"How are George and Gwen?"

"Director George had some injuries, but it was fine, and his daughter was in the hospital to take care of him.

"Tony, you don't seem to be in a good mood, what's on your mind?"

"It's hatred, Wu, I can't let go of the hatred in my heart."

Tony sighed, "Petro has let go of his hatred, but I'm still haunted by Ethan's death, those hateful ten-ring terrorists."


, as long as he has a clear conscience, he will do it, and punishing evil is promoting good.

Petro was able to let go because he knew you were a good person, and those terrorists were not, and as long as they lived, they would always endanger others. "

Okay, you're right, Wu, I'm going to have to improve my cutie, let's talk.".

Relieved to learn that George and Gwen and Pietro were all right, Wu Lu began to carefully search for traces of Bruce Banner, and more than two years ago, a gamma-ray burst broke out in a physics laboratory in New Mexico.

But the news about the green monster came a year later, and the green monster disappeared without a trace after entering the Rocky Mountains.

Wu Lu didn't know if Banner was still learning qigong breathing with a qigong master in Brazil to control his emotions, but he had to find someone first

! Bruce Banner's ex-girlfriend

, Betty! Although all the information about the experiment was destroyed, Betty made a copy of it and put it on her USB stick.

Wu Lu found Betty's address, turned off the computer, and walked out the door.

"Wanda, Pietro is fine, he's working for Tony Stark right now, and Tony is ready to close the weapons manufacturing department.


Wanda's eyes lit up, "Pietro is okay?

"But he joined Tony Stark's company, don't you all want revenge?"

"I know, but I still have Pietro......

" Zhao Helen gloated and asked

, "Tony Stark found you?" "Yes, what's wrong?" "

Mr. Wu Lu, I beg you to release me now, Tony finds you to explain that your current location is no longer a secret, and you will be found soon."

Mr. Wu, I can see that you are not a bad person, Donna, Mindy and Wanda, they all follow you sincerely, but I am not.

You are a burden with me, and I will affect the speed of your escape.

General Ross I have heard that he once sent a large army after his daughter's boyfriend, and this time you release his dove, he will definitely come and arrest you.

Let me go, and the ball is over.

"No way.

Wu Lu took two steps forward and pinched Zhao Hailun's chin: "You're right, I'm not a bad person, but now I just want to live freely."

And you, very important to me!

One day, I may let you go, but definitely not now.

"But you don't even have a laboratory now, I'm completely useless, and when the conditions allow in the future, if you come to me again, I will definitely not refuse."

Wu Lu no longer paid attention to Zhao Hailun and said to Mindy: "Mindy, if this girl makes any changes, kill her directly!" Donna, come with me, let's go and see that gray wolf Moorlack."


Donna smiled and took Wu Lu's arm: "My dear, I'll go with you to take a look."

Wanda took the ingredients and began to cook Sokovia-style dim sum, and Mindy held the gun in her hand and played back and forth.

Zhao Hailun was speechless for a while: "Oh my God, you are all crazy, you have all been brainwashed by that guy!

Except for him, each of you is free, because you are really ordinary, no one will pay attention to you, Mindy, do you understand?


A gunshot rang out, and a bullet grazed Zhao Hailun's scalp and flew into the distance.

"Shut up, nasty woman, if you say one more bad thing about my boyfriend, I'll kill you!"

Wu Lu and Donna hadn't taken two steps before they heard gunshots, and Donna was stunned: "Wu, your little sweetheart won't beat Zhao Helen to death, right?"

"Of course not, Mindy is much more mature than you, let's go." The

setting sun faded away, and there was a furious noise in the cage where Moorlac was kept, and a creepy wolf howl.

When the warehouse was opened, the hungry wolf's body had swelled two or three times, and its whole body was green, looking like a demon beast from hell.

"Donna, try to control it with pain!" Donna

nodded, Sakura's lips opened slightly, and invisible ripples of pain were released at the hungry wolf.


" The hungry wolf Morlac howled wildly, spurting blood from his mouth and nose, but his body became bigger and greener

! Hulk gene, that's right!

This is Hulk gene

! The huge force instantly smashed the iron cage that bound it to pieces, Wu Lu hurriedly stepped forward, and suppressed it with the surgical field while the beast had not yet broken away!

"Donna, burst out with all your strength, I want to see its limit!"

The ripples of pain almost materialized, distorting everything in the air.

Wu Lu felt that there were subtle waves in the surgical field, which was a change that only appeared when he had fought with Mephisto, which showed the strength of Donna's painful power.

The strength of the terrifying giant wolf suppressed by the power of pain is also constantly increasing, and Wu Lu is becoming more and more happy in his heart, as long as this beast can be like the Hulk, because there is no upper limit to anger, it proves that Dr. Banner's Hulk gene has not been functionally depleted after entering the body of the giant wave.

With Zhao Helen here, it may be possible to reverse the extraction with his own cooperation


Moorlac fell on all fours in the iron cage, but his body did not continue to grow, and he no longer roared, but became a little cringe.

Its power growth is like a spoof parabola, past the maximum point, and it begins to fall back and forth.

Wu Lu felt extremely sorry in his heart, he was almost able to create the first terrifying biological weapon, but as a result, he failed.

"Brutes are brutes after all, and even the wolf king doesn't have enough mind to sustain his anger. "

Wu, what the hell is going on?

This wolf is also a creature of hell?"

"No, it's a product of technology.

Donna retracted her pain, but Morlac's spirit had been destroyed, and her strong, powerful body began to crumble in the moonlight.

Obviously, the Hulk's genes have changed since they entered the canine family from the human body, and now one can only hope that the blood will have some use.

Wu Lu carefully collected all the blood of the wolf king into the container, although these things were defective, they could still be sold for a good price.

"Did you fail?


Donna hugged Wu Lu from behind, the peach-like touch exuded her sexy charm: "Wu, don't be too anxious, you've done a good job."

At least much better than my brother.

Wu Lu sighed lightly: "How can you not be in a hurry, this world is getting more and more dangerous."

"Why don't you try that Korean woman tonight?"

Zhang Ailing said, the nearest path to a woman's heart ......

Maybe you need to let go of your stress. "

Great idea!".

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