Master Tongtian

Chapter 50 What kind of apprentice is this? !

Beneath the city wall, Rosen followed the movements of the two men closely, with a high level of concentration. As long as there was any change on the other side, he would go all out.

Of course, before fighting, he also hopes to find out the identity of his opponent.

If the other party didn't answer, he would ask again.

"Who are you serving?"

The two of them seemed to think they had a chance to win, and they were not in a hurry to take action.

The blood-eyed man made a strange laugh like a poisonous snake spitting out a message.

"It doesn't hurt to tell you, we are the apostles of the King of Neverwinter."

The King of Neverwinter? never heard of that.

But since he has accepted an apostle, it means that this guy may be a god.

Rosen was awestruck: "No wonder things are so weird. It turns out there is an evil god behind it!"

Fortunately, the Golden Land is protected by the Third Golden Law, and the so-called evil gods are basically ordinary evil spirits.

Otherwise, as soon as he heard this name, Rosen would run away immediately.

He asked again: "Why do you want to kill people in the south market?"

"My king woke up from his deep sleep. His thirsty body was in urgent need of sustenance, so he took some mortal blood. But I didn't expect that you mortals would be so entangled. I really don't know what to say!"

While speaking, the blood-eyed man took out his weapon from behind, but it was a long, rattan-like whip.

A faint blood flowed all over the whip, and when it extended to the end of the whip, the blood became extremely rich and dripped from the tip of the whip, as if it were real blood.

"Child, I can feel that you have very pure power in your body, and you happen to be an insignificant little person. It is really an excellent gift prepared by fate for the master."

'Snapped! Snapped! ’

He gasped for air, making bursts of crisp sounds, and the blood from the tip of the whip splashed everywhere. Wherever it splashed, the soil liquefied into crimson sludge, as if it were thick blood.

This sight made Rosen's heart move slightly.

‘When you take it out from behind your back, it can still crack the air, indicating that the whip is real. The blood light is a spell. Although it is attached to the whip most of the time, it will sputter. ’

Thrandis taught a special class on spell resistance.

She said that for novice mages, attacks that combine physical objects and spells are the most difficult.

Because novice mages know few magic rules and master few types of defensive spells, and most of them have a single function, they often focus on one thing but not the other.

Fortunately, Rosen happened to have mastered two types of defensive spells. Fire barrier defense spell, resisting force fields against physical objects.

While thinking about it, Rosen didn't stop talking.

"You are not the mastermind, you are just accomplices! Tell me, who is the mastermind!"

All past clues show that the mastermind is an aristocratic woman with a very good figure. The two of them cannot pretend to look like that, and their temperaments are not similar. They are most likely his subordinates.


"Nasty child, go and seek the answer from the master yourself!"

Before he finished speaking, the blood-eyed man took action first.

The long whip in his hand was rolled lightly, dipped in the crimson mud, rolled again, and swung towards Rosen like lightning.

The blood mud stained on the whip body turned into a little blood rain, covering Rosen, and the tip of the whip turned into a shadow, pointing towards Rosen's chest.

At the same time, the man in gray robe blocking the exit was not idle either.

His attack method is different.

He was seen squatting on the ground in a 100-meter starting position, thrusting his hands into the ground in front of him, and the ground quickly arched and extended towards Rosen's feet.

Something underground was rushing toward Rosen.

Facing the opponent's attack, Rosen's spirit was concentrated to the extreme.

The resistance field has already been strengthened, and the flame barrier is quickly being released.

Seeing that the tip of the whip and the bloody mud were about to come, the air around Rosen's body shook violently, making a crisp sound like a cracking whip.

Resistance fields are triggered by blood slime.

The splattered blood and mud suddenly flew back as if it had encountered an invisible strong wind.

However, the whip and the blood-colored light spots spattered from the tip of the whip were not affected in any way, and they still hit Rosen's body like scattered oleum.

Rosen was shocked: "Is the whip actually a magical illusion?"

He actually took a wrong look!

Fortunately, we were prepared.

Just as he was about to be hit, the surface of his body suddenly lit up, and a thin layer of yellow light appeared.

Extraordinary fire logic three-star spell: flame barrier.

The improved fire barrier casts extremely quickly, appearing in less than 0.2 seconds.

Its power is extremely powerful. As early as a month and a half ago, it could withstand the ash flames of low-level peak power.

Now, Rosen's mana has been promoted to the low level, and the power of the flame barrier has also been greatly improved. It is now close to the middle and lower level of the middle level.

In other words, any spell with power below the intermediate level would be difficult to defeat.

The next moment, the whip mixed with blood-colored light spots and the flame barrier collided together.

‘Crack! Snap! Snap! ’

The spell energy collided fiercely, making dense explosion sounds, and at the same time, a dazzling white light shone at high frequency, just like the arc light of electric welding.

A moment later, ripples appeared on the flame barrier, which did not break.

On the other side, the sputtering blood light was ignited, turned into little sparks, suddenly lit up, and then disappeared into nothingness.

But the blood whip was ignited, like a lit fuse, burning quickly, burning towards the blood-eyed man's wrist.

"The magic is so powerful?!" The whip-wielding blood-eyed man was very surprised.

The magic power of the blood whip is close to the low-level peak, and it is a compound attack. I thought it was a sure blow, but it was actually blocked by a young apprentice. It is incredible!

Experiencing a real magic confrontation for the first time, Rosen's heart was beating violently.

After all, real battles are different from virtual machines, and the psychological pressure they cause is several times greater. I had achieved proficiency in the virtual machine, but now I could only reach the level of proficiency.

Fortunately, this is enough.

The opponent didn't give him any chance to breathe. In the next moment, the raised ground reached the soles of his feet.

"Hehe, die!" The man in gray robe smiled ferociously.

His carefully prepared attack was even more powerful than the blood-eyed man, and the boy's defensive spell had just been hit, and the spell barrier was crumbling.

So, this will be the killing blow!

On the roof, Thrandis saw this scene, his heart tightened, and he prepared to cast a spell to help.

But just when cracks appeared on the surface and had not completely broken open, another change occurred.

The figure of the young apprentice suddenly floated one foot high, and suddenly became blurry. It started from a standstill and moved 8 meters horizontally at a speed close to that of a low-level peak warrior, and then dropped from extremely high speed to a standstill in an instant.

Extraordinary logical four-star flight technique. Lightning rush!

The whole process was extremely abrupt, just like teleportation.

The moment Rosen escaped, the ground beneath his feet exploded violently, and a thigh-thick vine python made of a large number of bloody vines came out!

Unfortunately, this extremely explosive blow only hit the air.

The decisive blow failed, and the man in gray robe was shocked.

"Aren't you afraid of breaking your neck if you start and stop in such a hurry?"

It is not difficult for a mage to obtain high speed, but the difficult thing is to explode at high speed.

It's not that the magic power is not enough, but the body is not strong enough. If you are not careful, you will break your cervical vertebrae, or if the person stops, the eyeballs will not stop, and the eyeballs will fly out of the sockets with two "pops" and become blind.

But during the fierce battle, there was no time to think more.

The vine python missed the target, and like a real python, it twisted its body violently. Amidst the harsh roar of the wind, the python's body spun around, turned into a giant whip, and whipped towards Rosen's body again.

At the same time, the blood-eyed man also condensed a new magic blood whip, swung it hard, and whipped Rosen again.

Unlike the previous two consecutive attacks, this one is a combined attack and is extremely difficult to dodge.

Thrandis on the roof was nervous and had already begun to gather support spells.

At this moment, a yellow light spot as big as a walnut suddenly appeared. It was as fast as lightning, flew silently, and rushed towards the gray-robed man with a 'swish'.

Extraordinary logic two-star spell: missile spell.

The man in gray robe had already stood up.

He has five-star spellcasting ability and is mentally prepared for his opponent's counterattack.

While continuing to control the vine python, he raised his other hand in front of him and made several 'bang~bang' sounds. Several blood vines quickly emerged from the ground and quickly intertwined into a network, blocking one meter in front of him.

During the fierce battle, he didn't have time to think more. He subconsciously used his past experience to estimate the power of the opponent's missiles, thinking that he should be safe if he hid one meter away.

The next moment, the yellow light hit the vine net.

'boom! ’

The missile exploded and turned into a fiery red flame ball with a diameter of more than 70 or 80 centimeters. A layer of transparent ripples could be seen spreading at high speed outside the flame ball.

This fierce flame easily broke through the vine net, and the remaining power continued to move forward, passing through a distance of about one meter, and hit the gray-robed man's chest hard.

‘Click! ’

Amidst the clear sound of bone cracking, a visible dent appeared in the gray-robed man's chest, his body was violently twisted in a C-shape, and his eyes bulged out from his protruding face.


Blood spurted out from the man in gray robe, and his body was knocked to the ground and flew more than three meters. He hit the stone wall with a bang and slid to the ground like a puddle of mud.

He was more than a meter away and was hit by the aftermath of the missile explosion, and was hit to death!

At this time, both Thrandis on the roof and the blood-eyed man had the same thought in their mind.

"This missile is so powerful!"

Thrandis was surprised, but the blood-eyed man found it terrifying.

Didn't the master say that the target was a magic apprentice? Why was the power of the missiles he unleashed so terrifying?

This power should be at the intermediate level, right?

Fortunately, the blood-eyed man was also a mage with rich combat experience. Although he was shocked, the blood whip still moved forward.

On the other side, the vine python used by the man in gray robe was made of entangled roots of underground trees, and it was a physical attack.

Although the caster was dead and the vines were out of control, the inertia still existed and there was still some remaining power, still sweeping towards Rosen's body.


The blood-eyed man roared, whether it was fear or anger.


Seeing that the attack was about to hit the target, the young man's figure blurred again, and he moved 8 meters at high speed, escaping the attack by a hair's breadth.

‘Boom! ’

The vine python had no luck and completely fell apart.

'Snapped! ’

The blood whip only hit the air, and a few splattered blood points hit the target, but were blocked by the flame barrier on the opponent's body and failed to hurt the target at all.

Blood-eyed people just can’t figure it out.

"What kind of magic is this?!"

"Does this guy have a body of steel?!"

It's not that magic can never be used to safely stop and move quickly, but this is basically an intermediate or even high-level category.

This is simply not a power that a magic apprentice should master.

Thinking of this, the blood-eyed man was suddenly startled and thought of a terrifying possibility.

"Could it be that this guy is not a magic apprentice, but an intermediate mage?"

Thinking of this, his whole body felt like electricity was flowing through his body, and his hairs exploded like hedgehogs.

"It's impossible. A mid-level mage has at least a 6-star spell-casting ability, but this guy can't even cast spells in two lines. He's only four-star at most. He's not on the same level at all!"

The situation that went against common sense turned the blood-eyed man's brain into mush.

Rosen would not give him time to think.

As soon as he thought, the few mana in his body was poured into the staff, and another missile was condensed and shot towards the blood-eyed man.

The blood-eyed man had already seen the power of missiles and did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

Before he had time to think about it, he saw his body light up, and a layer of dark red light appeared. It was the spell 'Neverwinter Blessing' given by the King of Neverwinter.

That's not all.

Stimulated by the threat of death, his spellcasting ability suddenly broke through from five stars to six stars!

Double cast.

Quickly retract the blood whip, twist it quickly around the body, and lay down a barrier composed of blood whip, blood light, and blood mud.

Almost at the moment the spell was completed, the missile arrived and hit the outer barrier.


Another extremely explosive blow!

The fiery red flame with a diameter of seventy or eighty centimeters easily broke through the blood-eyed man's outer defense, and then hit the dark red light layer hard.

The dark red light layer trembled violently, shone for a few times, then turned into light spots and collapsed.

The scary thing is that after breaking through two magic barriers in a row, the impact of the missile explosion actually left no weak aftereffects!

The aftermath hit the blood-eyed man's chest.


The blood-eyed man vomited blood, his body was knocked to the ground, he took three steps back, and sat down on the ground.

A thought came to his mind: "What kind of ghost missile is this? What kind of ghost apprentice is this?!"

Before he could recover from the previous blow, he heard the howling wind again.

The next moment, blood spurted out one after another on his body, and a terrible pain hit his heart, almost making him faint from the pain.

It's Rosen's mage musket. He wants to capture the opponent alive and find out.

But something unexpected happened.

The blood-eyed man who fell to the ground suddenly struggled violently for a few times, and then imploded with a 'bang', exploding into a ball of blood from the inside out.

The terrifying scene shocked Rosen's heart, and he immediately figured it out.

"The mastermind behind it is silencing him!"

Another thought followed.

"The mastermind is nearby!"

"No, she has been watching nearby, and she must have been recorded in my adventure diary!"

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