Marvel Reverses Wolverine

Chapter 64 Strategic Science Corps

"Colonel Phillips, if the Strategic Science Corps plan is looking for scientific advisors and key researchers, it cannot bypass the Howlett Institute of Advanced Science and Technology. The entire United States -"

"I know it very well, Lieutenant, but the scientists and technicians at the Howlett Institute are too deeply bound. Howlett Group is already a giant in the fields of military industry and civilian technology in the United States. The Strategic Science Group is so special. A secretive organization is not suitable to be involved in such a behemoth."

Since Colonel Chester Phillips took office as President Roosevelt, in response to the great changes in the world situation and the pressure from the German Weapons Research and Equipment Department, a specially established war scientific research department - the Strategic Science Corps, also known as the Strategic Science Talent Reserve Department person in charge.

We racked our brains on the selection of core scientific advisors.

The Howlett Institute includes the vast majority of cutting-edge scientific talents in various fields in the United States. This family-owned group that has been rising since the Civil War is almost integrated with the history of American industrial development.

It was the first to perfect and promote the use of gasoline internal combustion engines, which quickly replaced the era of traditional steam engines, breakthroughs in electrical equipment, digital machines, and newer technological inventions called computers.

It seems that the Howlett family has long expected to explore and acquire land in the southern United States and even in various regions of the world. The amount of oil and gas reserves they occupy ranks first among the energy giants in the United States.

They donated generously to establish universities. Harvard, Yale, New York University, MIT and other top universities in the United States have received large donations or investments. The name of the Howlett family can be admitted to any prestigious Ivy League school.

And they set up huge scholarships and binding contracts in major universities, attracting the best talents in the United States every year.

Western capitalist countries are born from capital, become strong from capital, and are also spokespersons of capital. But the paradox is that at the same time, the national government must always ensure the balance of capital and curb the unlimited expansion of capital.

The continuous improvement and strengthening of anti-monopoly laws, inheritance laws, etc. are all efforts to allow the huge capital power to grow within limits.

Capital and the national government compromise and cooperate with each other, but they also restrict each other.

Therefore, Colonel Phillips knew very well that such a department with special authority and secretive position was not suitable to involve such a giant. He had a candidate in mind, but he still needed an opportunity to contact him.

Steve Rogers and his mother Sarah declined the invitation to stay at Howlett Manor.

James originally wanted to suggest that the mother and son simply come over. Ms. Sarah can do some daily manor work, and Steve can train at the manor more conveniently.

But they are still daunted by such a somewhat "magnificent" life, and they hope to return to the Hull Kitchen Community to be more comfortable and relaxed.

Sarah did not refuse James' arrangement for her to work at the Howlett Institute. The "secret factory" that Brooklyn residents used to call was not far from home. When she learned that Mr. Howlett was the owner of the institute, she was even more relieved. Heartbroken.

Steve would take the tram to Long Island after school every day, and then run to the manor to practice for three hours according to the breathing techniques taught by James. During the day, he would incorporate the exercises into his daily life and school.

Little Steve's best friend Bucky was a little dissatisfied. He hadn't had time to play with Steve for a long time.

"Let's go hang out in Queens this weekend, Steve. I heard from Scott that there's going to be a soapbox car race there."

Bucky wore a small flat hat and squatted on the steps expectantly, looking at Steve who had just arrived home.

"I'm sorry Bucky. I have to go to the teacher's place to practice on the weekend. I will stay overnight. My mother has also been invited to be a guest." Steve apologized to Bucky. He also wanted to play with his friends, but he hoped even more. The teacher was satisfied, which gave little Steve a sense of accomplishment.

Bucky curled his lips in disappointment: "Since you found this teacher, you have become as busy as Uncle Zeke next door, but your body has indeed become a lot stronger."

Steve is still as thin as ever, but his originally dry body has gradually gained some muscle. Especially his physical strength and mental strength are completely different from before. James has had the experience of being frail, and he is unique in adjusting and improving his physical fitness. set.

A few years have passed like this. The German Third Reich continues to expand, and the entire United States is also in a state of war readiness. Stark Industries founded by Howard Stark has begun to receive orders from the U.S. military. For him, it has already The overwhelming number of orders is only one-fifth of Howlett's subordinate military industry.

1940, Los Angeles Military Industrial Exposition.

After the outbreak of World War II, the military-industrial expo became one of the most important events in the current era. Various European and American military-industrial groups tried their best to sell all kinds of newly developed equipment and weapons at the expo.

On the contrary, it is the most influential giant in the industry. Howlett Industries did not launch any special new weapons. Everything was quite satisfactory. The limelight was temporarily stolen by the rising star Stark Industries.

"Yes, you read that right. This new laser weapon can cause thermal damage to soldiers in armor to a great extent. I think the research on armor-piercing projectiles can be put aside for a while!"

Howard Stark proudly showed off new products. In fact, everyone knew that most of the new equipment at such weapons expos still existed in the theoretical and experimental stages, and some were even purely bragging.

The orders placed by various countries will still be for the purchase of serious weapons, but from the perspective of equipment development, the boundaries of weapon application and invention have been greatly broadened.

"Are you Mr. Jay Gatsby? I'm Lyon from the French Equipment Procurement Department. Nice to meet you."

Gatsby hurriedly recovered from Mr. Stark's "performance". He came to the exhibition as a representative of Howlett Military Industry. If Mr. Howlett hadn't set the tone of the group long ago, with his With his ability to confuse black and white, Mr. Stark should be smoking irritably on the bench at this time.

"What do you think of this laser weapon?"

Lyon, a Frenchman, mentioned this to Gatsby with a thick French accent.

"Well, how can I put it? I don't think the enemy will stay in an armored vehicle waiting for you to roast it with a laser for half an hour."

Gatsby smiled slyly, he clinked glasses of wine with Leon, and continued to watch Howard Stark demonstrate a high-strength material that was bulletproof and puncture-proof.

boom! boom! boom!

There was a sudden burst of air on the Stark Industries display stage, followed by two gunshots, and everyone lay down and hid.

Howard Stark looked at the bulletproof material displayed on his hand, with two yellow bullets embedded in it, and couldn't help but think to himself that luckily this equipment was reliable.

The person who fired the gun and caused the explosion was quickly controlled. Such an exhibition was already tightly secured, but spies still managed to sneak in.

Gatsby stood up, patted his clothes, straightened Leon's collar thoughtfully, and gave him an extraordinarily confident and steady smile. This guy's smile was the most intimidating to others.

Soon the U.S. military took control of all the participants present and conducted investigations one by one. Howard Stark was taken away alone as the target of the shooting. Gatsby and Lyon walked to the lounge while finalizing the French military industry. Order.

"Mr. Howard Stark, Colonel Chester Phillips, we've met."

Colonel Phillips, who had a big nose and droopy eyelids, walked into the room where Stark was protected alone, shook hands with him, and put the folder in his hand on the table.

"Do you know who attacked you today?" Seeing Stark shaking his head in confusion, he continued to talk to himself.

"Hydra, a monster in myths and legends, two will grow if you cut off one head. It was formerly the German Weapons Research and Development Department. Since John Schmidt, nicknamed the Red Skull, took over, it has gradually evolved into a weapons research and development department. , covert operations, military strikes and other integrated German military organizations."

Colonel Phillips untied the folder and handed it to Stark, then said: "They carry out targeted assassination operations in anti-German countries, especially high-tech weapon developers to combat the enemy's development. It’s just a normal way to strengthen yourself.”

Howard Stark looked at the assassinated military officials and researchers from various countries who were mentioned and photographed in the document, and his face became more and more serious. Stark Industries has suddenly emerged in the past year, and he has been targeted like this.

"Colonel Phillips wants to mention joining the SSR (Strategic Science Corps) again."

Stark was keenly aware of the purpose of Chester Phillips coming in person. Three years ago, the other party invited him to serve as a scientific consultant. However, Stark Industries was in full swing at the time, so he declined the colonel. .

"Yes, the Strategic Science Corps is not only an equipment research group, but also a model for Schmidt's Hydera organization. It uses cutting-edge combat power and weapons to attack the enemy in hidden areas, and this can also protect you to the greatest extent. SSR's confidentiality is very high and it can also provide more orders for Stark Industries."

Colonel Phillips rubbed his big nose and said straightforwardly with a clear price tag.

"Speaking of cutting-edge combat capabilities, I wonder if you have heard of Dr. Abraham Erskine and his research on super soldiers."

Stark considered it and said that he had met Dr. Erskine in Switzerland and knew something about his research, and the possibility of success was very high.

"We have been looking for Dr. Erskine for many years. His family members all died in the Dachau concentration camp. The British side has been responsible for his own rescue work. According to the latest news, he has a general whereabouts."

The colonel saw that Howard Stark was interested and continued: "I know about your high-energy ray research. If Dr. Erskine can successfully rescue him, and with your cooperation with him, we can completely overturn the war situation!"

Stark put down the document bag, pressed it hard with both hands, and took the initiative to reach out to Colonel Phillips, and the two held each other tightly.

Jay Gatsby rode the Howlett Group's exclusive "different generation" stretch car and slowly passed the Buchanan Manor. He looked at it naturally for a moment, as if it was no different from the manor elsewhere.

More than ten years ago, Mr. Howlett gave him an invitation he couldn't refuse. He had no intention of starting to deal with the matter immediately. He still focused on Daisy Buchanan - the one who had kept him for five years. A woman who holds extravagant celebrations just for her to walk in one day.

But the reality is that this woman did not regard Gatsby as her only one after all. Daisy lost control and killed her husband Buchanan's mistress, but he became the target of revenge for the dead woman's husband. Fortunately, Mr. Howlett did what he said, The person he arranged secretly rescued him.

From then on, Jay Gatsby got over the obsession in his heart and began to seriously complete Mr. Howlett's commission. It took him several years to finally achieve it, and he also regained his identity and became a member of the Howlett family. One of the persons in charge of external business.

Gats, who is over forty, is calmer and more sophisticated than before. The energy of the Howlett Group allowed him to see the true power of a small group of people who control the world's top resources. He stood obediently beside the chair on the viewing platform in the courtyard. , waiting for Mr. Howlett.

"Sit down, it's been more than ten years. You don't have to be so polite."

James, wearing a loose white shirt and trousers, waved his hand.

Yes, more than ten years later, Mr. Bruce Howlett is still the same as when we first met him, tall and handsome, just like a young man.

And he did not hide himself at all, which made Gatsby relieved, but even more frightened.

"Sir, there was a Hydra attack at the Los Angeles Military Industrial Expo this time, and the target was Howard Stark."

James didn't respond, but asked something else: "How is the development going there?"

Gatsby's face became particularly serious, and he reported everything carefully. James nodded occasionally, and after a while, he said with satisfaction.

"Yes, you are paying attention. The military industry is doing things step by step. Just let nature take its course. You should pay attention to your own safety. I will add more personnel to protect you."

James motioned for Gatsby to drink some black tea and continued: "In addition to outsiders, we must guard against attention from within the group. In short, we must not have anything to do with Howlett's name."

Gatsby nodded seriously and brought up another piece of news: "A colonel named Chester Phillips has secretly prepared a strategic technology department and seems to have contacted Stark. Do we want to pay attention?"

"Don't worry about him, they don't want us to get involved. It is Roosevelt's wish to take advantage of this world war to support Stark Industries, otherwise we will almost become the Ministry of Military Industry of the United States."

Gatsby laughed wisely and cooperated, and said with a bit of confusion and joking: "I wonder what this strategic science corps can do."

Night, Bavaria, in the Alps.

Peggy Carter was originally a code breaker in the British Logistics Department. After her fiancé Fred Wells, who worked in the Home Office, successfully proposed to her, she planned to return home to be a full-time wife and raise her husband and children.

Colonel Edwards, director of the Logistics Department, received a transfer letter from the Special Operations Division, hoping to transfer her to the department. However, Carter, who was passionately in love, refused.

In fact, Miss Carter had a restless heart and would not be willing to be a mediocre housewife all her life. Just before the wedding, the military sent bad news. Her brother Michael died on the front line, and the whole family was in mourning.

Carter resolutely took off his wedding ring and reported to the Special Operations Office. He was directly transferred to MI5, the British counterintelligence and security management agency, and became an agent.

Peggy Carter, who was preparing to get married three months ago, is currently wearing a snow combat uniform and climbing the Kaufmann Castle, a Hydra stronghold deep in the Alps.

While climbing, he and his cooperating members arranged quick-response lock-downs, and the response vehicles halfway up the mountain had already been parked secretly.

Agent Carter, who climbed to the dead end of the fort, finally climbed up the rock wall of the fort alone.

After rolling over and rolling into the battlements of the fortress, Carter quickly took off her snow combat uniform. Inside was a standard maid's brown and black suit. She ducked into the corner of the castle and touched it.

Dr. Erskine has almost become a cripple in the past two years. Erskine, who was originally a little chubby and looked very amiable, is now emaciated. His dirty gray hair is disheveled, his eyes are a little protruding, and his withered body Covered with a tattered quilt, he was lying on the bed shivering.

Agent Carter pretended to be a maid delivering laundry, walking around with a laundry bucket, analyzing the layout of the fortress, and carefully looking for Dr. Erskine.

Kaufman Castle is not a very important research or military stronghold of Hydra. After Schmidt completed his own serum injection, it was mainly responsible for storing some dangerous strategic materials and detaining prisoners.

After nightfall, the Hydra soldiers rested separately or gathered together to play cards and have fun. Such a sleepy mountain fortress had not seen anything happen in the past few years, and training and garrisoning had long since become a joke.

Peggy found a detention record in the cell area. According to the contents of the record, she found this man swaying on the wooden bed. It was horrifyingly cold in the Alps in winter.

"Dr. Erskine, Dr. Abraham Erskine."

The shabby middle-aged man on the wooden bed slowly turned sideways, lifted his long hair from his forehead, and looked outside the iron cage.

"I am Peggy Carter, an MI5 agent, here to rescue you."

Without waiting for Erskine to speak, Carter fastened a strange object on the cage lock, signaled Dr. Erskine to stay away, and then waited for something.


A violent explosion came from the upper level of the cell area. Carter also detonated the iron lock of the cage at the same time, kicked open the cell door, came in, helped Erskine up and looked carefully.

Even though Erskine had been deformed by hunger and torture, Carter confirmed based on the facial features in the photo that this was Dr. Abraham Erskine.

"How are you going to take me away?"

Dr. Erskine's eyes are still bright, and he still has unfinished ideals and hatred.

"Everything is ready, come with me."

Carter half-dragged Erskine, taking advantage of the chaos in the castle, to escape to the lock-down point that had been prepared long ago.

The father of the Super Soldier Serum is finally free.

The two chapters are combined into one, and I will try to publish them after midnight in the future, because I found that many readers like to read books at night, and everyone does not have to wait during the day. The transitional chapter is finally almost finished. The sudden release disrupted all the rhythm. I can only try my best to straighten out the rest of the story. Just use sauce and rub it together~

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