Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 91: Twin Wraiths

Thinking about it later, I think the scene at that time can only be described as scary and funny.

Who would have thought that we would meet a female ghost with severe schizophrenia?

Half of her wants to hurt us, and the other half wants to protect us.

This kind of yin object is very rare in the circle. It is even more precious than the giant panda. We call it 'twin yin objects'. ’

This kind of evil thing is also the most tormenting to people. Because it wants to harm you at one moment and save you at the next, leaving you always between life and death, unable to die happily.

My mind is empty and I really don't know how to deal with this thing.

Fortunately, everything has become quiet since we jumped into the river. The female ghost did not follow. A bright moon hung high in the sky, and insects were chirping on the shore.

If we were on shore at the moment, we should be in for a good night. But we didn't dare to go ashore.

If possible, I would rather soak in the water for two days and two nights than spend the rest of the night in this uneasiness.

But at this moment, we have no choice.

At this moment, the river surface in the distance began to ripple slightly, accompanied by a gurgling sound of bubbles, as if something was trying to come up from the bottom of the water.

We immediately stared at that place with wide eyes.

The first thing that appeared was a clump of wet hair! The hair was soft, messy, and floating casually on the river.

Then, a peerless and alluring woman's face slowly surfaced.

She was indeed beautiful, with fair skin and delicate facial features. What impressed me most was her string of curved eyelashes and big, bright eyes.

There was actually a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Her shoulders were also exposed. They were soft and charming, and the red slings on her shoulders were full of endless temptation.

We were all dumbfounded. Can a female ghost be so beautiful?

Our brains shut down for a moment, and we didn't even notice she was approaching us.

It wasn't until she floated in front of us and her cold hands suddenly grabbed my legs that I finally reacted and yelled, "Run away!"

But I could only open my mouth and couldn't make any sound at all.

Even my body couldn't move, I just floated quietly on the river.

Li Mazi, who had already escaped two meters away, saw that I was still staying where I was, and immediately turned back to drag me away. But the river water around me was like solid ice, freezing me firmly.

I could only watch helplessly as the beautiful woman in front of me smiled at me, her mouth widening until it reached my ears, and blood sprayed onto my face like running water.

Her hair also began to fall out in piles, and her face was decaying rapidly. In almost ten seconds, a beautiful woman turned into a devil. My nerves were paralyzed with fear, and I almost choked to death on the river water.

And her hands holding my legs were also rotting away quickly. They were still warm and soft and tender just now, but now they have turned into rotten bones. My legs were sore from the grip!

I clearly felt a tingling sensation coming from my skin, as if something was trying to dig into my skin, and then my skin began to rot...

I was stunned. After all, I had never encountered such a dangerous situation. How powerful is this female ghost? It can directly turn a living person into a rotting corpse.

Just when I almost couldn't bear it any longer, I discovered that the female ghost in front of me was slowly getting better again.

From the appearance of a rotting corpse, he quickly transformed into the image of a brothel prostitute with long black hair and fair skin, which was in sharp contrast to the previous rotting corpse.

And as it turned into a beautiful woman, I felt that my body was also 'recovering' quickly.

This should be its good side, and the rotting corpse just now should be its bad side.

After it turned into a good side, it smiled at me again. That smile didn't make me feel creepy, but actually made me like it.

Just like that, it changed back and forth, and I was also changing my emotions back and forth between fear and obsession. By the time it was almost dawn, I was almost going crazy.

Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue have been by my side. They seemed to be numb. They watched the woman change with expressionless faces. It wasn't until a trace of fish belly white appeared in the east that my body finally regained its freedom.

After being dragged ashore by Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue, I was completely exhausted and had no strength at all. I lay there panting.

Li Mazi carefully checked my body and saw that I was fine. He breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay, everyone is fine. But I want to ask you, after being accompanied by a female ghost for the entire day." How do you feel at night? Do you have kidney deficiency?"

"Get lost!" After all this time, Li Mazi was still joking with me, and I was immediately furious.

Yin Xinyue was really exhausted and had fallen asleep quietly at this moment.

I was worried that Yin Xinyue would catch a cold, so after resting for a while, I woke up Yin Xinyue and asked everyone to go back and keep warm.

Yin Xinyue asked: "Aren't you waiting for the little Taoist boy?"

Yes, yesterday the little Taoist told us to wait for him by the river. If we are still alive, he will come to save us.

Just wait a while!

After waiting for a long time, we did not wait for the little Taoist boy. Instead, we waited for someone who made us feel more at ease than the little Taoist boy: the T-shirt man.

The man in the T-shirt came up and without saying a word, he squatted down and inspected my legs.

After observing carefully for a moment, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, there is no resentment."

I quickly asked the man in the T-shirt what the hell was going on?

Why did the old man want to harm me? Is he the person the man in the T-shirt said was the one who has been looking for me?

The man in the T-shirt shook his head and said no. The old man actually wanted me to be his grandson's scapegoat, so he tried every means to trick me into taking the quilt back.

The man in the T-shirt also said that if I really took that quilt back last night, even if he was on the spot, he wouldn't be able to save me.

After hearing this, I felt a lingering fear in my heart. Damn, this old guy really knows how to play with people! It just made me spin around.

At the same time, I was wondering, how did the man in the t-shirt find us? Why did the little Taoist boy come here?

The man in the T-shirt hesitated for a moment, but finally took out a small sachet from his pocket. The sachet seemed to be old and rough in workmanship. It had lost a lot of color and was wrinkled in the hands of the man in the T-shirt.

He used his slender fingers to pick out a handful of hair from the sachet and said, "This is what you call the little Taoist boy."

I was immediately chilled from head to toe, and for a moment, I seemed to understand something.

Neither Yin Xinyue nor Li Mazi were fools. When they saw the tuft of hair, their faces suddenly turned pale.

It turns out that the little Taoist boy is not a living person at all, but a kid raised by the man in the T-shirt!

No wonder the little Taoist boy is so weird. For example, he stayed in an abandoned Taoist temple. For example, he 'teleported' from Hong Kong to the mainland. This is the only explanation that is logical...

I sighed and looked at the man in the T-shirt in disbelief.

But the man in the T-shirt said coldly: "It's nothing to make a fuss about. This is a little Taoist boy who was beaten to death by the Red Guards during the destruction of the Four Old Ages. He had a grudge that couldn't be settled. I thought he was pitiful, so I took him in."

The man in the t-shirt was so dismissive, which made me feel a little perverted for carrying a little devil with him.

As for how the T-shirt man found us, it was very simple, through the circle.

I once again lamented the power of the circle. They could get the news so quickly about such a hidden matter.

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