The time quickly came to 20 minutes.

The commentator boasted:"VN's perfect performance just now has caused LGD to encounter huge obstacles. Now the economic difference between the two sides has reached 6,000 yuan. Next, if LGD does not fight back, it will become increasingly difficult to win.""

Wang Duoduo said:"Yes, Zoe's damage has increased now. As long as anyone in LGD is slept, then half of the blood will be gone when a flying star passes, and even EZ's life will be directly in danger."

"Moreover, the fourth dragon has been refreshed. This is the dragon with the water dragon soul. LGD cannot release it again this time. If it is released again, the subsequent team battles will be even more difficult."

"Now VN has the four-god outfit, and LGD Kassadin is level 14, and is about to reach his strong period. I wonder what will happen after this wave of dragons?

Eleven said:"Now that IG's VN damage is exploding, is it possible to help IG let two chase two, or even let two chase three?""

Let two chase three?

This is the dream of many IGs!

But everyone knows that it is not so easy for two to chase three. Otherwise, one would not be called a miracle.


IG five people.

King Ning hit the river crab, and then said:"Water Dragon Soul! Do you want to fight this wave?"

Broiler said:"LGD can't give in to this little dragon, Jiang Yi, be careful."

Although the exchange was fast, the words were concise and to the point. , but Jiang Yi knew that Broiler was reminding himself to be careful of Kassadin on the opposite side.

Kassadin's equipment has also been developed now. Even if a set of skills cannot kill VN instantly, it can still reduce VN's health.

So Jiang Yi must be careful. IG has been able to dominate the jungle until now, all because LGD is afraid of VN's damage.

Now, this Water Dragon Soul is LGD's final limit.

Once the dragon soul is lost, the big dragon has little chance of fighting for it.

This round went the distance.

Unless it's delayed until the late stage, level 18 Kassadin will destroy the world, but you can't play IG to fight you in the late stage, right?

I destroyed your main crystal in the early stage, why should I pinch it in the late stage?

This wave of LGD must come!

Jiang Yi took a deep breath. This was a test of his hard power, because he was destined to be LGD's first target.

Opposite Ornn, the female tank, and Kassadin will definitely be staring at him.

The good news is.

Jiang Yi now bought another mercury ribbon.

Purify with one hand, mercury ribbon with the other, and say one word, steady!

Only by stabilizing your blood volume can you show off


LGD five people.

His expression was solemn.

Little Peanut said:"I put an eye in their wild area. When Lang Xing can teleport later, we must cooperate with Xiye to kill the VN instantly!"

Lang Xing nodded and looked at his own artificial eye.

Above IG's maybe blue BUFF.

Little Peanut risked his life to plug this in. This position is where LGD data analysts have studied all IG's data. This is the place where IG scans the least.

If a team fight breaks out, this position is an excellent place to retreat.

Maybe it will be worth a victory and a ticket to the World Championship!

Everyone in LGD prayed that this fake eye would not be seen by everyone in IG.

In fact, everyone at IG has never scanned their own wild areas. Only Bao Lan and Ning Wang are doing the scanning, but both of them have scanned the river and completely ignored their own wild areas.

This point was also discovered by the four explanations from God’s perspective.

"The artificial eye inserted by LGD in the IG jungle area may be a hidden danger!"Wang Duoduo said.

He has commented on so many games and has seen too many such things.

A behind-the-scenes ward can often allow the top laner to find a perfect place to attack.

As soon as the commentator finished speaking, the two sides started fighting!

King Ning took the lead in attacking Xiaolong, and in the middle of the fight, the jungler on the opposite side touched him twice.

Can King Ning tolerate this?

IG usually dares to fight when it is not in the lead, but now there are still several outer towers in the lead. With his head and three little dragons, Prince Ning is even more daring!

Prince (Lü Bu skin): Wait, where can I hide Diao Chan? The prince takes the lead, and EQ uses his big move to frame the male spear in the pit!

In the team battle against the dragon, only one jungler can survive, and that is me, Ning Ren!

Baolan's Titan immediately flashed to follow

,"Bao, don't worry about me, rush." That’s it! I can save my life!"

Baolan believes in Jiang Yi's ability.

This character can do 1V3, so it's not a big problem to save his life in a chaotic team battle, right?

What's more, the VN's current state is perfect, with flash, purification, ultimate moves, and mercury all available.

LGD wants to It is still difficult to deal with such a VN.

Needless to say, Shy's vampire will not care about Jiang Yi's VN.

The team battle is about to break out!

Jiang Yi follows behind and looks for an opportunity. In this case, the ADC would have already rushed up, otherwise he would be suspected of paddling to watch the show. Jiang Yi was also about to go up, but he keenly felt that Kassadin was not there!

During the group fight, only men were there! The gun and the female tank are in front, and Ornn is paddling?

How dare LGD start a team if Ornn is not there?


Yi keenly felt that something was wrong! In the jungle, a teleport icon lit up!

The four commentators collectively exclaimed!

"coming! Wolfwalk's Ornn Teleport was bypassed, and no one at IG realized this!"

Gugugu screamed.

With all five members of IG in the river, it was a good time to start a team!

Lang Xing's experience as a top laner had already been honed in RNG, and his timing to bypass the back was very good. After all the teammates caught the attraction of IG, they called the sheep immediately! The huge ram's horn appeared in front of everyone, and the five members of IG found that the sheep was going behind them. Yes!

Aoun got behind!

The first-stage sheep actually attacked the four of them!

The vampire, the prince, Zoe, and the Titan were all hit! The second-stage sheep flew out again!

"four people! Four people again! The wolf has made a great contribution! Knocked four people away!"

The commentators all cheered for Lang Xing's operation!

But they forgot to mention.

The only person who was not knocked away was Jiang Yi's VN!

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