little rest, you should be able to return to full victory.

He poured the rest of the medicine into the water bag for later consumption.

He also took advantage of the messy pile of mushrooms that are a local specialty.

In the past, he belonged to the fighters who disdain to use too many props, but now, his thinking has changed - the method that can increase the success rate of hunting is a good method!

Many hunters like to use added raw meat to attract monsters, enticing them to eat them to weaken them.

For example, paralyzed raw meat, highly poisonous raw meat, etc., sounded cheap, but they were very effective hunting methods.

The big wild boar king is an omnivorous monster, and they also eat meat, but what these guys like most is the mushrooms that can be seen everywhere in the forest after the rain.

Gordon decided to use this to set a trap for the big wild boar king.

It's best to succeed, and there is no loss if you don't succeed.

But it's not so easy to fool these guys who have lived in the jungle for generations, fed on mushrooms, and have a better sense of smell than dogs.

Paralyzing mushrooms, poisonous mushrooms and so on, although they are also mushrooms, if placed in front of it, it will never even look at it.

A certain amount of camouflage has to be done.

For this reason, Gordon specially dug out the most expensive settlement item collected in the past few days from the storage box - the big matsutake.

This peculiar mushroom that grows in the depths of the Shretsen Hill has an extremely mellow and rich nutty aroma. It is also a rare delicacy not only for humans, but also for the Big Wild Boar King.

A single one can be sold at a price several times higher than the reward for this mission, and being able to collect it is as lucky as winning the lottery.

Gordon endured the pain in his heart and chopped all the big matsutake. After mixing these fragrant and tangy mushrooms with sticky honey, he smeared a thick layer on the pile of poisonous mushrooms, paralysis mushrooms, and sleeping mushrooms.

I hope to deceive the big wild boar king's sense of smell.

As for the shape, it doesn't matter, everyone knows that when the big wild boar forages for food, its nose is arched back and forth, and when it smells something that suits its appetite, it will immediately bite down, and it doesn't even use its eyes to see.

After finishing Black Heart's bait, Gordon carefully crushed a poisonous mushroom that he left on purpose, and evenly spread the purple-black juice on his hunter's knife.

This kind of poisonous mushroom contains enough deadly poison, which is true for humans, but it also has a certain effect on monsters.

I heard from the instructor that some hunter weapons use special monster materials that are highly poisonous, making them attack with the attribute of "poison", weakening the physical strength of the hunting target.

My own shallow method that doesn't even count as poison quenching certainly can't be compared with those advanced weapons, but as long as it can cause a little more trouble for the Big Wild Boar King, it will be worth it.

Looking at the sky, there are still about four or five hours before dawn.

Gordon lay down on the bed.

Even though he was excited and his thoughts were so overwhelming that it was difficult to fall asleep, he still closed his eyes forcefully, trying to force himself to fall asleep.

For the subsequent hunting, he must reserve his physical strength and recover from his injuries.

"One El, two El, three El."

A few minutes later, in the narrow tent, only a slight snoring sound remained, echoing shallowly.

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