Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 56 Liquid Leather Clothes

Chapter 56 Liquid Leather Clothes

The "Black Tower Alchemy Academy Trial Group" from the inner city came a day earlier than scheduled, which did not surprise Su Lundo.

Thinking that it was probably also for the safety of the young masters and ladies, the tutors deliberately adjusted the time to avoid being ambushed in advance.

But for Su Lun, it doesn't matter if it's early or late.

Anyway, his task is to take this group of princes to visit the crypt, and then see if there is a chance to see the location of the forbidden sickle.

At five o'clock in the morning, Su Lun was still squatting at the gambling stall when he received thousands of sudden news that the sightseeing group would arrive in Green Street at seven o'clock.

Fortunately, the equipment, ammunition and potions were already prepared, so he was not caught off guard.

Half an hour earlier, Su Lun was waiting alone at the agreed place outside the tube building.

Those big shots in the inner city don't seem to like to have too many contacts with people from the outer city. Even if they are cadres of the Cross Society, no one is qualified to pick up the car.

Qianjo specifically told him to wear the "gangster" style that was too heavy, so as not to scare those little nobles in the inner city who had never seen a real gangster.

So Su Lun did not continue his dark punk style today, but changed into a standard wild hunter outfit, puncture-resistant high-barrel buckskin boots, tactical vest, knee pads and shoulder pads with metal parts, and worn leather cloak. In addition to the gas mask, his face was also painted with oil paint, covered with a layer of black gauze, and after wearing the alchemy night vision device, no one would probably be able to recognize who he was.

There are two pistols with increased ammunition capacity hanging on his waist. These are muskets that he has recently modified according to his shooting habits. There are also mechanical gloves, daggers, magazines, and first aid kits.

After waiting for half an hour, at exactly seven o'clock, a heavily armored military personnel carrier arrived outside the tube building.

This kind of military heavy truck was not seen in the outer city at all, it was like an alien spaceship landed in a garbage dump, this movement inevitably attracted the aborigines of Tongzilou.

Su Lun's cloak has the symbol of the Cross, indicating his identity.

This identity also has sufficient deterrent effect, he raised his hand to avoid it, and those poor people who looked like aberrations in the eyes of the inner city people did not surround and disturb these little nobles out of curiosity.

This is also the biggest role of his "local snake".

Su Lun walked over, greeted the leading instructor, and introduced himself: "Hi, Mr. August, I'm Su Lun, Miss Philo recommended me to be your guide for this trial."

August is a middle-aged man with a brown beard and a very calm manner. He is also a second-tier professional, and he is the leader of this trial.

The instructor seemed very self-cultivated. Even if he knew the identity of the Su Lun gangster, he didn't show any contempt. He showed enough respect and said politely: "Hello, Mr. Su Lun, I will trouble you for the trials of the students this time."

Su Lun also responded politely, "It's my honor."

The students got out of the car one after another, looking around one by one, like curious babies who saw everything new.

Su Lun didn't speak again, and watched them get out of the car quietly.

A total of twenty-three people participated in this trial. In addition to the mentor August of this second-level professional, there are two teaching assistants. A man and a woman, the man named Daniel, his arms and legs have a mechanical exoskeleton that looks very sophisticated in workmanship and technology; the woman's name is Rosa, wearing a sexy low-cut teacher's skirt, like a legal warlock.

The students are not very old, about fifteen or sixteen years old, and all of them are fully armed.

Although their costumes are different, they all wear a tight black "liquid battle suit" inside.

"Is it a school uniform?"

This was the first time for Su Lun to see this kind of battle suit that looked like a shark skin swimsuit. Not only did it take into account the aesthetics of the design, but looking at the mysterious runes occasionally revealed under the light and the blue fluorescent energy sign full of technology on the clothes, he knew that the clothes were not only clothes, but also products of alchemy, and they must be extremely functional. good.

The male student is full of heroism in this leather jacket, and the black color is full of calmness.

And those female students who were full of youthful atmosphere wore the black liquid leather underwear, showing off their tall and slender figures to the fullest. Well-developed breasts, upturned buttocks, slender and well-proportioned thighs, and close-fitting leather clothes outline the most perfect and attractive lines, and they exude a pure and beautiful atmosphere from top to bottom.

Su Lun took a look, then retracted his gaze.

It's no wonder that Mrs. Filo was so harsh when selecting guides before. These young female students are indeed very attractive in front of the gangsters.

The students all got out of the car, and no one spoke to Su Lun, a tool man, and he didn't intend to find any sense of presence.

Before entering the Catacombs, the instructor August gave a routine lecture to the students, saying: "Today is your graduation test, and you will complete the task in groups of five. Make a comprehensive score. This is a practical trial, and the teachers will not help, and I will not accompany you. Everything depends on the knowledge you have learned. Please take it seriously when you solve the difficulties you encounter.”

Su Lun listened from the side, and they were all boring warnings, and all the students were also a little bored.

August said that he would not accompany him, but Su Lun knew that this second-tier professional would always be secretly protecting him, and he would only act when he encountered an invincible danger.

But when the students heard that the teacher would not follow, instead of worrying, they all showed excited expressions on their faces.

"Hunting wilderness" is a life-and-death journey for people from the outer city; but for those aristocratic students in the inner city who have never tried it, it has a fatal attraction like poppies. The adventurous trip to explore the unknown field made this group of students who had never gone on an adventure trip alone have a kind of fanatical expectation.

"Wow, sir, are you not going? Haha, don't worry, we will definitely complete this trial perfectly!"

"Yes, we are all full-time professionals now, and we will definitely not embarrass the academy."


Su Lun looked at these energetic students coldly the whole time, hoping that they would be so happy watching the disgusting distortion monsters in the crypt.

However, these guys do have the capital to be proud.

When Su Lun and the others went to the Catacombs and were chased so embarrassingly by the aberrant monster, it was because there were only two professionals, him and Kay. And in the trial group in front of them, everyone is a professional, and no matter equipment, planting, occupation, or logistics supplies, these people have a hundred times the advantage.

That's why Kai said that this mission was easy.

Being able to get a bonus of 100,000 yuan and get contributions from the guild is indeed a "free gift".

After the instructor's speech, the trainees started excitedly grouping into groups of five for trials, and finally the team and individual results will be assessed.

In fact, Wilderness Hunting has a standard five-person job mix. Meat shield + output + doctor are three musts, and two other complementary jobs are enough, such as an assassin who is responsible for observing the environment, or a warlock who controls the field, and a blaster. hands or something

The "group of five" can ensure that the team has the best professional match, and can exert the strongest combat power in battle. But obviously, this group of students didn't have the idea of ​​matching at all, and one by one started to invite their friends, or they were so confident that they wanted to take their sisters for a trial.

The teachers didn't say anything. The whole process of this trial was decided by the students themselves, which also tested their organizational skills.

"Miss Lena, can I invite you to form a team together? I just got the Medal of Honor of 'Academy's First Shooter', and I will definitely get the best result in this trial."

"Hey, Jack, don't brag. I am number one in the overall alchemy department, and I will definitely be number one in this trial!"


The male students are like aggressive bulls, without any modesty. They also regard this trial as a competition, as a way to show off their abilities in front of the opposite sex.

Soon, twenty people were divided into four teams.

Assistant teacher Daniel said to Su Lun: "Mr. Guide, please help us take us to the burrow."

Su Lun nodded. There is indeed a gap between the cultivation of young teaching assistants and mentors. Although this guy sounded polite, he couldn't hide the contempt in his eyes.

Su Lun didn't mind either, the people in the inner city already had the arrogance of being at the foot of the imperial city.

He led a group of trial nobles through the ruins, all the way to the entrance of the tube building into the crypt.

This group of young masters and ladies looked very excited, holding guns in their hands and aiming here and there. Walking on the ruins, they looked eager to try.

Because the entrance of the crypt was close to the sewer, the rancid smell in the air became stronger and stronger, and many pampered students began to complain.

"Oh, the air in the outer city is terrible. I can smell a stench through the gas mask."

"Wow, look, are the monsters hiding in those broken buildings? Are we going to shoot them?"


As soon as he opened his mouth, Su Lun knew why Sister Qiantiao said that those noble students in the inner city were not easy to serve.

These guys have never been to the outer city at all, and they lack a lot of basic knowledge.

At this time, the female assistant teacher Rosa explained: "Those are not deformed monsters, they are just malnourished wanderers."

With that said, the students lost much interest.

Soon, a group of people came to the entrance of the crypt of Tongzilou.

Everyone put on their night vision goggles and walked in.

The buildings here still have traces of the fierce battle between Su Lun and the Steam Party last time, and bullet marks are everywhere on the walls.

Although the corpse has been devoured by the monsters in the sewer, there are still many horrible traces left on the ground, with trailing blood stains and marks of corpse decay.

Entering the dark room from the outside, a terrifying atmosphere instantly swept over the entire trial team.

The students nervously held the muskets in their hands and looked around, fearing that monsters would suddenly appear from the darkness.

The instructor August did not continue walking, he stood at the exit of the crypt, and said: "The next trial begins, everyone's task is to kill at least ten distortion monsters, the team obtains at least five cursed materials, and Complete the collection of samples to investigate the mutation of sewer monsters."

"Yes, mentor."

The students responded one after another.

August gave the students the illusion of staying at the entrance of the cave, and said to Su Lun, "Mr. Su Lun, I will trouble you next."

Su Lun nodded.

Then he, the guide, went down the entrance of the crypt first.

When he revisited his old place, he looked as usual.

He was already very familiar with this place, and even remembered which bullet holes were punched by himself.

But the students became nervous one by one.

After entering the Catacombs, the two teaching assistants also became spectators, and the students could only rely on themselves.

Among the four teams, the person selected as the captain took care of his own team members. All the trainees are going through actual combat for the first time. They have no experience, so they can only encourage each other according to the wilderness hunting knowledge in the textbook: "Keep the muzzle down, don't put your fingers on the trigger, and pay attention to your feet and your head."

Su Lun said he was a guide, but after leading them into the burrow, they were basically fine.

Exploring the unknown and choosing a path are also one of the purposes of these students' trials.

Four teams of five walked in front, and two assistant coaches were behind. Naturally, Su Lun knew that he was not in the same category as them, so he acted as a little transparent by himself.

In the dark cave, this is a place where light does not shine.

From time to time, small sounds came from the dark place, pairs of red eyes, and black shadows passing by at the end of the field of vision from time to time, made all the students scream in horror from time to time.

Su Lun looked very laid-back, at least he was familiar with the environment on this floor of the subway station.

There is no danger here either.

Unexpectedly, after walking a few steps, a fat student quietly walked over.

"Hey, Brother Guide, what's your name?"

Su Lun actually noticed this fat man early in the morning, because everyone was very visible in that liquid leather coat. Only this one, dressed like a "Michelin star", can't pay attention to him.

It seems that no matter what school, there is always such a fat guy in every class.

The guy approached him familiarly, and whispered to Su Lun, "My name is Charlie Leonard, and my family runs the Sunbird Mechanical Equipment Company."

The straightforward self-introduction made Su Lun somewhat confused about what he was going to do, but he replied politely, "Just call me Su Lun."

Although he didn't know anyone, he had also heard of "Sunbird Machinery", one of the largest manufacturers of military machinery and equipment in the inner city.

Before coming here, Su Lun had heard that this trial team was not an ordinary student class, but a top noble class in the "Black Tower Alchemy Academy".

Every student in front of me has a different family background, either a chaebol princess or a young master of a big family.

Here came a fat man randomly, the fat son of a proper billionaire family.

At this time, the little fat man named Charlie revealed his intention of coming, and said to Su Lun in a low voice: "I asked someone about it, and they said that you are a very powerful shooter in the 'Iron Cross'. So, I think Brother, you can take care of our team when necessary. After all, you should have noticed that my team is full of non-combatants."

Then when this guy was talking, he secretly stuffed a package of things into Su Lun's hand.

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