Marvel Reverses Wolverine

Chapter 76 Shield Warrior (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Additional chapter)

Eric was in a visibly depressed mood after coming back from school today. His English accent is a bit heavy and he was often laughed at at school.

Coupled with the dark experience of the war in the past few years, he has a somewhat introverted and autistic personality. He has not made many friends in school, and is often targeted by several annoying classmates.

Today, it was because I was pushed by those students outside the teaching building that I fell to the ground and was almost hit by the light sign.

Mrs. Edith's English is not very good, she is still learning, and she still speaks German when communicating with Eric in private. Although James also knows this language, they try not to speak it in front of everyone, as it is not polite.

Eric sat upright and waited for James to have dinner with him. His mother Edie specifically asked today if she could cook two dishes for Mr. Howlett to try.

Asazo teleported back from nowhere, landed directly on the stool, called an attendant to hand over a towel, and wiped his hands casually.

The Howlett family is able to serve James in the innermost circle. The waiters who serve James on a daily basis are all family members of each member of the "wolf pack". They all know the situation of Mr. Howlett and Asazzo. There is no need to avoid it. They are the same as the wolf pack. , are all relatively peripheral members of the family.

"Ah, thank you ma'am."

Asazo rubbed his hands and watched Eric's mother serve a plate of kebab-style dishes, as well as large pies and golden pastries topped with crushed fruit.

The waiter continued to serve steaks, oysters and bread with caviar. Although James did not need to eat an exaggerated amount now, he always had a good appetite and liked delicious food, so just three dishes were not enough.

"Smells great, thank you Edie."

James went downstairs to the restaurant, thanked Mrs. Edith in German, and insisted on inviting her to sit down with him. The woman's withered face, which had suffered from war and inhuman torture, now became rosy and plump again.

Eric happily looked at his mother sitting next to him and James who was sitting next to him. He took the initiative to introduce the three foods his mother made and watched James taste them expectantly.

"Well, not bad, I like this Kebab. The barbecue sauce made with onions and parsley has a very special taste."

James ate the barbecue gracefully and quickly, looking very satisfied. He asked Eric about his life in school. He looked at the young man's squeaking look and said with a smile.

"Do you play any sports, Eric?"

"No. Boys in school like baseball and football, but I have never been exposed to either."

Eric would always sit down and watch everyone play in exercise class. The female students would watch and cheer on. It would be a lie to say that he was not envious.

"It is necessary to have a sports hobby when you are studying. It is also the easiest to make friends. Well, rugby. This is a more comprehensive exercise. I will teach you after dinner."

James did not ask Eric if he had been bullied or ostracized by his classmates. After dinner, he took Asazo with him and threw and caught football on the vast lawn outside the manor.

"Azazo! You can't teleport."

James rolled his eyes at Asazo, who was teleporting to grab the ball. Eric was laughing loudly and running, covered in sweat. His mother, Etty, sat on the floor, stroking the soft and clear lawn, and looked tenderly at her son's face. A smile like never before.

"How's the situation over there Steve?"

James wiped it with the towel handed by the attendant, and told Eric to go back and rest early, remember the practice postures and breathing methods when sleeping, and asked Asazo softly.

"I just came back from him with two letters, one for you and one for me to give to her mother."

Asazo teleported away, then immediately flashed back with two envelopes in his hand.

James took it and opened it, looking at Steve's battle experience, and nodded slightly.

One hundred kilometers west of the Maginot Line.

"This should be Hydra's last outlying stronghold. If this factory is taken away, only the secret base will remain."

Steve was wearing a dark blue combat uniform made for him by James, a vibranium helmet, and a huge buckler on his back, laying out the battle plan to his "Howling Commando" combat team.

"Steve, the bunkers and artillery here are several times that of other bases. Are you sure you should just attract firepower and push it up?"

Bucky said softly to the side. He was mainly responsible for long-range support. After Barnes joined the army, he was selected to be trained as a sniper.

In the past few months, every time I watch the brother I grew up with pushing bunkers and even tanks like Hercules, I feel more than worry, I feel even more envy.

"Don't worry Bucky, this doesn't make any difference to me. It's still the same old plan. I'll push up, and you guys will provide fire cover and support from the flanks. We'll give priority to attacking the enemy's high-energy weapons. Gabe and Dean, you are responsible for placing explosives after entering."

The team of less than twenty people was divided into five groups. Steve slowly accelerated forward and headed towards the main entrance of the Hydera base.

Bang bang bang.

The ice blue energy cannon shot at Steve who kept stabbing left and right. He grabbed the edge of the shield with his backhand and swung it easily. The shield arced and blasted the high turret.

He jumped up and smashed into the bunker with only a narrow shooting gap exposed, crushing the concrete top of the bunker and burying the two Hydra soldiers below.

Steve took back the shield, turned over and dodged the concentrated fire attack, and swayed the energy beam as he dashed forward, reflecting it towards the surrounding Hydra soldiers.

The subway gate of the base slowly opened. Steve held the shield in front of him, hunting with all his strength, pulling up a black line that kept digging up the soil, and rumbled into the armored gun truck that was driving out.


Steve hit the armored vehicle head-on, but it was like playing billiards. The armored vehicle was not knocked away by the exaggerated impact, but exploded on the spot with an extremely dull sound.

The front of the car was deeply dented, and the armored steel plates behind and around it were torn from the inside. The three soldiers inside were blown to pieces.

Steve jumped over, and his combat team continued to cover the flanks with precise firepower. Bucky used a sniper rifle to detonate the Hydra sniper on the hillside a hundred meters away. He saw Steve like this in the sniper scope. Fighting vigorously, smacking his mouth and shaking his head constantly.

He completely outplayed the shield made by the original Edman Gold. The special power of the Killing Technique was perfectly superimposed on the thrown shield. Some of the shields directly penetrated with the force, blasting the enemies in the bunker or armor. Some catapult flexibly, and some refract strikes as planned.

The edge of the shield, which was not sharp, had a cutting effect like a knife wheel under the force and strength of nearly ten tons, and the ground was covered with blood for a while.

"Captain America" ​​Steve Rogers fought in and out of the enemy's flesh and blood corpses and splattered yellow and white brains, but his body was as clean as new, as if there was an invisible cover that blocked out the blood and dirt.

He looked at the remaining Hydra soldiers who had basically lost their ability and desire to fight back. He held a shield and smashed open the door fastened with an iron bolt as thick as his forearm, and rushed in boldly.

Red Skull Schmidt swallowed unconsciously as he looked at the violent black and white image of Steve in the surveillance camera.

He began to believe that Abraham Erskine once said that his serum was imperfect, and perhaps this was the ultimate power of the Super Soldier Serum.

"Dr. Zola, we must retreat. The war is not about winning or losing at this moment."

Schmidt finally packed a few highly concentrated Rubik's Cube energy blocks and said to Zola who was trembling beside him.

"Yes, yes, you are right. As long as we return to the Alps and complete the final key of the plan, victory will still be ours. Nine, long live Hydra!"

Zola cheered herself up, raised her fists tremblingly, and said to the Red Skull.

Schmidt has completely stopped hiding his true blood-red skull appearance. His ferocious and strange image has instead become the spiritual symbol of Hydra, a legion of madmen with ambitions and conspiracies.

"Your vehicle is in the garage, make sure it doesn't get scratched."

Zola, who wanted to follow Schmidt and leave in the aircraft, hurriedly caught the key thrown by Schmidt, stared at the sudden eyeballs behind the high myopia glasses, and watched him leave her alone.

Strategic Science Corps Command.

"Captain Rogers, if you don't mind, I'd like to study your shield and combat uniform. This-"

"I'm sorry Mr. Stark, these things are not the property of SSR, and I have no obligation to cooperate with you in your research."

Steve simply rejected Howard Stark's request. After he was equipped with a shield and a combat uniform made of special materials, the researchers of the Strategic Science Corps and even the commander Colonel Phillips directly or indirectly proposed I hope it can be submitted to the state for material testing and research.

But these proposals were firmly rejected by Steve. The biggest compromise he could accept was to paint a red and blue five-pointed star on the surface of the shield and embroider the Stars and Stripes pattern on the uniform.

These equipments were given to him by the teacher and there was no possibility of them being given to outsiders.

"Ahem, Captain Rogers, I'm just doing some basic tests. This kind of metal material and craftsmanship are really unheard of. I know it was created by your teacher Howlett Industries, but they are also an American company, so they can contribute to the war. OK."

Steve thought for a moment, then shook his head and suggested that Mr. Stark contact Mr. Howlett personally and ask.

A slim female secretary interrupted the awkward conversation between the two by twisting her exaggeratedly thin waist and plump hips.

"Captain Rogers, please follow me. Colonel Phillips asks you to go to the war conference room."

The secretary looked at Steve with burning eyebrows and pursed his lips slightly.

Steve nodded apologetically to Howard Stark and followed him away. Colonel Phillips had not arrived yet. He was not comfortable being alone in a room with the female secretary, fiddling with his military uniform tie.

"Captain Rogers has taken down several Hydra bases? Do you know that all the ladies in the United States will cut out the photos from your newspapers and collect them?"

The secretary raised his brows and chatted with Steve in a teasing and extremely gentle manner. He unconsciously leaned on the table in front of him, folding his legs in black nylon stockings and swaying slightly.

"Well, I don't have much access to the rear. I hope my photos look good."

Steve hesitated as he spoke, not knowing where to look. The female secretary came closer and closer. He unconsciously stood up on his fur and his body trembled.


Peggy Carter cleared her throat heavily, and the secretary who was almost clinging to Steve quickly stood up and left, giving Steve a final wink indifferently.

"If you want to flirt, Captain Rogers, I suggest you go somewhere else. This is the command post!"

Agent Carter pulled out his gun and slammed it on the table, sorting the documents with sharp movements, without even looking at Steve, who was blushing and desperately denying the explanation.

Colonel Phillips finally walked in, rubbing his nose, humming, and said passionately.

"Good news! We captured Dr. Arnim Zola, Hydera's top scientific researcher. He helped Schmidt solve many important technical difficulties. What's interesting is that he was abandoned and was captured by us on the way to escape. .”

The Colonel held his hand on the edge of the table and tapped the map. Looking at the strange expressions and atmosphere of Rogers and Carter, he grunted twice and clicked heavily on the Alps.

"Hydra's command post has been found."

Surprise! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone. My ability is limited and I haven’t saved the manuscript yet. I will add another chapter for everyone during the holidays and I will hurry up and code tomorrow’s two chapters. If it's convenient, you can comment in the comments or in this chapter. The level of interaction between the work and the level of the work is limited.

Love everyone.

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