"That wooden house?"


"..." She stopped talking, and lowered her head to read the text on the manuscript, Alice's voice sounded a little frustrated.

"Sure enough...Whether you like it or not, like a moth caught in a cobweb, the weaver of fate has already prepared everything."

She took out a manuscript from her bosom, placed it in front of the two of them, and pointed to a passage on it with her finger.

"After the two of Constantine met Alice, endless murder surrounded the villa, and in the corner they couldn't see, the power of darkness began to move..."

Lifting her face, Alice's eyes were filled with solemnity.

"You two, you... are in trouble!"

Chapter 156 The Raven

Night, lakeside villa.

On the first floor, a bar for bartending near the lobby.


Listening to the wind and rain outside, Constantine ordered a cocktail and leaned lazily on the bar.

He heard someone approaching, and judged the owner of the voice, without raising his head.

"Grant, your manpower has completed the fortifications?"

"Well, although the time is a little tight, it is barely completed."

It was Grant who came. He sat down beside Constantine and looked at the woman in the bar.

"Ms. Alice, thank you for your advice. Those patients have been transferred. This is the key there."

"Thank you, it's great to be able to help you."

After taking the key, Alice made him a glass of wine herself, regretting it.

"Unfortunately, I don't have the manuscript after that, and there is no way to see the next story, so you two must be careful..."

After chatting a few more words with the two, Alice put down the glass she wiped, nodded and left.

Before the figure completely stepped into the darkness, she hesitated, left a sentence "Be careful Ellen Wake" and left without looking back.


Shaking the glass, Constantine and Grant drank the drink in one gulp.

A mosquito buzzed over, and Constantine reluctantly covered it with a glass and buckled it on the table. Then he took a deep breath of the cigarette and exhaled the thick smoke into the cup.

The mosquito struggled in the cup, constantly flying around.

"Constantine, I'm very curious. Your code name is Hell Detective. Have you really seen hell?"

With the help of alcohol, Grant asked his own question at the right time.

Controlling subtle expressions and movements, even including the ups and downs and changes of voice, he knew that his identity as an agent would cause the other party to be on guard.

So you have to make sure you make it look like you're talking about it casually, not trying to find out.

There is a deep psychological game in it, but Constantine didn't even look at him, it was a blind man.

"Whether it's a high-level demon in hell, a prince of hell, or even Lucifer or Satan, as long as you can name them, I've dealt with them at least once..."

With a cigarette in his mouth, Constantine said with a sigh.

"Constantine, are those demons in **** easy to deal with?"

Eyes flickered, Grant remembered some dark magic experiments in Hydra.

"Hehe... I advise you to die as soon as possible. Those **** from **** have great malice towards humans. The set of rules in human society can't be applied to demons!"

As soon as the other party pouted, Constantine knew what color **** they were pulling. It was nothing more than the same old routine, experimentation, control, mass production...

Even if the world is changed, the organization is changed, the dog can't change to eat shit!

"Actually, I don't care about what **** is going on."

But you know, there are always some senior people who think like this, if one day he leaves this world, will he go to **** or heaven? "

As a senior agent, it is a basic instinct to observe the situation, and Grant quickly turned his attention to those big men and picked himself clean.

"It's a question, but the answer is often brutal..."

Thinking of the state of this world paradise, Constantine shook his head slightly.

"Look at the mosquito in this cup, if it knows that it is doomed to die if it can't get out, will it still struggle like this, resisting its mortal fate?"

Looking at the mosquitoes in the cup, constantly bumping in the cup, Grant felt that the other party had something to say, he thought for a while, and replied.

"Yes, even if the possibility is almost zero, I still want to resist."


"Even those big men who hold status and power will try to resist. Otherwise, no one will be willing to die like this without doing anything."

With a laugh, Grant gave his opinion.

"It's a beautiful idea, but like the mosquito in this cup, it doesn't matter whether it works hard or not, the most important thing is who will choose to help it."

Breathing out a puff of smoke, Constantine's voice sounded full of stories.

"By the way... Grant, did anyone say your smile looks fake?"

This abrupt sentence made Grant's face stiff, and he subconsciously touched his own face, did he? This is a professionally trained expression, and it should be the one that most pulls into the relationship between others.

"Yes, you're laughing too fake, it looks like you're panicking!"

For a master deception master, it is really false, but in the blink of an eye.

Pressing the cigarette into the ashtray to extinguish it, Constantine stood up from the chair, leaned against the wall with one hand and walked down the corridor, waving his hand and staggeringly left.

He drank a bit too much this afternoon and needed to wash his face and refresh himself.

Watching him go farther and farther, Grant took out the walkie-talkie, stood up and walked to the upper floor of the villa as he instructed.

"Team a, bring a powerful flashlight. From now on, no one is allowed in this area."


"Team B, guard the 2nd floor of the villa, and send 2 people to be stationed on the roof by the way. Those searchlights are the big killers tonight, you must take good care of them."


And shortly after he left, a hand stretched out from the shadows and lifted the upside-down wine glass on the table, revealing a gap.

The mosquitoes in the cup immediately sensed the change in the airflow, and flew out of it with a whistle of smoke.

It flew twice around the arm, then buzzed away into the distance.

In the silent darkness, someone whispered.

"Fuck fate!"


In the toilet on the first floor, Konstantin walked out of the booth with his hands whistling.


After a pause, Constantine felt his right foot stomping on something.

He lowered his head and saw through the dim light that it was the corpse of a crow.

The crow seemed to have died not long ago, blood was dripping all over the floor, and the black eyes looked at him silently, making people shudder.

Ordinary people would probably scream when they stayed here, but Constantine raised his eyebrows and lifted up the crow on the ground, taking a good look at it.

There was only a knife mark on the corpse. In his mind, he simulated the scene of the scene. A crow flew towards someone and was stabbed in the heart by someone who drew a dagger.

Considering that he was in the toilet just now, this should not be the first crime scene. Some guy who killed a crow threw a crow's corpse over without him knowing it with good intentions.

It was even thrown outside his door, so close to him!

"This joke is not funny at all."

In this building, a person of unknown origin mixed in, and this person also brought a corpse of a crow.

The man had at least one weapon on his body, a dagger or some kind of short blade, and he acted like a ghost, wandering around the villa all the time.

"Hey...Is it Grant? Here I found something..." Taking out the walkie-talkie, Constantine got in touch with Grant.


The thunder outside the window sounded again, and the howling wind mixed with large raindrops crackled on the right window.

A black crow flew from the black wind and rain, stuck to the outside of the window glass, stared at Constantine with pitch-black pupils, and his head hit the glass one by one, making a rhythmic crashing sound.

Boom, boom, boom.

Chapter 157 Bang!

"Sorry, I can't put you in!"

Glancing at the crow, putting away the walkie-talkie, and throwing the crow's body into the trash can under the sink, Constantine said while washing his hands.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Outside the window, the crow's crash was louder and louder.

"What, want to avenge your little friend? Then you have found the wrong person. I am not the murderer who killed this crow."

The icy cold water was splashed on his face, and Constantine washed his face and said something casually.

Then, from his right ear, there was a more intensive crashing sound.

Frowning, Constantine finally turned his head, only to see a dozen or two black crows flapping their wings and making a quacking sound, banging their heads against the window glass frantically.

dong dong dong...

The window glass continued to vibrate, falling dust, and with the fine cracking sound, some coarse cracks appeared on it.

"Okay, man, with the crow as the spearhead, I have to admit that you have a great idea!"

With a compliment in his mouth, Konstantin turned around neatly and quickly ran out of the toilet door.


The window behind him suddenly shattered, mixed with a large amount of rain, and a flock of crows like a black torrent attacked him.

Karma! Gah! Ga…

Flapping their broad wings, their beaks and sharp claws glowed in the air, and they flew in densely, whistling to bring death.

It wasn't until a raging flame engulfed everything that Constantine's disdain echoed in the house.

"It's rubbish, remember to send someone with strength next time!"

The next moment, the crows that covered the sky and the sun came in from the window in a mighty manner.

"Oh le Shet!"

Turning from the heart, Constantine closed the wooden door of the toilet and ran away.

He kinda... misses Deadpool.


In this dark night, on the first floor of a villa by the lake, a burst of fire suddenly erupted.

Then outside the icy villa, a large number of men with axes, like evil spirits from hell, stood silently in the rain in black smoke.

At their feet, a few corpses lay quietly, black raindrops fell on the ground, red blood flowed from the corpses, stepping on the blood-stained rain, these prisoners from the darkness brushed together Raise your face.


next second.

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