"Unexpectedly, in this wave of team battles in Xiaolong Pit, IG not only killed four people, but also robbed the fire dragon. In this wave, Jhin was really going to take off."

Wang Duoduo said excitedly:"It seems that the two teams can satisfy the wishes of the big audience this time, and they will definitely be able to drag the game into the fourth game."

Gu Gu also said:"What Teacher Duoduo said makes sense. After this team battle, IG has a lead of 2,500 gold coins, and more than a thousand economic leads are with Jhin. IG has a huge advantage in the bottom lane."

"Yes, it's big!"

Eleven also added:"This time, IG's three lanes are probably going to be big and strong. Vampire and Zoe's economy has improved. The most important thing is Jhin. Now the first big thing is 'Lakiri'. 'It's been done, and there's been a... hmm? Mercury shoes? ha?" Everyone was a little dumbfounded when they saw the equipment Jiang Yi came out with. What the hell? A mercury shoe came out right away?


"You have the wrong equipment. Baolan saw that Jiang Yi had not yet walked out of the spring, and immediately reminded him

��After taking a closer look, he said,"That’s right!"

"you? Come up with mercury shoes? Now I should use attack speed, or just use a pickaxe. Maximize output. Bao Lan felt like he was teaching people to play games.

Jiang Yi was stunned,"Bao Lan, are you teaching me how to do things?"" sapphire:"……"

Jiang Yi smiled faintly,"I'm an ADC, and I can only have output as long as I'm alive. On the opposite side, I have An En, Clockwork, Blind Sin, and a female tank. I have hard control and soft control. If I cast Mercury Boots, it won't be a problem. Big right?"

That makes so much sense!

Baolan felt like she couldn't refute!

This person is too stable.

But Baolan discovered that this person was indeed very stable when he should be stable, but just now he dared to command three-on-four when he should be on the move.

He couldn't understand this new guy.

So he decided to shut up...

In fact, Jiang Yi was afraid that the opponent's control would be thrown in his face, so that no matter how much output he had, it would be useless.

Other ADCs only have output when they are alive.

And Jiang Yi not only wants to stay alive, but also wants to survive until his teammates die... so his life is even more important.


The audience can't understand this mercury shoe.

"Wow, so cowardly"

"I think there is no problem. Jiang Yi handled this wave well. LGD has so many controls. He used mercury shoes to save his life. He dealt with it very correctly."

"There's nothing wrong with it. The current ADC is very brittle. If you use mercury shoes to survive for a few more seconds, there will be no problem."

"Why is this ADC so aggressive at one moment and timid at the other, but he got 6 kills in 14 minutes? It’s unscientific and I can’t understand it."

"Strange AD has been added again"

"This AD is different from the previous ADCs in LPL! The style is too weird, but it seems to be quite suitable for the IG team."


Jiang Yi's Jin seems to have become the new mainstay of IG.

After Shy's vampire got two heads, he directly started to use damage equipment.

Broiler's Zoe was also working on damage equipment, without considering whether he could survive at all. In fact, the hero Zoe is also very flexible, and it is difficult to be caught. After all, she is controlled by a broiler.

Only Jiang Yi chooses to be stable.

It seems that this is IG's shortcoming now. Before, I only thought about fighting. After Ah Shui left, there was still a gap in Puff's ability to achieve harvest, but this new AD seemed to bring a new hope!


The game continues.

The time has come to 15 minutes.

IG already has a huge advantage at this time.

Although Jiang Yi has now returned to his normal strength, he knows that the EZ and female tanks on the opposite side are no longer a concern.

What he is afraid of now is that he can only be captured by the blind monk. but.

It is now very safe to get off the road.

First of all, IG has a great advantage overall. After Shy and Broiler went online, the suppression force became even stronger, which made Little Peanut’s blind monk somewhat confused about where to support them.


From the audience's perspective, IG's bottom lane wards are very rich, and Baolan used all the wards he could!

Because he... is here! also! No! think! die! Got it!!

He was killed twice by Jiang Yi, and he didn't even get an assist, so why should he try to reason with him!

So he used his prosthetic eyes to illuminate the river and key locations in the wild areas to ensure that Little Peanut would be discovered immediately when he arrived.

In this way, you don’t have to sacrifice anymore!

This made Jiang Yi a little depressed

"Bao, how can the blind monk catch us if you insert so many eyes?"Jiang Yi was depressed.

The EZ and the female tank on the opposite side were huddled under the tower, not daring to fight at all. And now the jungle is full of eye positions, and the blind monk on the opposite side will not come over.

In that case, how can the Titan die?

If the Titan does not die, we have a chance. Killing the opponent?

It's not scientific!

Baolan opened his eyes wide. I put all my spare economy on the ward to protect our bottom lane. Why don't we just protect the same ward

? It’s okay if I don’t insert it. Why do you blame me for doing too much in the ward position?

I am also a champion support after all. I have seen many ADCs, but I have never seen such an AD! But looking at Jiang Yi’s current record!

, 6 heads are so dazzling, one shot hits the female tank, and less than half of the blood is gone.

You are the sharpest prong of the trident, and everything you said is right! And in order to win, I will bear it!

At this time, LGD's bottom tower has been almost worn away. It is actually too late to demolish the first tower now, but the two sides have been fighting before, so they don't care. So many.

And because the bottom lane position is good, Ning's Marriott directly gave the second earth dragon to SOLO, and LGD didn't make any move.

After all, the gap was too big, EZ's economy was very bad, and the blind monk was as developed as Clockwork. , there is no way I can beat the current IG, so just give up!

The tower on the opposite side will fall immediately, Baolan calls out to King Ning,"Ning, come to the bottom side, you can kill!""

They have been old teammates for three years, and they can tell where the opportunity lies with just a few words.

Ning Wang said:"Even if I don't play or win the game today, I won't play.……"

Jiang Yiyi:"Ning, I'll give this head to you."

King Ning:"I'm going around the back, I'll be there soon!"


Just go down and be a dog!!!

Jiang Yi said this because he felt that his finances were good. The higher his finances, the easier it would be to arouse the hatred of the other party, so he wanted to share the finances.

So if you can avoid robbing people, try not to robbing them.

Otherwise, if I am a super god and attract hatred, and control the four people on the opposite side, I will not be able to save my life even if I use six mercury boots!

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