On the night of the summit, Liberty Island was bombarded, although it was not long, but people nearby did hear it, and saw the artillery fire in the distance, as well as the dense white silk threads that spread from the Statue of Liberty, and finally enveloped the entire Liberty Island.

This war scene, although only small in scope, shocked the entire United States, and even the world.

There are various speculations in the outside world, some people say that the mutants attacked Liberty Island, and the national army defended itself and drove the mutants away, or captured and slaughtered the mutants who made trouble. Some say terrorists have appeared, others say aliens are causing trouble, or some kind of high-tech monster, such as the lizardman from a few months ago. There are all kinds of talk, all kinds of rumors.

The government has been silent about Liberty Island, and no useful information has been produced by the press, no matter what they try to do. The media protested and asked the government to release the facts in a free spirit, but the government ignored it, and no senior official came forward to explain the matter.

And what is even more bizarre is that after the battle on Liberty Island, the politicians of various countries seem to have suddenly lost interest in mutant legislation, and they have not proposed to hold the summit again.

After a few days, the media finally found some clues, and it turned out that many senior leaders were sick at the same time, such as * he was unwell and could not carry out normal work, etc. All of a sudden, government personnel became extremely low-key, but there were still people who were high-profile during this period~.

The man's name was Congressman Kelly.

Congressman Kelly has been doing high-profile things recently, giving speeches everywhere, and the content of his speech is completely contrary to his previous arguments, he used to advocate the imprisonment of mutants, but now he supports mutants, believes that mutants are the evolution of mankind, is the future of mankind, and calls on people from all walks of life to care about mutants.

His speeches appear frequently on television, and the media are happy to promote him, because he is now a controversial figure, and the public loves to watch his show, whether it is for or against mutants.

Ye Hai was idle today, he was dating Gwen in the hotel, and after the two rolled the sheets, they started watching TV.

In a news channel, Kelly spoke out from the podium to care for mutants, mutants are a weak group, and many organizations and even national governments are persecuting mutants.

His speech was full of emotion, and many people were moved by his speech, full of sympathy for mutants, but others angrily threw stones at him.

"Traitor to humanity, get the hell out of the earth!"

"Liar, liar, you liar!"

"Are mutants your relatives?


The opposition was yelling and even trying to move, the scene was chaotic, and the police officers could not maintain order, after which Kelly had no choice but to stop his speech and was fled by the surging crowd!

The reporters of the media were very excited, and hurriedly grabbed ~ the crowd to do it.

The beautiful female reporter grabbed ~ an angry man and asked, "Sir, why do you think Congressman Kelly changed his opinion on mutants?"

The man shrugged and said, "But his family or lover is a mutant." "

A black uncle next to him said: "His family is exposed to the public, basically no privacy, if it is a mutant, now the media has already reported it, it is estimated that his secret lover is a mutant, it seems that my parliamentarian Mr. is not so selfless!"

"What does his secret lover look like? Could it be that he has three~?" the white man grinned.

"Wow Shake! Three~Son, Blessed is Congressman Kelly's bastard!" exclaimed the black uncle.


Gwen laughed when she saw this farce, and when she saw Ye Hai's solemn expression, she stopped laughing and asked, "What's the matter, Ye, are you unhappy when you see Councilor Kelly making a fool of himself?"

Ye Hai said speechlessly: "Please, this guy is talking to us mutants, you need to be so happy? You can't forget that you are a mutant now, right?"

Gwen was stunned for a moment, she had been living in the human community, and she had gotten along well with her human friends and classmates, and she really didn't realize that she was a mutant, so others blamed the mutants, and she had never felt empathy or sadness.

"Well, I was wrong. Gwen began to be coquettish, and asked strangely: "This Kelly is really strange, hasn't he always advocated the oppression of mutants? Is it really as the black uncle said, he has a mutant lover~woman?"

"The reason is simple. Ye Hai smiled and said: "He has become a mutant himself, do you think he wants to stand on the side of a mutant?"

"What, he's a mutant himself?" Seeing Ye Hai's mysterious smile, Gwen suddenly realized and asked, "It can't be your ghost, right?"

Ye Hai pinched her little ~ face and said with a smile: "You're right, it's me who made the ghost, I turned him into a mutant, this guy used to be an anti-mutant radical, what about now, he became a mutant and immediately led us, this is the face of politicians, they can manipulate the people for their own interests at any time, as long as there are a large number of mutants in politics and business, and then we find that it is not difficult to solve the problem of mutants." "

Gwen chuckled: "You still have a way, sure enough, what you said is very true, technology determines fate." If you master advanced technology, you can influence the pattern of the world. "

Ye Hai smiled and said: "I have mastered superb technology? Yes, I have mastered superb technology, hehe!"

Gwen deliberately pretended to be cute, and said: "Superb technology, is your skill superb? Why didn't I feel it? I only felt your blind brute strength, and your super strong holding ~ Jiuli!"

"You dare to say that I don't have great skills, and it looks like I'm going to have to show off my housekeeping skills. "

Ye Hai was suddenly "angry", and pounced like a beast, and then the two of them began to roll the sheets again!


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