Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 28 Arrested and imprisoned

Even during the day, no one dared to go up to the eighth floor.

It's so deserted here, and the cool wind makes me feel like I've walked into the underworld!

As soon as we reached the eighth floor, we discovered that there was a long trail of blood on the ground, extending from the stairwell to the entire corridor. Some of the blood has dried, probably from when the old woman crawled last night.

However, there was a trace of blood, but it was fresh. I squatted down and touched it with my hands, and it was quite moist.

This fresh bloodstain is heading towards the roof of the building...

My first thought was that the other party hadn't left yet and was hiding on the roof!

This can be considered an unexpected gain, right? So I immediately led everyone up to the roof.

Because Dujuan Building has been abandoned for many years, the roof has been covered with weeds, up to the knees, and many of the railings are broken. If you are not careful, you will fall.

I carefully searched around and soon found the old woman on a guardrail.

At this moment, she was lying quietly on the guardrail, seemingly sleeping. Her clothes were in tatters, and she exuded a strong odor.

Her sleeping position was very dangerous. If she turned over even slightly, she might fall down the stairs. This is an eight-story building. If you fall from here, you will definitely die!

Facing this ignorant person, we really didn't dare to go up and wake her up.

After a stalemate like this for a while, Li Mazi suddenly pointed to the other party's pocket and said, "Look, what's in her pocket?"

I immediately looked over and was surprised to find that there was a mobile phone stuffed in the old woman's pocket.

Song Longji reacted the fastest: "If we want to determine if she is not the dead college student, can't we make sure by calling her?"

Yes, I immediately asked Song Longji to find the deceased's phone number from the case report.

Song Longji took out his cell phone and said he had no signal and asked me to dial.

I didn't care, so I dialed the number nervously.

The familiar ringtone of Apple's mobile phone came from the other party's pocket, and we were all stunned. Needless to say, this old woman must be the dead college student!

Just when I was about to step forward and wake him up, he was startled by the ringing of his cell phone. In the blink of an eye, he fell from the roof of the building...

My eyes widened immediately. Looking from top to bottom, I saw that the opponent had already been beaten to a bloody pulp.

This dull sound immediately attracted the attention of the police handling the case on the third floor, and they all ran out and looked upstairs.

When they saw us, their eyes were full of surprise.

They probably think of us as murderers, right?

Song Longji immediately calmed down and said to us: "You must be calm later, and answer carefully no matter what you ask."

We nodded immediately and wiped the sweat from our foreheads.

Looking at the corpse, I had a plan in mind, and then whispered something in Song Longji's ear, and Song Longji nodded repeatedly.

Soon, the policemen came up and asked breathlessly what happened to the dead people downstairs.

Song Longji took the police officers to the guardrail and said, "The deceased fell by himself."

Seeing that the police officers did not understand, Song Longji continued to explain: "The deceased was sleeping on the guardrail at the time. He was suddenly awakened by a phone ringing. His body became unstable and he fell off the guardrail."

Li Mazi took a breath, and his face instantly turned pale. He looked at me with a worried look on his face, and I motioned to Mazi Li not to panic.

At this time, Song Longji looked at me with a sneer: "Mr. Zhang, can you explain to me who you were secretly calling just now? Did you deliberately want to kill this poor homeless woman?" "

Yin Xinyue was stunned on the spot.

Li Mazi looked at Song Longji with gritted teeth: "What do you mean?"

Before Song Longji could say anything, a policeman walked up to him with a straight face: "Please hand over your mobile phone and cooperate with the investigation."

"There is no evidence, why should I hand over my phone?" I said.

"Because we now suspect you to be involved in multiple murders." The policeman snorted: "We called the surveillance near Dujuan Building and found that you appeared here last night! Can you explain why you came to Dujuan Building?"

"Also, the death of the red-haired girl must have something to do with you. Some people reported to us that they saw you and the red-haired girl quarreling last night. Isn't this evidence enough?"

All three of us gasped, feeling trapped.

Song Longji said coldly: "Take them all back! Mr. Zhang, please hand over your mobile phone immediately, otherwise don't blame us for using coercive measures."

Li Mazi angrily rushed to Song Longji: "Fuck you Hong Kong guy, it was obviously you who gave us the phone number! No wonder you didn't call yourself just now, but let the little brother call you. It turns out you were planning to cause trouble."

Yin Xinyue also took out her mobile phone. She knew that the situation was not good and that all of us had fallen into Song Longji's trap, so she was ready to ask the boss for help.

But how could Song Longji give Yin Xinyue a chance? With one quick step, he took away Yin Xinyue's mobile phone and temporarily escorted us to the police station.

Li Mazi kept scolding all the way and his voice became hoarse. Yin Xinyue also asked me worriedly what should I do?

I just replied: play it by ear.

After we were imprisoned in the police station, no one came to interrogate us. Li Mazi was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, walking around. Yin Xinyue also asked me to find a way to contact the boss, and he would definitely be able to bail us out by then.

I sat aside and comforted them, saying it was okay. If they couldn't find any evidence tomorrow, they would naturally let us go...

Li Mazi said dumbfounded: You are really innocent. Since Song Longji tried every means to get us in, he will definitely not let us go easily.

I shook my head and said nothing.

Perhaps because he was tired, Li Mazi soon lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

At night, I was awakened by a loud noise. When he opened his eyes, he saw that Song Longji was here. Behind Song Longji, there were also a group of guys with bare upper bodies and various tattoos on their bodies.

They remained silent and were put into cells one by one by the police behind them.

I quickly recognized them. Aren't these gangsters the same social gangsters who were playing drugs at Du Juan Tower last night and were still clamoring to chop me with a knife?

When Li Mazi saw Song Longji, he started to curse again.

Song Longji ignored us, turned around and left.

The drug addicts also recognized us, laughed wildly, and said all kinds of insulting words to Yin Xinyue.

I had no choice but to tell Yin Xinyue to ignore them. These scumbags would make me angry to death if they had the same experience as them.

Seeing that we didn't pay attention at all, they felt bored and simply lay in the cell in a daze.

I pretended to sleep, but actually I was observing these scumbags all the time. I really didn’t understand why I had to sink to this level at such a young age. Is this worthy of my parents? How to live the rest of your life?

It's a pity that life is short, and it is squandered by them like this.

Because these people couldn't take drugs in the police station, they felt extremely uncomfortable. Everyone was swaying around and moaning loudly.

If you didn't know these guys were drug addicts, you would have thought they were zombies at first glance. He is thin and skinny, with deep-set eye sockets and thick dark circles.

They groaned for several hours, and when it was almost dawn, they finally fell asleep.

While I was sitting quietly in the cell, a sleeping gangster across from me suddenly stood up. He looked around blankly, then turned his gaze on me and smiled strangely.

My heart suddenly beat wildly, and I always felt that there was too much in his smile.

Then the gangster came over and said in a hoarse voice: "I'm so hungry, give me your hair, I want to eat your hair."

What a pervert! I cursed secretly in my mind and ignored him.

Anyway, we are not in the same cell, there is a steel wall in the middle, so there is no need to worry about him hurting me.

Seeing that I ignored him, the gangster immediately roared: "Give me your hair, I'm hungry!"

When he yelled like this, Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue woke up one after another and looked at this lunatic in confusion.

The guy gave us a hard look, then turned around and sat on the toilet and started to poop.

And his movements when defecating were also very weird. He was laughing and pulling his hair desperately. Every time I pulled off a handful of hair, I couldn't wait to stuff it into my mouth.

His movements were very fast, and he was half bald in an instant.

The head was already covered in flesh and blood, and blood flowed down the face, which looked extremely terrifying...

Seeing this scene, I nodded slightly, it's time.

Then I shouted outside the cell: "Aki, move!"

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